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(ACT of May 1st, 1820.)

March third, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, as relates to the subject of that section, shall be continued in force for the term of three years from and after the passing of this act: Provided, nevertheless, That no pension shall be granted under the said acts, after the sixteenth day of April next, unless, at the time of relinquishing the bounty land, in the manner therein described, the children, for whose benefit the same may be granted, or one of them, shall be under sixteen years of age: And provided also, That the pensions shall commence at the date of the relinquishments respectively. [Supra, 21, 25.]

ACT of March 3, 1819. Pamphlet edit. 96.
An act concerning invalid pensions.

SECS. 1. II. [Private.]

32. SEC. III. Any pension granted by this act, or any other act, hereafter to be passed, to any officer, soldier, or marine, who served in the revolutionary war, shall cease and be discontinued, in case the individual, to whom the same may be granted, hath availed himself, or shall hereafter avail himself, of the provisions of an act, passed the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States, in the revolutionary war." [Supra, 26.]

33. SEC. rv. All persons entitled to pensions, in conformity with the provision of the act, entitled "An act to provide for persons disabled by known wounds during the revolutionary war," passed April the eighteenth, one thousand eight hundred and six, and also, the fourth section of an act, entitled "An act concerning invalid pensioners," passed the twenty-fifth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eight, may be placed on the pension list by the secretary of war, without reporting the same to congress.

ACT of May 1, 1820. Pamphlet edit. 58.

34. SEC. 1. No person who now is, or hereafter may be, placed on the pension list of the United States, by virtue of the act, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and navan service of the United States in in the revolutionary war," passed on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, [Supra, 26.] shall, after the payment of that part of the pension which became due on the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, continue to receive the pension granted by the said act, until he shall have exhibited to some court of record, in the county, city, or borough, in which he resides, a schedule, subscribed by him, containing his whole estate and income, (his necessary clothing and bedding excepted,) and shall have (before the said court, or some one of the judges thereof) taken and subscribed, and produced to the said court, the following oath or affirmation, to wit. I, A B, do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I was a resident citizen of the

(ACT of May 15th, 1820.) United States on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner whatever, disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war," passed on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property, or securities, contracts, or debts, due to me; nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed: Nor until such person shall have delivered, or caused to be delivered, to the secretary of war, a copy of the aforesaid schedule and oath or affirmation, certified by the clerk of the court to which the said schedule was delivered, together with the opinion of the said court, also certified by their clerk, of the value of the property contained in the said schedule: Provided, That, in every case in which the pensioner may be insane, or incapable of taking an oath, the court may receive the said schedule without the aforesaid oath or affirmation, from the committee, or other person authorized to take care of such person.

SEC. II. The original schedule and oath or affirmation shall be filed in the clerk's office, of the court to which the schedule and oath or affirmation aforesaid shall be exhibited: and any person who shall swear or affirm falsely in the premises, and be thereof convicted, shall suffer as for wilful and corrupt perjury.

SEC. II. On the receipt of the copy of the schedule and oath, or affirmation aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the war department, to cause to be struck from the list of pensioners under the said act, the name of such person, in case the said person shall not, in his opinion, be in such indigent circumstances as to be unable to support himself without the assistance of his country: Provided, That every person, who shall have been placed on the pension list in consequence of disability, from known wounds received in the revolutionary war, and who shall have relinquished such pension in order to avail themselves of the benefit of the provisions of the act, to which this is an amendment, who, by virtue of this section, may be stricken from the pension list, shall be forthwith restored to the pension so relinquished.

ACT of May 15, 1820. Pamphlet edit. 114.

35. SEC. 1. The act, entitled "An act to provide for persons who were disabled by known wounds received in the revolutionary war," passed on the tenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and six; and limited, as in said act declared, to the term of six years, and afterwards revived and continued in force by an act, entitled "An [act] to revive and continue in force' An act to provide for persons who were disabled by known wounds re

(ACT of March 3d, 1817.)

ceived in the revolutionary war,' and for other purposes, for and during the term of six years," as in the said act is declared, shall be, and the same is hereby revived, and is continued in force for one year, and no longer, from the passing of this act: Provided, That this act shall not be construed to repeal or make void the fourth section of an act, entitled " An act concerning invalid pensions," passed the third of March, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen; but the said fourth section of the said last mentioned act shall be, and hereby is declared to be, in full force and effect; any thing in the said act hereby revived and made perpetual, to the contrary notwithstanding. [Supra, 5 and 33.]

36. SEC. II. The right any person now has, or may hereafter acquire, to receive a pension in virtue of any law of the United States, shall be considered to commence at the time of completing his testimony, pursuant to the act hereby revived and continued in force.

37. SEC. III. The agents for the payment of invalid pensioners of the United States shall, in future, be required to give bond, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the secretary for the department of war, in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of the duties confided to them, respectively.

[See title NAVY.]


ACT of March 3, 1817. Pamphlet edit. 226.
An act to regulate the trade in plaster of Paris.

SEC. I. From and after the fourth day of July next, no plaster of Paris, the production of any country, or its dependencies, from which the vessels of the United States are not permitted to bring the same article, shall be imported into the United States in any foreign vessel. And all plaster of Paris imported, or attempted to be imported, into the United States, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, and the vessel in which the same may be imported, or attempted to be imported, together with the cargo, tackle, apparel, and furniture, shall be forfeited to the United States; and such plaster of Paris, vessel and cargo, shall be liable to be seized, prosecuted, and condemned, in like manner, and under the same regulations, restrictions, and provisions, as have been heretofore established for the recovery, collection, and distribution, and remission, of forfeitures to the United States by the several revenue laws.

SEC. II. This act shall continue and be in force five years from the thirty-first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen: Provided, nevertheless, That if any foreign nation, or its dependencies, which have now in force regulations on the sub

(ACT of February 28th, 1806.) ject of the trade in plaster of Paris, prohibiting the exportation thereof to certain ports of the United States, shall discontinue such regulations, the president of the United States is hereby authorised to declare that fact by his proclamation, and the restrictions imposed by this act shall, from the date of such proclamation, cease and be discontinued in relation to the nation, or its de pendencies, discontinuing such regulations.

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ACT of August 7, 1789. 2 Bioren, 34.

1. SEC. IV. All pilots in the bays, inlets, rivers, harbours and ports of the United States, shall continue to be regulated in conformity with the existing laws of the states respectively, wherein such pilots may be, or with such laws as the states may respectively hereafter enact for the purpose, until further legislative provision shall be made by congress.

ACT of March 17, 1800. 3 Bioren, 319.

2. SEC. 1. The consent of congress is hereby granted, to the operation of an act of the general assembly of the state of Maryland, passed on the twenty-sixth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, entitled " An act empowering the wardens of the port of Baltimore, to levy and collect the duty therein mentioned;" and also, to so much of an act of the state of Georgia, passed February the tenth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, entitled " An act for regulating the trade, laying duties on all goods, wares, liquors, merchandise, and negroes, imported into this state, and also an impost on the tonnage of shipping, and for other purposes therein mentioned," as authorises a duty of three pence per ton, on all shipping entering the port of Savannah, to be set apart as a fund for clearing the river Savannah.

3. SEC. II. This act shall be, and continue in force until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and no longer. [Infra, 6.]

ACT of February 28, 1806. 4 Bioren, 8.

4. SEC. 1. The consent of congress is hereby granted, and declared to the operation of an act of the legislature of Pennsylvania, passed on the first day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and five, entitled "An act to empower the board of war

(ACT of April 29th, 1816.)

dens for the port of Philadelphia to collect a certain duty on tonnage, for the purposes therein mentioned," so far as to enable the state of Pennsylvania to collect a duty of four cents per ton, on all vessels which shall clear out from the port of Philadelphia for any foreign port or place whatever, to be expended in building piers in, and otherwise improving the navigation of, the river Delaware, agreeably to the intentions of the said act.

ACT of July 16, 1813. 4 Bioren, 545.

5. SEC. 1. The president is hereby authorised, whenever the same shall be deemed necessary, for the defence and security of any of the ports and harbours of the United States, to cause to be hired or purchased, hulks or other means of impediments to the entrance of the ships or vessels of the enemy, to be sunk, with the consent of the proper authority of the state in which such port or harbour may be, and the same to be removed, whenever in his opinion it may be done with safety to such ports or harbours.

ACT of April 16, 1814. 4 Bioren, 686.

6. SEC. 1. The act which passed the seventeenth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred, entitled "An act declaring the assent of congress to certain acts of the states of Maryland and Georgia, is hereby revived, and continued in force until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two. Provided, That nothing herein contained, shall authorise the demand of a duty or tonnage, on vessels propelled by steam, employed in the transportation of passengers. [Supra, 2.]

ACT of April 24, 1816. Pamphlet edit. 74.

7. It shall be lawful to make entry of foreign ships or vessels, and of cargoes which may be on board the same, and to unlade such cargoes respectively, or any part thereof, at the port of Middletown, in the state of Connecticut, and at Plymouth, in the state of North Carolina, under the regulations in such cases by law provided.

ACT of April 29, 1816. Pamphlet edit. 133.

8. SEC. I. The consent of congress is hereby granted, and declared to the operation of any act of the general assembly of the state of South Carolina, now in existence, or which may hereafter be passed so far as the same extends, or may extend to authorise the city council of Charleston, to impose and levy a duty, not exceeding ten cents per ton, on all ships and vessels of the United States, which shall arrive and be entered in the port of Charleston, from any foreign port or place, for the purpose of providing a fund for the temporary relief and maintenance of sick or disabled seamen in the marine hospital of said port of Charleston.

SEC. 11. The collector of the port of Charleston, is hereby authorised to collect the duties imposed, or authorised to be imposed by this act, and to pay the same to such persons as shall be authorised to receive the same, by the city council of Charleston.

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