This List contains all Works added by PURCHASE or by DONATION to the Library during the Year 1867, 1868. Continuations of Works in Progress, of TRANSACTIONS, JOURNALS, and other PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, are not inserted. ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY. 1867-68. ABBADIE (Jaques). Chemical Change in the Eucharist. Translated by John W. Hamersley. 8vo. London, 1867. ABBOTT (Richard). Narrative. A Servant of Caryll, Lord Molyneux, containing an account of his apprehension, imprisonment, and release in the years 1689-91. (Chetham Society. Vol. 61. 4to.) Manchester, 1864. ABYSSINIA. Routes in Abyssinia, with Appendix (3 parts). 8vo. with Map abridged from the above, compiled at the Ordnance Topographical Depôt. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. ACLAND (Henry W.). Address to the British Medical Association, delivered Oxford, 1868. 8vo. London, 1868. ALABAMA. Official Correspondence on the claims of the United States in respect of the Alabama. 8vo. London, 1867. ALARCON Y MENDOZA (Juan Ruiz de). Comedias; Coleccion hecha é ilustrada por Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch. Svo. Madrid, 1857. ALEXANDER (William). Specimens Poetical and Critical. 12mo. London, 1867. ALEXANDER (William Lindsay).-see Kitto (John). AL HARIRI. The Assemblies of; translated from the Arabic, with an Introduction and Notes, historical and grammatical. By Thomas Chenery. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1867. ALLOU (C.N.). Descriptions des Monumens des différens Ages observés dans le département de la Haute-Vienne, avec un précis des Annales 4to. Limoges, 1821. de ce pays. AMEIS.-see Poetæ Bucolici, etc. AMERICA. Reports on the subject of a License Law, by a Joint Special Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1867. AMPERE (J. J.). L'Empire Romain à Rome. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1867 -see Ozanam (A. F.). ANSTED (D. T.). Physical Geography. 8vo. London, 1867. ANSTEY (Henry).—see Oxford; Munimenta. (Thomas Chisholm). Notes upon the Representation of the People Act, 1867. 8vo. London, 1867. ANSTICE (J.). Selections from the Choric Poetry of the Greek Dramatic Writers. 12mo. London, 1832. APEL (F. H.). Drei Monate in Abyssinien und Gefangenschaft unter König Theodorus II. 12mo. Zürich, 1866. B AQUINO (Carolus de). Vocabularium Architecture Edificatoriæ. 4to. Romæ, 1734. ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Exeter.-see Transactions-Cat., Vol. 3. ARGYLL, Duke of, The Reign of Law. 12mo. London, 1868. Moratin. Cervantes. Spain; Novelistas anteriores á Tellez (Fray Gabriel). ARISTOPHANES. The Peace of. The Greek Text revised, with a translation into corresponding metres and occasional notes by Benjamin Buckley Rogers. 4to. London, 1867. ARISTOTLE. Logique, traduite et accompagnée de notes perpétuelles par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Psychologie d'Aristote. Traité de l'Ame, traduit par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Poétique d'Aristote, traduite et accompagnée de notes perpétuelles par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Politique, traduite par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Physique, ou leçons sur les principes généraux de la Nature, traduite par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862. De la Logique d'Aristote. Par J. Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. ARMY. Mortality of the British Army at home and abroad, and during the Russian War. Folio. London, 1858. ARNOLD (Matthew). New Poems. 12mo. London, 1868. ARNOTT (Neil). Arithmetic simplified for general use, and adapted to aid students engaged in any departments of Science and Art, also to serve as a supplement to the author's "Elements of Physics," and other works on popular science. 8vo. London, 1867. ASHMOLE (Elias). Index to the Catalogue of the MSS. of Elias Ashmole, formerly preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, and now deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford [by W. D. Macray]. 4to. Oxford, 1866. AUSTEN (John H.). Guide to the Geology of the Isle of Purbeck and the South-West Coast of Hampshire. (Purbeck Society). 8vo. Blandford, 1852. AUSTRALASIA. Intercolonial Exhibition, Melbourne, 1866-67. Official Record, containing Introduction, Catalogues, etc. 8vo. Melbourne, 1867. BABEES BOOK. Books of Nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell. Wynkyn de Worde's Book of Kervynge, The Book of Demeanor, Book of Curtasye, Seager's Schoole of Vertue. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. With Plates. (Early English Text Society. Vol. 32.) 8vo. London, 1868. BACHELIN (A.). Description du Livre d'Heures de la Dame de Saluces, faisant partie de la Bibliothèque de M. Yemenez. 8vo. Paris, 1867. BACK (Sir George). Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. Terror, undertaken with a view to geographical discovery on the Arctic. Shores, in the years 1836-37. 8vo. London, 1838. BADHAM (Charles). History and Antiquities of All Saints Church Sudbury, and of the parish generally, derived from the Harleian MSS. and other sources. Svo. London, 1852. BAIN (Alexander). Mental and Moral Science; a compendium of Psychology and Ethics. 12mo. London, 1868. don, 1866. An English Grammar. 12mo. London, 1868. BAKER (Sir Samuel). The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. 8vo. London, 1868. BALLANTYNE (James R.). First Lessons in Sanskrit Grammar, together with an Introduction to the Hitopadésa. 8vo. London, 1865. BANCHERO (Giuseppe). La Tavola di Bronzo, Il Pallio di Seta, ed Il Codice Colombo Americano nuovamente illustrati. 8vo. Genova, 1867. BANNATYNE CLUB. Lists of Members and the rules, with a catalogue of the books printed for the Bannatyne Club since its institution in 1823. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Nova Scotia. Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts relating to the colonization of New Scotland, and the institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia, 1621-38. (Bannatyne Club. Vol.-.) 4to. Edinburgh, 1867. Adversaria, notices illustrative of some of the earlier Works printed for the Bannatyne Club. (Bannatyne Club. Vol.-.) 4to. Edinburgh, 1867. BARGRAVE (John). Pope Alexander and the a catalogue of Dr. Bargrave's Museum. Robertson. (Caniden Society. Vol. 92.) BARNES (Ambrose). Memoirs of the Life of; time Alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Longstaffe. (Surtees Society. Vol. 50.) BARRINGTON (Daines). Observations on the more Ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to the twenty-first of James I., cap. xxvii., with an Appendix. 4to. London, 1769. BATJIN (Nicolas).—see Napoléon. College of Cardinals, with Edited by James Craigie 4to. London, 1867. late merchant and someEdited by W. H. D. 8vo. London, 1867. BAXTER (R. Dudley). National Income of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1868. BEAUMONT (Joseph). Psyche, or Love's Mystery, in 24 Cantos, displaying the intercourse between Christ and the Soul. Folio. Cambridge, 1702. BECKER (Wilhelm Adolph). Handbuch der Römischen Alterthümer; fortgesetzt von Joachim Marquhardt. Vol. 5. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. BÉCLARD et AXENFELD.-see France. Recueil de Rapports, No. 14. BELL (Evans). The Great Parliamentary Bore. 8vo. London, 1868. Retrospects and Prospects of Indian Policy. 8vo. London, 1868. BENEDICTUS ABBAS. The Chronicle of the Reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., A.D. 1169-92, known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. Edited from the Cotton MS., by William Stubbs. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 1867. BERCHET (Guglielmo).-see Venice. BERGENROTH (G. A.).—see State Papers; Calendars. BERNARD (Claude).-see France. Recueil de Rapports, No. 22. BERRY (William). London. 1844. BERTIN. See France. Recueil de Rapports, No. 11. BERTRAND (J.).—see France. Recueil de Rapports, No. 23. Folio. BIBLE. The Book of Genesis in English-Hebrew, accompanied by an interlinear translation, substantially the same as the authorized English Version, with notes, and a Grammatical Introduction, by William Greenfield. 8vo. London, 1848. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, now first printed from the original MSS. in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library. Part I. Matthew. (Surtees Society. Vol. 38.) Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stephenson. 8vo. Durham, 1854. Part II. Mark. (Surtees Society. Vol. 39.) Edited by George Waring. 8vo. Durham, 1861. Part III. Luke. Edited by George Waring. (Surtees Society. Vol. 43.) 8vo. Durham, 1863. Part IV. John, with Preface and Prolegomena. Edited by George Waring. (Surtees Society. Vol. 48.) Svo. Durham, 1865. BILLING (Archibald). The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, ancient and modern. 8vo. London, 1867. BINNS (R. W.). Century of Potting in the City of Worcester, being the history of the Royal Porcelain Works from 1751 to 1851. Svo. London, 1865. BIRCH (Samuel). Dictionary of Hieroglyphics.-see Bunsen (C. C. J. Baron) "Egypt's Place in Universal History." Vol. 5. 8vo. London, 1867. BLAKE (William). "Pictor Ignotus," Life of; with selections from his Poems and other Writings by the late Alexander Gilchrist. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1863. BLAKEWAY (John Brickdale). The Sheriffs of Shropshire, with their Armorial Bearings and Notices, Genealogical and Biographical, of their families. Folio. Shrewsbury, 1831. BLASHFIELD (J. M.). Terra-Cotta Chimney Shafts. Chimney Pots manufactured by him. Parts 1 to 8. 4to. London, 1868. BLEEK (W. H. I.). The Library of his Excellency Sir George Grey, presented by him to the South African Public Library. Early Printed Books. Vol. 4. Part I. 8vo. London, 1867. BLUNT (John Henry).-see Liturgy. BÖHME (Jacob). Alle Theosophische Werke. 5 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1682. BOLTON (M. P. W.). Inquisitio Philosophica; an examination of the principles of Kant and Hamilton. 8vo. London, 1866. Examination of the principles of the ScotoOxonian Philosophy. Part I. Svo. London, 1866. BONNEY (T. G.). The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the neighbouring countries; a Pedestrian's notes on their Physical features, Scenery, and Natural History. Svo. Cambridge, 1868. BOOK OF GOD. The Apocalypse of Adam-Oannes. (Presented. |