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Veflials of God preserve) having concluded a treaty of protected, peace and commerce with the United States

of America, has ordered me, the better to compleat it, and in addition of the tenth an ticle of the treaty, to declare, " That if any " vessel belonging to the United States, shall " be in any of the ports of his Majesty's do" minions, or within gun-fhot of his forts, " she shall be protected as much as possible; " and no vessel whatever, belonging either to "Moorish or Christian Powers, with whom "the United States may be at war, shall be "permitted to follow or engage her, as we " now deem the citizens of America our good " friends."

And, in obedience to his Majesty's commands, I certify this declaration, by putting my hand and feal to it, on the eighteenth day of Ramadan,* in the year one thousand two hundred.

The fervant of the King, my Master, whom God preferve,



I do certify that the above is a true copy of the translation made at Morocco, by Ifaac Cordoza Nunez, interpreter, of a declaration made and figned by Sidi Hage Taher Fennish, in addition to the treaty between the Emperor of Morocco and the United States of America, which declaration the faid Taher Fennish made by the express directions of his Majesty.



* The Ramadan of the year of the Hegira 1200, commenced on the 28th June, in the year of our Lord 1786,

Now, KNOW YE, That we, the faid John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Ministers Plenipotentiary aforesaid, do approve and conclude the faid treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, referving the fame nevertheless to the United States in Congress affembled, for their final ratification.

In testimony whereof, we have figned the same with our names and feals, at the places of our respective refidence, and at the dates expressed under our fignatures respectively.

London, January 25th, 1787.


Paris, January 1st, 1787.

(L. S.)

(L. $.)

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His Most Christian Majefty





Between His Most Christian Majesty and the United States of America, for the Purpose of defining and establishing the Functions and Privileges of their respective Confuls and ViceConfuls.


IS Majesty the Most Christian King, and the United States of America, having, by the twenty-ninth article of the treaty of amity and commerce concluded between them, mutually granted the liberty of having, in their respective ftates and ports, confuls, viceconfuls, agents and commissaries, and being willing, in confequence thereof, to define and establish, in a reciprocal and permanent manner, the functions and privileges of confuls and vice-confuls, which they have judged it convenient to establish of preference, His Most Christian Majesty has nominated the Sieur Count of Montmorin, of St. Herent, Marechal of his Camps and Armies, Knight of his Orders and of the Golden Fleece, his Counfellor in all his Councils, Minister and Secretary of State, and of his Commandments and Finances, having the department of Foreign Affairs; and the United States have nominated the Sieur Thomas Jefferson, citizen of the



le Roi très Chrêtien,





Entre le Roi très Chrêtien, et les Etats Unis de l'Amérique, à l'effet de déterminer et fixer les fonctions et prérogatives des Confuls et ViceConfuls refpectifs.


A Majesté le Roi très Chrêtien, et les Etats Unis de l'Amérique, s'étant accordés mutuellement par l'art. XXIX, du traité d'amitié et de commerce conclu entr'eux, la liberté de tenir dans leurs Etats et ports refpectifs, des confuls, et vice-confuls, agens et commiffaires, et voulant en conféquence déterminer et fixer d'une maniére réciproque et permanente, les fonctions et prérogatives des confuls, et viceconfuls qu'ils ont jugé convenable d'établir de préférence, sa Majefté trés Chrétienne a nommé le Sieur Comte de Montmorin de St. Herent, maréchal de ses camps et armées, chevalier de ses ordres et de la toison-d'or, fon conseiller en tous fes conseils, ministre et fécrétaire d'etat et de ses commandements et finances, aïant le département des affaires étrangères; et les Etats Unis ont nommé le Sieur Thomas Jefferson, citoyen des Etats Unis de l'Amérique, et leur ministre plénipotentiaire auprès du

Confuls to present commiffions, and

United States of America, and their Minister Plenipotentiary near the King, who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, have agreed on what follows: ARTICLE I.

The confuls and vice-confuls named by the Most Christian King and the United States, shall be bound to present their commiffions to be enti- according to the forms which shall be estab

tled to an exequatur.


lished respectively by the Most Christian King within his dominions, and by the Congrefs within the United States. There shall be delivered to them, without any charges, the exequatur necessary for the exercise of their functions; and on exhibiting the faid exequatur, the governors, commanders, heads of justice, bodies corporate, tribunals and other officers having authority in the ports and places of their confulates, shall cause them to enjoy immediately, and without difficulty, the pre-eminences, authority, and privileges, reciprocally granted, without exacting from the faid confuls and vice-confuls any fee, under any pretext what.



The confuls and vice-confuls, and perfons af confuls. attached to their functions; that is to fay: their chancellors and fecretaries, shall enjoy a full and entire immunity for their chancery, and the papers which shall be therein contained. They shall be exempt from all perfonal service, from foldiers' billets, militia, watch, guard, guardianthip, truftee-ship, as well as from all duties, taxes, impofitions and charges whatsoever, except on the estate real and perfonal of which they may be the proprietors or poffeffors, which shall be fubject to the taxes impofed on the estates of all other individuals :

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