Let me consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes; and 'tis another man's fortune easily thrown away ; 'tis a good round sum, to be paid down at once... Bell's British Theatre - Stranica 95uredio/la - 1797Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | John Bell - 1792 - Broj stranica: 288
...consider — Five thousand pounds prompt payment for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings; 'tis a fortune easily earned; yes; and...himself, though he lies to other people But hush I [Aside. Var. 'Tis breaking the trust of my benefactor; that's a foul crime ; but lie's dead, and can... | |
 | William Jones - 1795 - Broj stranica: 542
...fortune eafily earn<ed; yes; and 'tis another man's fortune eafily thrown away : 'tis a good round fum to be paid •down at once for a bribe ; but 'tis...damned rogue's trick in me to take it. O'Fla. So, fo ! this fellow fpeaks truth to himfelf, though he lies to other people But hufh ! [Afide. , Var.... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 558
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings ; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes ; and...but 'tis a damned rogue's trick in me to take it. Of Flu. So, so ! this fellow speaks truth to himself, though he lies to other people But hush ! [Aside.... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 552
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings ; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes; and...sum to be paid down at once for a bribe ; but 'tis a daumed rogue's trick in me to take it. O'Ftu. So, so ! this fellow speaks truth to himself, though... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 556
...fortune easily earned ; yes ; and 'tis another 'nan's fortune easily thrown away : 'tis a good round sura to be paid down at once for a bribe; but 'tis a damned rogue's trick in me to take it. O'Flu. So, so ! this fellow speaks truth to himself, though he lies to other people But hush ! [Aside.... | |
 | Richard Cumberland - 1808 - Broj stranica: 420
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings ; 'tis a fortune easily earned; yes ; and...himself, though he lies to 'other people — but, hush ! [Aside. Var. Tis breaking the trust of my benefactor, that's a foul crime ; but he's dead, and can... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - Broj stranica: 426
...consider — Five • thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings ; .tis a fortune easily earned; yes ; and...take it. O.Fla. So, so! this fellow speaks truth to himsMf, though he lies to "other people — but, hush. ! [Aside. Var. Tis breaking the trust of my... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - Broj stranica: 412
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings ; 'tis a fortune easily earned; yes ; and...a bribe ; but 'tis a damned rogue's trick in me to lake it. O'Fla. So, so ! this fellow speaks truth to himself, though he lies to "other people — but,... | |
 | 1810 - Broj stranica: 542
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes; and...himself, though he lies to other people — but, hush ! [Aside. Var. 'Tis breaking the trust of my benefactor, that's a foul crime ; but he's dead, and can... | |
 | English comedy - 1810 - Broj stranica: 282
...consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes; and...himself, though he lies to other people — but, hush ! [Aside. Var. 'Tis breaking the trust of my benefactor, that's a foul crime ; but he's dead, and can... | |
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