tory down to the invention of printing. When the central and commanding eminence of the fourteenth century, Chaucer, shall have been surveyed, we shall be better able to judge of the whole perspective of Mr. Morley's extensive work. IN "An Hour with Delsarte" (Lee & Shepard), Miss Anna Morgan endeavors to explain, as briefly and clearly as possible, the general theory upon which “Delsartism" is founded, and to turn to practical account those principles of the system which bear directly upon the study of elocution. Unfortunately, M. Delsarte, who was unquestionably a thinker of some force and originality, failed to put his scheme into a stable and coherent form. Of such facts, however, as may be gathered from his manuscripts and from the recollections of those who were his immediate pupils, the present author has made tolerably good use. Her book contains many good suggestions, and a system of exercises that should be of especial benefit to students of elocution. Miss Morgan, whose hortatory and didactic style is suggestive of the professional teacher, shows to better advantage in the portions of her work devoted to practical instruction than in her excursions into the field of Delsartian subleties. In her anxiety to do full justice to the memory of the founder of her favorite cult, she has attributed to him the "discovery" of certain elementary philosophical tenets that Thales himself might have borrowed from the ancients. In appraising "An Hour with Delsarte," however, the modest claim implied in the title is to be considered; and we should say that Miss Morgan gives us all that she promises. The volumewhich is very tastefully bound and clearly printed— is furnished with twenty-three full page illustrations by Rose Mueller Sprague and Marian Reynolds, that, with two or three exceptions, are nicely done. UNDER the title of "Across Lots" the D. Lothrop Co. issue in book form a reprint of a series of magazine articles by Horace Lunt. As the title of the volume implies, the papers are descriptive of country rambles indulged in by the author-who is a close, and, in a way, a sympathetic observer. Mr. Lunt is imbued with the spirit of the naturalist, and has acquired a store of curious information regarding the animal life of New England woods and fields, which he imparts in a pleasing and unaffected style. The volume is attractively bound, and merits the approval of lovers of out-of-door life. sense to which those unfortunate adjectives have been degraded. Those who have used his admirable Rhetoric know him as one of the simplest of writers, and as a clear and sensible thinker. "Our English" consists of five chapters, treating with racy instructiveness of English in schools, in colleges, in newspapers and novels, in the pulpit, and in conversation. The author is not only an excellent writer, but also an excellent quoter; we praise him when we say that the quotations are as original as anything in the book. His unconventional point of view may be suggested by the following sentence : "When we read that the letters of Mr. Day-the man who talked like his own Sanford and Merton' —were written as fast as his pen could move, and nevertheless, are so rhetorical as to give the idea of their being composed with great care' we are thankful that we are not obliged to read them." IN "William Shakespeare Portrayed by Himself" (Worthington), Mr. Robert Waters purls on, to the length of 350 pages, to prove that Shakespeare was not Bacon but Prince Hal. We notice on the reverse of the title-page the words "all rights reserved." It is difficult to conjecture just what these rights may be. We hope that Mr. Waters does not intend to prosecute all the good people who, like him, find innocent amusement in playing fast and loose with the meaning of Mr. Bacon-Shakespeare-Plantagenet? What would become of Shakespeare literature? We venture to suggest a theme worthy of the pen of a Waters or of a Donnelly. It is this: the great dramatist prophesied in numberless places, the modern commentators who affront his light with their smoky lanterns. We will not infringe upon Mr. Waters's right to develop this discovery, which is quite as brilliant as his own, or Donnelly's, or poor Delia Bacon's. We content ourselves with indicating a passage in "Cymbeline" wherein the master marks out the method to be pursued :— "Loves counseller should fill the bores of hearing, "Love's counseller" is obviously the poet of "Venus and Adonis;" the "bores" are the modern gentlemen whose occupation it must be to "smother the sense" of the poet The phrase" of hearing" doubtless contains a covert reference to the acoustic properties of long ears. The "Barton Collection" in the Boston Public Library is known to all collectors of choice books in this country and also in Europe. Mr. Thomas P. Barton, residing in New York, began the collection more than fifty years ago, and with ample means carried on the pursuit and capture of treasures, with all the enthusiasm of a genuine bibliophile, until about the year 1866. He died three years later. His great passion was for Shakespeariana. He sought not only the best books in the best editions, but the best copies, in large paper and uncut, if they existed, and he put them in luxurious binding. He searched for the early Shakespeare quartos, and secured a wonderful collection. His four early folios are immaculate, and cannot now be duplicated. He collected the early editions which followed the folios and illustrated them with autographs and portraits. He had also a taste for the early English drama, and for the French, Spanish, and Italian dramatic writers and early chroniclers. The department of early voyages and travels he also took in, and indulged in DeBry, Purchas, and Hakluyt. Besides these acquisitions, he made a scholar's general library. His widow, in order that the library might be kept together and might perpetuate the name of her husband, in 1873 sold the entire collection to the Boston Public Library at a nominal price, on the conditions that it should be kept in a room by itself; that no book should be taken from the library; that a catalogue should be prepared; and that it should be known as the " Barton Collection." In 1880, a catalogue of the Shakespeare portion of the library was published, as Part I.; and now Part II., called "Miscellaneous," is issued, which includes all of the Collection not Shakespearian in its character. It is a royal octavo volume of 631 pages, and is printed in a typography befitting the subject matter. Mr. James M. Hubbard prepared the part relating to Shakespeare, and Mr. José Francisco Carret has prepared the miscellaneous part. The subjective and cross references are very full. Titles of books, dramas, poems, etc., appear in the alphabetical arrangement, as well as authors, making the work a valuable contribution to bibliography. The work is " Published by the Trustees," and presumably may be bought. Eggs. P. L. Simmonds. Popular Science. Japanese Industries. F. W. Gookin. Dial. Overland. Masters, Old Italian. W. J. Stillman. Century. Meadow Mud-Hole, A. C. C. Abbott. Harper. Realists in Prose Fiction. Wilbur Larremore. Overland. Russian Social Life. Eugène de Vogüé. Harper. Samoa, Life in. S. S. Boynton. Overland. Temperance Legislation. C. W. Clark. Atlantic. BOOKS OF THE MONTH. [ The following list includes all books received by THE DIAL during the month of April, 1889.] BIOGRAPHY-HISTORY. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. By Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. With Anecdotes and Illustrative Extracts from all the most Authentic Sources. Edited by R. W. Phipps. New and Revised Edition. In 4 vols. Numerous Illustrations. 12mo. Gilt top. Uncut Leaves. T. Y. Crowell & Co. $5.00. Life of General Lafavette. With a Critical Estimate of His Character and Public Acts. By Bayard Tuckerman. In 2 vols. With 2 Portraits. 16mo. Dodd, Mead & Co. $3. Life and Times of the Right Hon. John Bright. By William Robertson, author of "Old and New Rochdale. With Portrait. 12mo, pp. 604. Cassell & Co. $1.50. Henry the Fifth. By the Rev. A. J. Church. 16mo, pp. 155. "English Men of Action" Series. Macmillan & Co. 60 cents. David Livingstone. By Thomas Hughes. 16mo, pp. 208. "English Men of Action" Series. Macmillan & Co. 60 cts The Washington Centennial Souvenir, By Frederick Saunders, author of "Salad for the Solitary and the Social." Illustrated. Large 8vo, pp. 41. Paper. Thos. Whittaker. 25 cents. The History of Ancient Civilization. A Hand-book Based upon M. Gustave Ducoudray's "Histoire Sommaire de la Civilisation." Edited by Rev. J.Verschoyle, M.A. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 295. D. Appleton & Co. $1.75. 66 The Leading Facts of French History. By D. H. Montgomery. With Maps. 16mo, pp. 321. The Leading Facts of History" Series. Ginn & Co. $1.25. The Story of Phoenicia. By George Rawlinson, M.A., author of "The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World." Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 356. The Story of the Nations Series. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50. Historical Memorials of Canterbury: The Landing of Augustine, the Murder of Becket, Edward the Black Prince, Becket's Shrine. By Arthur Penryhn Stanley, D.D., late Dean of Westminster. Illustrated. American from the 11th London Edition. 12mo, pp. 361. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. $1.50. 2d The Counter Reformation. By Adolphus William Ward, Litt. D. Fep. 8vo. pp. 203. Epochs of Church History." A. D. F. Randolph & Co. 80 cents. LITERARY MISCELLANY. Lost Leaders. By Andrew Lang. 12mo, pp. 226. Uncut. Longmans, Green & Co. $1.50. My Autobiography and Reminiscences. By W. B. Frith, R.A. Vol. II. 12mo, pp. 333. Harper & Bros. $1.50. An Author's Love: Being the Unpublished Letters of Prosper Mérimée's "Inconnu." 12mo, pp. 335. Uncut. Macmillan & Co. $1.50. My Religion. By Count L. N. Tolstoï. Translated from the French by Huntington Smith. 12mo, pp. 274. Paper. T. Y. Crowell & Co. 50 cents. Essayes of Montaigne. Translated by John Florio. Edited by Justin Huntley McCarthy. With two Portraits. Intwo volumes. 32mo. "The Stott Library." London: David Stott. $1.50. Chopin, and other Musical Essays. By Henry T. Finck, author of Romantic Love and Personal Beauty." 12mo. pp. 273. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50. Solitarius to His Dæmon. Three Papers by Charles Edward Barnes. 12mo. pp. 237. Uncut. Parchment-paper Binding. Willard Fracker & Co. 50 cents. Romances of Real Life. By Leigh Hunt. 2 vols. 16mo. Roberts Bros. Each vol., 75 cents. The Pleasures of Life. Part II. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. 16mo, pp. 280. Macmillan & Co. 60 cents. Fairy Tales in Prose and Verse. Selected from Early and Recent Literature. Edited, with Notes, by William J. Rolfe, A.M, Litt. D. Illustrated. 16mo, pp. 187. Harper & Bros. 36 cents. POETRY. Through Broken Reeds. Verses by Will Amos Rice. 16mo, pp. 143. Charles H. Kilborn. $1.25. The Afternoon Landscape. Poems and Translations. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 16mo, pp. 106. Longmans, Green & Co. $1.00. The Amaranth and the Beryl. An Elegy. By Charles Edward Barns, author of "Solitarius to His Dæmon." 12mo, 248. Uncut. Parchment-Paper Binding. Willard Fracker & Co. 50 cents. Horace. The Odes, Epodes, Satires, and Epistles. Translated by The Most Eminent English Scholars and Poets, including Ben Jonson, Milton, Dryden, etc. 12mo, pp. 392. Uncut. "The Chandos Classics." F. Warne & Co. 75 cents. From Darkness to Light. An Easter Poem. By Mrs. E. The Choral Book. For Home, School, and Church. Trans- The Open Door. By Blanche Willis Howard, author of Greifenstein. By F. Marion Crawford, author of "Mr. Far in the Forest. A Story. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D., pp. 298. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. Alan Thorne. By Martha Livingston Moodey. 12mo, pp. 367. D. Lothrop Co. $1.25. The Alpine Fay. A Romance. From the German of E. Werner. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. 12mo, pp. 360. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. Stories of the Seen and the Unseen. By Margaret O. W. Oliphant. 12mo. Roberts Bros. $1.25. The Last of the Macallisters. By Amelia E. Barr, author of Jan Vedder's Wife." 12mo, pp. 304. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. John Charaxes: A Tale of The Civil War in America. By Peter Boylston. 12mo, pp. 289. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. The Mouse-Trap and Other Farces. By W. D. Howells. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 184. Harper & Bros. $1.00. The Little Pilgrim. Further Experiences. 16mo, pp. 190. Roberts Bros. 60 cents. A Venetian Study in Black and White. By Charles Edward Barns. 12mo, pp. 172. Parchment-paper. Uncut. Willard Fracker & Co. 50 cents. A Dreamer of Dreams. A Modern Romance. By the The Man From the West. A Novel Descriptive of Ad- 50 cents. By Francis Mary Peard, author of Madame's Grandaughter." Svo, pp. 371. Paper. Harper's "Franklin Square Library." 40 cts. The Phantom Future. A Novel. By Henry Seton Merriman. 8vo, pp. 239. Paper. Harper's "Franklin Square Library. 35 cents. Time's Scythe. By James Valentine, author of The Old Stone House." 12mo, pp. 209. Paper. Cassell's "Sunshine Series.' 50 cents. SOCIAL STUDIES. A Critique of Kant. By Kuno Fischer. Translated from the German by W. S. Hough. Authorized English Edition. Svo, pp. 188. London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co. $2.10. Treatise on Co-operative Savings and Loan Associations. Including Building and Loan Associations, Mutual Savings and Loan Associations, etc. Appendix containing Laws, Precedents, and Forms. By Seymour Dexter. 12mo, pp. 299. D. Appleton & Co. $1.25. Marriage and Divorce in the United States: As They Are and as They Ought to Be. By D. Connors, S.S.J.E. 16mo, pp. 266. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. Prisoners of Poverty Abroad. By Helen Campbell, author of "Prisoners of Poverty." 12mo, pp. 248. Roberts Bros. $1.00. The Tramp at Home. By Lee Meriwether, author of "A Tramp Trip." Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 296. Harper & Bros. $1.25. REFERENCE. Word Studies in the New Testament. By Marvin R. Vincent, D.D. Vol. II, The Writings of John, The Gospel, The Epistles, The Apocalypse. 8vo, pp. 607. Charles Scribner's Sons. $4.00. Catalogue of the Barton Collection, Boston Public Library. In two Parts:-Part I, Shakespeare's Works and Shakespeariana; Part II, Miscellaneous. 4to, pp. 858, Paper. Published by the Trustees of the Boston Public Library. A Manual of Historical Literature. Comprising Brief Descriptions of the Most Important Histories in English, French and German, together with Practical Suggestions as to Methods and Courses of Historical Study for the Use of Students, General Readers, and Collectors of Books. By Charles Kendall Adams, LL.D. Third Edition. Svo, pp. 720. Harper & Bros. $2.50. A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Medrashic Literature. Compiled by M. Jastrow, Ph.D. Part III. 4to, pp. 95. Boards. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $2.00. Cassell's Complete Pocket-Guide to Europe, Revised and Enlarged. 32mo, pp. 497. Flexible Cover. Cassell & Co. $1.50. National Academy Notes and Complete Catalogue Sixtyfourth Spring Exhibition National Academy of Design, New York. Edited by Charles M. Kurtz. Illustrated. 16mo, pp. 150. Paper. Cassell & Co. 50 cents. RELIGION-CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Doctrine Harmonized and Its Rationality Vindicated. By John Steinfort Kedney, D.D., author of "The Beautiful and the Sublime." In 2 vols. Large 8vo. Gilt Top. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $5.00. The Way: The Nature and Means of Revelation. By John F. Weir, M.A., N.A. 12mo, pp. 430. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $1.75. A Plain Argument for God. By George Stuart Fullerton. Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science. TRAVELS. Notes of My Journey Round the World. By Evelyn Cecil, B.A. 15 Full-page Illustrations. 8vo, pp. 207. Uncut. Longmans, Green, & Co. $4.00, From Japan to Granada. Sketches of Observations and Inquiry in a Tour Round the World in 1887-8. By Jas. Henry Chapin, Ph.D., author of "The Creation." Svo, pp. 325. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50. European Glimpses and Glances, By J. M. Emerson, author of "New York to the Orient." With Portrait. 16mo, pp. 221. Cassell & Co. $1.00. EDUCATION-TEXT BOOKS. Physiological Notes on Primary Education and the Study of Language. By Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D. 12mo, pp. 120. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.60. Algebraic Analysis. Solutions and Exercises Illustrating the Fundamental Theorems and the Most Important Processes of Pure Algebra. By G. A. Wentworth, A.M.. J. A. McLellan, LL.D., and J. C. Glasham. Part I. 12mo, pp. 418. Leather back. Ginn & Co. $1.60. Psychology as a Natural Science. Ginn Applied to the Solution of Occult Psychic Phenomena. By C. G. Rave, M. D. 8vo, pp. 541. Porter & Coates. $3.50. Nerve Waste, Practical Information concerning Nervous Impairment in Modern Life, Its Causes, Phases, and Remedies, with Advice on the Hygiene of the Nervous Constitution. By H. C. Sawyer, M.D. Second Edition. 8vo, pp. 160. San Francisco: The Bancroft Co. The Playtime Naturalist. By Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.L.S., editor of "Science-Gossip." 366 Illustrations. pp. 289. D. Appleton & Co. $1.50. 12mo, [Any book in this list will be mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price by Messrs. A. C. MCCLURG & Co., Chicago.] To AUTHORS.-The New York BUREAU OF REVISION gives critical opinions on manuscripts of all kinds, edits them for publication, and offers them to publishers. George William Curtis says in Harper's Magazine: "Reading manuscripts with a view to publication is done, as it should be, professionally, by the Easy Chair's friend and fellow-laborer in letters, Dr. Titus Munson Coan." Send stamp to Dr. COAN for prospectus at 20 West 14th St., New York City. In Confidence. When you make a change, settle an estate, or for any cause, desire to sell your Library, we can help you quietly, expeditiously, and for a large sum. We know our business completely, having been "Book Auctioneers" for 64 years, we are adept and prompt. Why not correspond with M. Thomas & Sons, Phila., Pa., at once-why not? Why not? Why Not? BINDINGS FOR THE DIAL. With April, 1889, THE DIAL completed This edition is an exact reproduction of the expensive latest English edition, containing all the notes, portraits, medallions, maps, etc. Attention is called to the fact that all the portraits in this edition have been engraved on wood at great expense, and will be found, on comparison with those reproduced by "process," to be far superior. A full and accurate INDEX, which is indispensable to a work of this kind, is also a special feature of this edition, and will be of great convenience to all readers. "If you want something to read both interesting and amusing, get the Memoires de Bourrienne. These are the only authentic memoirs of Napoleon which have as yet appeared.' -Prince Metternich. THOMAS Y. CROWELL & CO.. EAGLE PENCILS ALL STYLES. ALL GRADES. its Ninth Year. A full Index and Title-Page EAGLE No. 2 GOLD PENCILS MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. A NEW BOOK BY MR. HENRY JAMES. A LONDON LIFE-THE PATAGONIA A NEW NOVEL BY F. MARION CRAWFORD. GREIFENSTEIN. By F. MARION CRAWFORD, author of "Mr. Isaacs," "Dr. Claudius," "Saracinesca," etc,, etc. 12mo., $1.50. "So Greif makes up his mind that he must break with Hilda. How well she plays the part of true-hearted womanhood in this period of trial, and how Rex's friendship is put to the severest test that can befall an impetuous nature to come unscathed from the ordeal, the reader may, perhaps, prefer to discover. As a story it has many and decisive attractions, and it is marked by that extraordinary command of resources which one has come to expect from Mr. Crawford's later works."-Boston Beacon. AN AUTHOR'S LOVE. Being the Unpublished Letters of PROSPER MERIMEE'S "Inconnue." Globe 8vo, $1.50. A NEW SERIES OF "THE PLEASURES OF LIFE." THE PLEASURES OF LIFE. Part II. By SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M.P., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D. 12mo, paper, 35 cents; cloth, 60 cents. CONTENTS: Ambition-Wealth-Health-Love-ArtPoetry-Music-The Beauties of Nature The Troubles of Life Labor and Rest-Religion-The Hope of Progress— The Destiny of Man. Now Ready Vols. I., II., and III. 12mo, cloth limp, each, 60 cents; edges uncut, 75 cents. ENGLISH MEN OF ACTION. GENERAL GORDON. By Colonel SIR WILLIAM BUTLER. "It is the best biography of Gordon that has yet appeared." -Nonconformist. HENRY THE FIFTH. By the Rev. A. J. CHURCH. "The incidents in Henry's life are clearly narrated, the account of the battle of Agincourt is masterly, and the style is eminently readable.-St James's Gazette. DAVID LIVINGSTONE. By THOMAS HUGHES. "The volume is an excellent instance of miniature biography, for it gives us what we seek in such a book-a sketch of his deeds, not a picture of the man."-Spectator. SIR MONIER-WILLIAMS ON BUDDHISM. Buddhism and its Connection with Brahminism and Hinduism, and its Contrast with Christianity. By SIR MONIER-WILLIAMS, K.C.F.E., M.A., Hon. D.C.L. With fifteen illustrations. 8vo, $5.25. "He is the first to give in one volume a connected view of the course of Buddhism in the past 2,000 years, for which his knowledge of Pali, the language the Buddha must have spoken, especially fits him. There is little but praise to award to the way in which Sir Monier attacks his subject and gives his well-defined views."-New York Times. A NEW WORK BY ARCHDEACON FARRAR. LIVES OF THE FATHERS. Sketches of Church History in Biography. By FREDERIC W. FARRAR, D.D,. F.R.Š., Archdeacon of Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. Two vols., large 12mo, $5.00. MACMILLAN & CO., New York, 66 Easily the best example of the class of fiction to which it belongs, of the year. Two descriptions of battles in this story are among the most brilliant and spirited bits of writing we have had.-Christian Union. LONGMANS' NEW ATLAS: Political and Physical; for the Use of Schools and Private Persons. Consisting of 40 4to. and 16 8vo. Maps and Diagrams, besides Insets and 16 4to Plates of Views, etc. Engraved and Lithographed by EDWARD STANFORD. Edited by G. G. CHISHOLM. Imp. 8vo., $4.00. *A Descriptive Circular embodying the chief characteristics of the Atlas will be sent on application. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE LEGISLATIVE SYSTEMS OPERATIVE IN IRELAND FROM THE INVASION OF HENRY THE SECOND TO THE UNION. (1172-1800). By the Right Hon. J. T. BALL, LL.D., D.C.L. 8vo., $2.25. A valuable contribution towards the formation of clear views regarding the settlement of the Irish question. We are not aware of any other work in which the history of the legislative systems operative in Ireland is so clearly traced.". The Nation. |