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ART. 56. A Vocabulary of fuch Words in the English Language as ave of dubious or unfettled Accentuation; in which the Pronunciation of Sheridan, Walker, and cther Orthoepifts is compared. 8vo. 4s. Ri vingtons. 1797.

The plan of this vocabulary is judicious, and the author has taken great and laudable pains in comparing the opinions of his predeceffors. Yet who can be always right? This teacher fometimes follows Scottish and Irish authorities in preference to English, on points of English pronunciation. An obvious remark is, that the author has not explained his own defign in his title-page. He fpeaks only of dubious or unfettled accentuation, whereas he certainly means pronunciation in general, as fully appears by his book.

ART. 57. The Sequel to Mentoria, or the Young Ladies Inftru&tor, in familiar Converfations, on a Variety of interesting Subjects; in which are introduced Lectures on Aftronomy and Natural Philofophy, expreffed in Terms fuited to the Comprehenfion of juvenile Readers; being prin cipally intended to enlarge the Ideas, and infpire juft Conceptions of the Deity, from the Contemplation of the general Syftem of the Universe. By Anne Marray. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Dilly. 1799.

We are not friendly to long title pages, but there is nothing afferted in this which the publication itfelf does not juftify. This is a very exoellent little book, though perhaps in fome parts rather too abftrafe for very young perfons. It is exceedingly well-written, and nothing feems to be omitted, which the fyftem intended to be illuftrated requires. The concluding dialogue is entitled to the highest praife. Two volumes were printed in 1793, which we commended in our first volume, p. 49.

ART. 58. A Letter to Mr. Eton, from a Merchant in Turkey; in Anfer to a Chapter in his Survey of the Turkish Empire, to prove the Neceffity of abolishing the Levant Company; and alfo on Quarantine Regulations, highly interefting to Great Britain at the prefent Moment. Svo. Is. 6d. Matthews. 1799.

This writer approves of Mr. Eton's plan of quarantine regulations; but reprobates, we think, without confuting, his affertions on the fubject of the Levant Company. The merchant in Turkey is doubtless Tome peaceable inhabitant of our metropolis, who, being touched, is rather fore.

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ART. 59. The Lounger's Common-Place Book, or Mifcellaneous Anecdotes, a biographical, political, literary, fatirical, Compilation; which he who •runs may read. Volume III. 8vo. 257 PP. 5s. 6d. Kerby. 1798.

This ftill continues to be the dearest, as well as leaft judicious compilation of the kind that ever appeared. It is not pleafing either to the eye or to the mind. The title fays, that he who runs may read; we fancy more will run away than will read. We formerly mentioned the two firft volumes with due difapprobation.

ART. 60. The Elements of the Latin Pongue, with all the Rules in English, for the more ready Improvement of Youth. By the Reverend Robert Armstrong. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Griffiths. 1799.

We are well pleafed with this Grammar, and think it may be usefully put into the hands of younger ftudents. The part of Grammar ufually denominated the Syntax is all in English, the advantages of which is by no means obvious. Learning fo many words, is learning fo much of the language, particularly when then the rules are again and again repeated, as they always ought to be in parfing. The Profody is given with much perfpicuity and neatness.

ART. 61. A Letter to the Author of a Pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on the Purfuits of Literature, in a Letter to the Author dated Cambridge, May 1, 1798." Containing Obfervations on the Remarks. By a Country Gentleman, formerly of the Univerfity of Cambridge. 8vo. 28 pp. 15. Lee and Hurft. 1798.

There is very little in this Letter; but, as far as it goes, it is fa vourable to the "Parfaits of Literature." The author defcribes hinfelf as retired in Surry, but as a perfon, to fome anonymous publications of whom the public was formerly partial.

ART. 62. A Letter from Mr. Brothers to Mifs Cott, the recorded Daugh ter of King David, and future Queen of the Hebrews, &c. 8vo. 35. Riebau. 1798.

We mention this defpicable nonfenfe, only to obferve that it is also deception. Brothers neither ought to be, nor is, permitted to write or print books. For fome mischievous purpose it is thought advisable to ufe his name, and to circulate thefe abfurdities.




ART. 63. Voyage du ci-devant duc du Châtelet, en Portugal; où fe trouvent des détails intéressans fur fes colonies, fur le tremblement de terre de Lisbonne, fur M. de Pombal, et la cour; revu, corrigé fur le monuferil, et augmenté de notes fur la fituation actuelle de ce royaume et de fes colantes, par J. Fr. Bourgoing, ci-devant miniftre plénipotentiaire de la république française en Espagne, membre afficié de l'Infitut national; Two Vols. in Svo. avec la carte du Portugal et la vue de la baye de Lisbonne, gravées en taille-douce. Prix, 5 francs, 50 centimes broché.

We may pronounce this work to be one of the moft complere of thofe which have hitherto appeared on Portugal. Mr. Bourgoing, who has been connected in different ways with this country, has revifed the au thor's manufcript, and has added interefting notes and fupplements, in which few things feem to be omitted that regard a kingdom as yet fo imperfectly known, but which, however, in a variety of refpects, deferves to be noticed. It is to Mr. Bourgoing that we are indebted for the Tableau de l'Espagne moderne, of which a fecond edition has for fome time been published, and of which an account has been given in the British Critic.

Thefe two works are, as it were, necessary to each other. They bring us acquainted with the whole of this peninfula, which by its pro ductions, and by its immenfe colonies, is more or lefs connected with the rest of the work; through which pafs into Europe not only the metals of the new continent, but likewife an infinite number of articles, either indifpenfably required, or at leaft effentially uletul in manufac tures, in the fine ais, for the prefervation of health, and the enj y ment of life. Efpr. d. Journ.

ART. 64. Poes philofophiques et defcriptives, des auteurs qui fe font diftingués dans le dixhuitième fiècle. Three Vols. in 8vo. Paris.

A collection of Poéfies fatyriques of the eighteenth century, had before been published, to which this of the Poefies philofophiques et defcriptives, was probably intended as a companion. Of this collection we may obferve, that it contains a volume too much.

The firft piece which prefents itfelf, is the well known Epiftle of Voltaire on the Philofophy of Newton; nor have the editors neglected to infert that to the people by Thomas. Thomas is better known by his

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eloquent profe, than by his verfes. He had for fome time been e ployed in preparing an epic poem, which was to have been entitled La Pétréide, on which Gilbert had made the following verfe :

" Thomas eft en travail d'un gros poëme epique.”

He should, however, himself have confidered in how weak a manne he has copied in his Satire on the Eighteenth Century, the following four verfes of the Epitre au peuple:

"Vois ces fpectres dorés s'avancer à pas lents,
Trainer d'un corps ufé les débris chancelans,
Et fur un front jauni qu'a ridé la molleffe,
Etaler à trente ans leur précoce vieilleffe."

Which are thus imitated by Gilbert:

"Suis les pas de nos grands: énervés de molleffe,
Ils fe traînent à peine en leur vieille jeuneffe,
Courbés avant le temps, confumés de langueur,
Enfans effeminés de pères fans vigueur.'

Marmontel, Colardeau, Delille, Chamfort, Ducis, &c. are the poets from whofe works, after thofe already mentioned, the greater part of the pieces which form this collection, are taken. To the whole is prefixed a preliminary difcourfe on the alliance of poetry with philofophy in the latt century, and on that fpecies of defcriptive poetry, in which the English and the Germans, more efpecially, have published fo many

valuable works.

The pieces of each author are likewife introduced by fomne literary notices refpecting his particular talents and works. Thefe notices, except in the third volume, are interefting, and certainly show their writers to poffefs confiderable refinement of taste.


ART. 65. Paufanias, ou Voyage biftorrique pittoresque et philofophique de la Grèce: traduit au Grec par l'abbé Géзoyn, de l'academie français, at de celle des inferiptions et belles-lettres. Nouvelle edition, augmentée du Voyage autour du monde par Seylax; traduit du grec en françaife par I. Ch. Poncelin, and enrichie de notes, de cartes géogra phique, &c. 4 vol. in Svo. Paris. An. 6.

This is the first time that the Voyage of Stylax has appeared in the French language. Imperfect as it has proceded from the hands of the abbreviator of Solax, the autho flourished under the reign of Darius, the fon of Hyftafps, about the year 522 before the Chriftian era. He had compofed a much more confiderable work, which is, however, Joft. The invention of geopraphical charts is afcribed to him. abridgement forms a very small part of the fourth volume of . Paufa



The Tranflation of Paxfanias by the Abbé Gédeyn is generally efteemed, being more exact, and lefs free than that of Quintilien by the lame Academician. This new edition is well executed. Ibid.


ART. 66. Nekrolog


Nekrolog von Schlichtgerol-German Necrology, by
Schlichtgeroll. Sixth Year. Gotha.

This periodical work is continued with the fame fuccefs. Among the lives contained in this new volume, we may particularly point out thofe of Hertzberg and Benda.

ART. 67. Verfuch ueber den mathematifchen Regeln der Perspective.--Efay on the mathematical Principles of Perspective, by Männig. Berlin, in 8vo. with Cuts.

It is principally for the ufe of artists that this work is compofed, and it appears to be very well calculated for that purpose.

ART. 68. Ausführliche Befchreibung des kriegs-fchauplatzes, &c.Complete Defcription of the Theatre of War between the Rhine, the Nahe, and the Mofelle; with the Hiftory of the Military Operations that have taken place there. Berlin, Svo. with Plans and Charts.

We have only yet feen the first volume of this work, which undoubtedly announces a great knowledge of the places, and of the events; the importance of which muft, therefore, under the actual circumtances, daily increase.

ART. 69. Hercules furens. Specimen nove recenfionis Tragoediarum L. Annæ Seneicæ. Autore Torkillo Baden. XV. et 176 pp. 8vo. (pr. Rixd.) Kiel. 1798.

The critical aids with which Mr. B. was provided for this work, in-ˆ tended as a fpecimen of a new edition of all the tragedies ufually afcribed to L. A. Seneca, are numerous and valuable; Jeventeen MSS. never before collated, with fome of the first editions, in the library at Copenhagen, which may themselves, in fome degree, be regarded as MSS. Both of thefe he has compared, in the most careful manner, with the text of Gronovius, and hopes, chiefly with their affiftance, to prefent the public with a text of these tragedies effentially improved; adding likewife in his Dedication, "tur, rebus urgentibus, libertate novandi, quam aliis, non fine magno veterum au&torum commodo, conc. Jam novi." With refpect to the alterations made or propofed in the text, by former critics, he obferves: "in hoc negotio hanc mihi legem fcripfi ut quæ five in libris dexterè reperta, five ingeniofe excogitata præclare reftituiffent critici,-ea non attingerem, fed rata fan&taque haberem; atque in as folis elaborarem, quæ integra ab illis prætermiffa, nullus adhuc doctorum occupaffer." It would, however, be neceffary to how that these dexterè reperta and ingeniofè excogitata are true, which, indeed, the author has done in the work itfelf, in a greater degree than could have been expected, from the manner in which he has exprefied himself in this paffage, Jena ALZ.


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