Slike stranica



Left the firm peace and friendship now established should be interrupted by the miscon- Retaliation duct of individuals, the United States and Six restrained. Nations agree, that for injuries done by individuals on either fide, no private revenge or retaliation shall take place; but, instead there. of, complaint shall be made by the party injured, to the other: By the Six Nations or any of them, to the Prefident of the United States, or the Superintendant by him appointed: and by the Superintendant, or other person appointed by the President, to the principal chiefs of the Six Nations, or of the nation to which the offender belongs: and such prudent measures shall then be purfued as shall be necessary to preferve our peace and friendship unbroken; until the legislature (or great council) of the United States shall make other equitable provision for the purpose.

NOTE. It is clearly understood by the parties to this treaty, that the annuity stipulated in the fixth article, is to be applied to the benefit of fuch of the Six Nations and of their Indian friends united with them as aforesaid, as do or shall refide within the boundaries of the United States: For the United States do not interfere with nations, tribes or families, of Indians elfewhere refident.

[ocr errors]

IN WITNESS whereof, the faid Timothy Pick-
ering, and the Sachems and War-chiefs of
the faid Six Nations, have hereto set their
hands and feals.

DONE at Konon-daigua, in the state of
New-York, the eleventh day of No
vember, in the Year one thousand feven
hundred and ninety-four.




O-no-ye-ah-nee, x

(L. $.)

Kon-ne-at-or-lee-ooh, x or

Handsome Lake.


(L. S.)

To-kenh-you-hau, & alias Capt. Key. (L. S.)

O-nes-hau-ee, x

(L. S.)

Hendrick Aupaumut,

(L. S.)

David Neesoonhuk, x

(L. S.)

Kanatsoyh, alias Nicholas Kufik.

(L. S.)

Soh-hon-te-o-quent, x

(L. S.)

Oo-duht-fa-it, x

(L. S.)

[blocks in formation]

Kohn-ye-au-gong, alias Jake Stroud.

(L. S.)

Sha-gui-e-fa, x

(L. S.)

Teer-oos, x alias Capt. Prantup.

(L. S.)

Soos-ha-oo-wau, x

(L. S.)

Henry Young Brant, x

(L. S.)

Sonh-yoo-wau-na, x or Big Sky.


O-na-ah-hah, x

(L. S.)

Hot-ofh-a-henh, x

(L. S.)

Kau-kon-da-nai-ya, x

(L. S.)

Non-di-yau-ka, x

(L. S.)

Kos-fish-to-wau, x

(L. S.)

Oo-jau-geht-a, x or Fish Carrier,

(L. S.)

To-he-ong-go, x

(L. S.)

Oot-a-guaf-fo, x

(L. S.)

Joo-non-dau-wa-onh, x

(L. S.)

Ki-yau-ha-onh, x

(L. S.)

Oo-tau-je-au-genh, x or Broken Axe.

(L. S.)

Tau-ho-on-dos, x or Open the Way.

(L. S.)

Twau-ke-wash-a, x

(L. S.)

Se-qui-dong-quee, alias Little Beard.

(L. S.)

Kod-je-ote, x or Half Town.

(L. S.)

Ken-jau-au-gus, x or Stinking Fish. (L. S.)

Soo-noh-quau-kau, x

(L. $.)


Twen-ni-ya-na, x

(L. s.)

Jish-kaa-ga, x, or Green Grafs-hopper,

alias Little Billy.

(L. s.)

[blocks in formation]

Soo-a-yoo-wau, x

(L. s.)

Kau-je-a-ga-onh, x, or Heap of Dogs. (L. s.)

Soo-nooh-fhoo-wau, x

(L. S.)

T-ha-oo-wau-ni-as, x

(L. S.)

Soo-nong-joo-wau, x

(L. S.)

Kiant-whau-ka, x, alias Cornplanter. (L. s.)

Kau-neh-shong-goo, x

(L. s.)

[blocks in formation]







Oneida, Tuscorora, and Stockbridge

A TREATY between the United States and the Oneida, Tufcorora, and Stockbridge Indians, dwelling in the Country of the Oneidas. HEREAS, in the late war between Great-Britain and the United States


of America, a body of the Oneida and Tuf corora and the Stockbridge Indians, adhered faithfully to the United States, and assisted them with their warriors; and in consequence of this adherence and assistance, the Oneidas and Tufcororas, at an unfortunate period of the war, were driven from their homes, and their houses were burnt and their property destroyed: And as the United States in the time of their distress, acknowledged their obligations to these faithful friends, and promised to reward them: and the United States being now in a condition to fulfil the promises then made: the following articles are stipulated by the respective parties for that purpose; to be in force when ratified by the President and



The United States will pay the fum of five 5000 doll thousand dollars, to be diftributed among in- lars to be dividuals of the Oneida and Tufcorora nations, for paft as a compenfation for their individual loffes loffes and and fervices during the late war between



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