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treated with the author's usual grace, wit, and lightness of touch. Few writers of our day say so many bright things to the page as Mr. Lang. The following is a rather good hit at a phase of American journalism: "In American country newspapers there is usually one column devoted to facetiæ, which appear to have been clipped out of the columns of other country papers. They live on each other, just as the natives of the Scilly Islands are feigned to eke out a precarious livelihood by taking in each other's washing." Samuel Pepys is thus neatly summarized: No man is a hero to his valet, and unluckily Samuel Pepys, by way of a valet, chose posterity. All the trifles of temper, habit, vice, and social ways, which a keen-eyed valet may observe in his master, Samuel Pepys carefully recorded about himself, and bequeathed to the diversion of future generations. The world knows Pepys as the only man who ever wrote honest confessions, for Rousseau could not possibly be candid for five minutes together, and Saint Augustine was heavily handicapped by being a saint." Mr. Lang is one of those genial writers who beguile us into serious thinking under pretence of amusing us; his prescriptions of thought and criticism are too pleasantly "put up" to be unpalatable to the most general of general readers.

M. JUSSERAND's "English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (XIV. Century)," translated by Miss Lucy Toulmin Smith, is one of those works of detail, the fruit of great industry and erudition, which may be called a magazine of historical information, rather than a vivid historical picture. The careful student can obtain from it an accurate knowledge of this department of social life; but to general readers the descriptions lack vividness and picturesqueness, being rather a systematic analysis than a delineation of social relations. Having said so much, rather by way of definition than of criticism, we must give the highest praise to the book— its original execution, the accuracy and correctness of the translation, and the variety and excellence of the illustrations. These last are so numerous and so graphic that even without any text they would present a pretty complete picture of life upon the road in the Middle Ages. The book is divided into three parts: English Roads (including Bridges, Inns, etc.), Lay Wayfarers, and Religious Wayfarers; each part being divided into three chapters. In the chapter upon Religious Wayfarers, our author fully confirms the commonly received notions of the low state of morality among these classes, at the close of the Middle Ages, and the abuses of indulgences. Perhaps the most interesting discussion in the volume is in Chapter III. of Part II., 66 Outlaws, Wandering Workmen, and Peasants Out of Bond," the statements of which afford a valuable commentary to Professor Thorold Rogers's investigations into the results of the Black Death. It contains (page 274) an interesting comparison between the peasants' revolts of France and of England,

showing the more cool and orderly, and at the same time really more formidable, character of Wat Tyler's rebellion, as compared with that of the Jacquerie. An appendix contains some valuable documents. (Putnam.)

MR. WILSON W. BLAKE has industriously collected a great mass of information, and published it in handsome form in "The Cross, Ancient and The illustrations are one Modern" (Randolph). hundred and four in number, averaging exactly two to a page. It is certainly a useful piece of work, if only as material for future students; but we cannot say that the author's judgment equals his industry. The book contains much that is really curious and valuable. But there is always a great deal that is nonsensical and fallacious about such coincidences as those here pointed out, and we find no serious attempt to discriminate between forms that may really have had some meaning, and those in which the resemblance is only fortuitous. For example, on page 19 we have a number of Roman standards, in which the cross-piece of course presents the shape of which he is in search, but with absolutely no meaning. On the same page is a Roman denarius, on which the X (the symbol for ten asses) is made to do service for a " Cross of Saturn whatever that may be. Nothing is simpler or more natural than the form of the cross, which is the simplest combination of two straight lines, and in half the illustrations of this book is wholly innocent of religious or symbolic meaning.

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MR. THISTLETON DYER'S "Folk-Lore of Plants" (Appleton) is a welcome contribution to a subject which is now attracting much attention. It is a study at once of literature, of flower-culture, and of popular superstitions, all woven together in an attractive and entertaining way. Nor is it merely the gossip of folk-lore; the scholarship and philosophy of the object find adequate treatment. The titles of some of the chapters will show sufficiently the scope of the book. It begins with "Plant Life," followed by "Primitive and Savage Notions respecting Plants," and "Plant Worship." Other chapters (there are twenty-three in all) are Plants in Witchcraft," "Plants and the Weather," "Plants and the Calendar," Children's Rhymes and Games." All these chapters are full of quaint and

interesting information.


July, 1889.

Academical Oratory, Decline of. Andover.
American Diplomat, An. J. L. White. Dial.
André's Last Days. J. O. Dykman. Mag. Am. History.
Books That Have Hindered Me. Agnes Repplier. Atlantic.
Brandywine, The. H. M. Jenkins. Harper.
Christianity and Agnosticism. Rev. Dr. Wace. Pop. Science.
Civil Liberty. W. G. Sumner. Popular Science.
Creeds in Scotland. A. T. Innes. Andover.
Emerson's Private Life. O. F. Emerson. Dial.
English Men of Action. J. J. Halsey. Dial.
Fiction, Recent. Wm. M. Payne, Dial.
Fungi. T. H. McBride. Popular Science.

Glass-Making. W. A. Rogers. Harper.
Goethe. Mary E. Nutting. Andover.
Higher Education, Discipline in. N. S. Shaler.


Huxley, Explanation to. Bishop of Peterborough. Pop. Sci.
Iowa. Mr. Justice Miller. Harper.
Lewis, Henry Carvill. Popular Science.

Medicine, Limitations of. S. S. Burt. Popular Science.
Mississippi, Discovery of. H. L. Reynolds. Mag. Am. Hist.
Muscle and Mind. Frances E. White. Popular Science.
North American Half Breeds. Wm. Barrows. Andover.
Old Masters in New York. W. H. Downes. Nantic.
Oxford Movement in the English Church. Andover.
Petersburg Palaces. Theo. Child. Harper,
Polynesian Kinship. C. N. Starcke. Popular Science.
Railway Maladjustments. Benj. Reece. Popular Science.
Reality. F. H. Johnson. Andover.

Recent Books on Social Questions. John Bascom. Dial.
Sea-Butterflies. Carl Vogt. Popular Science.
Sea-Fishes, Artificial Propagation of. Popular Science.
South and the School Problem. A. G. Haygood. Harper.
Suicide. C. W. Pilgrim. Popular Science.
Telegraph System. C. L. Buckingham. Scribner.
Theological Seminaries, Over-Training in. Andover.
Trotting Races. H. C. Merwin. Atlantic.

Van de Velde, Adriaan. E. Mason. Harper.
Washington and William the Silent. Mag. Am. History.
Washington Centenial. Martha J. Lamb. Mag. Am. History.


[The following list includes all books received by THE DIAL during the month of June, 1889,]


The_Writings of George Washington. Collected and Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. In 14 volumes. Vol. II., 1758-1775. Royal Svo, pp. 502. Gilt top. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $5.00.


George Washington. By Henry Cabot Lodge. In two volumes. 16mo. Gilt top. 'American Statesmen." Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $2.50. Rogers and His Contemporaries. By P. W. Clayden, author of "The Early Life of Samuel Rogers." In two vols. 8vo. Gilt top. London: Smith, Elder & Co. $5. Amiel's Journal. The Journal Intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, author of "Robert Elsmere." New Edition with a Portrait. 12mo, pp. 318. Uncut. Macmillan & Co. $1.75.

Gilt top.

Indoor Studies. By John Burroughs, author of "Wake
Robin." 16mo, pp. 256. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $1.25.
The Jew in English Fiction. By Rabbi David Philipson,
D.D. 16mo, pp. 156. Robert Clarke & Co. $1.00.
Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus rendered into English
Prose, with an Introductory Essay, by A. Lang, M.A.
18mo, pp. 210. Uncut. Macmillan & Co. $1.25.
Essays by De Quincey: Murder Considered as One of the
Fine Arts; Three Memorable Murders; and the Spanish
Nun. 24mo, pp. 303.
Putnam's "Knicker-
bocker Nuggets." $1.00.
The Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith. A Selection
of the Most Memorable Passages in His Writings and
Conversation. 24mo, pp. 445. Gilt top.
"Knickerbocker Nuggets." $1.00.
Deacons. By W. H. H. Murray, author of Adventures in
the Wilderness." 16mo, pp. 82. Cupples & Hurd. 75 cts.
The Sufferings of Christ: Their Origin, Nature, and Re-
sults. Mission Sermons. By Professor W. Clark, LL.D.
Delivered during Holy Week, 1889, at Grace Church,
Detroit, Mich. 4to, pp. 32. Detroit: Young Men's
Association of Grace Church.

My Confession. Count Lyof N. Tolstoï. Translated from the Russian. A Companion Book to "My Religion." 12mo, pp. 242. Paper. T. Y. Crowell & Co. 50 cents.


Diego Velazquez and His Times. By Carl Justi, Professor at the University of Bonn. Translated by Professor A. H. Keane, B.A., F.R.G.S., and Revised by the Author. With Etched Portrait and many Illustrations. 4to, pp. 506. Gilt top. J. B. Lippincott Co. Halfleather. $10.00.

[blocks in formation]

Henry the Seventh. By James Gairdner. 16mo, pp. 219. Macmillan's "Twelve English Statesmen." 60 cents. Wellington. By George Hooper. With Portrait. 16mo. pp. 254. Macmillan's "English Men of Action." 60 cts. The Winning of The West. By Theodore Roosevelt, author of Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. 2 vols. 8vo. Gilt top. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $5.00.

The Crusade of Richard I., 1189-92. Selected and Arranged by T. A. Archer, B.A. 16mo, pp. 395. Gilt top. English History by Contemporary Writers." G. P.

Putnam's Sons. $1.25.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

The River Towns of Connecticut: A Study of Wethersfield, Hartford, and Windsor. By Charles M. Andrews. Svo, pp. 126. Paper. "Johns Hopkins University Studies." $1.00.

The Beginnings of New England; or, The Puritan Theocracy and Its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. By John Fiske. 12mo, pp. 296. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $2.00.

SCIENCE-PHILOSOPHY. The Ice Age in North America, and Its Bearings upon the Antiquity of Man. By G. Frederick Dwight, D.D., LL.D., F.G.S.A., author of " Logic of Christian Evidences." With an Appendix on The Probable Cause of Glaciation," by Warren Upham, F.G.S.A. Many New Maps and Illustrations. Svo, pp. 622. D. Appleton & Co. $5.00.

Darwinism. An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection, with Some of Its Applications, By Alfred Russell Wallace, LL.D., F.L.S. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 494, Macmillan & Co. $1.75.

Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers. By John P. Mahaffy, D.D., and John H. Bernard, B.D. A New and Completed Edition. Volume I., The Kritik of Pure Reason Explained and Defended. 12 mo., pp. 389. Macmillan & Co. $1.75.

Psychology as a Natural Science applied to the Solution of Occult Psychic Phenomena. By C. G. Raue, M.D. 8vo, pp. 541. Porter & Coates. $3.50. Geonomy: Creation of the Continents by the Ocean Currents; and Kosmo-nomia: The Growth of Worlds and the Cause of Gravitation. By J. Stanley Grimes, author of "Problems of Creation." 16mo. J. B. Lippincott Co. 50 cents. Fundamental Problems. The Method of Philosophy as a Systematic Arrangement of Knowledge. By Dr. Paul Carus. 12mo, pp. 267. Open Court Pub'g Co. $1.00.

[blocks in formation]


Between the Lines. A Story of the War. By Captain Charles King, U.S.A., author of "A War-Time Wooing.' Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 312. Harper & Brothers. $1.25. The Wrong Box. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. 12mo, pp. 244. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.00. Miss Eyre from Boston, and Others. By Louise Chandler Moulton, author of "Some Women's Hearts." 16mo, pp. 339. Roberts Brothers. $1.25.

The Fall of Kilman Kon. By Arthur Cummings. 16mo, pp. 348. G. W. Dillingham. $1.50.

Kophetua the Thirteenth. By Julian Corbett, author of "The Fall of Asgard." 16mo, pp. 333. Macmillan &

Co. $1.00.

[blocks in formation]

Inside Our Gate. By Christine Chaplin Brush, author of "The Colonel's Opera Cloak." 16mo, pp. 304. Roberts Brothers. $1.00.

A Sage of Sixteen. By L. B. Walford, author of "Mr. Smith." 16mo, pp.243. Holt's "Leisure Hour Series." $1. Uncle Peter's Trust; or, Following the Drum. By George B. Perry. Illustrated. Square 18mo, pp. 283. Harper & Brothers. $1.00.

Two Daughters of One Race. By W. Heimburg, author of "Gertrude's Marriage." Translated by Mrs. D. M. Lowrey. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 329. Paper. Uncut. Worthington Co. 75 cents.

In the Wire-Grass. A Novel. By Louis Pendleton, author
of Bewitched, and Other Stories." 16mo, pp. 245.
Paper. Appleton's "Town and Country Library." 50 cts.
Lace. A Berlin Romance. By Paul Lindau. 16mo, pp. 324.
Paper. Appleton's "Town and Country Library.” 50 cts.
Cleopatra: Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance

of Harmachis, the Royal Egyptian, as Set Forth by His
Own Hand. By H. Rider Haggard, author of "She."
Illustrated. 16mo, pp. 300. Paper. Harper's "Franklin
Square Library.' 25 cents.

The Scarlet Letter. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. 16mo, pp. 312. Riverside Paper Series." Houghton, Mifflin

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& Co. 50 cents.

The Secret of the Lamas. A Tale of Thibet. 16mo, pp. 235. Cassell's "Sunshine Series." 50 cents. The Last of the Van Slacks. A Story of To-day. By Edward S. Van Zile, author of "Wanted-A Sensation." 16mo, pp. 325. Cassell's "Sunshine Series." 50 cents. The Smuggler of King's Cove; or, The Old Chapel Mystery. By Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., author of "The Painter of Parma." 16mo, pp. 251. Paper. Cassell's "Sunshine Series." 50 cents.

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A Lost Wife. A Novel. By Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron, author of In a Grass Country." 16mo, pp. 288. Lippincott's "Select Novels." 25 cents.

The Devil and I. A Novel. 16mo, pp. 332. Paper. G. W. Dillingham. 50 cents.

Zarailla. A Novel. By Beulah.

16mo, pp. 323. Paper.

G. W. Dillingham. 50 cents. Rocks and Shoals. A Novel. By Bella French Swisher. 16mo, pp. 379. Paper. G. W. Dillingham. 50 cents. Micah Clarke: His Statement as Made to his Three Grandchildren during the Hard Winter of 1734. By A. Conan Doyle. 8vo, pp. 288. Paper. Harper's "Franklin Square Library." 45 cents.


The Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Prepared under the Superintendence of William Dwight Whitney, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Comparative Philology and Sanskrit in Yale University. In Six Volumes. Vol. I., Part I., A-Appet. 4to, pp. 272. The Century Co. $2.50.

A Dictionary of Music and Musicians. (A.D. 14501889). By Eminent Writers, English_and_Foreign. Illustrated. Edited by Sir George Grove, D.C.L., Director Royal College of Music, London. With Appendix, Edited by J. A. Fuller Maitland, M.A. In 4 vols. Vol. IV. 8vo, pp. 820. Macmillan & Co. $6.00.

The Government Year Book: A Record of the Forms and Methods of Government in Great Britain, Her Colonies, and Foreign Countries, 1889, with an Introduction on the Diffusion of Popular Government over the Globe, the Nature and Extent of International Jurisdictions, and a Review of the Chief Occurences Affecting National and International Government in 1888. Edited by Lewis Sargent, author of "New Greece." 12mo, pp. 550. London: T. Fisher Unwin. $2.00.

A Latin-English Dictionary. By C. G. Gepp, M.A., author of "Progressive Exercises in Latin Elegiac Verse," and A. E. Heigh, M.A. 16mo, pp. 563. Ginn & Co. $1.40. Principles of Procedure in Deliberative Bodies. By George Glover Crocker, Pres. Mass. Senate, 1883. 18mo, pp. 167. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 75 cents.

A Guide to the Study of Nineteenth Century Authors. By Louise Manning Hodgkins. 12mo. D. C. Heath & Co. $1.50.

Plato's Protagoras. With the Commentary of Hermann Sauppe. Translated, with Additions, by James A. Towle. Svo, pp. 179. Ginn's "College Series of Greek Authors." $1.50.

M. Tullii Ciceronis Brutus de Claris Oratoribus. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Martin Kellogg, 16mo, pp. 196. Ginn's "College Series of Latin Authors." $1.35. Die Journalisten. By Gustaf Freytag. Edited, with an English Commentary, by Walter D. Toy, M.A. 12mo, pp. 160. Heath's "German Series." 55 cents.

Le Mari de Madame de Solange. By Emile Souvestre. Edited, with English Notes, by O. B. Super, Ph.D. 16mo, pp. 57. Paper. Heath's "Modern Language Series." 20 cents. Handbook of Music Lessons for the First Year Grade. Arranged in Steps Corresponding to the Usual Number of Weeks in the Primary School Year. By W. S. Tilden. 16mo, pp. 36. Paper. Ginn's "National Music Course."

12 cents.


Travels in the Atlas and South Morocco. A Narrative of Exploration. By Joseph Thompson, F.R.G.S., author of "Through Masai-land." Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 488. Longmans, Green, & Co. $3.00.

Impressions of Russia. By Dr. Georg Brandes, author of "Eminent Authors of the Ninteenth Century." Translated from the Danish by Samuel C. Eastman. With Portrait. 12mo, pp. 353. T. Y. Crowell & Co. $1.25.


The Legends and Myths of Hawaii: The Fables and Folk-Lore of a Strange People. By His Hawaiian Majesty Kalakaua. Edited, and with an Introduction, by Hon. R. M. Daggett. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 530. Chas. L. Webster & Co.

The Geography of Marriage; or, Legal Perplexities of Wedlock in the United States. By William L. Snyder. 12mo, pp. 334. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50.

The Popular Science Monthly. Edited by William J. Youmans. Vol. XXXIV., November, 1888, to April, 1889. 8vo, pp. 874. D. Appleton & Co. $3.50. Blunders in Educated Circles Corrected. By Thomas Russell Bowden. 18mo, pp. 76. G. W. Dillingham.

75 cents.

600 Medical Dont's: or, The Physician's Utility Enhanced. By Ferd. C. Valentine, M.D., author of "Central American Medical Curiosities." 18mo, pp. 144. Paper. G. W. Dillingham. 25 cents.

Diet in Relation to Age and Activity. By Sir Henry Thompson, F.R.C.S. Third Am. from Tenth English Edition. Square 16mo, pp. 94. Cupples & Hurd. 25 cts.

[Any book in this list will be mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price by Messrs. A. C. MCCLURG & Co., Chicago.]



A Story. By Mrs. CHRISTINE C. BRUSH, author of "The Colonel's Opera Cloak" in the "No Name Series." One volume, 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.00. The author of "The Colonel's Opera Cloak" makes her first appearance since the publication of that popular book, and tells what happened "Inside Our Gate" in her own delightful way, with the same charming pen that told us of the doings of that famous "Opera Cloak.”


By LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON, author of "Some Women's Hearts," "Random Rambles," etc. One volume, 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.25; paper covers, 50 cents.

A collection of charming stories for the summer reader; a companion to "Ourselves and Our Neighbors" issued last



A Story. By ELEANOR PUTNAM. One volume, 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.00.

By one of the authors of "Prince Vance," which met with so much favor last Christmas, from whose pen have come a number of charming little sketches.

ROGERS AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. By P. W. CLAYDEN, author of "The Early Life of Samuel Rogers," etc. Two volumes, large post 8vo, cloth. Price, $5.00.

"Mr. Clayden's long training as a writer of leading articles for a great London newspaper has admirably qualified him for what has evidently been a labor of love. His style is clear, compact, and straightforward, and his volumes furnish abundant materials for forming a just estimate of Rogers's place in English literature and English social life."-Boston Post.


On the Golden Texts of the International Lessons of 1889. Second Part, July-December. By EDWARD

E. HALE. Uniform in size and style with " SundaySchool Stories, First Part." 16mo, cloth. Price, $1. "But the value of a bright story, illustrating the truth of the lesson, without denominational bias, but with strong religious feeling, and in a way to connect it with practical life, is obvious; and it is this which Mr. Hale and those associated with him have given us. Parents and Sunday-school teachers will welcome these volumes."-Boston Journal.


On the Golden Texts of the International Lessons of 1889. July-December. By Miss LUCRETIA P. HALE, and Mrs. BERNARD WHITMAN. One volume, square 16mo, cloth. Price, $1.00.

"It is published at the same time with the collection for older boys and girls, which as before, was written by what I am tempted to call my own Ten.' Both of them are published with our best hopes and prayers for the welfare of the young people for whom they are written."-E. E. HALE.


Brief Studies in the Book of Nature. By F. A. KNIGHT. With numerous beautiful Illustrations by E. T. COMPTON. 12mo, cloth. Price, $2.00.

"A charming book, beautifully illustrated, and full of delightful Reading."-Newcastle Chronicle.

*For sale by all booksellers, or mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the publishers,





Have Now Ready:


I. THE WINNING OF THE WEST. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, author of "The Naval War of 1812,” « Hunting Trips of a Ranchman,” etc., etc. Two volumes, large octavo. With Maps. $5.00. Extract from Author's Preface.

"In conclusion I would say that it has been to me emphatically a labor of love to write of the great deeds of the border people. I am not blind to their manifold shortcomings, nor yet am I ignorant of their many strong and good qualities. For a number of years I spent most of my time on the frontier, and lived and worked like any other frontiersman. The wild country in which we dwelt and across which we wandered was in the far West; and there were of course many features in which the life of a cattleman on the Great Plains and among the Rockies differed from that led by a backwoodsman in the Allegheny forests a century before. The men who have shared in the fast vanishing frontier life of the present feel a peculiar sympathy with the already long vanished frontier life of the past."

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This book is intended for use as a French Reader in the more advanced classes in schools and colleges. The object is to give an account of the society of the seventeenth century in its relations to literature, and especially of those social currents which were satirized by Molière in the "Précieuses Ridicules" and the Femmes Savantes. This is done by means of extracts from contemporary memoirs, correspondence, novels, and books of etiquette. As in other works of the series, the notes deal chiefly with literary and biographical questions, but unusual grammatical difficulties are not overlooked. The contemporary texts are given (with one or two exceptions) in modern orthography.

[blocks in formation]

The ground surveyed in this work includes all the civilizations of the ancient East, except that of Egypt, which has been treated in a separate volume by Professor Maspero. It extends to the Chaldæans, the Assyrians, the Persians before Alexander; the Hittites of Syria, Cappadocia, and Asia Minor; the Jews, the Phoenicians, and even Cyprus, ending with the Carthaginians and their colonies. This vast field of research, which occupies four volumes in the monumental work of MM. Perrot and Chipiez, is here explored in a more summary manner. But the reader is thereby enabled to grasp, with greater clearness, the unity of the subject treated.

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