That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age from the vicissitudes of life, my next delight will be in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. Bell's British Theatre - Stranica 117uredio/la - 1797Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | John Bell - 1792 - Broj stranica: 288
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Charles. That I am bound to do; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...from the vicissitudes of life, my next delight will b: in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. O'Fla. And upon my soul, my dear, 'tis high... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 552
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Cha. That I am bound to do ; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...'tis high time I was there ; for 'tis now thirty long vears since I set foot in my native country — and, by the power of St Patrick I swear, 1 think it's... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 340
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Charles. That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...the vicissitudes of life, my next delight will be in olfering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. O'Fla. And upon my soul, my dear, 'tis high lime... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 556
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Cha. That I am bound to do ; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age from the vicissitudes of life, my next delisht will be in offering you an asylum in the bosoni of your country. O'F/a. And upon my soul, my... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 558
...defend y >u with the weapons you have put into his hands. C/ia. That I am bound to do ; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age from the vicissitudes of life, my neit deiiçht will he in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. O'F/a. And upon my soul,... | |
 | Richard Cumberland - 1808 - Broj stranica: 420
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Charles. That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's native country, and by the power of St. Patrick 1 swear I think its worth all the rest of the world put together. Dud. Ay, Major, much about that time... | |
 | 1810 - Broj stranica: 542
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Charles. That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...from the vicissitudes of life, my next delight will he in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. O'Fla. And upon my soul, my dear, 'tis high... | |
 | Thomas Dibdin - 1815 - Broj stranica: 500
...defend you with the weapons you have put into his hands. Charles. That I am bound to do ; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age from the vicissitudes of life, ray next delight will be in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country. O'Fla. And upon my... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - 1824 - Broj stranica: 490 with the weapons you have put into his hands. • Charles. That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...was there, for 'tis now thirty long years since I set foot in my native country, and by the power of St Patrick I swear I think it's worth all the rest... | |
 | British drama - 1824 - Broj stranica: 814
...only way of getting any thing from a lawyer's clutches. Charles. That I am bound to do; and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age...I was there, for tis now thirty long years since I set foot in my native country, and by the power of St. Patrick, I swear 1 think it's worth all the... | |
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