MONTHLY CHRONICLE, OF EVENTS, DISCOVERIES, IMPROVEMENTS, INTENDED FOR THE POPULAR DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, AND AN AUTHENTIC RECORD OF FACTS ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS AND DRAWINGS. VOL III. BOSTON: PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, BY SAMUEL SMITH, No. 15, State Street. 1842. Art. II. Railroads of Massachusetts, No. IV., 49 Hospital of Invalids in Paris, Valuation of Property in England and Wales, 515 516 Progress of Constitutional Government in Prus- sia, 549 The Glaciarum, 562 387 64, 145 Arts. IV. VI. Internal Improvements in Penn- sylvania, 97, 152 Arts. VII. X. History of the British Occupation of Affghanistan, 193, 301 Arts. VIII. XIV. The Northeastern Boundary of the United States, 241, 385 Art. IX. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 289 Art. XII. The Oregon Territory, Art. XIII. Oriental Literature, Arts. XV. XVI. French and American Com- merce, 481, 529 Art. XVII. The War between Great Britain and China, MISCELLANY. Lorenzo Stark, 22, 75, 116 Natural History of the Pacific, Isle of Man, Causes of Death in England and Wales, Military Organization of China, Early History of Russia, Working under Atmospheric Pressure, Public Debt of Spain, Statistics of Education in England and Wales, 131 Newly arranged English Prisons, 133, 327 English Expedition to the Niger, Quintuple Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, Calculating Machines, New Arrangement of Steam Motive Power, Improvement in Steam Navigation, Little Western Steamboat, Artesian Well at Grenelle, Stone cut by Machinery. The Iron Mason, Photographic Portraits, The Dead Sea, New Method of Arming Ships, The Apocryphal Napoleon, United States' Exploring Expedition, Recollections of Pekin, Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, New Composition for caulking Ships, Lace weaving Machine, Blaxland's Subrnarine Propeller, Voltaico-Electrical Experiments in Water, New Lithographic Process, New Edition of the New Testament, Monument to Sir Walter Scott, Relations of the United States and Mexico, The New Custom House at New York, Axles of Locomotive Engines, New Guns in War Steamers, Galvanic Gilding, The Treaty of Washington, Earthquake at St. Domingo, Atlantic Steam Navigation, French Post Office, Camels in India, Pekin, Smokeless Argand Furnace, New Patent Composing Machine, Goa, Visit to the Coal Pits, Hand Locomotive Carriage, Western Coast of Africa, Kosseir in Egypt, Mines of Almaden in Spain, |