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English translation, can find no better presentation of the Venusian bard than that offered by the new volume of "The Chandos Classics." No translator of Horace can give satisfaction in the long run, but a volume which, like the present one, gives the best things of all the translators, comes as near to being satisfactory as any volume can. The editor has drawn from many sources, including Jonson, Milton, Dryden, Lytton, Calverley, and Martin, using the standard version of Francis to fill in with where better material was lacking, for the collection is nearly complete, and includes most of the odes and epodes, the satires, epistles, and the "Ars Poetica."

The Golden Treasury" series includes nothing more golden than the recently added little volume which contains Andrew Lang's translation, into exquisitely musical prose, of the idyls of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. To the scholarly reader who is not master of the original, such prose translations as these, or as those made by Lang and others of the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey," or as the prose translations of Dante by Carlyle and Butler, are far more satisfactory than any reproduction in verse. One of Mr. Lang's delightful critical essays "Theocritus and His Age". serves as a preface to the present volume. WILLIAM MORTON PAYNE.



THE English literature of the nineteenth century, had it no other claims to attention, would be forever memorable by reason of the strangely contrasting work of two contemporaries of noble character and commanding genius. Starting in life at about the same time and under well-nigh ideal conditions, each consecrated himself to the service of the Muse, and in that service each has spent a fruitful and happy life, unhindered by the ordinary ills of the scholar's career. The history of authorship is for the most part a chronicle of wasted time, a pitiful story of splendid powers spent like water in the unavailing struggle. But the future historian of the calamities of authors will find scant material in the lives of Tennyson and Browning. Never before, save perhaps in the Greece of Pericles, have so many of the conditions making for a free spirit's free expression been concentrated in a single age and land; and in Victorian England what genius has had more unhindered expression than Tennyson's unless it be the genius of Browning? The opposite methods of these two great poets may be crudely summarized in this antithesis: Tennyson subordinates himself to his art; Browning subordinates his art to himself. The spectacle of these

opposite methods, successfully pursued with the maximum of energy and the minimum of waste and friction, is endlessly suggestive to the student. Much as has been written about both of these poets, the last word has by no means been said touching either. In Professor Alexander's " Introduction to the Poetry of Robert Browning" (Ginn) a serious attempt is made to develop one side of the above antithesis. Scarcely any fault is to be found with the book except its similarity in title to Professor Corson's useful volume. Beyond the title the similarity does not extend. The present volume is a substantial addition to Browning literature. The author has not made the mistake of attempting too much; he devotes himself to the exposition and illustration of the main features of Browning's bewildering genius, and he suceeds in making them very clear to the reader. He devotes himself mainly to the study of Browning's philosophy, his attitude toward Christianity, his theory of art, and, finally, his general "development," which is exhibited in brief and vigorous analyses of typical works of different periods of the poet's life. The style is direct and plain, the points made are not supersubtle, and, with all his admiration for Browning, the critic's attitude is by no means that of prostrate adoration. Best of all, the book is brief, the chapters short, the treatment concise. Professor Alexander is evidently aware that an introducer should introduce and be done with it. Consequently, the reader lays down his book with appetite not sated but whetted.

MR. WILLIAM HENRY HULBERT'S "Ireland Under Coercion," a second edition of which is now issued, will prove a valuable aid to readers who wish to form sound conclusions respecting the present actual condition and views of the Irish people in Ireland. The bulk of the volume is the unglossed narrative, in diary form, of things seen and conversations had during a series of visits to Ireland, between January and June 1888-the author's interpretion of the facts noted being for the most part reserved for the final chapter. To the present edition a preface has been added at the request of the publishers (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.). The volume is handsomely printed, and is furnished with a sufficient index, and a map of Ireland showing the "congested" districts. Granting the accuracy of Mr. Hulbert's statements, the unbiassed American reader will deduce from them the conclusion that by far the worst feature of the Irish question to-day is-not "landlordism," not governmental coercion, not the grinding down of an oppressed race under the heel of foreign despotism,

but the utter demoralization wrought among the mass of the Irish people by the doctrines and practices of the Land League. There seems to be not only that cheapening of human life inevitable in revolutionary times, but a woeful disregard for the most elementary ideas of truth and honesty. A state of society in which the obligation of contracts,

the solemnity of oaths, and the ordinary distinction between meum and tuum, are wantonly disregarded, is not a hopeful one. Yet such seems to be the condition into which the Irish in Ireland are rapidly drifting. As a prominent Home Ruler remarked to our author, "The Nationalists are stripping Irishmen as bare of moral sense as the bushmen of South Africa." The methods adopted to compass the political independence of Ireland are fast unfitting Irishmen for good citizenship under any form of government whatsoever. To the query of a certain Irish Nationalist, "Would the United States receive Ireland as a State?" we are inclined to think that most Americans will answer, "God forbid ! " Mr. Hulbert finds that the tales served up by Irish journalists a proverbially imaginative classfor American readers, as to the evils of "Coercion," etc., are somewhat highly colored; and that nowadays an eviction in Ireland for non-payment of rent does not materially differ from the same process in America, except that in America the proceedings are much more summary. Indeed, since the Land Act of 1870, which really abolished class war between landlord and tenant, legislation in Ireland has been decidedly in favor of the tenant. The root of the present agitation in Ireland lies, not in the historical part of English confiscations, but in the land theories of Mr. Henry George. Nationalization of land is the definite aim of the Land League, and the hazily defined hope of the Irish tenant. Mr. George's doctrines, adopted and actively disseminated by the astute Michael Davitt, our author conceives to be the core of the "Plan of Campaign "; and the chief obstacle in the way of the success of the "Plan" will come from the Vatican. We hope that we do not misrepresent Mr. Hulbert. He notes that a curious feature of the situation in Ireland is that much more discontent with the condition of life in Ireland is felt by those who do not than by those who do live there; and that it is becoming extremely hard for "Agitators " to keep Irish tenants up to the proper pitch of antagonism to their landlords-which we take to be a hopeful sign. Of "Coercion," as the term is understood in America, the author saw literally nothing; the "Coercion " which he did see being not of a government, but of a combination to make a particular government impossible- a "Coercion carried on by secret tribunals. Mr. Hulbert's book bears the stamp of truth and sobriety of judgment; and should prove a strong contributory force to the growing tendency among thinking Americans to take a serious and un-partisan view of this vexed Irish question. Let us fairly ask ourselves, "Is Irish discontent in Ireland at present due to oppressive legislation by the British government, or to the misguided efforts of the 'Agitator'?" In his preliminary chapter, Mr. Hulbert addresses some salutary advice, to those whom the cap may fit, as to illegal and impertinent meddling by American citizens in foreign affairs.

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IN one of the earliest of that charming series of letters which have recently been given to the world, Edward Fitzgerald enumerates the books he has been reading, among others Chaucer. But, he adds, he has not been reading "much in the way of knowledge." Anyone who reads Chaucer in the edition of his "Minor Poems" published by Professor Skeat at the Clarendon Press (Macmillan) will, unlike “dear old Fitz," find himself in the way of reading much in the way of knowledge. This edition contains 222 pages of text, 86 of introduction, 182 of notes, and 58 of glossary, etc.; or a page and a half of apparatus to every page of text. Moreover, a round dozen lines, on an average, at the foot of each page, are devoted to variant readings. He must indeed be a poet of robust genius who, at the close of the fifth century after the completion of his work, can bear such a burden of annotation as this. Such a

He has

poet Chaucer indubitably is. The study of these his minor works, and of the treasures of erudition here lavished upon them, must strengthen the conviction that he is one of the chief glories of our literature. Chaucer's star pales, undoubtedly, beside that of Dante,-who, although about as far from Chaucer as Shelley is from Swinburne, appears in the perspective of distance almost at his side. But Chaucer has important charms which Dante lacks, which give him a hold at least as secure as Dante's upon the attention of the English world. charms which grow ever rarer and more wholesome as the world grows old and self-conscious and sad. He is a perpetual fountain of humor; he has no doctrines, no views, no -isms, to spring upon you at unwary moments; and despite the frequent foulness which he shares with mother Nature, he is almost as unconscious, and therefore almost as stainless as she. The charm of his mere language is sufficient to make him worth reading. This charm has been felt by poets as well as by philologers, from Spenser, who was especially struck by his "English undefiled," down to Lowell, who calls him one of the fortunate early-risers in literature, who find language with the dew still on it. To return to Professor Skeat, it is to be distinctly understood that this work of his is very important, being the first of its kind ever attempted. The editor has put a generous interpretation upon the word minor in the title, for the edition includes such considerable poems as "The Book of the Duchess," "The Parliament of Fowls," and "The House of Fame." The book is, after all, of moderate size and price, and there is no reason why any Chaucer-lover should forego the advantage of availing himself of the stores of illustrative and explanatory matter with which the learned editor has enriched it. Professor Skeat deserves all the honor due to him who first courageously and patiently performs a great task from which others shrink. To look a gifthorse in the mouth is always invidious; yet truth compels the critic to state that the editing has faults which this is not the place to point out in de

tail. Two general strictures may be made. The one is, that the editor seems to imagine himself to have a correcter metrical ear than Chaucer; he actually has the temerity to disagree with a poet like Lowell on a question of metre. His note to "The House of Fame," line 2119, is simply astounding in its revelation of metrical incompetency. Coming from a less distinguished scholar, this note would suggest length rather than delicacy of ear. The other stricture relates to an analogous defect in literary perception. It is pathetic enough to find that an accomplished editor who devotes a large part of his life to the study of so clear a poet as Chaucer, should be capable of such obtuseness to his subtler charms as is here sometimes betrayed, (e. g., the note to line 14 of "The Complaint to Pity"); sometimes, but not frequently: happily the erudite editor does not often lapse into literary criticism.

THE "Epochs of Church History" series (Randolph) contains some valuable material. In his "History of the University of Cambridge,” Mr. Mullinger not only gives an epitome of his monumental work on that subject, but instructively sketches the methods of mediaval education. Ugo Balzani's "The Popes and the Hohenstaufen," by its admirable and independent treatment of a most interesting but most perplexed period, makes us look forward with expectation to the "much larger and more detailed work" on the subject which the author promises us in the preface. Hunt's "The English Church in the Middle Ages" well fulfils its declared intention to illustrate the relations of the English Church with the Papacy and with the English State down to the revolt of Wyclif. . . and the Great Schism," although we should have been glad to see the nationalizing influences of the insular church dwelt on more fully. Prof. Ward's "The Counter-Reformation" traces the efforts of the Papal church, under the stimulus of the Reformation, to regenerate itself and to regain its losses, from the Pontificate of Paul III. to the merging of religious into secular politics during the Thirty Years War. The movement is too large and complex for this little book to be anything more than a mere thread of narrative though its mazes, but the clue given in the preface is easily kept to the end, where religion and politics are plainly see on the threshold of their divorce.

No English city has a more interesting history than Carlisle, whether as "a centre of provincial life" or as a "Border" town, from the time when it housed a portion of the famous legion which looked out over the Roman Wall, to the days when it shamefully surrendered to Prince Charlie. Professor Creighton's monograph adds another volume to the very valuable series of "Historic Towns " (Longmans). We are fortunate in that the author finds the story of the development of town life under circumstances not confined within the city

walls, but which depended on the political relations between England and Scotland, and the manner of life which grew up through Border warfare." We must emphasize again the great value of these town histories to the student reader of England's record. No one can understand it thoroughly who does not grasp the significance of English civic life which ran a career essentially different from that of the urban communities of the Continent. Especially with such a place as Carlisle, which united the characteristics of a municipality with those of a frontier post, are we introduced to both the local and national life of the middle classes. Professor Creighton has localized himself thoroughly, without losing aught of that broad vision which has given him so high rank as a historian. "Much as I have learned from books," he says, "I feel that I have learned more from many wanderings on foot through the Borderland." Here we are in the company of many of those great nobles of the North, whose power and magnificence survived feudalism because the Warden of the Marches must needs be a king in miniature. "Belted Will Howard," however, appears not as the rough rider of Scott's poem, but as a scholarly gentleman and wise statesman.

IN his "New Material for the History of the American Revolution" (Holt) translated from the documents in the French archives, Mr. John Durand has made a serviceable contribution to the sources of study of the French relations with America during the period of the Revolution. In the absence of a translation of the extensive work of M. Doniol, which was not published when Mr. Durand prepared his book, students of the period who do not read French, or who will not care for the larger collection, will be interested in the new light thrown by these documents upon such subjects as the relations of Beaumarchais to our government, and the actions and views of the French ministers to this country, Gérard de Rayneval and Chevalier de la Luzerne. The information upon the secret debates of the Continental Congress, the cabal against Washington, and the schemes of the politicians of the time, is particularly valuable.

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EX-MINISTER CURRY'S "Constitutional Government in Spain" (Harper) is not a satisfactory book to those who read in the preface that it is a contribution to "a better understanding of the progress of constitutional and free government," for by Mr. Curry's own showing Spain is incapable of either. In his chapter on the disgraceful coup d'etat of 1874, he says: Constitutional limitations have no force. Supposed political necessity justifies any assumption. Discretion is the measure of power." As we read, we clearly see that a republic "with agents having the indecision of Figueras, the pliancy of Pi y Margall, the ideologism of Salmeron, the theatrical spirit of Castelar, had not a hopeful outlook," especially when the only other bidders for power were the soldiery, who "regarded themselves

as the sovereigns of the nation, the true arbiters of its destiny, as the saviors, and hence claimed the right to rule." Mr. Curry's quotation in the same connection is perennially suggested in Spain-Inter arma silent leges. The book is an important contribution as a sketch of the facts, but the facts do not enable one to see any true progress.

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WE have already spoken in terms of praise of the series of "English History by Contemporary Writers (Putnam). T. A. Archer now furnishes an admirable selection illustrating "The Crusade of Richard I." He has drawn upon both European and Arabian writers, but he has added of his own by measurements from the Palestine Exploration Survey's Ordnance map. Maps and cuts of military engines elucidate the text, and a full appendix discusses the authorities, and gives explanation of mediæval coinage and warfare, the Mohammedan calendar, and related subjects. One of the heroes of all English boyhood is thus made to live before us in the "form and pressure" of his time. The very traditional knight-errant gives place to the man who, as Green truly says, 66 was far from a mere soldier ;" rather, "he was at heart a statesman, cool and patient in the execution of his plans as he was bold in their conception."

Two more volumes of Putnam's "Nations" series are "The Story of Phoenicia," by Canon Rawlinson, and "Mexico," by Susan Hale. Canon Rawlinson is at home among the Semitic peoples, and handles this, his latest subject-so difficult because of its lack of unity-with great skill. The book is one of the best of the series, and one of the most needed, making a more convenient and more scholarly substitute for Kenrick's Phoenicia. The work on Mexico is a popular sketch, laying no claims to originality or scholarship. A good brief history of Mexico is still to be written, no longer in the school of Prescott, but one that, making use of more recent researches, shall take the epical narratives concerning the Conquistadores cum grano salis. Too much space is here given to the prehistoric period, and the times from Charles the Fifth to the Revolution are allowed scant ten pages.

PROFESSOR SKEAT has published at the Clarendon Press (Macmillan) a volume on the Native Element in English Etymology, uniform in size and appearance with the edition of Chaucer's "Minor Poems." This work, at once elementary and tolerably exhaustive, may be praised with little reservation. Students of the language will find it extremely useful in connection with an etymological dictionary, or with the etymologies in such a dictionary as that of the Century Company. It is a sounder, solider, less fanciful work than Professor Earle's English Etymology. The author proposes to issue a "Second Series," dealing particularly with the Foreign Element in English, i. e., with the words that have become naturalized in the language since the Norman Conquest.


THE DIAL is able to present herewith a classified list of the books thus far announced for Fall issue by the various American publishers. Pains have been taken to make the list as comprehensive and as representative as possible; and while lack of space has necessarily limited the number of minor works which could be included, it is believed that no very important publisher to supply the necessary information. title has been omitted, except through the failure of the The

list is a good one, and will, we are sure, be of interest and use to our readers; while the publishers are to be congratulated on the evidences of enterprise and prosperity which it affords.


Garrison, William Lloyd: The Story of his Life told by his
Children. Vols. III.-IV. (completion.) Illus. Cen-
tury Co. $6.00.

Franklin, Benjamin. By John T. Morse, Jr.
Statesmen." Houghton. $1.25.

Cass, Lewis. By Prof. A. C. McLaughlin.
Statesmen." Houghton. $1.25.
Jay, John. By George Pellew.
Houghton. $1.25.


"American Statesmen."


Edwards, Jonathan. By Prof. A. V. G. Allen. "American
Religious Leaders.' Houghton. $1.25.
Hodge, Charles. By Francis L. Patton, D.D.
Religious Leaders." Houghton. $1.25.
Fisk, Wilbur. By Prof. George Prentice.
Leaders." Houghton. $1.25.

"Am. Religious

Muhlenberg, William Augustus. By Rev. W. W. Newton. "American Religious Leaders." Houghton. $1.25. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Life of. By her son, Rev. Charles E. Stowe. Illus. Houghton.

Dana, Richard H., Jr., Life of. By Charles Francis Adams. 2 vols. With portraits. Houghton.

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Van Buren, Martin, Life of. By George Bancroft. Harper.
Gozzi, Count Carlo, Memoir of. Tr., with Essays, by John
Addington Symonds. Illus. Scribner and Welford.
Thiers. By Paul de Rémusat. Great French Writers."
'Tr. by M. B. Anderson. McClurg. $1.00.
Steele, Richard, Life of. By George A. Aitken. 2 vols.
With portraits. Houghton.

Hazlitt, William, Essayist and Critic. By Alexander Ireland. "Cavendish Library." Warne.

Russell, Lord John, Life of. By Spencer Walpole. 2 vols. Longmans.

Portraits of Friends. By Principal Shairp. Houghton. Great Leaders: Historic Portraits from the Great Historians. Compiled and edited by G. T. Ferris. Appleton. Lavigerie, Cardinal, and Slavery in Africa. Longmans. Graham of Claverhouse: A Scot's Biography. By a Southern, Longmans.

Austen, Jane. By Mrs. Malden. "Famous Women." Roberts. $1.00.

Saint Theresa. By Mrs Bradley Gilman. "Famous Women.” Roberts. $1.00.

Hone, Philip, Diary of. Edited by Bayard Tuckerman. 2 vols. Dodd. $7.50.

Howitt, Mary: An Autobiography. Edited by her daughter. 2 vols. Illus. Houghton.

Tuilleries, Recollections of the. By Mme. Carette, Lady of Honor to the Empress Eugénie. Tr. By Elizabeth T. Train. Appleton.

Duke of Wellington's Letters to Miss J. Dodd. $1.75. Dickens's Letters, 1833-1870, A Collection of. Scribner. Bowen, Sir George F., Dispatches and Letters of. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. 2 vols. Longmans.


America, Winsor's History of. Vol. VIII. (completing the work.) Houghton.

United States, Genesis of the. By Alexander Brown. 2 vols.
Houghton. $15.00.

Colonies, The. (1492-1763.) By Reuben Gold Thwaites.
Epochs of American History." Longmans.
Union, Formation of the. (1763-1829.) By Albert Bushnell
Hart. Epochs of American History." Longmans.
Division and Re-union. (1829-1889.) By Woodrow Wilson.
"Epochs of American History." Longmans.

New Jersey. By Austin Scott, Ph.D. "American Commonwealths." Houghton. $1.25.

Pennsylvania. By Hon. Wayne MacVeagh. "American Commonwealths." Houghton. $1.25.

Illinois. By Edward G. Mason. "American Commonwealths." Houghton. $1.25.

Massachusetts, The Story of. By E. E. Hale. Lothrop. $1.50. Mississippi, Recollections of. By Hon. Reuben Davis. Houghton. $3.00.

Kansas Crusade, History of the. By Eli Thayer; with Introduction by E. E. Hale. Harper. Boston, The Story of. By Arthur Gilman. the Republic." Putnam.

"Great Cities of

Old South Church, Boston, History of. By H. A. Hill. 2 vols. Illus. Houghton.

American History, A First Book in. By Edward Eggleston. Illus. Appleton.

Story of the Nations, The. New volumes:-Hansa Towns, by Helen Zimmern; Early Britain, by Alfred J. Church; Russia, by W. K, Morfill; Vedic India, by Madame Ragozin. Putnam. $1.75 each.

France, A History of. By Victor Duruy, of the French Academy. Tr. by Mrs. M. Carey. With maps. Crowell. $2.00. Europe, The Reconstruction of. From the Rise to the Fall of the Second French Empire. By Harrold Murdoch; with introduction by John Fiske. Houghton. Roman People, A History of the. By Prof.W.F. Allen. Ginn. Swedish Revolution under Gustavus Vasa. By Paul Barron Watson. Little, Brown & Co. $2.50.

Tartuffian Age, The. By Paul Mantegazza. Tr. by Prof. L. D. Ventura. Lee & Shepard. $1.25.


English Constitution, Origin and Growth of the. By Hannis Taylor. Houghton.

States, as Seen in the Papers by Thomas M.

Civil Government. By John Fiske. Houghton.
Constitutional History of the United
Development of American Law.
Cooley, and Others. Putnam.
United States, Essays on the Constitutional History of. By
Graduates of Johns Hopkins University. Edited by J.
F. Jameson, Ph.D. Houghton,

Politics, Historical and Practical. By Woodrow Wilson.

Government, Essays on. By Abbot L. Lowell. Houghton. American Society, Problems in. By Rev. J. H. Crooker. Geo. H. Ellis.

Morals and Religion, The Future of; The Victory of Socialism over Pessimism and Despair. By Lawrence Gronlund. Lee & Shepard. $1.25.

Appeal to Pharaoh: A Radical Solution of the Negro Problem. Fords, H. & H. $1.00.

[blocks in formation]

Library of American Literature. By E. C. Stedman and
Ellen M. Hutchinson. Vols. IX-X (completion). Illus.
- Webster.
American Literature, A Century of. By Huntington Smith.
Crowell. $1.75.

Half-Hours with the Best Humorous Authors. Edited by
Charles Morris. 4 vols. Lippincott. $6.00.
Character and Comments. Selections from the novels of W.
D. Howells. By Minnie Macoun. Houghton.
French and English: A Comparison. By Philip Gilbert Ham-
erton. Roberts. $2.00.

Euripides, Three Dramas of. By William Cranston Lawton.

Job, The Poetry of. By Dr. George H. Gilbert. McClurg. $1. Folk-Lore and Legends of Different Nations. 4 vols. White & Allen. $3.00.

Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland. By Jeremiah Curtin. Little, Brown & Co. $2.00.

Walpole, Horace, Letters of. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Charles D. Yonge. Putnam.


Fact, Fancy, and Fable. A Handbook of Ready Reference. By H. F. Reddall. McClurg.

Burns Concordance. By J. B. Reid. Little, Brown & Co. $8.50 Atlantic Monthly Index, 1857-1888. Houghton.

Literary Landmarks: A Guide to Good Reading. By Mary E. Burt. Houghton. 75 cents.

Cataloguing a Library. By Henry B. Wheatley. "BookLover's Library." Armstrong. $1.25.


Romance of Dollard, The. By Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Illus. Century Co. $1.25.

Story of Tonty, The. By Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Illus. McClurg.

Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and Other Stories. By Bret Harte. Houghton.

Irish-California Stories. By George H. Jessop. Longmans. Opening the Oyster: A Story of Adventure. By C. L. Marsh. Illus. McClurg. $2.00.

Two Runaways, and Other Stories. By Harry Stillwell Edwards. Illus. by Kemble. Century Co. $1.50. Romance of Jimmy Harlowe, and Sketches of Maritime Life. By W. Clark Russell. Appleton.

Collected Stories. By Brander Matthews. Longmans.
Arthur Merton: A Romance. By Admiral D. D. Porter.

Lora, the Major's Daughter. By W. Heimburg. Tr. by
Mrs. J. W. Davis. Illus. Worthington. $1.25.
Last Assembly Ball. By Mary Hallock Foote. Houghton.
Two Coronets. A Novel. By Mary A. Tincker. Houghton.
Standish of Standish. By Jane G. Austin. Houghton. $1.25.
Memoirs of a Millionaire. A Novel. By Lucia T. Ames.
Houghton. $1.25.

Chita: A Memory of Last Island. By Lafcadio Hearn.

Children of Gibeon. By Walter Besant. Harper. $1.25. Hardy Norseman. The. By Edna Lyall. Appleton. Chata and Chinita.

A Novel. By Mrs. Louise Palmer Heaven. Roberts. $1.50.

Gold That Did Not Glitter. By the author of "Don Miff.”

Taken Alive, and Other Stories. By E. P. Roe. Dodd. $1.50.
Feet of Clay. By Amelia E. Barr. Dodd. $1.25.
Wine Ghosts of Bremen, The. Tr. from the German of Wil-
liam Hauff. White & Allen. $1.50.

Metzerott the Shoemaker. A Romance of Christian Socialism. Crowell.

Consuelo. By George Sand. Tr. by Frank H. Potter. 4 vols. Dodd. $6.00.

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Epithalamium. By Mary Mathew Barnes. Illus. by Dora Wheeler. Putnam.

New Pandora, The. A drama. By Harriet H. Robinson, Putnam.

Day Lilies, and Other Poems. By Jeannie O. Smith. Putnam. Verses, A Few More. By Susan Coolidge. Roberts. $1.00. Acadian Legends and Lyrics. By Arthur W. Eaton. White & Allen. $1.25.

City Legends. By Will Carleton. Illus. Harper. $2.00. Wordsworth's Poetical Works. Chronologically Arranged. Edited by Wm. Knight, LL.D. 8 vols. Illus. Macmillan. Wordsworth, Select Poems of. Edited, with Notes, by W. J.

Rolfe. Illus. Harper.

Poems on Several Occasions. By Austin Dobson. 2 vols. Dodd. $4.00.

Interludes, Lyrics, and Idylls. Selected from Lord Tennyson's Poetical Works. Houghton. $1.00. Gudrun: A Medieval Epic. Tr. from the Middle High German by Mary Pickering Nichols. Houghton.


Alaska, A Summer Journey to. By M. M. Ballou. Houghton. Berlin, In and Around. By Mrs. M. B. Norton. McClurg. $1. Algeria, Winter in. Text and illus. by F. A. Bridgman. Harper.

Land of the Viking and Empire of the Tsar. By E. Frazer Blackstock, Illus. Putnam.

Pyrenees, A Midsummer Drive through. By Edwin A. Dix. Illus. Putnam.

Russia in Central Asia in 1888. By Hon. George Curzon.
Illus. Longmans.

England and South Africa. By Edmund J. Gibbs. Longmans.
Jews of the Far East, The. By Rev. A. K. Glover.
Jacques Bonhomme: John Bull on the Continent. By Max
O'Rell. Cassell.

Yankee at King Arthur's Court, A. By Mark Twain. Illus.

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