TREATY OF AMITY AND COMMERCE CONCLUDED BETWEEN His Majesty the King of Sweden AND THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH-AMERICA. TRANSLATION OF THE TREATY of AMITY and COMMERCE, concluded between his Majesty the King of Sweden and the United States of NorthAmerica. T THE King of Sweden, of the Goths and Vandals, &c. &c. &c. and the Thirteen United States of North-America; to wit: New Hampshire, Maffachusetts-Bay, RhodeIsland, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New-Caftle, Kent and Suffex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, defiring to establish, in a stable and permanent manner, the rules which ought to be observed relative to the correspondence and commerce which the two parties have judged necessary to establish between their respective countries, states and subjects; his Majesty and the United States have thought that they could not better accomplish that end, than by taking for a basis of their arrangements the mutual interest and advantage of both nations, thereby avoiding all those burthensome preferences, which are usually fources of debate, embarraffment and discontent, and by leaving each party at liberty to make, respecting navigation and commerce, those interior regulations which shall be most convenient to itself. With this view, his Majesty the King of Sweden has nominated and appointed for his plenipotentiary Count Gustavus Philip de Creutz, his ambassador extraordinary to his Most Christian Majesty, and knight commander of his orders; and the United States, on their part, have fully empowered Benja ORIGINAL. TRAITÉ D'AMITIÉ et de COMMERCE, Conclu entre Sa Majesté le Roi de Suede et les Etats Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale. L E Roi de Suede des Goths et des Vandales, &c. &c. &c. et les treize Etats Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale, sçavoir, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, RhodeIsland, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Penfylvanie, les comtés de New-Castle, de Kent et de Sussex fur la Delaware, Maryland, Virginie, Caroline Septentrionale, Caroline Méridionale, et Georgie, defirant d'établir d'une manière stable et permanente les régles qui doivent être fuivies relativement à la correfpondance et au commerce que les deux parties ont jugé nécessaire de fixer entre leurs pays, états et sujets respectifs, sa Majesté et les Etats Unis ont cru ne pouvoir mieux remplir ce but qu'en posant pour base de leurs arrangemens, l'utilité et l'avantage réciproques des deux nations, en évitant toutes les préférences onereuses qui font ordinairement une source de difcuffions, d'embarras et de mécontentements ; et en laissant à chaque partie la liberté de faire au fujet du commerce et de la navigation, les réglemens interieurs qui feront à sa conve nance. Dans cette vuë sa Majesté le Roi de Suede a nommé et constitué pour fon plénipotentiaire le Comte Gustave Philippe de Creutz, fon ambassadeur extraordinaire près sa Majesté tres Chrêtienne et Chevalier commandeur de fes ordres; et les Etats Unis ont de leur côté pourvû de leurs pleinpouvoirs le Sieur Benja VOL. II. 12 L Peace and min Franklin, their minifter plenipotentiary to his Most Christian Majesty: the faid plenipotentiaries, after exchanging their full powers, and after mature deliberation in confequence thereof, have agreed upon, concluded and figned the following articles: ARTICLE I. There shall be a firm, inviolable and univerfriendship fal peace, and a true and fincere friendship be between the two mations: Neither party to grant fa tween the King of Sweden, his heirs and fucceffors, and the United States of America, and the fubjects of his Majesty, and those of the faid States, and between the countries, islands, cities, and towns fituated under the jurifdiction of the King and of the faid United States, without any exception of perfons or places; and the conditions agreed to in this present treaty, shall be perpetual and permanent between the King, his heirs and fuccef fors, and the faid United States. ARTICLE II. The King and the United States engage mutually, not to grant hereafter any particular favour to other nations in respect to commerce and navigation, which shall not immediately become common to the other party, who shall enjoy the fame favour freely, if the common to conceffion was freely made, or on allowing vours to other nations that shall not become the other party. the fame compenfation, if the conceffion was conditional. ARTICLE III. The subjects of the King of Sweden shall not pay in the ports, havens, roads, countries, iflands, cities and towns of the United States, In U. S. as or in either of them, any other nor greater the most fa- duties or imposts of what nature foever they may be, than those which the most favoured Subjects of Sweden in titled to the fame privileges voured naTron. |