+JONES (Owen). Grammar of Ornament; illustrated by examples from various styles of Ornament. fol. London, 1856. +JONES (William). Lectures on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scripture, and the interpretation of it from the Scripture itself. 8° London, 1808. JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Jewish War; a JOURNALS: Bentley's Quarterly Review. 2 vols. 8° London, 1860. vols. 8° Ecclesiologist (The). Published by the Ecclesiological Society. Mechanics' Magazine and Journal of Engineering, Agricultural Revue Contemporaine, et Athenæum Française. Deuxième Série. 8° Paris, 1860. vols. Temple Bar a London Magazine for Town and Country Readers. +KÁLIDASA, The Megha Dúta, or Cloud Messenger: a Poem in the Sanskrit Language, translated by H. H. Wilson, M.A. Second edition. 4° London, 1843. KEMPE (A. J.)-see Loseley MSS. +KENNEDY (Lt.-Col. Vans). A Dictionary of the Maratha Language. 4° Bombay, 1824. KING (Gregory). State of Great Britain.-see Chalmers (George). KÖLLIKER (Albert).-see JOURNALS (Zeitschrift). LABANOFF (Prince de).-see Mary Q. of Scots, Tytler. LACROIX (Paul).—see Raffaelle. LANKESTER (Edwin).-see Schleiden. +LAPPENBERG (J. M.). Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London. 4° Hamburg, 1851. LARRAMENDI (Manuel de). Diccionario Trilingüe Castellano, Bascuence, y Latin, nueva edicion publicada por Don Pio de Zuazua. fol. San Sebastian, 1853. El Impossible Vencido; Arte de la Lengua Bascongada. 12° Salamanca, 1729. LASSEN (Christian). Indische Alterthumskunde. 3 vols. 8° Bonn, 1847. LAWRENCE (Henry). Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon at Athens, exemplified by fifty Etchings, accompanied with explanatory and critical remarks on their style and composition. fol. London, 1818. LEAKE (William Martin). Numismata Hellenica; a Catalogue of Greek Coins, collected by him. 4° London, 1854. LEAKE (William Martin). Supplement to Numismata Hellenica, collected by him. 4° London, 1854. LEE (John). Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution Settlement. 2 vols. 8° London, 1860. LETTSOM (W. N.).-see Shakspeare. LEWES (George Henry). The Physiology of Common Life. 2 vols. 12° London, 1859. LEWIS (Samuel). A Topographical Dictionary of England, comprising the several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, &c., the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man, with historical and statistical Descriptions, illustrated by Maps of the different Counties and Islands; a Map of England, &c., with an Appendix describing the electoral Boundaries of the Boroughs and Representative History of England. Third edition. 5 vols. 4° and atlas. London, 1837. Topographical Dictionary of Wales, with historical and statistical Descriptions, and an Appendix describing the electoral Boundaries of the several Boroughs, illustrated by Maps, second edition. 2 vols. 4° London, 1838. Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, with historical and statistical Descriptions, and an Appendix, describing the electoral Boundaries of the several Boroughs, and Atlas. 2 vols. 4° London, 1837. Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, and Atlas. 3 vols. 4° London, 1846. LEWIS (G. C.).-see Babrius. LINNEUS (Carolus).-see Thornton. +LINWOOD (William). Remarks and Emendations on some passages of Thucydides. 89 8° London, 1860. +LITURGY. Breviarium Romanum, ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. 12° Paris, 1681. Breviarium Romanum, ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. 8° Matriti. 1783. LOBEIRA (Vasco de).—see Amadis de Gaula. LONDON. The Clubs of London; a series of Photographs. fol. London, 1860. LONG (Charles Edward).-see Symonds. LOSELEY MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscripts and other rare Documents illustrative of some of the more minute particulars of English History, Biography, and Manners, from Henry VIII. to James I.; edited, with notes, by A. J. Kempe, F.S.A. 8° London, 1835. LUARD (Henry Richards).—see Cotton (B. de). MCCLINTOCK (F. L.). Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. 8° London, 1859. MCCULLOCH (J. R.)—see Overstone. MACLEAN (John).-see Carew (George Lord). +MACLEAN (John). A Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs, including Genealogical Tables of Kafir Chiefs and various tribal census returns. 8° Kaffaria, 1858. b +MACQUEEN (John Fraser). Treatise on the Law of Marriage, Divorce, and Legitimacy, as administered in the Divorce Courts, and in the House of Lords. 8° London, 1860. MAILROS. Chronica de Mailros, e codice unico in Bibliotheca Cottoniana servato nunc iterum in lucem edita, notulis, indiceque aucta. (Bannatyne Club). 4° Edinburgi, 1835. MAITLAND CLUB PUBLICATIONS: Cochrane's (Andrew) Correspondence. Glasgow. Munimenta Alme Univ. Glasguensis. MAJOR (R. H.).—see Australia. +MANN (James A.). The Cotton Trade of Great Britain; its rise, progress and present extent. 8° London, 1860. +MARCELLUS (Le Comte de). Souvenirs Diplomatiques: Correspondance intime du Vicomte de Chateaubriand. 8° Paris, 1858. +MARCET (W.). On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication, or Alcoholic stimulants in connexion with the nervous system. 12° London, 1860. MARIETTE (P. J.). Abecedario; et autres notes inédites de cet amateur sur les Arts et les Artistes, publié par Ph. de Chennevières et A. de Montaiglon. 8° Paris, 1851. MARKHAM (Clements R.).—see Gonzalez de Clavijo. MARTIN (Theodore).-see Horatius. MARY, Queen of Scots. Lettres de Marie Stuart, publiées avec sommaires, traductions, notes, et facsimile, par A. Teulet. 8° Paris, 1859. Notice sur la collection des Portraits de Marie Stuart, appartenant au Prince Alexandre Labanoff, précédée d'un resumé chronologique. 8° St. Petersbourg, 1860. see Tytler. MAY (Thomas Erskine). Practical Treatise on the Law, Privileges, proceedings, and usage of Parliament; fourth edition. 8° London, 1859. +MEDHURST (W. H.). Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language, according to the reading and colloquial idioms. 4° Macao. 1832. METEOROLOGY, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. MICHELET (J.). at St. Helena. vol. 2. 1844-9. 4° London, 1860. Tome 13. Louis XIV. et la Révocation de l'Edit de Nantes. 8°. MILL (John Stuart). Dissertations and Discussions political, philosophical, and historical. 2 vols. 8° London, 1859. MILLER (Hugh). Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland; or, the traditional history of Cromarty. 12° London, 1858. The Cruise of the Betsey; or, a Summer Ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides. 12° London, 1858. Sketch Book of Popular Geology; being a series of Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh. 12° London, 1859. MILLER (Hugh). My Schools and Schoolmasters; or, the story of my Education. 12° London, 1860. MILTON (John). Original Papers illustrative of his Life and Writings, including sixteen Letters of State written by him, now first published from MSS. in the State Paper Office; with an appendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell family; collected and edited by W. Douglas Hamilton. (Camden Society, vol. 75). 4° London, 1859. +MOLESWORTH (J. T.). A Dictionary Marathi and English; assisted by George and Thomas Candy, revised and enlarged by J. T. Molesworth. 4° Bombay, 1857. 4° A Dictionary English and Maráthi, compiled for the Government of Bombay; continued and completed by T. Candy. Bombay, 1847. MOMMSEN (Theodorus). Inscriptiones Regni Neapolitani Latinæ. fol. Lipsiæ, 1852. MÜLLER (Joannes).—see JOURNALS (Archiv für Anatomie). +MÜLLER (Max). History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, so far as it illustrates the primitive Religion of the Brahmins. 8° London, 1859. MUNCH (P. A.) and H. E. SCHIRMER. The Cathedral of Throndheim; published by order of the Norwegian Government. fol. Christiania, 1850. +MURRAY (Thomas Boyles). Chronicles of a City Church; being an account of St. Dunstan-in-the-East, with short Biographical notices of eminent persons connected with the Church and Parish. London, 1839. NATIONAL DEBT.--see Overstone, Tracts, vol. 1. 4° †NATIONS. Progress of Nations; or the Principles of National Development in their relation to Statesmanship. 8° London, 1861. NEW YORK (Census of).-see Hough. [+NEWMAN (Samuel).] A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, with the various readings both of text and margin. fol. Cambridge, 1682. NICHOLS (John Gough).—see Foxe. NEW SOUTH WALES, Statistical Register-see Rolleston. +NICCOLINI (Giovan Battista). Lezioni di Mitologia. 2 vols. 12° Firenze, 1855. NICOLAS (Sir Harris). The Historic Peerage of England, exhibiting, under alphabetical arrangement, the origin, descent, and present state of every Title of Peerage which has existed in this country since the Conquest; revised by William Courthope. 8° London, 1857. NIGHTINGALE (Florence). Notes on Nursing; what it is, and what it is not. 8° London, 1860. NORTHCOTE (J. Spencer). The Roman Catacombs; or, some account of the burial places of the early Christians in Rome. 12° London, 1859. +OLIPHANT (Laurence). Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, 1858, 1859. 2 vols. S° London, 1859. +OLIPHANT (Laurence). Patriots and Filibusters; or, incidents of political and exploratory Travel. 12° London, 1860. +OLLIVANT (Alfred), Bishop of Llandaff. Some Account of the condition of the fabric of Llandaff Cathedral, chiefly from 1575 to the present time; with extracts from the Act Books of the Chapter. 4° London, 1860. ORELLIUS (J. C.). Inscriptionum Latinarum selectarum Collectio ad illustrandam Romanæ Antiquitatis disciplinam accommodata. vol. 3. Edidit Gulielmus Henzen. 8° Turici. 1856. +ORLICH (Leopold von). Reise in Ostindien in Briefen an Alexander von Humboldt und Carl Ritter. 8° Leipzig. 1858. ORMESSON (Olivier Lefevre d').—see France-Documents Inédits. +O'SHAUGHNESSY (W. B.). On the Manufacture of an improved Pottery from Indian Clays. 8° Bengal, 1840. +OSBORN (Sherard). The Past and Future of British Relations in China. 12° London, 1860. +OUCHTERLONY (J.). Pocket Dictionary, English and Tamil; giving the nomenclature employed as well by the lower as the higher classes of natives. 8° Madras, 1851. +OVERSTONE (Lord). A select collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, reprinted by Lord Overstone, and edited by J. R. McCulloch. 4 vols. 8° London, 1857-1859. tOWEN (David Dale). First Report of Geological Reconnaissance of the Northern Counties of Arkansas, made during the years 1857 and 1858. 8° Little Rock, 1858. +OWEN (Richard). Paleontology; or, a systematic summary of extinct Animals and their Geological relations. 8° Edinburgh, 1860. PANIZZI (Antonio).-see Ariosto, Bojardo. PASSERI (Giambattista). Istoria delle Pitture in Majolica fatte in Pesaro e ne' luoghi circonvicini, seconda edizione con aggiunte importantissime. 8° Pesaro, 1857. PASSERI (J. B.).-—see Gori (A. T.). +PAULI (Reinhold). Bilder aus Alt-England. 8° Gotha, 1860. PEARSON (J. N.).—see Leighton (Archbishop). PECOCK (Reginald), D.D., sometime Bishop of Chichester. The Repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy; edited by Churchill Babington. 2 vols. 8° London, 1860. +PEEL (Sir Robert).-A Sketch of his Life and Character, by Sir Laurence Peel. 12° London, 1860. +PHILLIPS (Sir Thomas). Glamorganshire Pedigrees from the MSS. of Sir Isaac Heard, Knight, Garter King of Arms. fol. Worcester, |