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Von Prof. Dr. Konstantin Schlottmann. Herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Kühn. Pp. vi, 192. Leipzig: Dörffling & Franke. Mrk. 4.— Dr. Schlottmann, Professor of Theology in Halle, died in 1887. The present work is an abstract of his lectures on Biblical Theology. Biblical theology is defined as "the scientific statement of Biblical doctrine in its historical development upon the ground of a divine revelation and under the special guidance of the divine spirit." The compendium is of special value not only for its judicious selection and condensation of matter, but especially as it covers the whole of Biblical doctrine in a continuous historical review, bringing the Old Testament and the New Testament into well-defined relations by an admirable chapter on post-canonical Judaism. A more serviceable compendium could not be desired. Its references, inter-references, and index will lead many to keep it alongside their Bibles.

Das aristokratische Prinzip in Natur und Menschenleben. Hauptbestandteile einer neuen, im wesentlichen anti-darwinischen Lebensauffassung und Weltanschauung auf exact-naturwissenschaftlicher Basis allgemeinverständlich dargestellt. Von Dr. Paul Otto Schmidt. Pp. xiv, 230. Halle a. S.: Verlag von Richard Schroedel. Mrk. 5. We are to understand by the aristocratic principle the permanent result of the impressions made by the best in natural and in human life. These impressions become influential principles. These goods are the useful, the good, the noble, and the beautiful. The work shows three main divisions. The first is an exposition of the aristocratic principles or a construction of the aristocracy; the second treats of the aristocratic principle in nature and life in general, and the third confines the investigation to the life of mankind. The spirit of the work opposes throughout all materialistic and pessimistic views of life, and furnishes many incentives to the life of faith in the true and the good. Against that theory of development propounded by Lamarck, and propped up by Darwin and Haeckel, the author discharges his arguments with good effect. Dr. Schmidt was formerly a disciple of this theory, but found it to represent a small and lean phase of truth, if not quite suspended from error. The criticism of this crude, vulgar form of evolution is excellent. The nobler elements in man are regarded as stronger and more enduring than brute force. The practical consequences of the author's views are drawn with reference to religious, social, and political life. Christianity is thought to hold a very strong position for the solution of social questions, yet it must abandon certain pessimistic phases of doctrine connected with whence and whither. The work will be found very serviceable as an introduction to the scientific discussion of life problems.

Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen. V Band. Heft 4. Agrapha, Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente in Möglichster Vollständigkeit Zusammengestellt und Quellenkritisch Untersucht. Von P. prim. Alfred-Resch, Kirchenrath. Anhang: Das Evanglienfragment von Fajjum's. Von Adolf Harnack. Pp. xii, 520. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung. Mrk. 17.- Under the word Agrapha are comprehended all the traditional words of the Lord, in their different phrasings, which are found neither in the canonical and apocryphal gospels, nor in any of the recognized fragments of the same. The literature relating to this subject takes its origin from the French Cotelerius, who, between the years 1677 and 1688, published three volumes, under the title "Ecclesiae Graecae Monumenta." The German Fabri

cius carried on the investigation, and in 1703 issued his Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, which reached a second edition in 1719, and has since remained the standard authority. The more recent works of Hofmann, Bunsen, Westcott, and Hilgenfeld easily give way to the complete and symtematic study of Dr. Resch. The author attempts a full collection and arrangement of the Agrapha; a safe principle for the criticism of its sources, and the bases of a satisfactory exegetical treatment of its material. This chief part of the work, pp. 14-314, may be indicated in the following order: criticism of the patristic citations from the gospels; criticism of the sources of the canonical gospels; the Hebrew original and the Greek translations; criticism of the sources of the Agrapha; exegesis of the Agrapha in general; index of the text of the Agrapha, pp. 95-134; special criticism and exegesis, pp. 135– 269. The doubtful and spurious Agrapha are divided into three groups, pp. 314-463: 1. The apocryphal fragments of the gospels with text and criticism. 2. The apostolic apocrypha. 3. The didactic and apocalyptic apocrypha. The book is well furnished with indices of Biblical texts, patristic authorities, and codices, which apart from its special subject make it a valuable handbook to patristic literature. Professor Harnack, pp. 483-497, argues pro and con respecting the Fajjum Papyrus, leaving the reader to draw his own inference respecting its value.

Das Gewissen. Von Dr. Wilh. Schmidt. Pp. v, 376. Mrk. 7. 20. Die Mandäische Religion, ihre Entwickelung und geschichtliche Bedeutung erforscht, dargestellt und beleuchtet. Von Dr. A. J. H. Wilhelm Brandt. Pp. xii, 236. Mrk. 8. Geschichte des Jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. Von D. Emil Schürer, Professor der Theologie zu Giessen. Zweite neu bearbeitete Auflage. Erster Theil. Erste Hälfte. Pp. 256. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung. Mrk. 6. - "Das Gewissen " is a history of conscience from the earliest records up or down to our own day. Although conscience is as old as the race, the word ouveídnσis is first met in the philosophy of the Stoics. (See a fragment from Chrysippus found in Diog. Laert. VII. 85.) Thus conscience among the Stoics is made the basis of the whole history. From this point the author first investigates the literature of the Greco-Roman world and then of the more prominent eastern races, such as the Chinese, Indians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Egyptians. The centre of the work is the study of conscience in the Bible, pp. 81-205. The fourth and final chapter, "Conscience in the Christian Era," opens with Ignatius of Antioch, and reviews the opinions of the more important theologians and philosophers who have represented or influenced the course of religious and ethical thought. Though patristic times and the Middle Ages are well represented, the emphasis rests naturally upon the modern period. The thirty pages devoted to living writers on this subject are of extraordinary interest. The result of the study, pp. 369-376, represents conscience as the centre, faculty, and criterion of religious and ethical truth. Capable of education and development, it is yet, in power and principle, innate. The work is full of suggestion and interest, and merits from both its form and matter a good reception.

The Mandæans and their religion have long been recognized as most difficult and interesting subjects of study. This has been remarked in the works of Nöldeke, Petermann, and Siouffi. Dr. Brandt has been able, from his prolonged study, to give a more thorough representation of the Mandæan system, and to correct many radical errors respecting it.

This people, overestimated by Ignatius at 25,000 families, number to-day not more than 4,000 persons. The first three chapters of the book treat of the theology, cosmology, anthropology, and religious life of the Mandæans. They know no other salvation than that of the future; no other means of salvation than a strict adherence to the rules of practical piety. These rules make known light and darkness and the burning fire. Although the Mandæans in their history have come into intimate contact with almost every form of faith and life, and done so fearlessly, yet their character and religious consciousness have been little disturbed. The marvelous energy with which they have resisted absorption is witnessed by the curious eclecticism of their doctrines combined with the strongest individuality. Singing and dancing are proscribed as wiles of Satan; monogamy is commanded, and slavery condemned. Excellent sanitary regulations are a part of their moral law, and moral law is the essence of religion. In the sixth chapter the author sets forth the relations between the Mandæan religion and the surrounding religions, such as those of Babylon, Judea, and Persia, in order to obtain some light upon its origin. A Greek origin, following upon the work of Alexander, is supposed.

Die Gemeindeverfassung des Urchristenthums. Eine Kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung. Von Dr. Edgar Loening, Professor der Rechte zu Halle. Pp. v. 154. Halle Verlag von Max Niemeyer. Mrk. 4. Muhamedanische Studie. Von Ignaz Goldziher. Erster Theil. Pp. xii, 280. Halle: Max Niemeyer. Mrk. 8.- Dr. Loening presents this study as a memorial of the fifty years of labor which the illustrious Prof. Dr. Rudolf von Gneist has given to Constitutional History. It is of interest that a prominent jurist should have chosen this subject, inasmuch as theological science has held undisputed possession. The difficulties of the subject grow out of dogmatic suppositions and the conflicting testimony of the original sources. The question, were Bishop and Presbyter originally identical, the two terms signifying the same office, is regarded as the centre of the whole problem. The plan and execution of the work are of the highest order. The first chapter, pp. 1-33, is a masterly review of works, old and new, which investigate this field. The tenth chapter is a summary of such results and conclusions as have been obtained through the intermediate chapters, which treat of the main problems of the constitution of the early church and community. The early Christian community had a character of its own, it did not put new wine into the old skins of Judaism or heathenism. Before the end of the second century Christ was the sole High Priest of his people, but monarchistic ideas were rapidly growing, the powers of the Bishop were increasing, and at the end of the second century the Old Testament ideas of priesthood were pressed in upon Christendom. At the time of Cyprian Bishops and Presbyters were known only as Priests, who alone had the power of mediating between God and men. The value of this brief, comprehensive monograph lies not only in the clear and scholarly treatment of the whole field, but in a judicious emphasis of those points which are of fundamental importance, and in an indication of certain errors of fact and judgment found in recent volumes supposed to be authoritative. The book should find its way at once into the hands of teachers and students.


Mattoon M. Curtis.


Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Freiburg i. B. Das Apostolische Zeitalter der christlichen Kirche von Carl Weizsäcker. Sach- und Stellenregister. Pp. xix. 1889. 2 M.; Sammlung Theologischer Lehrbücher. Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschishte von P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye, Dr. und ord. Professor der Theologie in Amsterdam. Zweiter Band. Pp. xvi, 406. 1889. 9 M.; Hand- Commentar zum Neuen Testament in vier Bänden. Bearbeitet von Professor Dr. H. J. Holtzmann in Strassburg; Geh. Kirchenrath Professor Dr. R. A. Lipsius in Jena; Lic. P. W. Schmiedel in Jena; Prediger Lic. H. v. Soden in Berlin. Band I. Die synoptischen Evangelien; Apostelgeschichte. Professor Dr. H. J. Holtzmann. Pp. xvi, 432. 1889. 6 M.

A. C. Armstrong & Son, New York. The First Epistle to the Corinthians. By the Rev. Marcus Dods, D. D. Pp. vii, 399. 1889. $1.50. For sale by De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., Boston; Spurgeon's Salt-Cellars. Being a Collection of Proverbs, together with Homely Notes Thereon. By C. H. Spurgeon. Pp. viii, 334. 1889. $1.50. For sale by De Wolfe, Fiske & Co.,


John Martenson, Chicago. The Lord is Right. Meditations on the TwentyFifth Psalm in the Psalter of King David. By P. Waldenström, Ph. D., Professor of Theology and of Biblical Hebrew and Greek in the College of Gefle, Sweden. Translation carefully Revised and some Notes added, together with an Introduction, by J. G. Princell. Pp. 303. 1889. $1.25; The Reconciliation. Who was to be Reconciled? God or Man? or God and Man? Some chapters on the Biblical View of the Atonement. By P. Waldenström, Ph. D., Professor of Theology and of Biblical Hebrew and Greek in the College of Gefle, Sweden. Translated from the Swedish, with some Notes added, and an Introduction, by J. G. Princell. Pp. 120. 75 cents.

Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, Boston and Chicago. Sermons on the International Sunday-School Lessons for 1890. By the Monday Club. Fifteenth Series. Pp. 390. $1.25.

Henry Holt & Co., New York. Handbook of Psychology: Senses and Intellect. By James Mark Ealdwin, Ph. D., Professor of Philosophy in Lake Forest University. 8vo, pp. xiii, 343.

Methodist Book Concern, Hunt & Eaton, Agents, New York. The Book Divine; or, How do I know the Bible is the Word of God? By Jacob Embury Price. Pp. 194. 1889. 75 cents; Old Heroes. The Hittites of the Bible. By Rev. J. N. Fradenburgh, Ph. D., D. D., Member of the Oriental Society, the American Folk-Lore Society, etc., etc., author of “Beauty Crowned," ," "Witnesses from the Dust," etc., etc. Pp. 166. 1889. Paper 50, cloth 75 cents.

Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York. The Reconstruction of Europe. A Sketch of the Diplomatic and Military History of Continental Europe from the Rise to the Fall of the Second French Empire. By Harold Murdock. With an Introduction by John Fiske. Pp. xxxii, 421. 1889. $2.00;

The Struggle for Immortality. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Pp. 245. 1889. $1.25; Essays on Government. By A. Lawrence Lowell. Pp. 229. 1889. $1.25; The Church in Modern Society. By Julius H. Ward. Pp. 232. 1889. $1.00; Memoirs of a Millionaire. By Lucia True Ames, author of "Great Thoughts for Little Thinkers." Pp. 325. 1889. $1.25. The Boston Book Company, Boston. The Australian Ballot System, as Embodied in the Legislation of Various Countries. With an Historical Introduction, and an Appendix of Decisions since 1856 in Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. By John H. Wigmore, of the Boston Bar. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Pp. viii, 205. October, 1889.

The Century Company, New York. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879. The Story of his Life, Told by his Children. Volume III. 1841-1860. Pp. xii, 509. 1889. Volume IV. 1861-1879. Pp. ix, 425. 1889.



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