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A Monthly Journal of Current Literature CHICAGO, APRIL, 1890. HARPER'S MAGAZINE.-APRIL. [VOL. X., No. 120.] TERMS $1.50 PER YEAR. BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. God in His World: An Interpretation. Book I., From the Beginning. Book II., The Incarnation. Book III., The Divine Human Fellowship. Pp. xli.-270. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25. It is not a theological work, nor in any way controversial. It is a consideration of Nature and Humanity as an unfolding of the Divine life, without reference to any outward authority--a view of the truth of life as unfolded from the life itself—a view in which Christ takes the central place, not only in the Gospel revelation, but also in all true explication of Nature and Society. Hearn's West Indies. Two Years in the French West Indies. By LAFCADIO HEARN, author of "Chita," etc. Pp. 517. Copiously illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth, ornamental, $2.00. This volume contains some of the literary results of a voyage to the island of Martinique, and a sojourn there of two years. Mr. Hearn's glowing vivid style is well suited to the portrayal of the picturesque, half-savage, half-poetic, life of the tropics. In an Appendix to the volume are given some Creole melodies. Maria: A South American Romance. By JORGE ISAACS. Translated by ROLLO OGDEN. An Introduction by THOMAS A. JANVIER. 16mo, cloth, ornamental, $1.00. (Uniform with "The Odd Number," by GUY DE MAUPASSANT.) W. H. Bishop, in Scribner's Magazine for February, says: "Maria: Novela-Americana' is one of the most charming stories I have ever read, and worthy the leading author of any country. It is an idyl of the valley of Cauca, in Columbia, which would seem a sort of earthly Paradise." Trollope's Further Reminiscences. WHAT I REMEMBER. By THOMAS ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE, author of "Durnton Abbey," "Lindisfarn Chase," "Siren," etc. Vol. II. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. (Uniform in style and price with the first volume.) Mr. Trollope's first volume extended over a long period, and was devoted to personal and exceedingly entertaining reminiscences of some of the most famous men and women of Europe and America, with whom in his wanderings he had become acquainted. In the second volume he preserves more of what he recollects of places and events. No library in any way devoted to the collection and preservation of current biography can afford to permit itself to forget what he remembers. The above works are for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent by HARPER & BROTHERS, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, Canada, or Mexico, on receipt of price. HARPER'S NEW CATALOGUE, a descriptive list of over 3,000 volumes, sent, postpaid, on receipt of Ten Cents. PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. 66 The look and bearing of the paper are refinement itself. Among our purely critical journals, there is none more thorough, more dignified, more scholarly, than THE DIAL. One wishes only that it were a weekly rather than a monthly, and so more adequate to trace the stream of current literature."-THE INDEPENDENT, N. Y., March 13, 1890. THE Editor and Publishers of THE DIAL are pleased to announce the completion (with the April number) of the FIRST TEN YEARS of its existence. During this decade it has continued under the same management under which it was begun, and has followed substantially the lines upon which it was originally projected. The high and distinctive position accorded it in American periodical literature makes the occasion one that may well justify the satisfaction of its managers and the congratulations of its friends. CHICAGO, April 1, 1890. |