Slike stranica

NOLLOTH (Captain M. S.). On the submergence of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8°.

NORMAN (H. W.). A Narrative of the Campaign of the Delhi Army. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1858.

NORMANBY (Marquis of). Speech delivered in the House of Lords June 7, 1859. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1859.

NORTON'S (Captain) Fire-Arms.-see Beamish.

NORTON (George). Proselytism in India, the Questions at issue examined. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1859.

NORTON (John Bruce). Report of the Case of Kamachee Boye Sahiba versus the
East India Company and others. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° Madras, 1858.
The Trades and Professions Licensing Bill for India, Speech.
vol. 488.) 8° 1859

(Ath. Coll.

OLIPHANT (Laurence). Universal Suffrage and Napoleon the Third. (Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° Edinburgh, 1860.

ORLICH (Leopold von). The Military Mutiny in India, its Origin and its Results translated, with observations, by Sir W. M. G. Colebrooke. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1858.

OSBORN (Edward). The Amalgamation of the Indian Army with that of Great Britain. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1859.

Oude (War in).– -see Ludlow.

OVERSTONE (Lord). Speech in the House of Lords 15th March, 1860, on the Treaty of Commerce with France. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° 1860.

OWEN (Richard). Address before the British Association. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° Manual of Zoology. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1859.

Oxenbridges (The).—see Cooper.

Paley's Works.-see Whately.

PALMER (George). Letter to Sir Robert Peel, suggesting the Repeal of Lord Glenelg's Act for the Government of India, 1833. (Ath. Coll, vol. 490.) 8° 1858.

PAPE (Le) et le Congrès. (Ath. Coll. vol. 498.) 8° Paris, 1859.

Le Pape, les Empereurs, et la Révolution, par un Catholique Anglais. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° 1860.

Paper Duty.-see Bohn.

PARKER (Henry Meredith). A Plan for the Home Government of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1858.

Caste and Conversion; being No. 3 of Short Sermons on Indian Texts. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1858.

PARKIN (John). Letter to the Metropolitan Vestries on the Main-drainage Scheme. (Privately printed.) (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° 1859.

PARLIAMENTARY REFORM. Scheme for a Reform of Parliament. (Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° 1858.

The Franchise, what shall we do to it? (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8° 1858.
Parliamentary Reform. What and where?
Electoral Abuses considered, and a Novel

[blocks in formation]

(Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° 1858.

Remedy suggested. (Ath. Coll.

A few Facts and Fallacies about Parliamentary Reform. (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8° 1859.

Reform! Look before you Leap. (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8° 1859.

The Handbook of Reform. (Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12° 1859.

see Bagehot, Cayley, Chadwick, Ebrington, Elliott, Elsley, Fawcett, Lorimer, Mackinnon, Meekins, Mill, Oliphant, Stodart, Wilkins.

PARMA (Duchess of).- -see Riancey.


-see Tayler.

PAULI (Reinhold). land und England.

Der Gang der Internationalen Beziehungen zwischen Deutsch(Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 12° Gotha, 1859.

PAUTET (Jules). Le Pape, l'Autriche, et l'Italie. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° Paris, 1859.

PAUTHIER (G.). Esquisse d'une Histoire de la Philosophie Chinoise. (Misc. Coll. vol. 23.) 8° 1844.

Pax Vobiscum. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° 1859.

PEARCE (Charles T.). The Medical Practitioners' Bill. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1858. PEARSON (C. H.). Letter on a scheme for making Oxford more accessible to Medical Students generally. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1858.

Peru and the United States on a plain point of International Law. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1860.

PETTIGREW (Thomas Joseph).
(Ath. Coll. vol. 514.) 8°
PHILLIMORE (John George). The Divorce Court, its Evils and the Remedy. (Ath.
Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1859.

Inquiry into the death of Amy Robsart (Lady Dudley).

PHILLPOTTS (Henry) Bishop of Exeter. Letter to the Bishop of Lichfield on the Bill for legalizing Marriage with the Sister of a Deceased Wife. (Ath. Coll. vol. 512.) 8° 1860.

PIKE (John Robert). British Mining. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° 1858.

PINELLI (F. A.). Considérations politiques et militaires sur une Nouvelle Guerre entre le Piémont et l'Autriche. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° Turin, 1859.

PLAYFAIR (Lyon). A Century of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° Edinburgh, 1858.

PLEE (Léon). A la Nation Allemande. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859. POERIO (Carlo) and the Neapolitan Police. The Defence made by that Nobleman on his Trial before the Grand Court of Naples in 1851. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1858. Political Perils in 1859. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1859.

Poor-law Bill, 1860.-see Howard.

Poor's Rate.-see Hutchinson.

Population of Great Britain and France compared.-see Willich.

PORTER (Rev. John Scott). On the Metrical System of Weights and Measures. (Ath. Coll. vol. 489.) 8° 1859.

PORTER (Neale). The Army of India Question. (Ath. Coll. vol. 493.) 8° 1860. PRATT (Ann). Official Documents on the Case of Ann Pratt, the reputed Authoress of "Seven Months in the Kingston Lunatic Asylum." (Ath. Coll. vol. 518.) 8° Jamaica, 1860.

PRATT (Hodgson). A Second Selection of Articles and Letters on Indian Subjects. (Privately printed.) (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.) 8° 1859.

University Education in England for Natives of India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.)

8° 1860.

PRATT (John Tidd). Instructions for the Establishment of Friendly Societies. (Misc. Coll. vol. 23.) 8° 1860.

Prayer-Book.- -see Liturgy.

PRESCOTT (William Hickling). Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in respect to the Memory of W. H. Prescott. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) Boston, 1859.

PREVOST (A. P.). La Conquête d'Aden, d'après les documens Anglais. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° Paris, 1859.

PREVOST-PARADOL. Les Anciens Partis. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° 1860.
Prostitution.-see Whitehouse.

PRUSSIA. La Prusse et la Question Italienne. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° Paris, 1859. Intrigues of the Prussian Police with a Revolutionary Committee in London. (Privately printed.) (Ath. Coll. vol. 520.) 8° 1860.

see About.

Public Service, and how to get on it. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1860.

Quakers (The) or Friends, their Rise and Decline. (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1859.

RAREY (J. S.). The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses. (Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12° 1858.

Registration of Titles.-see Jenkins.

RENNIE (George).

On the Quantity of Heat developed by Water when rapidly agitated. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8°.

On the Employment of the Rubble Béton, or Concrete, in Works of Engineering and Architecture; edited by Charles Manby. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° 1858. RHODES (Major Godfrey). "Tents," from their earliest period to the present time. (Misc. Coll. vol. 33.) 12° 1859.

Tents and Tent Life. (Ath. Coll. vol. 502.) 8° Dublin, 1860.

Hanoverian Government Report of Major Rhodes' Curvilinear and Hospital Tents. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1859.

RIANCEY (Henri de). Madame la Duchesse de Parme, et les derniers Evénements. (Ath. Coll. vol. 498.) 8° Paris, 1859.

RICH (Henry). Government by a Minority; a Letter to a Constituent. (Ath. Coll. vol. 507.) 8° 1859.

RICHARD (Jules). L'Armée Française en Italie. (Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12° Paris, 1859.

RIDGWAY (James).

Oxford Examination of those who are not Members of the University. (Ath. Coll. vol. 519.) 8° 1858.

RIFLE CORPS. Country Rifle Corps.

in the Neighbourhood of Exeter.

Address from a Committee of Yeomen residing (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° Exeter, 1859.

Second Edition. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1860.

Report of the Committee on a Volunteer Organization for the Defence of the County of Devon. (Ath. Coll. vol. 504.) 8° 1860.

see Baxter, Elcho, Genty, Hardy, National Defences, Tupper.

ROBERTS (Henry). The Improvement of the Dwellings of the Labouring Classes. (Ath. Coll. vol. 521.) 8° 1859.

ROBERTSON (Thomas Campbell). The Political Prospects of British India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1852.

Robsart (Amy).--see Pettigrew.

Ross (O. C. Dalhousie). Spain and the War with Morocco. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° 1860.

Royal Academy.-see Davis, Stewart.

Royal Society, Catalogue of Portraits.-see Weld.

RUPE (Aquila de). Liturgia Recusa, or Suggestions for revising the Church Services. (Ath. Coll. vol. 516.) 12° 1860.

RUSKIN (John). Cambridge School of Art. Inaugural Address. (Misc. Coll. vol. 34.) 12° Cambridge, 1858.

RUSSIA. Growth of Russian Power contingent on the decay of the British Constitution. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° 1858.

RYDER (Captain Alfred P.) and S. R. GRAVES. Letter on the National Dangers which result from the great deterioration in the Seamen of the Mercantile Marine. (Ath. Coll. vol. 503.) 8° 1860.

Sabbath (The).—
.-see Whately.

SAINTHILL (Richard). A Defence of the British School of Medal Engraving. (Ath. Coll. vol. 511.) 8° Cork, 1859.

SALERNO. British Prisoners at Salerno; by a late M.P. (Ath. Coll. vol. 501.) 8° 1858.
SALVAGNOLI (Vincenzo). Della Indipendenza d'Italia. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8°
Paris, 1859.

SAND (George). La Guerre. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859.
Sanitary Reform.—see Clarke, Lloyd, Parkin, Wood.

SAUSSURE (H. de). Observations sur les Mours de divers Oiseaux du Mexique. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° Genève, 1858.

Note sur quelques Oiseaux du Mexique. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° Paris, 1859.

SAVOY. La Suisse dans la Question de Savoie. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1860. SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA (Duke of). The Despots as Revolutionists; [on Russia]. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° 1859.

SCHARF (George).

A General Account of the Manchester Exhibition of 1857. (Ath. Coll. vol. 510.) 8° Liverpool, 1858.

Artistic and Descriptive Notes of the Pictures in the British Institution, 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 510.) 8° 1858.

SCOTT (Sir Francis E.). Shall the New Foreign Office be Gothic or Classic? A Plea for the former. (Ath. Coll. vol. 511.) 8° 1860.

see Foreign Office.

SCROPE (G. Poulett). On the Mode of formation of Volcanic Cones and Craters. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509.) 8° 1859.

SELKIRK (Thomas 5th Earl of). On the

Necessity of a more Effectual System of National Defence; republished by Sir John Wedderburn. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1860.

SHADWELL (Lancelot). Introduction to a new Translation of the Greek Testament; with Notes. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1859.

SHARP (Granville). Prize Essay on the application of recent Inventions collected at the Exhibition of 1851 to the purposes of Practical Banking. (Ath. Coll. vol. 489.) 8° 1852.

SIMENCOURT (A. de). L'Isthme de Suez, son Percement. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° Paris, 1859.

SIRTEMA DE GROVESTINS (Le Baron C. F.). L'Europe sera-t-elle remaniée ? (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859.

SMITH (J. B.). Cotton Supply [Letter] to John Cheetham, M.P. (Ath. Coll. vol. 488.) 8° 1859.

SMITH (Toulmin). National Defence in Practice; with the Opinions of Pitt, Fox, &c., on the arming of the People. (Ath. Coll. vol. 505.) 8° 1859.

SOCIETY OF ARTS. Correspondence respecting the distribution of the Prize Fund. (Ath. Coll. vol. 511.) 8° Bury St. Edmund's, 1857.

SOLVYNS (Edmond). Application de l'Analyse aux Sauts du Cavalier du jeu des Echecs. (Misc. Coll. vol. 23.) 8° 1856.

SOPWITH (Thomas). Account of the Steam-Ferry over the River Nile at Raffre Azzayat; edited by Charles Manby. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° 1858.

SPAIN. La Convention Espagnole. Réponse au Memoire composé sur ce sujet par
Don Manuel Payno. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° Paris, 1858.

British Interests in Spain, by a Bondholder. (Ath. Coll. vol. 497.) 8° 1860.
War with Morocco.-see Ross.

STANHOPE (Earl). Address at his installation as Lord Rector of the Marischal College,
Aberdeen. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° Aberdeen, 1858.

STEPHENSON (Robert). Isthmus of Suez Canal, a Letter. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.


Review of the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. (Ath. Coll. vol. 510.) 8° 1860.

STEWART (Major R. C.). The Enfield Rifle, a Lecture. (Misc. Coll. vol. 33.) 12° 1859.

STEINMETZ (Andrew). Historical Eclipses: an Eclipse of the Sun explained. (Ath. Coll. vol. 509). 8° 1858.

STIRLING (William). Cantillon's Legacy; when was it paid, and who paid it? (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° 1858.

The Designs for the Wallace Monument. (Ath. Coll. vol. 511.) 8° Stirling, 1859.

Stock Jobbing Acts.- -see Woolrych.

STOCQUELER (J. H.). The true Causes of the revolt of the Bengal Army. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8°

STRYPE (John)-see Maitland.

STODART (John Riddle). Manhood Suffrage combined with Relative Equality in representation. (Ath. Coll. vol. 506.) 8°

SUEZ (Isthmus of) Canal.-see Brunlees, Simencourt, Stephenson.
SULLIVAN (Edward). Letters on India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8°
Swinfen v. Swinfen.

Final Argument for Costs before the Lords Justices. (Ath. Coll. vol. 513.) 8° 1858.

see Kennedy (C. R.).

SYKES (Colonel). Speech in the House of Commons on Thursday, Feb. 18th, 1858, on the proposed India Bill. (Ath. Coll. vol. 492.) 8° 1858.

Speech on the India Bill, No. 3, 26th July, 1858. (Ath. Coll. vol. 490.)

8° 1858.
Notes on Public Works in India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 8° 1858.
Traits of Indian Character. (Ath. Coll, vol. 490.) 8° 1859.
Financial Condition of British India. (Ath. Coll. vol. 494.) 8° 1859.

TAYLER (W.). Our Crisis; or, Three Months at Patna in 1857. (Misc. Coll. vol. 31.) 12° Calcutta, 1858.

TCHIHATCHEFF (P. de). La Paix de Zurich et le nouveau Congrès Européen. (Ath. Coll. vol. 499.) 8° Paris, 1859.

TEFFT (T. A.). Universal Currency. (Ath. Coll. vol. 489.) 8° 1858.

[blocks in formation]

.-see Winthrop.

Temperance of Wine Countries.-see Delavan.

TEMPLAR (Benjamin). The religious Difficulty of National Education. (Ath. Coll. vol. 519.) 8° 1858.

Tents.-see Rhodes.

Terra Cotta.-see Blashfield.

THAMES (Purification of).—see Ward.

Embankment-see Wood.

THIRLWALL (Bishop Connop). Letter to the Rev. Rowland Williams, D.D., in answer to his Letter; with an Appendix. (Ath. Coll. vol. 517.) 8° 1860.

THOMSON (Alexander). Report on the Aberdeen Industrial Feeding Schools. (Ath. Coll. vol. 519.) 8° 1860.

THORP (Thomas). Church-rates and Endowed Schools, a Charge. (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1860.

Todd (Dr.)-see Granville.

[TOOKE (William)]. Verses. Edited by M. M. M. (Privately printed.) (Misc. Coll. vol. 32.) 12° 1860.

TOZER (John). On the further adaptation of the Coinage to the common Numerical Scale. (Ath. Coll. vol. 489.) 8° Cambridge, 1859.

TREATIES. Les Traités de 1815.

Texte des Traités et Conventions diplomatiques

de 1814, 1815, et 1818, entre la France et les Puissances Alliées. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859.

Les Traités de 1815, seront ils éternels. (Ath. Coll. vol. 496.) 8° Paris, 1859. see Du Hamel.

Peace of Zurich, 1859.-see Tchihatcheff.

TREVELYAN (Arthur). On Vibrations caused by Heat, the Vapour-lamp Furnace, and an Experiment with Chlorine Gas. (Ath. Čoll. vol. 508.) 8° 1850.

Theory of Heat and the Vital Principle. (Ath. Coll. vol. 508.) 8° Edinburgh,

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TUCKER (Henry Carre).

Letter to an Official concerned in the Education of India.

(Ath. Coll. vol. 491.) 1858.

TUPPER (Martin F.) Alfred: a Patriotic Play. (Privately printed.) (Ath. Coll. vol. 515.) 8° Westminster, 1858.

Some Verse and Prose about National Rifle Clubs. (Misc. Coll. vol. 33.) 12°

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