Impatiently to seek you, where I knew Your grief would lead you to lament Anselmo. "Osm. There are no wonders, or else all is wonder. "Heli. I saw you on the ground, and rais'd you up. "When with astonishment I saw Almeria. "Osm. I saw her too, and therefore saw not thee. " Alm. Nor I; nor could I, for my eyes were " yours." Osm. What means the bounty of all-gracious Heav'n, That preserving still, with open hand, 261 When scanty number shall be spent in telling. Or we could sleep 'till we again were met. Heli. Zara with Selim, Sir, I saw and know 'em: You must be quick, for love will lend her wings. Alm. What love? Who is she? Why are you alarm'd? Osm. She's the reverse of thee; she's my unhappiness. Harbour no thought that may disturb thy peace ; "To follow thee." Retire, my love, I'll think how we may meet Aim. Sure we shall meet again Osm. We shall; we part not but to meet again. Gladness and warmth of ever-kindling love Dwell with thee, and revive thy heart in absence. [Exeunt Alm. Leon. and Heli. Yet I behold her-yet-and now no more. Turn your lights inward, eyes, and view my thoughts, So shall you still behold her " 'twill not be. "Oh, impotence of sight! Mechanic sense ! "Which to exterior objects ow'st thy faculty, "Not seeing of election, but necessity. " Thus do our eyes, as do all common mirrors, " Successively reflect succeeding images : " Not what they would, but must; a star, or toad; "Just as the hand of chance administers. " Not so the mind, whose undetermin'd view " Revolves, and to the present adds the past : "Essaying farther to futurity; "But that in vain. I have Almeria here "At once, as I before have seen her often Enter ZARA and SELIM. Zar. See where he stands, folded and fix'd to earth, Stiff'ning in thought, a statue among statues. Why, cruel Osmyn, dost thou fly me thus ? "Is it well done? Is this then the return "For fame, for honour, and for empire lost? "But what is loss of hononr, fame, and empire ? " Is this the recompence reserv'd for love? "Why, dost thou leave my eyes, and fly my arms, "To find this place of horror and obscurity ?" Am I more loathsome to thee than the grave, That thou dost seek to shield thee there, and shun My love? But to the grave I'll follow thee He looks not, minds not, hears not? barb'rous man ! Not hear'd! Ungrateful Osmyn ! Zar. Yes, traitor; Zara, lost, abandon'd Zara, Is a regardless suppliant now, to Osmyn. The slave, the wretch that she redeem'd from death, Disdains to listen now, or look on Zara. Osm. Far be the guilt of such reproaches from me; Lost in myself, and blinded by my thoughts, Zar. Now then you see me But with such dumb and thankless eyes you look, 320 Osm. What would you from a wretch who came to mourn, And only for his sorrows chose this solitude? You have pursu'd misfortune to its dwelling, ... 1 Yet look for gaiety and gladness there. Zar. Inhuman! Why, why dost thou rack me thus ? And, with perverseness, from the purpose, answer? Osm. Oh, that's the greatest grief-I am so poor, Zar. Thou hast a heart, tho' 'tis a savage one? Give it me as it is; I ask no more 340 For all I've done, and all I have endur'd: "Osm. Oh, call not to my mind what you have " done; "It sets a debt of that account before me, "Zar. The faithful Selim, and my women, know "The danger which I tempted to conceal you. "You know how I abus'd the cred'lous king; "What arts I us'd to make you pass on him, 360 "When he receiv'd you as the prince of Fez; " And as my kinsman, honour'd and advanc'd you." Oh! why do I relate what I have done? What did I not? Was't not for you this war Commenc'd? Not knowing who you were, nor why You hated Manuel, I urg'd my husband To this invasion; where he late was lost, Where all is lost, and I am made a slave. * Osm. You pierce my soul-I own it all-But while The power is wanting to repay such benefits, 'Tis treble anguish to a generous heart. Zara. Repay me with thy heart-What! dost thou start? Make no reply! Is this thy gratitude? Look on me now, from empire fall'n to slavery; Osm. A fatal wretch-A huge, stupendous ruin, That tumbling on its prop, crush'd all beneath, 381 And bore contiguous palaces to earth. * The lines printed in Italics are not in the original, but are now given to the reader as delivered in the representation at Drury-lane Theatre. |