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Seedtime of English Deism. Voltaire in England. Three Denomina-
tions. Congregational Board. Fund Board. Fund Academy. King's
Head Society. King's Head Academy. Samuel Parsons. Abraham
Taylor. Complaints of Thomas Gibbons. Joseph Griggs. Dismissal
of Taylor. Tutors of the Academy. Coward Trust. Catechetical
lecture. Philip Doddridge student at Kibworth. Advice of Clark.
Divinity and drama. Pastorate at Kibworth. Removal to North-
ampton. Accepts the call to Castle Hill. Letter to Clark. Entry
in church-book. Confession of faith. Strickland Gough on decay
of the Dissenting interest. Reply of Doddridge. Family Expositor
and Dr. Guyse. Church at Olney. Letter to Watts. Doddridge in
the Consistory Court of All Saints, Northampton. Defeat of Chan-
cellor Reynolds. Village preaching. Watts's hymns. Suspicions

respecting Watts and Doddridge. Watts's treatise on the Redeemer.
Letter of Watts to his father. Wesley and Whitefield 258-304

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Treatise of Edwards on extraordinary prayer. David Brainerd. Jerusha
Edwards. Aaron Burr. Grave of Brainerd. Letter of Aaron Burr



Loyal address of Congregational churches of Hampshire in New England,
on the surrender of Canada. James Otis on the wise administration
of George the Third, and the excellence of the British Constitution.
William Moore and the churches in Nova Scotia. Appeal of Boston
ministers. The Acadians. Opportunity for the evangelization of
Canada neglected. Causes of the War of Independence. Jonathan
Mayhew and Ezra Stiles. Letter of American Convention to the
dissenting deputies. Correspondence of Henry Caner and the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury. Dr. Samuel Johnson, an Anglican clergyman,

Dr. Zubly on the law of Liberty. Appeal to Lord Dartmouth. Instruc-
tion of Lord Dartmouth to General Gage. Violent articles in the
New York journals against the descendants of the Puritans in New
England, described as 'holy sinners and thorough-paced hypo-

General resistance to American independence. Letter of the King to
Lord North English ports in danger. Resolution in parliament to
discontinue the war. Negotiation for peace. No social change
required. Priestley against Kings. Loyalty of Congregational
churches. Views of Lambert. Settlement of the terms of the Treaty
of Peace. Oswald and the American Commissioners. Repeated
conferences and correspondence. A curious episode. Claims of the
Loyalists. Threat of accumulative damages. Final settlement.

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