THE FACE IN THE MIND'S EYE THAT was once her casement, Now, as then, I see her Foremost in my vision Shape so sweet and shy, Dear, Never once do I, Dear, AMABEL I MARKED her ruined hues, And asked, Can there indwell My Amabel? ” I looked upon her gown, Once rose, now earthen brown ; Her step's mechanic ways I mused: “Who sings the strain Knowing that, though Love cease, An Amabel. AMABEL -I felt that I could creep I said (the while I sighed "But leave her to her fate, " 1866. 16 WESTBOURNE PARK VILLAS. 83 'I SAID TO LOVE" I SAID to Love, It is not now as in old days Named thee the Boy, the Bright, the One I said to him, We now know more of thee than then ; We were but weak in judgment when, With hearts abrim, We clamoured thee that thou would'st please Inflict on us thine agonies," I said to him. I said to Love, Thou art not young, thou art not fair, Are thine; but features pitiless, And iron daggers of distress," I said to Love. |