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LETTER I. P. 1-16.
THE HE French and Spanish fleets, in the Weft Indies, form a junction; but effect no capital operation, p. 2. Their
combined fleets in Europe intercept the East and Weft India
convoy, p. 3. Mr. Laurens is taken in his paffage to Holland,
P. 5. Sir Jofeph Yorke leaves the Hague, p. 6. Hurricanes
in the West Indies, p. 7. The new parliament meets, p. 10.
The kindness of the Spaniards to the British prifoners, p. 14.
The inquifition abolished in the duke of Modena's dominions,
P. 15.
LETTER II. P. 16-67.
The Pennsylvania line revolts, p. 16. Sir H. Clinton fends
agents to treat with them, two of whom are hanged, p. 20.
Part of the Ferfey brigade revolts, p. 22. Lieut. colonel John Laurens chofen by congrefs special minifter to the court of Ver
failles, and general Washington's hints to him, p. 23-the gene-
ral writes to Dr. Franklin, p. 25. The Virginia houfe of dele-
gates' refolve refpecting Gates, p. 26. The returns of Greene's
force in South Carolina, and his concluding on a partifan war,
P. 27-his letter to lord Cornwallis, p. 28-he divides his force,
P. 30. Lieut. colonel Tarleton is detached after general Mor-
gan, by whom he is defeated, p. 33. Lord Cornwallis pursues.
Morgan, p. 37. General Greene arrives, and takes the com-.
mand of Morgan's troops, p. 38. The Americans retreat, and
fafely cross the Dan into Virginia, though pursued by his lord-
fhip with the utmost eagerness, p. 39. Greene recroffes the
Dan, p. 47. General Pickens and lieut. colonel Lee cut in
pieces a large body of royalifts, p. 48. Cornwallis attempts to
furprife the American light infantry, p. 50. Greene determines
upon fighting his lordship, p. 53. His lordship attacks and
defeats him, p. 54. His lordship retreats toward Cross Creek,
and Greene pursues him to Deep river, p. 57. General Arnold
fails for and lands in Virginia, p. 59. General Washington
lays a plan for catching him, p. 60. Sir H. Clinton fends gen.
Phillips, with more troops, to take the command in Virginia,
p. 62. Acts of congrefs, p. 63. Mr. Robert Morris chofen
financier, p. 64. The Maryland delegates empowered to fub-
fcribe the confederation, which is thereby completed, p. 65.
General Washington gives his decifive opinion upon the neceffity
of a timely and powerful aid from France, p. 67.
LETTER III. P. 67-80.
The attempt of the baron de Rullecourt on the Ile of Jersey
fruftrated by major Pierfon, p. 68. Lord George Gordon tried
and acquitted, p. 70. Gibraltar relieved by the British fleet
under admiral Darby, p. 71. The Spaniards commence a
heavy fire upon the fortrefs, which is returned, p. 73. Sir
George Rodney and general Vaughan take St. Euftatia, St. Mar-
tin, and Saba, p. 74. The property in Statia confifcated, and
many of the inhabitants reduced to penury and tranfported to
St. Kitt's, p. 76. Demarara and Ifequibo furrender, p. 78.
P. 80-147.
General Greene leaves North Carolina and marches toward
Camden, p. 80-is defeated by lord Rawdon at Hobkirk's hil,
p. 83-his letter to Rawdon, p. 86-to governor Reed of Penn-
fylvania, p. 87. Lord Rawdon evacuates Camden, p. 89. The
British pofts are taken by the Americans in quick fucceffion,
idem. Greene marches against the garrifon at Ninety Six, p. 92
-is obliged to abandon the fiege, and is purfued by Rawdon,
p. 96. He pursues his lordship and offers him battle, idem.
Greene's letter concerning Gates, p. 98. The miferies attend-
ing the war in South Carolina, p. 99. Extracts from letters.of
lord George Germaine, p. 100. The affair of colonel Hayne,
who is executed by the joint order of lord Rawdon and colonel
Balfour, p. 102. The operations in Virginia under generals
Phillips and Arnold, p. 107. The marquis de la Fayette makes
a rapid march from Baltimore to Richmond, p. 109. Lord
Cornwallis joins the British in Virginia, p. 111—is difconcerted
in his attempts to crufh the maiquis, p. 112. The marquis
joined by the Pennfylvania line under general Wayne, p. 115.
His lordship commences a retrograde movement, p. 116.
Wayne attacks his lordship, and extricates himself by means of
it, p. 117. General Washington's army in want of provifion,
p. 119. Count de Barras arrives at Bofton to take the com-
mand of the French fquadron at Newport, p. 120. Washington
meets Rochambeau at Weathersfield, idem. Washington's letters
intercepted and conveyed to New York, p. 122. The French
troops join the Americans under Washington, p. 123. The
plan of operations changed, and the allied troops march for
Philadelphia, p. 126. The behaviour of the French troops
while at Newport, and on their march to join general Washing-
ton, p. 128. Don Galvez completes the conqueft of West
Florida, p. 129. Sir Samuel Hood and count de Graffe engage,
p. 132. Tobago taken by the French, p. 133. A fubfcription
for a loan opened by congrefs for the fupport of the South Caro-