| 1878 - Broj stranica: 1082
...and occupiers of and all other parties interested in any lands taken or used for the purposes of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction...parties, by reason of the exercise, as regards such lauds, of the powers by this or the Special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, vested in the company... | |
 | 1866 - Broj stranica: 932
...any lands taken or used for the purposes of the railway, or injuriously affected by the conttrnction thereof, full compensation for the value of the lands...exercise, as regards such lands, of the powers by the special act or any act incorporated therewith, vested in the company." Therefore, in one clause... | |
 | 1845 - Broj stranica: 922
...and occupiers of and all other parties interested in any lands taken or uitd for the purposes of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction...occupiers, and other parties, by reason of the exercise, u regards such lands, of the powers by this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith,... | |
 | 1865 - Broj stranica: 798
...maintenance of the works thereby authorized, or otherwise by the execution of the powers thereby conferred, full compensation for the value of the lands so taken...used, and for all damage sustained by such owners, &c., by reason of the exercise of the powers vested in the undertakers by this or the special act or... | |
 | 1867 - Broj stranica: 988
...owners and occupiers of and all other parties interested in any lands taken for the purpose of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction...thereof, full compensation for the value of the lands taken, and for all damage sustained by such owners, occupiers and other parties by reason of the exercise... | |
 | 1869 - Broj stranica: 1032
...and occupiers of, and all other parties interested in any lands taken or used for the purpose of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction thereof, full compensation for the value of the land so taken or used, and for all damage sustained by such owners, occupiers, and other parties by... | |
 | Great Britain - 1845 - Broj stranica: 1274
...and Occupiers of and all other Parties interested in any Lands taken or used for the Purposes of the Railway, or injuriously affected by the Construction...the Value of the Lands so taken or used, and for all nage sustained by such Owners, Occupiers, and other Parties by reason of the Exercise, as regards such... | |
 | Sir William Hodges - 1847 - Broj stranica: 1160
...anJ occupiers of, and all other parties interested in any lands taken or used for the purposes of the railway, or injuriously affected by the construction...exercise, as regards such lands, of the powers by that or the special act, or any act incorporated therewith. vested in the company." And in a subsequent... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1847 - Broj stranica: 648
...35 of the Special Act, or injuriously affected by the construction of the works thereby authorized, full compensation for the value of the lands so taken...damage sustained by such owners, occupiers and other persons by reason of the exercise, as to such lands, of the powers vested in the Undertakers by this... | |
 | 1847 - Broj stranica: 628
...purposes of the special Act, or injuriously affected by the construction of the works thereby authorized, full compensation for the value of the lands so taken...for all damage sustained by such owners, occupiers, or other parties, by reason of the exercise, as regards such laaiis, of the powers vested in the company... | |
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