Willis's Current notes



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Stranica x - Pictorial History of England. Being a History of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom, down to the Reign of George III.
Stranica 27 - Every packet must be sent either without a cover, or in a cover open at the ends or sides.
Stranica 2 - The History of Holland and the Dutch Nation, from the beginning of the Tenth Century to the end of the Eighteenth...
Stranica 13 - A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in Systematic Order ; forming a complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the earliest ages to the present time.
Stranica 21 - SHAKESPEARE'S LIBRARY.— A Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his Dramas, now first collected and accurately reprinted from the original Editions, with Notes, &c.
Stranica 3 - I went to prepare for their reception, leaving them for the present in their little cottage by the Wells. The weather being hot, and having sent my man on before, I rode negligently under favour of the shade, till, within three miles of Bromley, at a place called the Procession...
Stranica 7 - Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Reign of Edward I. 2 vols, 8vo, containing upwards of 1,000 pages, closely printed In double columns, cloth, a new and cheaper edition.
Stranica 2 - Syntax's (Dr.) Three Tours: In Search of the Picturesque, in Search of Consolation, and in Search of a Wife. With the whole of ROWLANDSON'S droll page Illustrations in Colours and a Life of the Author by JC HOTTEN.

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