Slike stranica

+BERCHET (Toussaint). Elementaria Traditio Christianorum fidei, aut Catechismus; et Ecclesiasticarum Precum formula, Gr. et Lat. cum familiarissimâ etymologiæ et syntaxeos interpretatione. 12° Hanoviæ, 1628.

+BERESFORD (H. B.). Arabic Syntax, chiefly selected from the HidayutOon-Nuhvi; a Treatise on Syntax in the original Arabic. 4° London, 1843.

BERJEAU (J. Ph.)-see Biblia Pauperum.

+BESCHI (C. J.). A Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language, termed Shen-Tamil; with an introduction to Tamil Poetry, translated by Benjamin Guy Babington. 4° Madras, 1822.

+BIBLE. The Holy Bible, with a Commentary, and the notes and collections of John Locke, Daniel Waterland, and the Earl of Clarendon, by William Dodd, M.A. 3 vols. fol. London, 1765.

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- Gospel according to Matthew, faithfully rendered into English from a revised Greek Text, with notes, by Lancelot Shadwell. 12° London, 1859.

+ St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, with notes, by Charles John Vaughan. 8° Cambridge, 1859.

BIBLIA PAUPERUM, reproduced in facsimile from one of the copies in the British Museum; with an historical and bibliographical introduction, by J. Ph. Berjeau. fol. London, 1859.

BLAIR'S Chronological Tables.-see Rosse.

BLANC (Louis). Histoire de la Révolution Française. vols. 8° Paris, 1857. —

BOECE (Hector). History and Chronicles of Scotland, translated from the Latin, by John Bellenden. 2 vols. 4° Edinburgh, 1821.

BOECKH (August). Manetho und die Hundssternperiode, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Pharaonen. 8° Berlin, 1845.

BOJARDO (Matteo Maria) ed ARIOSTO. Orlando Innamorato [and] Orlando Furioso di Ariosto; with an Essay on the Romantic Narrative Poetry of the Italians, Memoirs and notes, by Antonio Panizzi. 9 vols. 8° London, 1830-4.

Vols. 1-5. Bojardo.
6-9. Ariosto.

+BOTFIELD (Beriah). Stemmata Botevilliana: Memorials of the Families of De Boteville, Thynne, and Botfield, in the Counties of Salop and Wilts; with an Appendix of Illustrative Documents. 4° Westminster, 1858.


† Opinion de M. Cristophe surles Prohibitions et la Liberté du Commerce, 12°

Paris, 1831.

+ Chants Armoricains. 12° Paris, 1831.

+ Nouvelles, 12° Paris, 1832.

† Satires, Contes, et Chansonnettes. 12° Paris, 1833.

+ Petit Glossaire, traduction de quelques Mots Financiers. 2 vols. 12°

Paris, 1835.

+ Petites Solutions de Grands Mots faisant suite au petit Glossaire Ad

ministratif. 12° Paris, 1848.

BOUCHER DE PERTHES (Jacques).-continued.

+ Hommes et Choses, Alphabet des Passions et des Sensations, Esquisses de Mœurs, faisant suite au Petit Glossaire. 4 vols. 12° Paris, 1851.

† De la Création, essai sur l'Origine et la Progression des Etres. 5 vols. 12°

Paris, 1841.

+ Romances, Ballads, et Legendes. 12° Paris, 1849.

+ Sujets Dramatiques: 12° Paris, 1852.

+ Emma, ou quelques Lettres de Femme. 12° Paris, 1852.

+ Voyage à Constantinople. 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1855.

† Antiquités Celtiques et Antediluviennes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1857.

+ Voyage en Danemarck, en Suède, en Norwége. 12° Paris, 1858.

↑ Voyage en Russie. 12° Paris, 1859.

+ Voyage en Espagne et en Algérie en 1855. 12° Paris, 1859.

+ Tracts, viz.

Antiquités Antédiluviennes. 8° Amiens, 1859.

De la Femme dans l'Etat social. 8° Abbeville, 1860.
De l'Homme Antédiluvien. 8vo. Paris, 1860.

BOUCHEREAU (Jacobus). - see Aristoteles.

BOUILLET (N.). Dictionnaire Universel des Sciences, des Lettres, et des

Arts. 8° Paris, 1859.

Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Géographie. 8° Paris,

1860. BOWRING (Edgar Alfred). -see Heine.


(Sir John). Minor Morals for Young People, illustrated in Tales and Travels. vols. 12° London, 1835-9.

+ The Kingdom and People of Siam, with a Narrative of the Mission to that Country in 1855. 2 vols. 8° London, 1857.

+ Visit to the Philippine Islands. 8° London, 1859.

BREWER (J. S.)-see Bacon.

+BRIGHT (J. B.). The Brights of Suffolk, England, represented in America by the descendants of Henry Bright, jun., who came to New England in 1630, and settled in Watertown, Massachusetts. (Privately printed.) 8° Boston, U. S., 1858.

+BRIOT (Charles). Théorie des Fonctions doublement périodiques, et en particulier des Fonctions elliptiques. 8° Paris, 1859. BROGLIE (Albert de). L'Eglise et l'Empire Romain au IV. Siècle. 4 vols. 8° Paris, 1857.

BROUGHAM (Henry Lord). Tracts Mathematical and Physical. 12° London, 1860.

+BROWN (Charles Philip). The Wars of the Rajas, being the History of Anantapuram, written in Telugu, in or about the years 1750–1810; translated, with the original text. 2 vols. 8° Madras, 1853.

Dialogues in Telugu and English, with a Grammatical Analysis. 8° Madras, 1853.

BRUT Y TYWYSOGION, or the Chronicles of the Princes; edited by John Williams ab Ithel. 8° London, 1860.

BURTON (John Hill). History of Scotland, from the Revolution to the extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection (1689-1748). 2 vols. 8° London, 1853.

BUSK (George). A Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. 4° London, 1859.

BUSK (Hans). The Rifle and How to Use it; comprising a description
of that valuable weapon, and an account of its origin. 12° London,

+CALDWELL (R.). A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian, or South
Indian Family of Languages. 8° London, 1856.

+CAMPBELL (A. D.). Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly
termed the Gentoo, peculiar to the Hindoos of the N. E. Provinces
of the Indian Peninsula. 8° Madras, 1848.

CANDY (George and Thomas). - see Molesworth.

CAREW (George Lord). Letters to Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador to the
Court of the Great Mogul. 1615-1617; edited by John Maclean,
F.S.A. (Camden Society, vol. 76.) 4° London, 1860.

+CAREY (W.). Grammar of the Bengalee Language. 8° Serampore,

+ Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, in which the words are
traced to their origin, and their various meanings given. 3 vols.
4° Serampore, 1825.

Carmina Illustrium Poetarum Italorum. 11 vols. 12° Florentiæ,

CARUS (J. Victor). Verzeichniss der Schriften über Zoologie welche in

den Periodischen Werken enthalten, und vom Jahre 1846-1860,

selbständig erschienen sind mit einschluss der Allgemein-Natur-

geschichtlichen, Periodischen und Palaeontologischen Schriften.

vol. i. 8° Leipzig, 1861.

CATALOGUES. A List of the Books of Reference in the Reading-room

of the British Museum. 8° London, 1859.

+ Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Hon.
Society of Lincoln's Inn. 8° London, 1859.


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Catalogue Raisonné of Oriental MSS. in the Library of the

(late) College, Fort St. George, by the Rev. William Taylor.

Madras, 1857.

Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical

Society. 2 vols. 8° Boston, 1859.

+ Catalogue of the Books on Bibliography, Typography, and En-
graving in the New York State Library. 8° Albany, 1858.

+ Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1856, Maps, MSS.,

Engravings, Coins, &c. 8° Albany, 1857.

Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de Félix Solar, vendue le 19

November, 1860, et jours suivants. vols. 8° Paris, 1860.
CATHCART (Colonel George). Commentaries on the War in Russia and
Germany, in 1812 and 1813. 8° London, 1850.
CHALMERS (George). Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great
Britain to 1803; to which is annexed Gregory King's "State of
England," with Notices of his Life. 8° London, 1804.

+CHANDLER (Samuel). Vindication of the History of the Old Testament
in answer to Thomas Morgan. 8° London, 1741.

CHARLES V. Correspondance de Charles V., et d'Adrien VI., publiée
pour la première fois par L. P. Gachard. 8° Bruxelles, 1859.

CHATEAUBRIAND (Le Vicomte de). -see Marcellus.

CHENNEVIÈRES (Ph. de). - see Mariette.

CHÉRUEL (A). Dictionnaire Historique des Institutions, Mœurs, et Cou-
tumes de la France. 2 vols. 12° Paris, 1855.

Histoire de l'Administration Monarchique en France depuis

l'avénement de Philippe-Auguste jusqu'à la Mort de Louis XIV.

2 vols. 8° Paris, 1855.

COURTHOPE (William). -see Nicolas.

COUSIN (Victor). Madame de Longueville; Etudes sur les Femmes illustres et la Société du 17ème Siècle; 1651-1653. 8° Paris, 1859.

Culloden Papers. Correspondence from the Year 1625 to 1748, to which is prefixed an introduction, being Memoirs of Duncan Forbes, Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland. 4° London, 1815. CUNNINGHAM (John). The Church History of Scotland from the commencement of the Era to the present century. 2 vols. 8° Edinburgh, 1859.

CURRENCY (Paper) AND BANKING. -see Overstone, Tracts, vol. 2.
CUST (Katharine Isabella). -see Guileville.

+DALRYMPLE (J.). Oriental Repertory, published at the charge of the East India Company. 2 vols. 4° London, 1808.

DARWIN (Charles). On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection; or, the Preservation of favoured races in the struggle for Life. 8° London, 1859.

+DEBARY (Thomas). History of the Church of England from the accession of James II. to the rise of the Bangorian Controversy in 1717. 8° London, 1860.

Delitiæ Poetarum Scotorum hujus ævi illustrium. 2 vols. 18° Amsterdam, 1787.

DELOCHE (Maximin). -see France-Documents Inédits.

+DENISON (Edmund Beckett). Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks and Watches and Bells, with a full account of the Westminster Clock and Bells. 12° London, 1860.

+DICTIONARY. A Polyglot Vocabulary in the English, Teloogoo, and Tamil Languages, to which are appended the nine parts of speech, several useful Dialogues, with Selections, and a Glossary of Revenue Terms. 8° Madras, 1851.

The Vulgar Tongue; a Glossary of Slang, Cant, and Flash Words and Phrases, used in London from 1839 to 1859, with a Bibliography. By Ducange Anglicus. 12° London, 1859.

Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant and Vulgar Words, preceded by a History of Cant and Vulgar Language, with Glossaries of two Secret Languages. By a London Antiquary. 12° London, J. C. Hotten, 1860.

DODD (William, LL.D.)-see Bible.

+DOLGOROUKOw (Prince Pierre). La Vérité sur la Russie. 8° Paris,


+ Correspondance avec le Gouvernement Russe. 18° Paris, 1860. +DONALDSON (T. L.). Architectura Numismatica; or, Architectural Medals of Classic Antiquity, illustrated and explained by comparison with the Monuments and the Descriptions of Ancient Authors, and copious Text. 4° London, 1859.

Dozy (R.). Recherches sur l'Histoire et la Littérature de l'Espagne pendant le Moyen-Age; séconde edition. 2 vols. 8° Leyde, 1860.

Ducange Anglicus. -see Dictionary.

DU CASSE (A.). - see Eugène (Prince).

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