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"Mine is a book of memoranda and of details," he says; but it is more than that, for the thread upon which these memoranda are strung is of spun gold, which lends a brilliancy to what might be, but is far from being, dull reading. MEDICAL BOOK OF LIFE ASSURANCE. For the use of Medical and other officers of Campanies. By JAMES E. POLLOCK, M.D., F.R.C.P., and JAMES CHISHOLM. Price, $3.00. SUBJECTS OF SOCIAL WELFARE. By the Right Hon. Sir LYON PLAYFAIR, K.C.B., M.P., LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1 vol., 12mo, extra cloth, $3. JACQUES BONHOMME. JOHN BULL ON THE CONTINENT. FROM MY LETTER Box. By MAX O'RELL. 12mo, extra cloth, 75 cents; paper, 20 cents. SERJEANT VON; or, A Long Chase. From the diary of Inspector BYRNES. Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. THE MORGESONS. By ELIZABETH STODDARD. Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. AN HONEST HYPOCRITE. By EDWARD STAATS DE GROTE TOMPKINS. Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. THE LOST INCA. By the "INCA-PANCHO-OzOLLO." Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. THE SONG OF THE BROOK. By ALFRED TENNYSON. After illustrations by WEDWORTH WADSWORTH, beautifully reproduced in monotones in the highest style of the lithographic art. New and elegant binding, $2.50. THE RIVERS OF GREAT BRITAIN: Rivers of the East Coast. Descriptive, historical, pictorial. With numerous highly finished engravings. Royal 4to, 384 pages, cloth, gilt, etc. Price, $15.00. LONDON, Ancient and Modern. From the Sanitary and Medical point of view. By G. V. POORE, M.D., F.R.C.P. Illustrated. Price, $2. THE GARDEN OF ARMIDA. By ANNE SHELDON COOMBS, author of "As Common Mortals," etc. One vol., 12mo, cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. WHITE MARIE. A Story of Georgian Plantation Life. By WILL N. HARBEN. Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents. MOTHER GOOSE. Set to Music. New edition. The handsomest juvenile of the year. Elegantly done in lithographic colors. Music by EFFIE I. LANE. Illustrations by J. Louis WEBB. New and unique binding. Price, $2.50. THE PEOPLE I'VE SMILED WITH. Recollections of a Merry Little Life. By MARSHALL P. WILDER, the American Humorist. portraits, extra cloth, gilt top, etc., $1.50. "The volume is brimming over with fun and interest."-Boston Herald. With two "The happiest portions of the volume are the bits of after-dinner speeches."-New York Times. "The author touches upon a vast number of noted men and women, and for each of them he has a kind word to say."-New York World. "A good book to take to the country or read in the train."-New York Herald. "A book of smiles."-Detroit Free Press. COMPLETE CATALOGUE FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, 104-106 FOURTH AVE., NEW York. Paul B. Du Chaillu's Great Work-Now Ready. THE VIKING AGE. The Early History, Manners and Customs of the Ancestor of the English-speaking Nations. Illustrated from the Antiquities discovered in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs, as well as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas. By PAUL B. DU CHAILLU. With 1,400 illustrations. Two vols., 8vo. $7.50. Mr. Du Chaillu's great popular work is the product of many years of incessant labor in the collection and arrangement of facts which throw a flood of light upon the character of the progenitors of the English-speaking race. Recent researches have made it clear that those Northmen who, at the decadence of the Roman Empire, overran and settled in Britain and the northern coast of Germany and France, were not barbarians, as has long been erroneously supposed, but a most highly civilized and accomplished people. Vast quantities of objects, including arms and armor, gold and silver ornaments of the most skilful workmanship and refined beauty; woodcarving, filigree work, agricultural and domestic implements, magnificent carriages, etc., have been unearthed. But besides these material testimonies to the greatness of these Northmen, we have the literary and historic records of the Sagas and Eddas, and by testing the evidence of one with the other we can obtain a wonderfully vivid idea of the manners, customs, laws, traditions, and domestic life of a bygone age. W. W. ASTOR'S NEW NOVEL: SFORZA: A STORY OF MILAN. By WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR. 12mo. $1.50. As in his successful work, "Valentino," Mr. Astor chooses historical and romantic Italy for the scene of his novel. It is a tale of one of the most famous families of medieval Italy, and gives the author the richest possible material for a dramatic plot, several well-drawn and sharply accented characters, and a succession of brilliantly worded pen-pictures of the times he portrays. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. BY FRANK R. STOCKTON. With 46 illustrations by JOSEPH PENNELL, ALFRED A fascinating volume of travel by the famous story-teller, the chapters being a series of pleasant informal talks with an imaginary party of young people to whom the author is showing the curious and interesting sights of the Old World -a fancy that Mr. Stockton works out with his customary ingenuity and cleverness. The illustrations give the book a high artistic quality, and make it a volume admirably suited for a holiday gift. THE AMERICAN RAILWAY. Its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances. By THOMAS CURTIS CLARKE, JOHN Bogart, M. N. FORNEY, E. P. ALEXANDER, H. G. PROUT, HORACE PORTER, THEODORE VOORHEES, Benjamin NORTON, ARTHUR T. HADLEY, THOMAS L. JAMES, CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, and B. B. ADAMS, Jr. With more than 200 illustrations. With an Introduction by Judge THOMAS M. COOLEY, Chairman of the InterState Commerce Commission. Large 8vo. $6.00 net. This volume contains the only complete popular account of the construction, development, management, and appliances of American Railways ever published. Leading authorities, both as theorists and practical railway men, are the writers of the series, each man having been selected for his unusual eminence in the department he was asked to describe. Every phase of the life of railway men, from the president to firemen and track-walkers, is treated and illustrated in a complete and interesting manner; and the chapters are so arranged as to give the most logical idea of the railway world extant. A complete and thorough index makes the volume of unusual worth and convenience as a reference-book. It contains more than 225 illustrations of original subjects. Also, an With a charming personal sketch of the author, appears in the October number of THE BOOK BUYER. engraved portrait and sketch of HENRIK IBSEN, the famous Norwegian dramatist, who has been the literary sensation of the past London season; together with sketch and portrait of BLANCHE WILLIS HOWARD, and forty pages of literary articles, reviews, etc. Beautifully illustrated. "The best literary guide published," says the New York Tribune. If you will inclose ten cents, a copy of the October number will be sent you. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743-745 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. Two Fine Art Books Suitable for Presents. MR. JOSEPH PENNELL'S NEW BOOK: PEN DRAWING AND PEN DRAUGHTSMEN. THEIR WORK AND THEIR METHODS. A Study of the Art To-day, with Technical Remarks. By JOSEPH PENNELL. With photogravures and other illustrations. 4to. (Immediately.) The work of the following artists, besides others, being dealt with: Fortuny, Vierge, Favretto, Raffaelli, Montalti, Fabres, Galice, Fau, Rico, Tito, Dietz, Luders, Detaille, Lemaire, Dantan, Jeanniot, Leloir, Lalanne, Lalauze, Frederick Sandys, Ford Madox Brown, E. J. Poynter, Sir Frederick Leighton, William Small, W. L. Wyllie, T. Blake Wirgman, Frederick Walker, George du Maurier, Charles Keene, Linley Sambourne, Harry Furniss, George Reid, Walter Crane, Randolph Caldecott, Maurice Griffenhagen, Hugh Thomson, Herbert Railton, Alfred Parsons, Edwin A. Abbey, Howard Pyle, Arthur B. Frost, Harry Fenn, Kenyon Cox, Wyatt Eaton, etc., etc. A CENTURY OF ARTISTS. A Memorial of the Loan Collection and Sculpture at the Glasgow International Exhibition, 1888. With Historical and Biographical Notices of the Artists. By WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY. Foolscap folio, price, $16.00. Large paper copies (of which only a few copies have been printed), price, $35.00. (Ready.) This work is illustrated by nine full-page plates and ninety-four illustrations, very many of them in color, from drawings specially made for this volume. The etchings, after pictures by Bosboom, Corot, Israels, Sir Daniel Macnee, Jacobus Maris, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Rousseau, and Sir David Wilkie, are by Mr. William Hole, R.S.A., Mr. William Strang, Mr. F. Huth, and Mr. A. W. Henley. ROYAL EDINBURGH HER SAINTS, KINGS, AND SCHOLARS. By Mrs. OLIPHANT, author of "Makers of Florence," "Makers of Venice," etc. With illustrations by GEORGE REID, R.S.A. 12mo. (Shortly.) Seventh Years Two Centuries Ago. By CHARLOTTE M. YONGE, author of "The Heir of Redclyffe," etc., etc. 12mo, $1.00. THE TREASURY OF SACRED SONG. lected from the English Lyrical Poetry of Four Centuries, with Notes, explanatory and biographical, by FRANCIS T. PALGRAVE, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. 16mo. Oxford Clarendon Press. $1.50. * Five hundred copies have been printed on large paper (485 for sale), of which 100 have been purchased by Macmillan & Co. for the American market. BISHOP LIGHTFOOT ON SUPERNATURAL ESSAYS on the work entitled SUPERNATU- A CHEAP EDITION OF CHARLES KINGSLEY'S WESTWARD HO! By CHARLES KINGSLEY. Ed TEMPLE LIBRARY-NEW VOLUMES. SELECT ESSAYS OF DR. JOHNSON. ited by GEORGE BIRKBECK HILL, D.C.L. With six etchings by HERBERT RAILTON. Two vols., 16mo, $3.75; or, on large paper, two vols., post 8vo, $7.00, "Every person must sooner or later possess a copy of Johnson's Essays, and it would be difficult to find them in a more attractive form than in the Temple Library' edition."--London Athenæum. CHAUCER'S CANTERBURY TALES. Annotated and accented, with illustrations of English life in Chaucer's time. By JOHN SAUNDERS. New and revised edition. With illustrations from the Ellesmere MS. 12mo, $1.60. THE NEW LIBRARY WORDSWORTH. THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. Chronologically arranged, with the author's various readings, and many new MSS. hitherto unpublished. Edited by WILLIAM KNIGHT, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy, St. Andrews. Illustrated with Etchings from Original Drawings. Eight vols., Svo. $25.00. ALSO, UNIFORM WITH THE ABOVE: THE LIFE OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. By WILLIAM KNIGHT, LL.D., with which is incorporated the solitary canto of the projected "Recluse," the fragments of "Michael," the poem on Nat Well (originally designed as a portion of the "Recluse ") "Alfonden and Grasmere," Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth," "Records of Tours, Letters," etc. Illustrated with an etched portrait from the picture by Haydon. Three vols., 8vo, $10.00. ENGLISH MEN OF ACTION-NEW VOLUME. STRAFFORD. By H. D. TRAILL. 12mo, limp, 60 cents; cloth, edges uncut, 75 cents. Recently Issued in the same Series: GENERAL GORDON. By Col. Sir WILLIAM Butler, STOTT LIBRARY-NEW VOLUME. DE QUINCEY. A Selection of His Best Works "A selection from the best works of De Quincey. The size. the exemplary binding, the clear typography of these little books, make them almost ideal pocket companions."—Nation. MACMILLAN & CO., 112 FOURTH AVE., NEW YORK Paul B. Du Chaillu's Great Work-Now Ready. THE VIKING AGE. The Early History, Manners and Customs of the Ancestor of the English-speaking Nations. Illustrated from the Antiquities discovered in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs, as well as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas. By PAUL B. DU CHAILLU. With 1,400 illustrations. Two vols., 8vo. $7.50. Mr. Du Chaillu's great popular work is the product of many years of incessant labor in the collection and arrangement of facts which throw a flood of light upon the character of the progenitors of the English-speaking race. Recent researches have made it clear that those Northmen who, at the decadence of the Roman Empire, overran and settled in Britain and the northern coast of Germany and France, were not barbarians, as has long been erroneously supposed, but a most highly civilized and accomplished people. Vast quantities of objects, including arms and armor, gold and silver ornaments of the most skilful workmanship and refined beauty; woodcarving, filigree work, agricultural and domestic implements, magnificent carriages, etc., have been unearthed. But besides these material testimonies to the greatness of these Northmen, we have the literary and historic records of the Sagas and Eddas, and by testing the evidence of one with the other we can obtain a wonderfully vivid idea of the manners, customs, laws, traditions, and domestic life of a bygone age. W. W. ASTOR'S NEW NOVEL: SFORZA: A STORY OF MILAN. By WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR. 12mo. $1.50. As in his successful work, "Valentino," Mr. Astor chooses historical and romantic Italy for the scene of his novel. It is a tale of one of the most famous families of mediæval Italy, and gives the author the richest possible material for a dramatic plot, several well-drawn and sharply accented characters, and a succession of brilliantly worded pen-pictures of the times he portrays. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. BY FRANK R. STOCKTON. With 46 illustrations by JOSEPH PENNELL, ALFRED A fascinating volume of travel by the famous story-teller, the chapters being a series of pleasant informal talks with an imaginary party of young people to whom the author is showing the curious and interesting sights of the Old World -a fancy that Mr. Stockton works out with his customary ingenuity and cleverness. The illustrations give the book a high artistic quality, and make it a volume admirably suited for a holiday gift. THE AMERICAN RAILWAY. Its Construction, Development, Management, and Appliances. By THOMAS CURTIS CLARKE, JOHN BOGART, M. N. FORNEY, E. P. ALEXANDER, H. G. PROUT, HORACE PORTER, THEODORE VOORHEES, BENJAMIN NORTON, ARTHUR T. HADLEY, THOMAS L. JAMES, CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, and B. B. ADAMS, Jr. With more than 200 illustrations. With an Introduction by Judge THOMAS M. COOLEY, Chairman of the InterState Commerce Commission. Large 8vo. $6.00 net. This volume contains the only complete popular account of the construction, development, management, and appliances of American Railways ever published. Leading authorities, both as theorists and practical railway men, are the writers of the series, each man having been selected for his unusual eminence in the department he was asked to describe. Every phase of the life of railway men, from the president to firemen and track-walkers, is treated and illustrated in a complete and interesting manner; and the chapters are so arranged as to give the most logical idea of the railway world extant. A complete and thorough index makes the volume of unusual worth and convenience as a reference-book. It contains more than 225 illustrations of original subjects. A New Portrait of Constance Fenimore Woolson, With a charming personal sketch of the author, appears in the October number of THE BOOK BUYER. Also, an engraved portrait and sketch of HENRIK IBSEN, the famous Norwegian dramatist, who has been the literary sensation of the past London season; together with sketch and portrait of BLANCHE WILLIS HOWARD, and forty pages of literary articles, reviews, etc. Beautifully illustrated. "The best literary guide published," says the New York Tribune. If you will inclose ten cents, a copy of the October number will be sent you. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743-745 BROADWAY, New York. THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE. By OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. An entirely New Edition, from new plates, with engraved title-pages from designs by Mrs. HENRY WHITMAN. Two vols., 16mo, carefully printed and tastefully bound, gilt top, $2.50. A limited number of copies have been reserved from the first edition, and will be issued in cloth, paper label, uncut edges, at $3.00. This edition of Dr. Holmes's most famous book has been prepared with the utmost care to meet the demand for so delightful a work in an attractive style, suited to its classic merits. THE STRUGGLE FOR IMMORTALITY. Essays by ELIZABETH STUART PHELPS, author of "The Gates Ajar,” etc. One vol., 16mo, $1.25. CONTENTS: What is a Fact? Is God Good? What Does Revelation Reveal? The Struggle for Immortality; The Christianity of Christ; Psychical Opportunity; The Psychical Wave. A book of remarkable interest on some of the greatest and most inspiring subjects that can engage the human mind. A RAMBLER'S LEASE. By BRADFORD TORREY, author of "Birds in the Bush.” 16mo, $1.25. CONTENTS: My Real Estate; A Woodland Intimate; An Old Road; Confessions of a Birds'Nest Hunter; A Green Mountain Cornfield; Behind the Fye; A November Chronicle; New England Winter; A Mountain-Side Ramble; A Pitch-Pine Meditation; Esoteric Peripateticism; Butterfly Psychology; Bashful Drummers. THE CHURCH IN MODERN SOCIETY. By Rev. JULIUS H. WARD. 16mo, $1.00. In this book Mr. Ward, who has given much study to religious and social questions, shows the part which the Christian Church has had in the development of the institutions of society, the position it now occupies, and the work that lies before it, if it is to control the social factors of modern life. ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. An Historical Treatise, in which is drawn out, by the Light of the most recent Researches, the Gradual Development of the English Constitutional System, and the Growth out of that System of the Federal Republic of the United States. By IANNIS TAYLOR. One vol., 8vo, $4.50. A Sketch of the Diplomatic and Military History of Continental Europe from the Rise to the Fall of the Second French Empire. By HAROLD MURDOCK. With an Introduction by JOHN FISKE, and several Maps. Crown 8vo, $2.00. For sale by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of the price, by the publishers, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY, BOSTON. |