jouïra de cette faveur, gratuitement, fi la conceffion eft gratuite, ou en accordant la même compenfation si la conceffion est conditionelle. ARTICLE XXVII. Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse et les Etats Unis de l'Amerique sont convenus que le présent traité aura fon plein effet pendant l'espace de dix ans à compter du jour de l'échange des ratifications, et que si l'expiration de ce terme arrivoit dans le cours d'une guerre entre eux, les articles ci-dessus stipulés pour régler leur conduite en temps de guerre, conserveront toute leur force, jusqu'à la conclufion du traité qui retablira la paix. Le présent traité sera ratifié de part et d'autre, et les ratifications feront échangées, dans l'espace d'une année, à compter du jour de la fignature. En foi de quoi les Plenipotentiaires fus nommés ont figné le présent traité et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes, aux lieux de leur domicile respectif, ainsi qu'il fera exprimé cideffous. F. G. DE THULEMEIER. A la Haye le 10 Septembre, 1785. (L. S.) Articles of a Treaty BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND THE HEAD-MEN AND WARRIORS OF THE CHEROKEES. ORIGINAL. ARTICLES Concluded at Hopewell, on the Keowee, between Benjamin Hawkins, Andrew Pickens, Joseph Martin, and Lachlan McIntosh, Commiffioners Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, of the one Part, and the HeadMen and Warriors of all the Cherokees of the other. T HE Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States, in Congress assembled, give peace to all the Cherokees, and receive them into the favour and protection of the United States of America, on the following conditions: ARTICLE I. reftore all The Head-Men and Warriors of all the Cherokees shall restore all the prisoners, citizens Indians te of the United States, or subjects of their al- prifoners. lies, to their entire liberty: They shall alfo restore all the Negroes, and all other property taken during the late war from the citizens, to fuch perfon, and at such time and place, as the Commiffioners shall appoint. 1 1 i United ARTICLE II. The Commiffioners of the United States int Congrefs affembled, shall restore all the priTestore all foners taken from the Indians, during the late prifoners. war, to the Head-Men and Warriors of the States to Cherokees Cherokees, as early as is practicable. ARTICLE III. The faid Indians for themselves and their respective tribes and towns do acknowledge all ledge pro the Cherokees to be under the protection of tection U. S. the United States of America, and of no other fovereign whofoever. ARTICLE IV. The boundary allotted to the Cherokees for their hunting grounds, between the faid Boundaries. Indians and the citizens of the United States, within the limits of the United States of America, is, and shall be the following, viz. Beginning at the mouth of Duck river, on the Teneffee; thence running north-east to the ridge dividing the waters running into Cumberland from those running into the Teneffee; thence eastwardly along the said ridge to a northeaft line to be run, which shall strike the river Cumberland forty miles above Nafhville; thence along the faid line to the river; thence up the faid river to the ford where the Kentucky road croffes the river; thence to Campbell's line, near Cumberland gap; thence to the mouth of Claud's creek on Holstein; thence to the Chimney-top mountain; thence to Camp-creek, near the mouth of Big Limestone, on Nolichuckey; thence a foutherly course fix miles to a mountain; thence fouth to the North-Carolina line; thence to the South-Carolina Indian boundary, and along the fame fouth-west over the top of the Oconee mountain till it shall ftrike Tugalo river; thence a direct line to the top of the Currohee mountain; thence to the head of the fouth fork of Oconee river. ARTICLE V. fettle on In If any citizen of the United States, or other No citizen perfon not being an Indian, shall attempt to of U. S. to fettle on any of the lands westward or fouth- dian lands. ward of the faid boundary which are hereby allotted to the Indians for their hunting grounds, or having already fettled and will not remove from the fame within fix months after the ratification of this treaty, fuch perfon shall forfeit the protection of the United States, and the Indians may punish him or not as they please: Provided nevertheless, That this article shall not extend to the people fettled between the fork of French Broad and Holstein rivers, whose particular fituation shall be tranfmitted to the United States in Congrefs affembled for their decifion thereon, which the Indians agree to abide by. ARTICLE VI. criminals. If any Indian or Indians, or person refiding Indians to among them, or who shall take refuge in their deliver up nation, shall commit a robbery, or murder, or other capital crime, on any citizen of the United States, or person under their protection, the nation, or the tribe to which such offender or offenders may belong, shall be bound to deliver him or them up to be punished according to the ordinances of the United States: Provided, that the punishment shall not be greater than if the robbery or murder, or other capital crime had been committed by a citizen on a citizen. ARTICLE VII. If any citizen of the United States, or per- |