Slike stranica

CALVERT (Frederick). Letter upon the formation of a Tribunal for the Trial of Controverted Elections. (Ath. Coll., vol. 604.) 8vo. London, 1868. CARLYLE (Thomas). Inaugural Address at Edinburgh, April 2nd, 1866, on being installed as Rector of the University there. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 43.) 12mo. Edinburgh, 1866.

Shooting Niagara; and after? (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol.

43.) 12mo. London, 1867.

CARPENTER (William B.). Preliminary Report of Dredging Operations in the Seas to the North of the British Islands. (Ath. Coll., vol. 612.). 8vo. London, 1868.

CENTRAL ASIA. The Central Asian Question from an Eastern Stand-point. (Ath. Coll., vol. 606.) 8vo. London, 1869.

CHADWICK (Edwin). The Election for the Kilmarnock Burghs. (Ath. Coll., vol. 604) 8vo. Mortlake, 1868.

8vo. London, 1868.

National Elementary Education. (Ath. Coll., vol. 611.)

Specification of the Sanitary Requirements for House Construction. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1868. CHARGES.- -see Trench, Courtenay, Jacobson, and Thirlwall.

COCHRANE (Alexander Baillie). The Thames Embankment and the New Law Courts. (Ath. Coll., vol. 612.) 8vo. London, 1869.

COLE (Henry). On the Economy and Efficiency of a National Army in connection with the Industry and Education of the People. (Ath. Čoll., vol. 608.) 8vo. London, 1869.

CONGREVE (Richard). Ireland. (Ath. Coll., vol. 598.) 8vo. London, 1868. CONINGHAM (William). A few Words on the Endowments of the Clergy in Ireland. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. Brighton, 1868.

CONINGTON (John). The Style of Lucretius and Catullus as compared with that of the Augustan Poets. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. Oxford, 1867. COQUEREL (Athanase) and PAUL (C. Kegan). Two Sermons preached at the first Anniversary of the Free Christian Union. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 43.) 12mo. London, 1869.

CORRY (H. T. L.). The Navy Speeches on Mr. Seely's Motion for the appointment of a Select Committee on Admiralty Monies and Accounts, etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 604.) 8vo. London, 1868.

COTTON (Sir Sydney). The Central Asian Question. (Ath. Coll., vol. 606.) 8vo. Manchester,

COURTENAY (Reginald). A Primary Charge, delivered at the Convocation of the Clergy of Jamaica, holden in Spanish Town, April 15th, 1858. (Charges, vol. 20.) 8vo. Kingston, 1868.

Diocese of Jamaica ston, 1868.

A Pastoral Charge addressed to the Clergy of the in the year 1862. (Charges, vol. 20.) 8vo. King

A Pastoral Charge addressed to the Diocese of Jamaica in the year 1868. (Charges, vol. 20.) 8vo. Kingston, 1868. CRAMPTON (T.). Letter to Edwin Chadwick. (Ath. Coll., vol. 611.) 8vo. London, 1868.

CRAWFURD (John). On the Invention of Writing Materials in reference to Ethnology. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. London, 1866.

CUNNINGHAM (Alexander W.). Notes on the History, Methods, and Technological importance of Descriptive Geometry. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868.

DECLARATION of the Irish Catholic Laity in favour of Religious Equality. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo.

DENISON (George Anthony). The Churches of England and Ireland one Church, etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

DIRCKS (Henry). Patent Monopoly as affecting the Encouragement, Improvement, and Progress of Sciences, Arts, and Manufactures. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1869.

DISESTABLISHMENT and Disendowment the First Steps towards Revolution. (Ath. Coll., vol. 601.) 8vo. London, 1869.

DROOP (H. R.). On the Political and Social Effects of Different Methods of electing Representatives. (Ath. Coll., vol. 605.) 8vo. London, 1869. DUFFERIN (Lord). Mr. Mill's Plan for the Pacification of Ireland examined. (Ath. Coll., vol. 598.) 8vo. London, 1868.

DUPANLOUP (Félix). Les Alarmes de l'Episcopat justifiées par les Faits. Lettre à un Cardinal par l'Evêque d'Orléans. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 33.) Royal 8vo. Paris, 1868.

Lettre de Mgr. l'Évêque d'Orléans aux Prêtres de son Diocèse pour leur donner communication de son Avertissement à M. L. Veuillot. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 33.) Royal 8vo. Paris, 1869.

EARDLEY-WILMOT (Sir John E., Bart.). A Letter to the Protestants of the United Kingdom on the proposed Disestablishment of the Irish Church. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

EDUCATION. See Arnott; Brandreth; Chadwick; Crampton; Garfit; Guy; Kay-Shuttleworth; Lowe; Maxse; Sandford; Sopwith; Zincke.

ELTON (Sir Arthur Hallam, Bart.). The Nation's Duty to the Protestant Church of Ireland. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

[ENGLISHMAN.] The Irish Church. (Ath. Coll., vol. 602.) 8vo. London, 1869.

EVANS (John). On Man and his Earliest Known Works. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. Salisbury, 1867.

EYRE (Sir Vincent). A Retrospect of the Affghan War. 606.) 8vo. London, 1869.

(Ath. Coll., vol.

[F. M.] Rumoured Reconstruction of the Regiment of Artillery; Remarks on the Elementary Principles connected with the Subject. (Ath. Coll., vol. 608.) 8vo. London, 1868.

[F. R. G. S.] The Irish Land Question impartially considered. (Ath. Coll., vol. 599.) 8vo. London, 1870.

FALCONER (Thomas). Address delivered at the Royal Institution of South Wales. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. Swansea, 1868.

FFOULKES (Edmund S.). The Church's Creed or the Crown's Creed? Letter to Archbishop Manning. (Ath. Coll., vol. 610.) 8vo. London, 1868. The Roman Index and its late Proceedings. A Archbishop Manning. (Ath. Coll., vol. 610.) 8vo.

Second Letter to
London, 1869.

Is the Western Church under Anathema? (Ath. Coll., vol. 610.) 8vo. London, 1870.


FISHERIES PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION. On the pollution of the Rivers of the Kingdom, etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1868. FORCHHAMMER (P. W.). Bundesstaat und Einheitsstaat. (Ath. Coll., vol. 615.) 8vo. Kiel, 1866.

FORCHHAMMER (P. W.). Die Gründung Roms. (Ath. Coll., vol. 615.) 8vo. Kiel, 1868.

FOWLER (William). Mozley and Tyndall on Miracles. (Ath. Coll., vol. 615.) 8vo. London, 1868.

FULTON (J. W.). A Plea for the Protestant Churches in Ireland. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. Belfast, 1868.

GARFIT (Arthur). The Conscience Clause, and the extension of Education in the Neglected Districts. (Ath. Coll., vol. 611.) 8vo. London, 1868. GASSIOT (J. P.) London and St. Katharine Docks Company, Remarks on its Income and Expenditure, etc. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 33.) Royal 8vo. London, 1869.

GAYER (Arthur Edward). Fallacies and Fictions relating to the Irish Church Establishment exposed. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. Dublin, 1868.

GEM (Harvey). The New Law Courts; which should be the Site? (Ath. Coll., vol. 616.) 8vo. London, 1869.

GIBBS (Frederick Waymouth). Extradition Treaties. (Ath. Coll., vol. 607.) 8vo. London, 1868.

GLADSTONE (W. E.). A Chapter of Autobiography. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. London, 1868.

GLEIG (G. R.). Letters on the Irish Question. (Ath: Coll., vol. 598.) 8vo. London, 1868.

GRAY (Sir John). The Irish Land Question: Speech delivered in Manchester, October the 18th, 1869. (Ath. Coll., vol. 599.) 8vo. Dublin, 1869. GREG (W. R.). Why are Women redundant? (Ath. Coll., vol. 604.) 8vo. London, 1869.

GREGORY (Charles Hutton). Address on his Election as President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1868.

GREY (Henry Earl). Letter to John Bright, Esq., respecting the Irish Church. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

GROVE (William Robert). The Importance of the study of Physical Science in Medical Education. (Ath. Coll., vol. 612.) 8vo. London, 1869.

GULLICK (T. J.). The Royal Academy; the 'Outsiders,' and the Press. (Ath. Coll., vol. 616.) 8vo. London, 1869.

GUY (William Augustus). On Education, as illustrated by Medical Usages and Experiences. (Ath. Coll., vol. 611.) 8vo. London, 1868.

HALFORD (George Britton). The New Treatment of Snake-Bite. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. Melbourne, 1869.

HARRINGTON (George Fellows). The Sun not the Source of Heat and Light to the Solar System. (Ath. Coll., vol. 612.) 8vo. Ryde. 1869.

HAYES (William). Free Trade in Land, Comments on the Speech of Professor Fawcett at Brighton on the 27th January, 1868. (Ath. Coll., vol. 599.) 8vo. London, 1868.

HEYWOOD (James). Ancient Legend of an Early Skilful Archer, etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. Norwich, 1868.

HILL (Francis T.). Ecclesiastical Establishments, etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 605.) 8vo. London, 1869.

HINCKS (Sir Francis). Religious Endowments in Canada. (Ath. Coll., vol. 602.) 8vo. London, 1869.

[HISTORICUS.] Additional Letters on some Questions of International Law. Ath. Coll., vol. 607.) 8vo. London, 1863.

HOBHOUSE (Arthur). The Characteristics of Charitable Foundations in England. (Ath. Coll., vol. 614.) 8vo. London, 1868.

HOOK (Walter Farquhar). The Disestablished Church in the Republic of the United States of America. (Ath. Coll., vol. 602.) 8vo. London, 1869.

HOPE (Beresford). Speech in moving the rejection of the Metric Weights. and Measures Bill. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1868.

HORACE.-See Ignotus.

HOSEASON (John Cochrane). Remarks on the Naval, Military, and Financial resources of Great Britain. (Ath. Coll., vol. 608.) 8vo. London, 1868. HOSKYNS (C. Wren). The Land Laws of England in their influence on Agriculture. (Ath. Coll., vol. 607.) 8vo. London, 1867.

HOUSE OF LORDS, The, and the Irish Church Bill. (Ath. Coll., vol. 602.) 8vo. London, 1869.

HYACINTHE (Father). Peace; an Address delivered on the 24th of June, 1869; with a Prefatory Letter by the Rev. Father Gratry; translated from the French by Gustave Masson. (Ath. Coll., vol. 605.) 8vo. London, 1870.

(Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 42.)

[IGNOTUS.] Some Translations from Horace. 12mo. Paddington, 1866. INDIA. Opinion of the Press in India on the Tenant Right Controversy in the Punjab, etc., as collected from Newspapers during the years 1865 to 1869. (Ath. Coll., vol. 606.) 8vo. Lahore, 1869.

INDIA.-see Bourne; Cotton; Central Asia; Eyre; Lees; Syed Ahmed; Transindicus; Walsh.

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION for Obtaining a Uniform Decimal System of Measures, Weights, and Coins. I. Narrative of its Origin and Progress. II. Adoption of the Metric System. III. Measures and Weights of the Metric System. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1867.

London, 1868.

Tenth Report of the Council. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo.

Debate in the House of Commons on the Proposed Introduction of the Metric System, 1st July, 1863. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1863.

Debate in both Houses on the Metric Weights and Measures Bill; Session 1864. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1864. Debate in the House of Commons, May 13, 1868. Ath.

Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1868.

IRELAND. A Word to the Right Hon. Chichester Fortescue. (Ath. Coll., vol. 598.) 8vo. London,


see Barron; Beatty; Bridges Butler-Johnstone; Congreve; Dufferin; Gleig; Laicus; Lover of Peace; Manning; Mayo; Mill; Nevile; Newdegate; Nunn; Russel; Sheil; Stovel.

IRISH CHURCH. Report of the Conference of Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, etc., of the Irish Branch of the United Church of England and Ireland, held in Dublin, 1869. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 42.) 12mo. Dublin, 1869. IRISH CHURCH QUESTION..—see Andrews; Barrister; Begg; Brady; Coningham; Declaration; Denison; Disestablishment; Elton; EardleyWilmot; Englishman; Fulton; Grey; Gayer; Hincks; Hook; House of Lords; Jones; London Rector; MacColl; Moriarty; O'Brien; Page; Stanley; Stopford; Thirlwall.

[IRISH LANDLORD.] Fixity of Tenure. (Ath. Coll., vol. 599) 8vo. London, 1870.

IRISH LAND QUESTION (The) and the Twelve London Companies in the County of Londonderry. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 42.) 12mo. Belfast,


see Baxter; Caird; F. R. G. S.; Gray; Hayes; Irish Landlord; Irish Peer; Maclagan; Oranmore and Browne.

[IRISH PEER.] A Common-sense View of the Irish Land Question. Coll., vol. 599.) 8vo. London, 1870.


[J. S.] A few words about Fruit, Garden, and other articles of Produce and Food. (Ath. Coll., vol. 615.) 8vo. Liverpool, 1863.

JACOBSON (Bishop William). Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese (Chester) at his Primary Visitation, October, 1868. (Charges, vol. 20.) 8vo. Chester, 1868.

JONES (W. Bence). The Irish Church from the Point of View of one of its Laymen. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

The Future of the Irish Church. (Ath. Coll., vol. 602.) 8vo. Dublin, 1869.

(Sir Willoughby). The Arterial Drainage of Norfolk. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 33.) Royal 8vo. Norwich, 1868.

JUKES (J. Beete).
Coll., vol. 613.)

Notes on Parts of South Devon and Cornwall. (Ath. 8vo. Dublin, 1868.

KAY-SHUTTLEWORTH (Sir James). Memorandum on Popular Education. (Ath. Coll., vol. 611.) 8vo. London, 1868.

LACON (William Stirling). The Rule of the Road at Sea; or the Steering and Sailing Rules. (Ath. Coll., vol. 607.) 8vo. London, 1868. [LAICUS.] England and Ireland; or Union without Communion; Letter to the Earl of Derby. (Ath. Coll., vol. 597.) 8vo. Dublin, 1868.

LANE (James R.). On the Prevention of Contagious Venereal Disease. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1869.

LATHAM (Baldwin). Inaugural Address: The Results of Sanitary Engineering. (Ath. Coll., vol. 613.) 8vo. London, 1868. LAW.-see Bowen; Gibbs; Historicus; Hoskyns; Lacon; National AssoSwanston; Webster. ciation; Parliamentary Elections Act; Broad Church" the [LAYMAN.] Puseyism, the School of the Infidels; or Offspring of "High Church," etc. (Ath. Coll., vol. 609.) 8vo. London,


1865. LEAVITT (Joshua). An Essay on the best Way of developing improved Political and Commercial Relations between Great Britain and the United States. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 43.) 12mo. London, 1869.


Ditto, ditto. (Ath. Coll., vol. 615.)

8vo. London,

LEES (W. Nassau). Materials for the History of India previous to the Foundation of the British Indian Empire. (Ath. Coll., vol. 606.) 8vor Hertford, 1868.

LEFEVRE (G. Shaw). The personal Payment of Rates and the Reform Act of 1867. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1868.

LEVI (Leone). Metric Weights and Measures. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1868.

LINDSAY (Lord). Conservatism; its Principle, Policy, and Practice. (Ath. Coll., vol. 603.) 8vo. London, 1868.

LITERATURE.-see Barnes; Barry; Beke; Busk; Caird; Conington; Crawfurd; Falconer; Forchhammer; Fowler; Gladstone; Heywood; Hobhouse; [J. S.]; Leavitt; Mayer; Negri; Ormerod; Pantaleoni; Pearson; Peel; Review; Smith; Todd; Un-Ne-Nama.

[LONDON RECTOR.] Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, on his Proposal to abolish the Irish Branch of the United Church of England and Ireland. (Ath. Coll., vol. 600.) 8vo. London, 1868.

LORING (F. W.) and ATKINSON (C. F.). Cotton Culture and the South considered with reference to Emigration. (Ath. Coll., vol. 604.) 8vo. Boston, 1869.

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