Γ Zar. Yet thus, thus fall'n, thus levell'd with the vilest, If I have gain'd thy love, 'tis glorious ruin; folding Osm. In vain you offer, and in vain require Zar. Not who thou art : But what this last ingratitude declares, A slave not daring to be free; nor dares "'Tis that, I know; for thou dost look, with eyes "Sparkling desire, and trembling to possess. "I know my charms have reach'd thy very soul, " And thrill'd thee through with darted fires; but " thou " Dost fear so much, thou dar'st not wish." The king ! There, there's the dreadful sound, the king's thy rival! Sel. Madam, the king is here, and entering now. Zar. As I could wish; by Heav'n I'll be reveng'd. Enter the KING, PEREZ, and Attendants. King. Why does the fairest of her kind withdraw Her shining from the day, to gild this scene Of death and night? Ha! what disorder's this? Somewhat I heard of king and rival mention'd. What's he that dares be rival to the king, Or lift his eyes to like where I adore ? Zar. There, he, your prisoner, and that was my slave. King. How? better than my hopes! Does she accuse him? [Aside. Zar. Am I become so low by my captivity, And do your arms so lessen what they conquer, That Zara must be made the sport of slaves? And shall the wretch, whom yester sun beheld Waiting my nod, the creature of my pow'r, Presume to-day to plead audacious love, And build bold hopes on my dejected fate? lence. " 'Tis daring for a god." Hence to the wheel 440 With that Ixion, who aspires to hold Divinity embrac'd; to whips and prisons Drag him with speed, and rid me of his face. [Guards seize Osmyn, and exeunt. Zar. Compassion led me to bemoan his state, Whose former faith had merited much more: And, through my hopes in you, I undertook He should be set at large! thence sprung his inso lence, And what was charity, he constru'd love. King. Enough; his punishment be what you please. But let me lead you from this place of sorrow, To one where young delights attend, " and joys, "Yet new, unborn, and blooming in the bud, " Which wait to be full-blown at your approach, " And spread, like roses, to the morning sun :" Where ev'ry hour shall roll in circling joys, And love shall wing the tedious-wasting day. Life, without love, is load; and time stands still : What we refuse to him, to death we give; And then, then only, when we love, we live. [Exeunt. ACT 111. SCENE I. A Prison. OSMYN with a Paper. But now, and I was clos'd within the tomb This paper; what it is this light will shew, [Reading. If my Alphonso live, restore him, Heav'n; • Give me more weight, crush my declining years • With bolts, with chains, imprisonment and want; • But bless my son, visit not him for me. It is his hand; this was his pray'r-yet more: 'Let ev'ry hair, which sorrow by the roots [Reading. 'Tears from my hoary and devoted head, 'Be doubled in thy mercies to my son : 'Not for myself, but him, hear me, all-gracious'Tis wanting what should follow-Heav'n should follow, 20 But 'tis torn off-Why shou'd that word alone thus, Thus as the name of Heav'n from this is torn, 2 His voice, shutting the gates of pray'r against him. If piety be thus debarr'd access On high, and of good men the very best Is singled out to bleed, and bear the scourge, What is reward? Or what is punishment ? But who shall dare to tax eternal justice! Yet I may think-I may, I must; for thought Precedes the will to think, and error lives Ere reason can be born. "Reason, the power "To guess at right and wrong, the twinkling lamp "Of wand'ring life, that winks and wakes by turns, "Fooling the follower, betwixt shade and shining." What noise! Who's there? My friend? How cam'st thou hither ? Enter HELI. Heli. The time's too precious to be spent in telling. The captain influenc'd by Almeria's power, Gave order to the guards for my admittance. Osm. How does Almeria? But I know she is As I am. Tell me, may I hope to see her? Heli. You may. Anon, at midnight, when the king 40 Is gone to rest, and Garcia is retir'd, " (Who takes the privilege to visit late, "Presuming on a bridegroom's right)" she'll come. Osm. She'll come; 'tis what I wish, yet what I fear. She'll come; but whither, and to whom? Oh, Heav'n! To a vile prison, and a captiv'd wretch; |