tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve of near and inward woe, Some unsuspected hoard of darling grief, Which they unseen may wail, and weep and mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Leon. Indeed I knew not this. Bell's British Theatre - Stranica 16uredio/la - 1797Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | John Bell - 1791 - Broj stranica: 294
...and faith to me deserve all confidence. The reason why she would conceal it, is extremely curious. But 'tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve of star and inward woe, Some unsuspected hoard of darling grief, Which THEY (who are tbeyf) unseen may... | |
 | William Jones - 1795 - Broj stranica: 446
...fmall referve of near and inward woe, " Some unfufpected hoard of darling grief, " Which they unfeen may wail, and weep, and mourn, " And, glutton-like, alone devour. Leon. Indeed, " I knew not this. " Alm. Oh, no, thou know'ft not half, " Know'ft nothing of my forrows—if thou didft—, " If I fhould... | |
 | British drama - 1804 - Broj stranica: 946
...thought. J would have kept that secret; though I know Thy love, and farth to me deserve all confidence. But 'tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small...weep, and mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Json. Indeed, I knew not this. « •' Aim. Oh, no, thou knowest not half, Knowest nothing of my sorrows... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 516
...thought. I would have kept that secret; though I know Thy love, and faith to me deserve alt confidence. But 'tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small...grief, Which they unseen may wail, and weep, and mourn, A ml, glutton-like, alone devour Leon, indeed) I knew not this. Alm. Oh, no, thou knowest not half,... | |
 | British drama - 1804 - Broj stranica: 954
...thought. I would have kept that secret; though I know Thy love, and farth to me deserve all confidence. But 'tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small...hoard of darling grief, Which they unseen may wail, und weep, and mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Jjeon. Indeed, I knew not this. • Aim. Oh,... | |
 | 1804 - Broj stranica: 510
...ii:il I reserve of near aed. inward woe, Some unsuspected hoard of darling grief, Which they uuseen may wail, and weep, and mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Leon. Indeed, I knew not this. Alm. Oh, no, thou knowest not half, Knowest nothing of my sorrows— if thou didsl>— If I should... | |
 | 1806 - Broj stranica: 452
...consolation: immoderate grief accordingly is mute : complaining is struggling for consolation. It is the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve...of near and inward woe, Some unsuspected hoard of inward grief, Which they unseen may wail, and weep, and mourn, And glutton-like alone devour. Mourning... | |
 | 1806 - Broj stranica: 312
...consolation : immoderate grief accordingly is, ' mute : complaining is struggling for'consolation. It is the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve of near and inward woe, Some nnsuspected hoard of inward grief, Which they unseen may wail and weep and. mourn, And glutton-like... | |
 | 1811 - Broj stranica: 718
...thought I would have kept that secret ; though I know Thy love, and faith to me deserve all confidence. ter Scott aud weep, »tii mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Leon. Indeed, I knew not this. Aim. Oh, no,... | |
 | British drama - 1811 - Broj stranica: 712
...thought. I would have kept that secret ; though I know Thy love, and faith to me deserve all confiikncr But 'tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve of near and inward woo, Some unsuspected hoard of darling grief, Which they unseen may wail, and weep, "^ mourn, And,... | |
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