Slike stranica

DUGDALE (William). The Visitation of the Countie of Yorke, begun A.D. 1665, and finished 1666. (Surtees Society, vol. 36). 8° London, 1860.

+DUNLAP (S. F.). Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man. 8° New York, 1858.

DÜNTZER (Heinrich).—see Goethe.

+EASTWICK (E. B.). Vocabulary of the Scindee Language. 8° Calcutta, 1843.


A Concise Grammar of the Hindústáni Language; to which are added Selections for reading. 12° London, 1847.

+ELTON (Sir Arthur Hallam). Herbert Chauncey, a Man more sinned against than sinning. 3 vols. 12° London, 1860.

ESPRONCEDA (José). Obras Poeticas ordenadas y anotadas, por J. E. Hartzenbusch. 8° Paris, 1856.

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EUGÈNE (Prince). Mémoires et Correspondance politique et militaire, publiés par A. du Casse. vols. 8° Paris, 1858.

EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS. Chronicon Bipartitum nunc primum ex Armeniaco textu in Latinum conversum, adnotationibus auctum, opera, P. Jo. Baptista Aucher. 2 vols. fol. Venetiis, 1818.

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de Vita Constantini.-see Migne, Cursus Patrologiæ, vol. 9.

FABRETTI (A.). Glossarium Italicum in quo omnia vocabula continentur, ex Umbricis, Sabinis, Oscis, Volscis, Etruscis, cæterisque Monumentis quæ supersunt. vols. Aug. Taurinorum, 1858.

+FALLE (Philip). Cæsarea; or, an Account of Jersey, with an Appendix of Records and Map of the Island. 8° London, 1734.

+FERGUSSON (E. F. T.). Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Hon. E. I. Company's Observatory in the year 1857. fol. Bombay, 1858.

+FERGUSSON (James). An Essay on the Ancient Topography of Jerusalem, and plans, sections, and details of the Church built by Constantine the Great over the Holy Sepulchre. 4° London, 1847. FIGUIER (Louis). L'Année Scientifique et Industrielle; ou, l'Exposé des Travaux scientifiques, des Inventions, et les principales applications de la Science à l'Industrie et aux Arts. 1857.

vols. 12°


+FINLAY (George). History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian Domination. 8° London, 1856.

FLANDIN (Eugène) et Paul COSTE. Voyage en Perse, entrepris par ordre de M. le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Paris, 1851.

Plates, 6 vols. fol.

Text, 2 vols. 8°.

FORBES (Duncan).-—see Culloden Papers.

+FORBES (Duncan). A Dictionary, Hindustani and English, to which is added a reversed part, English and Hindustani. 8° London, 1848.

+FORBES (Edward). The Natural History of the European Seas; edited and continued by Robert Godwin Austin. 12° London, 1859.

+FORSTER (John). Arrest of the Five Members by Charles the First. 8° London, 1860.

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Oliver Cromwell, Daniel de Foe, Sir Richard Steele, Charles Churchill, Samuel Foote. Biographical Essays. 12° London, 1860.

The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, November and December, 1641, with an Introductory Essay on English Freedom under Plantagenet and Tudor Sovereigns. 12° London, 1860. +FORSTER (J. Cooper). The Surgical Diseases of Children. 8° London, 1860.

FOSTER (John). Essay on the different nature of Accent and Quantity, with their use and application in the English, Latin, and Greek Languages. 8° London, 1820.

FOXE (John). Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, chiefly from his Papers, with two contemporary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer; edited by John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. (Camden Society, vol. 77) 4° London, 1860.

+FRANCE. Projet de Loi pour la fixation des recettes et des dépenses de l'exercice, 1860. 4° Paris, 1859.

Documents Inédits. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Beaulieu (en Limousin) publié par Maximin Deloche. 4° Paris, 1859.

Journal d'Olivier Lefèvre d'Ormesson et extraits des Mémoires d'André Lefèvre d'Ormesson, publiés par A. Cheruel. vols. 1643-1650. 4° Paris, 1860.


FRANCIS I. Chronique du Roy Françoys, premier de ce nom, publiée d'après un MS. de la Bibliothèque Impériale par Georges Guiffrey. 8° Paris, 1860.

FREDERICK II. of Germany. Historia Diplomatica Friderici Secundi; sive constitutiones, privilegia, mandata, instrumenta quæ supersunt istius Imperatoris et filiorum ejus; accedunt Epistolæ Paparum, et Documenta varia, collegit et notis illustravit J. L. A. Huillard Bréholles. 4° Paris, 1859.

+FROMMENT (Gustave). Les Actes et Gestes merveilleux de la cité de Genève, mis en lumière par Gustave Revilliod. 8° Genève, 1854.

+GALTON (Francis). The Art of Travel; or, shifts and contrivances available in Wild Countries; third edition. 12° London, 1839. +GARDINER (Sir Robert). Political and Legislative Considerations on National Defence, addressed to the People of England. 8° London, 1860.

GARRUCCI (Raphael).

Graffiti di Pompéi; Inscriptions et Gravures tracées au Stylet recueillies et interpretées, avec l'Atlas de 32 Planches. 2 vols. 4° Paris, 1856.

GAYANGOS (Pascual de).—see Amadis de Gaula.

GEOLOGY.-See India.

GIFFORD (William). The Baviad and Mæviad. 8° London, 1810.

+GILBART (J. W.). The Elements of Banking, with ten minutes' Advice about keeping a Banker. 12° London, 1860.

+GILCHRIST (John). Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language. 4° Calcutta, 1796.

GIUSTI (Giusepppe). Epistolario ordinato da Giovanni Frassi e preceduto dalla vita dell' autore. 2 vols. 12° Firenze, 1859.

+GLADWIN (Francis). A Dictionary, Persian, Hindoostanee, and English, including Synonyma. 2 vols. 4° Calcutta, 1809.

+GLAISHER (James). Meteorological Papers. 8° London, 1858.

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On the Meteorology of England, South of Scotland, and parts of Ireland. 8° London, 1853-1859.

+GLASSE (Samuel). London, 1797.

Course of Lectures on the Holy Festivals. 8°

GOETHE (J. W.). Faust, erster und zweiter Theil zum erstenmal völlständig erlautert von Heinrich Düntzer. 8° Leipzig, 1857. +GOGOL (Nicholas). Cossack Tales, translated from the original Russian by George Tolstoy. 12° London, 1860.

GONZALEZ DE CLAVIJO. Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour at Samarcand, A.D. 1403–6 ; translated, with notes, by Clements R. Markham (Hakluyt Society, vol. 26.) 8° London, 1859.

+GORDON (Patrick), of Auchleuchries. Passages from his Diary. A.D. 1635-1699. (Spalding Club). 4° Aberdeen, 1859.

GORI (Antonius Franciscus). Thesaurus Veterum Diptychorum Consularum et Ecclesiasticorum, accessere J. B. Passerii additamenta. 4 vols. fol. Florentiæ, 1759.

+GRANVILLE (A. B.). The Mineral Springs of Vichy, a Sketch of their chemical and physical characters, and of their efficacy in the treatment of various diseases. 8° London, 1860.

+GRAY (George Robert). Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean, in the collection of the British Museum.. 8° London, 1859.

GRIFFITH (J. W.) and Arthur HENFREY. Micrographic Dictionary; a Guide to the examination and investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. vol. 1, text. 8° London, 1860. GRIMM (Wilhelm). Die Deutsche Heldensage. 8° Gottingen, 1829. GUIFFREY (Georges).-see François I.

GUILEVILLE (Guillaume de). The Book of the Pylgremage of the Sowle; translated from the French and printed by William Caxton, An. 1483; with illuminations taken from the MS. copy in the British Museum; edited by Katherine Isabella Cust. 4° London, 1859. HAAG (Eugene et Emile). La France Protestante; ou, Vie des Protestants Français qui se sont fait un nom dans l'Histoire depuis les premiers temps de la Réformation, jusqu'à la reconnaissance du principe de la Liberté des Cultes par l'Assemblée Nationale. 10 vols. 8°. 18461858.

+HALL (James) and J. D. WHITNEY. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa, embracing the results of investigations made during portions of the years 1855, 1856, and 1857. 2 vols. 4° Iowa, 1858.

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+HALLS (John James). 1860.

Two Months in Arrah. 1857. 8° London,

HAMILTON (Sir William). Lectures on Metaphysic and Logic. 4 vols. 8° London, 1860.

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HAMILTON (Hans Claude).—see State Papers (Ireland).

HAMILTON (W. Douglas).—see Milton.

HANDBOOKS-Hudson's New Handbook for Visitors to the English. Lakes. 12° Kendal, 1860.

Official Catalogue of the Tower Armories, by John Hewitt. 8° London, 1859.

Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, with biographical notices, by Ralph N. Wornum. 8° London, 1859.

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Handbook for Travellers in South Wales and its Borders, including the River Wye. 12° London, 1860.

The Tourist's Handbook for Ireland; new edition. London. 8° 1859.

Black's Picturesque Tourist of Ireland. 12° Edinburgh, 1860. +———————— Murray's Official Handbook of Church and State. 12° London, 1852.

HARCOURT (Rev. Leveson Harcourt).—see Rose.

HARDWICKE'S Titles of Courtesy.-see Walford.

HARTSHORNE (Charles Henry). Salopia Antiqua; or, an inquiry into the Druidical, Military, and other early Remains in Shropshire and the North Welsh Borders; with Observations upon the names of places and a Glossary of Words used in the County of Salop. 4° London, 1841.

HARTZENBUSCH (J. E.).—see Espronceda.

HAUSSONVILLE (Comte E. Hottenin d'). Histoire de la réunion de la Lorraine à la France. 4 vols. 8° Paris, 1854.

HEARD (Sir Isaac).—see Phillipps (Sir T.).

HECKER (J. F. C.). The. Epidemics of the Middle Ages; translated by B. G. Babington, M.D.; completed by the Author's Treatise on Child-Pilgrimages. 8° London, 1859.

+HEINE (Heinrich). Poems complete; translated in the Original Metres, with a sketch of Heine's Life, by Edgar Alfred Bowring. 12° London, 1859.

HENFREY (Arthur).—see Griffith (J. W.).

HENRY IV. Royal and Historical Letters during his reign; edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A. 8° London, 1860.

Vol. 1. 1399-1404.

+HERBERT of Cherbury (Edward Lord). The Expedition to the Isle of Rhe. (Privately Printed.) 4° London, 1860.

HEWITT (John). Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe from the Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the end of the Seventeenth Century; with illustrations from cotemporary monuments. 3 vols. 8° Oxford, 1855-60.

see Handbooks.

+HEYWOOD (James). Academic Reform and University Representation. 8° London, 1860.

HINGESTON (F. C.).—see Henry IV.

HODGSON (John), Vicar of Hartburn, and Author of a History of Northumberland; Memoir of, by the Rev. James Raine. 2 vols. 8° London, 1857.

HOLLAND (Sir Richard). The Buke of the Howlat (Bannatyne Club). 4° Edinburgh, 1823.

HOMERUS. Index Vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade atque Odyssea cæterisque quotquot extant Poematis studio M. Wolfgangi Seberi Sulani. 8° Oxonii, 1780.

HORATIUS. The Odes of Horace translated into English verse, with a Life and notes, by Theodore Martin. 8° London, 1860.

+HOUGH (Franklin B.). Census of the State of New York for 1855. fol. Albany, 1857.

HUDSON (Franklin). The Brasses of Northamptonshire. 4° London, 1853.

HUDSON (Henry), the Navigator. The original Documents in which his career is recorded, collected and annotated, with an Introduction, by G. M. Asher. (Hakluyt Society, vol. 27). 8° London, 1860. HUILLARD (Bréholles).-see Frederick II.

+HUSENBETH (F. C.). Emblems of Saints, by which they are distinguished in Works of Art; second edition. 12° London, 1860. HUTTEN (Ulrich von). Leben von David Friedrich Strauss. 2 vols. 12° Leipzig, 1860.

Gespräche, übersetzt und erlautert von David Friedrich Strauss. 12° Leipzig, 1860.

see Epistolæ.

INCHAFFERY.-Liber Insule Missarum, Abbacie Canonicorum Regularium B. Virginis et S. Johannis de Inchaffery Registrum vetus; premissis quisbusdam comitatus antiqui de Stratherne reliquiis. (Bannatyne Club). 4° Edinburgi, 1847.

IRELAND. Annals of Ireland. Three Fragments copied from ancient sources, by Dubhaltach MacFirbisigh; edited, with a translation and notes, by John O'Donovan, LL.D. (Irish Archæological Society, vol. 18). 4° Dublin, 1860.

IRVING (Joseph). History of Dumbartonshire, civil, ecclesiastical, and territorial; with genealogical notices of the principal families in the county; second edition, 4° Dumbarton, 1860,

JEFFREY (Alexander). History and Antiquities of Roxburghshire and adjacent districts. 3 vols. 12° Edinburgh, 1855. +JOHNSON (Francis). Selections from the Mahábhárata.

8° London,

↑—— Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. 4° London, 1852.

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