Unequal Participation in Mathematics and Science EducationGarant, 2005 - Broj stranica: 183 In 1987 lanceerde de Nederlandse overheid de campagne 'Kies exact' om o.a. meer meisjes ertoe over te halen ook te kiezen voor exacte studierichtingen. Deze campagne had echter niet het beoogde effect. De auteur presenteert in haar boek een aantal Nederlandse en internationale studies die de ongelijke participatie van bepaalde groepen van leerlingen, onder meer meisjes en kinderen van laaggeschoolde ouders, aan exacte studierichtingen tot thema hebben. Deze ongelijke deelname heeft ook zijn implicaties voor de latere beroepskeuze en positie op de arbeidsmarkt. Met een dreigend tekort aan wetenschappelijk en ICT-personeel op de arbeidsmarkt voor ogen, zou een toename van meisjes tot het niveau van mannen voldoende zijn om dit tekort op te lossen. |
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Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. OOMO Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Garant Annemarie van Langen UNEQUAL PARTICIPATION IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION This One 9771-40Q. Front ...
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. OOMO Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Garant Annemarie van Langen UNEQUAL PARTICIPATION IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION This One 9771-40Q. Front ...
Stranica ii
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen.
Stranica iii
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Garant Antwerpen - Apeldoorn Annemarie van Langen Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Annemarie ...
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Garant Antwerpen - Apeldoorn Annemarie van Langen Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Annemarie ...
Stranica iv
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. Annemarie van Langen Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Antwerpen - Apeldoorn Garant 2005 X & 183 blz . - 24 cm D / 2005 / 5779 / 172 ISBN 90-441-1892-7 ...
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. Annemarie van Langen Unequal participation in mathematics and science education Antwerpen - Apeldoorn Garant 2005 X & 183 blz . - 24 cm D / 2005 / 5779 / 172 ISBN 90-441-1892-7 ...
Stranica viii
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. 7 Summary and conclusions 141 7.1 Introduction and theoretical background ( Chapter 1 ) 141 7.2 Group - related differences in the choice of mathematics and science subjects ...
Antonetta Maria Lamberdina van Langen, Annemarie van Langen. 7 Summary and conclusions 141 7.1 Introduction and theoretical background ( Chapter 1 ) 141 7.2 Group - related differences in the choice of mathematics and science subjects ...
Introduction and theoretical background | 1 |
subjects | 17 |
6 | 25 |
7 | 31 |
and science choice in preuniversity education | 41 |
4 | 63 |
Crossnational differences in participating in tertiary science | 93 |
Exploring crossnational differences in gender gaps in education | 115 |
Summary and conclusions | 141 |
References | 153 |
78 | 155 |
Appendices | 165 |
Samenvatting Summary in Dutch | 173 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
background characteristics capacities and achievement Chapter choice of maths cohort cross-national differences degree of maths Dekkers differentiation Dutch language educational system European Commission explain fields of study final examination four countries gender achievement gaps gender gaps girls with respect HAVO and VWO health profile higher education influence Langen leerlingen level of education levels of secondary maths achievement maths and science maths score maths/science orientation meisjes meritocratic multilevel analyses Netherlands number of maths OECD parental education parental level percentage PISA prestaties reading literacy report marks research question respect to boys science & health science & technology science and reading science choice science literacy science profile science subject choice science subjects chosen secondary school selected sex segregation sex-specific significant social class STEM courses STEM education STEM fields STEM sector Sweden Table technology profile tertiary education tertiary STEM upper secondary education variables VWO girls VWO pupils western countries women
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