Slike stranica

WEALE (W. H. James).-see Catalogue.

WEIR (Archibald) and MACLAGAN (William Dalrymple). The Church and the Age: Essays on the principles and present position of the Anglican Church. 8vo. London, 1870.

WELLS (David A.). Revenue of the United States: Official Report. (Cobden Club) 12mo. London, 1870.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Wreck of; being a Selection from the Monumental Records of the most conspicuous personages of the latter end of the Eighteenth Century. 4to. London, 1801.

WICKHAM (William). The Correspondence of the Right Hon. William Wickham, from the year 1794. Edited by his Grandson, William Wickham. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1870.

WIGGINS (John). The Monster Misery of Ireland; a practical treatise on the relation of Landlord and Tenant. 12mo. London, 1844.

WILLELMUS (Malmesbiriensis). De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum Libri Quinque.. Edited from the Autograph Manuscript by N. E. S. A. Hamilton. 8vo. London, 1870.

WILLEMENT (Thomas). A Roll of Arms of the reign of Richard the Second. 4to. London, 1834.

WITTE (Karl).- see Dante.

WOODWARD (B. B.). Specimens of the Drawings of Ten Masters, from the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle. 4to. London, 1870. WORDSWORTH (Christopher). Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. 8vo. London, 1868.

WRIGHT (Thomas). History of Ludlow and its Neighbourhood; forming a popular sketch of the history of the Welsh Border. 8vo. Ludlow, 1852.

YONGE (C. D.).—see Philo Judæus.


ALPES. Bardin (L. I.). Montagnes Françaises.

Massif du Mont-Blanc. Folio.

Hautes Alpes.

Map of Central Europe, includ-
London, 1870.

CENTRAL EUROPE. Bacon's New War ing Prussia and France. 1 Sheet. EUROPE. Stanford's New Map of the Greater Part of Europe, extending from Moscow to the Atlantic, and from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Mediterranean. 1 Sheet. 1870.

RUSSIA. Kiepert (H.). Karte des Russischen Reichs in Europa. 1 Sheet. Berlin, 1868.

Atlas de la Défense Nationale, Cartes des dix-sept Départements envahis ou menacés par l'ennemi; dressé sous la direction d'Adolphe Joanne. 16 Sheets in 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1870.

Andriveau-Goujon (E.). Frontières nord-est de la France et Provinces du Rhin. 1 Sheet. Paris, 1870.

LONDON. Stanford (Edward). urbs. 24 Sheets.


Library Map of London and its SubLondon, 1862-1868.

Geological Map of London, showing Superficial Deposits. By J. B. Jordan. I Sheet. London, 1870. WAR. Reymann (G. D.). Topographische Special-Karte von Deutschland, Schweiz, Ost-Frankreich, Belgien, Niederlande, etc.

Sheets No. 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 251, 252, 253, 254, 266, 267, 268, 269.-40 Sheets, in one folio


FRANCE AND PRUSSIA, 1870. L'Empire Français, Carte spéciale des Chemins de fer, publiée par E. Andriveau-Goujon. 1 Sheet. Paris, 1870.

[blocks in formation]

Environs de Paris. Carte topographique par N. Maire, publiée par E. Andriveau-Goujon. 1 Sheet. Paris.

Environs of Paris. Published by E. Stanford. 1 Sheet. London.

Bombardment of Paris (Plan of the) by the Germans. 1 Sheet. London,


Alsace and Lorraine. Map of the Franco-German Frontiers, showing_the Limits of the German, French, and mixed Languages in Alsace and Lorraine. By James Wyld. 1 Sheet. London, 1870.

Rhine Frontier. Frontières du Rhin, Prusse-Rhenane, Bavière, Wurtem-
berg, etc. Publiée par Lanée. 1 Sheet. Paris.

Panorama of the Rhine Frontier. Mittel-Deutschland, westlicher Theil.
Edit. by Julius Abelsdorff. 1 Sheet Berlin, 1870.

France. Johnston's War Register. 12 Sheets. London, 1870.

France. Showing the Territory held respectively by the French and German
Armies, January 1871. Edit. by W. and A. K. Johnston.
don, 1871.

1 Sheet. LonEuropean Fortifications. Fortifications of Central Europe. Supplement to Johnston's War Maps. 3 Sheets. London, 1871.

Atlantic Telegraph Chart. North Atlantic Ocean-Chart, showing Deep Sea Soundings, and the Tracks of the Telegraph Cables laid between Europe and America in 1865, 1866, 1869. 1 Sheet. London, 1869.--27 Sheets, in one folio case.

France (Districts of).

Département de la Seine. Carte Hydrographique du, dressée et gravée sous la direction de l'Ingénieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussées du Département. 1 Sheet. Paris, 1852.

Lille. Publiée par le Dépôt de la Guerre en 1852, and Photozincographed

at the Ordnance Survey Office.


1 Sheet. Southampton.



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8 Sheets, in one folio case.

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1 Sheet. Southampton.

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Cartes de l'Est de la France, etc. 11 Plans de Villes fortifiées de la France et de la Prusse, et 1 Carte de l'Europe centrale. 23 Sheets in 1 vol. 4to. Hachette. Paris, 1870.


ACTON (Lord).



Sendschreiben an einen Deutschen Bischof des Vaticanischen Concils. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. Nördlingen, 1870. ACTON (William). Shall the Contagious Diseases Act be applied to the Civil Population? (Ath. Coll., vol. 621.) 8vo. London, 1870.

ATHANASIAN Creed. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) By LL.D. 8vo. London, 1861.

BANDINEL (James). Organic Reform of Convocation. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. London, 1869.

[BATH BRICK.] A Defence of the British Currency, in reply to a Speech made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons, August 6th, 1869. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. London, 1870. BENTINCK (G. C.). Case of the Tornado: Speech. (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. London, 1870.

BLUNTSCHLI (J. C.). Opinion Impartiale sur la Question de l'Alabama et sur la manière de la résoudre; suivie d'une Lettre de M. Francis Lieber, de New York, sur l'Arbitrage International. (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. Berlin, 1870.

BOMBAY CIVILIAN. The Land Question in Ireland, viewed from an Indian Stand-point. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. Dublin, 1870.

BOURNE (John). Indian Works and English Engineers. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. London, 1870.

BOWRING (Sir John). Report to Charles II. of most Occult and Important Transactions in the reign of his Father, the Proto-Martyr, Charles I. (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. Execeter, s. A.

BOYLE (W. R. A.). Literature under the Shade of Great Britain. (Ath. Coll., vol. 625.) 8vo. London, 1870.

[BROAD CHURCH RECTOR.] Prosecutions for Heresy: their demoralizing Influence. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. London, 1870.

BROWN (Joseph). The Evils of the Unlimited Liability for accidents of Masters and Railway Companies, especially since Lord Campbell's Act. (Ath. Coll., vol. 620.) 8vo. London, 1870.

BRYAN (George). Account of the Proceedings connected with the Foxhunting in the County of Kilkenny. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. Kilkenny, 1870.

CAINE (William). On the closing of Public Houses on Sunday. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. Manchester, 1869.

CAMPBELL (Dudley). Compulsory Education. (Ath. Coll., vol. 618.) 8vo. London, 1870.

CAMPBELL (George). The Progress of the Land Bill. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1870.

CENTRAL ASSOCIATION for stopping the sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays: Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Public Meeting. (Ath. Čoll., vol. 626.) 8vo. Manchester, 1869.

CENTRAL ASSOCIATION for stopping the sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sundays: Deputation to the Right. Hon. H. A. Bruce, March 1st, 1870. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. Manchester, 1870.

-see Caine (William); Lincoln (Lord Bishop of). CHADWICK (Edwin). Address on the Opening of the Session 1869-70 of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. (Ath. Coll., vol. 620.) 8vo. London, 1869.

CHART of Industrial Life (A), with some Instructions for its Use. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 45.) 12mo. London, 1869.

CLIVE (George). Some Evidence on the Irish Land Question. (Ath. Coll., vol. 622.) 8vo. Hereford, 1870.

COCKBURN (Sir Alex.). Our Judicial System. (Ath. Coll., vol. 620.) 8vo. London, 1870.

CONTAGIOUS DISEASES ACTS. Third Report on the operation of the Contagious Diseases Acts. (Ath. Coll., vol. 621.) 8vo. London, 1870. COPE (Edward D.). On the Hypothesis of Evolution. 8vo. London, 1870.

(Ath. Coll., vol. 617.)

CROLL (James). On the Cause of the Motion of Glaciers. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. London, 1870.


On Ocean Currents. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. London,

CURREY (G.). Old Times and New Learning. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. Cambridge, 1870.

DAWSON (Wm.). Retirement of the Parochial Clergy. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. Leeds, 1870.

DEAN (G. A.). On the Land Tenure of Ireland, and Influences which retard Irish Progress. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1869.

DE LA RUE (Warren). On the Solar Eclipse of August 18th, 1868. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. London, 1869.

DENISON (Sir William). Two Lectures on Colonization. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. Richmond, 1870.

DIPLOMATIC SERVICE (The). (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. London, 1869. DUFFERIN (Lord). The Case of the Irish Tenant, as stated Sixteen Years ago, in a Speech delivered in the House of Lords, February 28, 1854. (Ath. Coll., vol. 622.) 8vo. London, 1870.

EAGLES (J. King). On the Bridgwater Election Commission. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. Taunton, 1870.

EDUCATION.-See Campbell (Dudley); Educational Congress in Manchester; Industrial Training Schools; Magee (W. C.); Peabody Education Fund; Playfair (Lyon); Woodard (N.).

EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS in Manchester. Authorized Report of the Educational Congress held in Manchester, Nov. 3rd and 4th, 1869. (Ath. Coll., vol. 618.) 8vo. London, 1869.

ELLIOT (Charles). The Preservation of Food. (Ath. Coll., vol. 621.) 8vo. Exmouth, 1870.

ELSWORTH (John). The Knightsbridge Barracks, and the necessity for their removal. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. S. A.

EVANS (John). Address delivered in the department of Ethnology and Anthropology of the British Association, Liverpool, 1870. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. London, 1870.

FITZGERALD (James Edward). The Self-reliant Policy in New Zealand. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. London, 1870.

FLOWER (William Henry). Introductory Lecture to the Course of Comparative Anatomy, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, February 14, 1870. (Ath. Coll., vol. 621.) 8vo. London, 1870.

MR. FREEMAN'S DUTCHMEN. A Criticism. Extracted from the Anthropological Review. (Ath. Coll., vol. 625.) 8vo. S.A.

GALLWEY (Father). The Committee on Convents. The Nun's Choice Newgate or Newdegate. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. London, 1870. GARRETT (Elizabeth). An Inquiry into the Character of the Contagious Diseases Acts of 1866-1869. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 45.) 12mo. London, 1870.

GIBBS (Frederick Waymouth). English Law and Irish Tenure. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1870.

GLADSTONE (W. E.). Speech on proposing the Irish Land Bill, February 15, 1870. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1870.

GRATRY (-). Mgr. l'Évêque d'Orléans et Mgr. l'Archevêque de Malines. Première, deuxième et troisième lettre à Mgr. Dechamps. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 45.) 12mo. Paris, 1870.

GREECE. Notes on the recent Murders, by Brigands, in Greece. (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. London, 1870.

The Constitution of Greece.

Translated from the Greek

printed in the Greek Government Gazette. (Ath. Coll., vol. 624.) 8vo. Athens, 1841.

GREY (Mrs. William). Is the Exercise of the Suffrage unfeminine? (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HARDWICKE (William). How the Government may beneficially interfere to limit the spread of Infectious Diseases. (Ath. Coll., vol. 621.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HAWKSLEY (Thomas). The Charities of London, and some Errors of their Administration. (Ath. Coll., vol. 626.) 8vo. London, 1869.

HENRY (Joseph). Report of the Operations of the National Academy of Sciences during the year 1867-1868. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. Washington, 1868.

HERBERT (S. A.). Convocation: its present Constitution, and its requirements for the Work of the Church. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. don, 1870.


HERON (Robert M.) The Aristocracy and the People. Industry for Ireland, founded on a system of County Organization and Local Superintendence. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE BILL (The). The Peers of the Realm. (Ath. Coll., vol. 620.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HIND (J. R.). Path of the Total Phase of the Solar Eclipse, December 21, 22, 1870. (Ath. Coll., vol. 617.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HOARE (J.). A Treatise on Fishponds. (Ath. Coll., vol. 625.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HOBHOUSE (Arthur). On the Forfeiture of Property by Married Women. (Ath. Coll., vol. 620.) 8vo. Manchester, 1870.

HOLE (Charles). A retrospective View of the Church of England within the present Generation. (Ath. Coll., vol. 619.) 8vo. Tiverton, s. a. HOPE (A. J. B. Beresford). The Irish Church and its Formularies. (Ath. Coll., vol. 623.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HUNTER (W. W.). Seven Years of Indian Legislation. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. Calcutta, 1870.

HURSTHOUSE (Charles Flinders). Australasian Independence. Remarks in favour of the Six Australasian Colonies. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. London, 1870.

HUTTON (Henry Dix). Europe's Need and England's Duty. (Ath. Coll. Misc., vol. 44.) 12mo. London, 1870.

Ancient Tenures and Modern Land-Legislation in British India. (Ath. Coll., vol. 627.) 8vo. London, 1870.

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