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Edinburgh Review, with a speech of Mr. Sumner's, and a notice of events which followed that speech; we have also Letters from Rome to Friends in England, by the Rev. J. W. Burgon; The Clerical Assistant, an Elocutionary Guide to the Reading of the Scriptures, with Passages marked for Pitch and Emphasis, by G. Vandenhoff; and a similar treatise by the same author, entitled The Ladies' Reader.

In GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL We have few works of importance, but we may mention a work entitled Thirty-three Years in Tasmania and Victoria, with Historic Jottings, and Counsel to Emigrants; and The West Indies, their Social and Religious Condition, by E. D. Underhill. In HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY we find Sir George Cornewall Lewis's long-promised Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients; The Private Diary of the late Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, in 3 vols.; The Marquis of Dalhousie's Administration of British India, by Edwin Arnold; The Shannon's Brigade in India, an Account of Sir William Peel's Naval Brigade in the Indian Campaign of 1857-8; The Fathers of Greek Philosophy, by Bishop Hampden, chiefly from the Encyclopædia Britannica; a second series of Mrs. Delany's Autobiography, 3 vols.; and Historical Sketches and Reviews, by Viscount Cranborne, reprinted from the St. James's Medley, we believe an amateur magazine.

Under the head of THEOLOGY we have noted the important work announced by Mr. Murray under the title of Aids to Faith, which is evidently designed to counteract the teachings of Essays and Reviews: the editor is Dr. Thomson, the Provost of Queen's and Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol; Bishop Butler's Sermons and Remains, with a Memoir and Indices by the Rev. E. Steere; and Bishop Butler's Analogy of Religion; and The Supernatural in relation to the Natural, by the Rev. James Cosh.

In FICTION we find Mr. Sala's stories, The Two Prima Donnas, and The Dumb Porter, reprinted from a monthly periodical; Marrying for Money, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniels, 3 vols.; A Great Sensation, by Edward H. Dering, 3 vols.; Olive Blake's Good Work, by J. C. Jeaffreson, 3 vols.; The St. Aubyns of St. Aubyn, by the Author of Charley Nugent, 2 vols.; and Childhood and Youth, a Tale, translated from the Russian of Count Nicola Tolstoi.

A few NEW EDITIONS may also be mentioned, among which are Mr. Tennyson's Idylls of the King, with a new poetical dedication to the late Prince Consort; The Queen of Hearts, by Wilkie Collins, in 1 vol., with a steel engraving; and The Treasury of Science, Natural and Physical, by F. Schadler, illustrated, which is a new edition of the work entitled The Book of Nature.

Messrs. LONGMAN & Co.'s list comprises, in addition to numerous works already announced, Ellice, a Tale, by L. N. Comyn, 1 vol.; and a Manual of English Literature, Historical and Critical, with a Chapter on Metres, by T. Arnold.

Messrs. SEELEY, JACKSON, and HALLIDAY have in the press The Adopted Child, a Story illustrative of the Spirit of Adoption, by the Author of Katherine Douglas; and other works.

In announcing the fact of the Baronetcy conferred by Her Majesty upon Mr. Wentworth Dilke, one of the Royal Commissioners for the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862, our contemporaries generally have spoken of it as a recognition of literary merit. This is, we believe, entirely a mistake, Sir Wentworth Dilke never having had any connection with authorship, avowed or anonymous. Sir Wentworth was one of the originators-if not the originator of the Exhibition of 1851, and it was understood to be mainly to his talents for organisation, and indefatigable and disinterested labours, that the success of that great national undertaking was due. He declined, we believe, at that period all honours and rewards, including a sum of £3000 (not £6000 as has been stated) voted to cover expenses. Sir Wentworth has been long known as an active promoter of art, science, and social improvement, whose election to the presidentship or into the council of any society directed to these objects was a sure forerunner of prosperity and progress. No one could have had better means of judging of the value and extent of these services to the public than the late Prince Consort, and the fact that Her Majesty's intention was announced in the papers only a few days after the death of His Royal Highness, is perhaps the best indication of the true character and spirit of the honour thus conferred.

The final decision of the Court of Common Pleas in the case of Reade v. Conquest turns a suggestion which we made some time ago in these pages from half jest into downright sober earnest. Henceforth it is impossible to doubt that an enterprising novelist has it in his power to prevent playwrights from appropriating his inventions, by converting them, without his consent, into popular dramas-a wrong for which there has hitherto been believed to be no remedy. It is decided that if an author shall himself turn his novel into a play no dramatic pirate will be at liberty to plead that he founded his piracy, not on the play, but on the novel. Any author, therefore, who should think it worth the trouble while the type is standing to direct the printer to take out the descriptive portion and strike off a few copies with the title of “A Drama, Act I, &c.," may register at Stationers' Hall and defy the playwrights. We recommend this solution of the question to Mr. Dickens, Mr. Wilkie Collins, and other authors who have long battled unsuccessfully with the managers on this point.

M. Walewski, the French Minister, has just published an address delivered by him as President of the Commission for inquiring into the state of literary and artistic property in France, which in these times of international copyright conventions is interesting to English authors and publishers. It appears that by the present French law, an author's right extends to the life of himself, and his widow if she survive him, with thirty years further for their children; but by a curious oversight the words "assignees" having been omitted, a single gentleman devoting

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himself to authorship, comes under the operation of an old law passed in the heat of the first French Revolution, and any publisher to whom he sells a work can only count upon a term of ten years after his death-that being all the law allows in his case. The result in the case of French literary men is, that horror of the Malthusian philosophers, a positive premium upon marriage and large families. On the whole, however, the French copyright law must be considered more favourable to authors than our own; but the tendency of M. Walewski's opinions is evidently towards making copyright perpetual.

Readers, whom experience has taught to skip all verses in magazines, may make an exception in the case of Mr. Edmund Yates's poem called Invited and Inviting, in the current number of Temple Bar. The reading of the letter of the kind-hearted, rattle-brained friend is a capital piece of semi-humorous verse; but the attempt to answer the invitation in a cynical strain, and the sudden transition to a confession of a heart too sorrowful to join in Christmas festivities is full of poetry and true pathos.

The current number of Fraser has a remarkable article from the pen of Mr. John Stuart Mill, On the Civil War in America, which cannot fail to exercise considerable influence at the present time. Mr. Mills's opinion is decidedly against the Southern seceders.

Messrs. DEAN and Son of Ludgate Hill have just issued a large number of entirely new valentines for the approaching season, ranging in price from one penny to a guinea, and embracing every kind of elaborate workmanship and device, with endless varieties of comic trick and laughable change. The oil-print in lace border, the "music in the shell," the Moveable Children, the Charm Valentine, in a card box, are really works of art in their way. The Gorilla Valentine, and the affected-looking gentleman, whose head may be suddenly converted into a donkey's, like the weaver's in the Midsummer Night's Dream, &c., are also decided improvements upon the old vulgarities which used to characterise the comic valentine.

Mr. Baillière has issued Part IV. of Ganot's Physics, with thirty-six engravings; also Dr. De Sietras Santa on the Climate of Algiers, in reference to the Chronic Affections of the Chest; and has received from Melbourne the Account of Burke and Wills' Exploring Expedition across the Continent of Australia.

The first number of the new monthly magazine, called London Society, fully redeems the promises of its publishers, being for variety and quantity of matter, and abundance of illustrations, equal to anything that has been produced in these shilling days. The number contains six full-page engravings, by F. R. Pickersgill, R.A., H. Sanderson, Louis Huard, and others, and ninety-six pages of letter-press, in double columns, in the fashion of Fraser. The articles comprise historical and biographical gossip on Hyde Park, Penshurst, and the Sydneys, Schiller, &c., sketches of Rotten Row, and other phases of London life of the day; practical papers on London flowers for drawing-room and dinner-tables, poems, pantomimes, and the theatres; stories, and other matters, while forthcoming numbers are already announced to contain articles on the Merchant Princes of London, London Localities, the Romance of the Peerage, &c.

Messrs. Chambers and Co.'s new weekly periodical, entitled The Book of Days, a monthly part of which is also before us, is, as its title imports, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection (though not exclusively) with the calendar, including biography and history, curiosities of literature, and oddities of human life and character, with numerous engravings. It will form, when complete, a very curious and entertaining book of gossip and anecdote.

Mr. Kingston's Magazine for Boys for February takes a new development, being increased in size to 64 pages, and otherwise improved. In an interesting address on this occasion to his young readers, Mr. Kingston informs us that besides contributions of every variety to magazines and reviews, editing the Colonial Magazine, New Zealand Gazette, &c., he has beside him, while writing, fifty volumes written by his hand. We trust that his friends and admirers, young and old, will not forget these claims to their patronage.

Messrs. LONGMAN & Co. have just published their London Catalogue of Periodical Newspapers, &c., corrected to January 1862, which gives as usual the publishing offices, prices, days of publication, and other useful information.

The correspondent of an Edinburgh newspaper, who appears to be well informed, gives the following particulars concerning Dr. Guthrie and his contributions to Good Words :—“ What do you think of a Free Church congregation presenting one of its ministers with a carriage? I hear that Dr. Guthrie's people intend doing this, if they have not done so already. The Rev. doctor is certainly one of the most active as well as earnest of our Edinburgh ministers. Few of them are so often seen on the street, and yet few of them get through so much work. It is very profitable work, too, looked at merely from the pecuniary point of view. It is known here that the doctor got £30 for every monthly instalment of The Religion of Life, published in Good Words during last year. The chapters averaged about five pages each, and the sum paid by the enterprising publishers may therefore be said to have been at the rate of more than £90 a sheet - a scale of remuneration considerably higher, I should imagine, than was reached even in the case of some of Macaulay's most brilliant contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Then Messrs. A. & C. Black bring out the Rev. doctor's £30 chapters in the collected form of a book, which will doubtless be as popular as the author's other works."

AUCTIONS DURING THE ENSUING FORTNIGHT.-Mr. Hodgson, Feb. 6 and 7, several thousand volumes of modern books, chiefly in cloth. Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Feb. 5, 6, 7, music, original MS. of Bach's preludes, fugues, &c. Messrs. Southgate and Barrett, Feb. 3 to 13, modern engravings, chromo-lithographs, watercolour drawings, stereoscopic slides, &c.

New Works





AIDS to FAITH: a Series of Theological Essays, by several writers, edited by the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. 8vo. pp. 470, cl. 9s. (Murray){vide Adv. 69] [192 Intended to offer aid to those whose faith may have been shaken by recent assaults. The contributors, besides the editor, are the Bishop of Cork, Dr. A. M'Caul, Messrs. H. L. Mansel, F. C. Cook, George Rawlinson, Edward Harold Browne, and C. J. Ellicott, Dean of Exeter. AIMARD (Gustave) - Border Rifles. Illus. edit. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Ward & L.) [193 AIMARD (Gustave)- Prairie Flower. Illus. edit. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Ward & L.) [194 ALLEN (H.)—A Compendium of History; from the Creation to the Commencement of the Christiau Era. Designed chiefly for the use of Schools and Young Persons. Post 8vo. pp. 550, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Bean).......... [195 ANDERSON (Rev. John)-The Life of Christ from the Cradle to the Cross; in which the Words and Works of Our Lord are considered in connection with Time and Place. Post 8vo. pp. 650, cloth, 7s. (M'Phun) [196 ARMAN (Abraham)—a Complete Ready Reckoner for the Admeasurement of Land, to which is added a Table showing the price of work from 2s. 6d. to £1 per acre. 12mo. pp. 140, cl., 18. 6d. (Weale's Series) (Weale).. [197 AVRILLON-Eucharistic Meditations for a month on the most Holy Communion. Translated and abridged from the French, edited by the Rev. Orly Shipley. 12mo. pp. 180, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Masters) [198 BAAL; or, Sketches of Social Evils: a Poem in Ten Flights. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Freeman).... [199 BEALE (D.)—The Student's Text-Book of English and General History. New edit. carefully revised and enlarged. Post 8vo. pp. 172, sewed, 2s.; cloth, 2s. 6d. (Bell). [200 BEDELL (William)-Memoir of the Life and Episcopate of Dr. William Bedell, Lord Bishop of Kilmore, by his Son-in-Law, the Rev. Alexander Clogy, printed for the First Time (with Illustrative Notes) from the Original MS. in the Harleian Collection, British Museum. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth, 5s. (Wertheim) [201 BENTLEY (Joseph)-Education as it is, ought to be, and might be. New edit. 12mo. pp. 45, cl. 1s. (Bentley) [202 BEITER DAYS: a Tale, edited by Rev. Reginald N. Shutte. 2 vols. post Svo. pp. 610, cloth, 1. Is. (Saunders & O.)....

[203 BLAND (William) — Experimental Essays on the Principles of Construction in Arches, Piers, Buttresses, &c., made with a view to their being useful to the Practical Builder. New edit. 12mo. pp. 140, cloth, 18. 6d. (Weale's Series) (Weale)


[204 BOLTON (Rev. James) Life Lessons; or, Scripture Truths illustrated for the Young. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Nelson).

BROOKES (R.)-General Gazetteer.
Findlay. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. (Tegg)

[205 New edit. by A. G. [206

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BUCKINGHAM (Duke) - The Private Diary of Richard Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 920, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 87]..[209 The first chapter treats of the Home Politics and Court Gossip of the year 1827. The remainder of the volumes consist of travels on the Continent, chiefly in Italy.

BUNYAN (John)-The Pilgrim's Progress. With engravings on wood from Original Designs by Harry Martin and Corbould. With Life by Rev. Thomas Scott. Post 8vo. pp. 350, cloth, 5s. (Griffin).... [210

BURGON (Rev. John W.)-Letters from Rome to Friends in England. Post 8vo. pp. 430, cloth, 12s. (Murray) [vide Adv. 69.. [211 Reprinted from the "Guardian." with additional letters and facsimiles of early Christian epitaphs from the Catacombs and other monuments.

BUTLER (Bishop)-Sermons and Remains, newly edited, with a Memoir and Indices, by Rev. E. Steere. 12mo. pp. 520, cloth, 6s. (Bell)... [212

Comprises a hitherto unpublished fragment of a Charge delivered at Bristol in 1749, on the Visitation of the Sick.

BUTLER (Bishop)-The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature, with Analytical Preface and Index, by Rev. Edward Steere. 12mo. pp. 410, cloth, 6s. (Bell).......


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Full-page and other wood engravings with letterpress descriptions. The engravings have already appeared in The Illustrated London News." CAMBRIDGE Senate House Examination Papers, 1860-61 : being a Collection of all the Papers set at the Examination for the Degrees, &c. Post 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Macmillan) [216 CARTER (Rev. T. T.)-A Book of Private Prayer for Morning, Mid-day, Night, and other Times. With Notes to those who would live to God amid the Business of Daily Life. 2d edit. 32mo. cloth, Is. 3d. (Masters) [217 CARTER (Thomas Thelusson)-Sermons. 8vo. pp. 420, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Masters) [218

A few of these have already been published separately.


CHALMERS (Thomas)-Astronomical Discourses. Copyright edition. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston & D.) pp. 210, sewed, 1s. (Hamilton) [vide Adv. 116] [219 CHURCH (Alfred J.)-Latin Prose Lessons. 12mo. pp. 104, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Bell) [220 CITY BANKER; or, Love and Money. By the Author of "Whitefriars." 12mo. pp. 430, boards, 2s. (Railway Library) (Routledge)..



CLERGY LIST. 1862. 8vo. cloth, 10s. (G. Cox).... [222 CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh)-The Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich: a Long Vacation Pastoral. Royal Svo. cloth, 3s. (Macmillan) [223 COLLINS (Wilkie)-The Queen of Hearts. New edit. post 8vo. pp. 350, cloth, 5s. (Low) [vide Adv. 77].......... [224 CONGREGATIONAL PULPIT. Conducted by Rev. T. G. Horton. Vol. 12, post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 4s. (Judd) [225 COOK (Eliza)-Poems. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Routledge)..

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New [227

COOPER (J. F.)-The Pilot: a Tale of the Sea.
edit. 12mo. pp. 290, sewed, 1s. (Routledge)
CORFE (George)-Man and his many Changes; or, Seven
Times Seven. Post 8vo. pp. 92, cl. 1s. (Houlston) [228
DALZEL (Andrew)-History of the University of Edin-
burgh, from its Foundation; with a Memoir of the
Author. 2 vols. 8vo. (Edinburgh, Edmonstoun) pp. 680,
cloth, 218. (Hamilton)

The work is edited and the memoir written by Mr.
Cosmo Innes, the author of the work on Scottish
Surnames, &c.

DANIELS (Mrs. Mackenzie)-Marrying for Money. 3 vols.
post 8vo. pp. 930, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Newby). . . . . . . . . . [230
DAVIS (W.)-A Key to Arithmetical Examples, for Home
and School Use. Part I. 18mo. cloth, 1s. (Long-
DELANY (Mrs.)- Autobiography and Correspondence,
with interesting Reminiscences of King George the
Third and Queen Charlotte, edited by Rt. Hon. Lady
Llanover. Second Series. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 2. 10s.

DEL MAR (E.)-Modelos de Literatura Espanola; or, Choice Selections in Prose, Poetry, and the Drama, from the most celebrated Spanish Writers; with a brief Sketch of Spanish Literature, and explanatory Notes in English. New edit. 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, 5s. (Nutt).......... [233 DENDY (Walter Cooper) - A Gleam of the Spirit of Mystery. 8vo. pp. 18, sewed, 6d. (Bickers & B.).. [234 DERING (Edward Heneage)-A Great Sensation. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 900, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 89] [235 DICKENS (Charles)-Dombey and Son. Illustrated edit. 2 vols. Vol. 1, post 8vo. cl. 7s. 6d. (Chapman & H.) (236

DEUX (Les) PERROQUETS. Par une Dame. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 3s. (Nutt).....

DUBLIN EXAMINATION PAPERS for 1862. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Longman)..

[237 12mo.




DUBLIN UNIVERSITY KALENDAR for 1862. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Longman)..... EAST ANGLIAN; or, Notes and Queries on subjects connected with the Counties of Suffolk, &c. Nos. 14 & 15. January, 1862. Svo. (Lowestoft) sewed, 6d. .. [240 EDWARDS (Amelia B.)-Sights and Stories: being some Account of a Holiday Tour through the North of Belgium. 12mo. with illustrations, pp. 190, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Faithfull).......

[241 ELIOT (George) -Adam Bede. 10th edit. complete, 1 vol. post Svo. cl. 6s. (Works, Vol. 1) (Blackwood) [242 ELLICOTT (C. J.)-A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, with a revised Translation. Second edit. revised and enlarged. 8vo. pp. 174, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Parker & S.).. [243 ELLICOTT (Charles J.)-The Destiny of the Creature, and ather Sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge. Second edit. post 8vo. pp. 190, cloth, 5s. (Parker & S.) [244 ELLIS (Edward S.)- Life of Tecumseh, the Shawnee Chief, including Biographical Notices of Black-Hoof, CornStalk, Little Turtle, and other distinguished Shawnee Chiefs. 12mo. pp. 100, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's American Biographies) (Beadle).. [245 ENGLISH SPELLING-BOOK. Containing numerous Tables and Words for Spelling and Exercises in Reading, carefully arranged in Lessons of Progressive Difficulty, to which are added First Lessons in Grammar, Tables of Words derived from the Latin and Greek; and other useful Information. 12mo. pp. 116, cloth, 1s. (Christian Knowledge Society) (246 EVANS (J. C.)--Boys' First Verse Book. Part 1, 2d edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. 9d. (E. Williams) [247 EXPOSITION (An) of SPIRITUALISM: comprising Two Series of Letters, and a Review of" The Spiritual Magazine," No. 20, as published in the "Star and Dial"; with Introduction, Notes, and Appendix, by Sceptic. Post Evo. pp. 330, cloth, 6s. (Manwaring)



FAMILY SAVEALL (The)—A System of Secondary Cookery. New edit. post 8vo, pp. 320, cl., 2s. 6d. (Kent) [249 FLORAL WORLD and GARDEN GUIDE. Vol. 4, 8vo. pp. 290, cloth, 6s. (Groombridge)



Collected numbers of a monthly magazine. FOTHERBY (Marie J. E.)-Poems. Edited by her Husband. 12mo. cloth, 3s. (Hall) [vide Adv. 78] [251 FRANCATELLI (Charles Elme)-A Plain Cookery Book, for the Working Classes. 18mo. pp. 106, cloth, 6d. (Bosworth) [252 FRISWELL (Hain)-The Young Couple, and Miscellanies. 12mo. pp. 242, sewed, 18. (Shilling Vol. Lib.) (Ward & L.). (253 A number of short stories and essays, chiefly reprinted from periodicals.

GASC (F. E.)-Select French Poetry for the Young, with English Notes, and preceded by a few plain Rules of French Prosody. 12mo. pp. 80, cloth, 2s. (Bell) .. [254 GENEVA CONFERENCE. Proceedings of the Geneva Conference of the Evangelical Alliance held in September, 1861. Edited by the Rev. Gavin Carlyle. Svo. (Edinburgh, Strahan) pp. 354, cloth, 5s. (Hamilton) [255 With a frontispiece containing 16 medallion photographic portraits of the most eminent members of the Conference.

GLOVER (Rev. Richard) - The Light of the World; or, Holman Hunt's Great Allegorical Picture Translated into Words. 12mo. pp. 130, cl. 2s. 6d. (Wertheim) [256 Preface states that the work is not an essay on art or criticism, but an attempt to translate the symbols of Mr. Hunt's picture into plain language.

GRAY (Rev. W. H.)-Morning Seed: or, Bible Words for
Young Disciples. 12mo. pp. 286, cloth, 3s. (Nelson) [257
Sermons preached to Sunday School scholars.
GUTHRIE (Thomas)-Seed Time and Harvest of Ragged
Schools. New edit. post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Black) pp.
200, sewed, ls.; cloth, 1s. 6d. (Longman)........................ [258
HAMPDEN (Bp.)-The Fathers of Greek Philosophy. By
R. D. Hampden, Bishop of Hereford. 8vo. (Edinburgh,
Black) pp. 440, cloth, 16s. (Longman)

The substance of the work comprises the articles on
Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, in the recent edition
of the Encyclopædia Britannica.

HANDBOOK of the COURT, the PEERAGE, and the HOUSE of COMMONS, 1862. Square 16mo. cloth, 5s. (P. L. King)... [260

"HANDFULS of PURPOSE"; or, Gleanings from the Inner Life of Ruth Bryan. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (Collingridge). [261 HANKS (Henry)-On Teething of Infants, its Prevalent Errors, Neglects, and Dangers, their Influence on the Health; including the Dangers of Teething Powders, Soothing Syrups, &c. Illustrated by Cases. 12mo. pp. 132, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Davies).. [262 HEAVENWARD THOUGHTS for CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLDS. By D. O. H. Introduction by the Rev. W. W. Champneys. 2d edit. square 16mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Wertheim) [263 HOLT (Barnard)-On the Immediate Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra by the employment of the "Stricture Dilator." 8vo. pp. 60, cloth, 3s. (Churchill) [264



The greater portion of the work is reprinted from "The Medical Times."

HORT (Fenton J.)--Thoughts on the Revised Code of Education, its Purposes and Probable Effects. Svo. sewed, 1s. (Macmillan)........



Post 8vo. [266



HYMNS for the CHURCH of ENGLAND. cloth, 48. 6d. (Longman)....... ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Vol. 39. Folio, cloth, 18s. (Office)).... INDIAN ARMY and CIVIL SERVICE LIST. January, 1862. 12mo. sewed, 6s. (W. H. Allen) [268 JEAFFRESON (John Condy)-Olive Blake's Good Work: a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Chapman & H.)..... [269 KNAPP (Rev. John) -Precious Stones from a Strange Quarry; or, Circus Needs and Gospel Blessings. 32mo. pp. 130, cloth, 1s. 6d. (J. F. Shaw) [270 LATHAM (Mrs. P. M.)-Baronscliffe; or, the Deed of Other Days. Post 8vo. pp. 330, cloth, 6s. (Bell).... [271 LATHAM (R. G.)- The English Language. 5th edit. revised and enlarged. Svo. pp. 740, cloth, 18s. (Walton)....... [272

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LEAVES from the DIARY of a LAW CLERK. By "Waters." 12mo. pp. 220, boards, 1s. (Shilling Standard Library) (Kent)



LEE (John)-Inaugural Addresses in the University of Edinburgh; with a Memoir of the Author by Lord Neaves. 12mo. pp. 130, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Blackwood) [ 27+ LE SAGE.-Abrégé de l'Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Par N. Wanostrocht. New edit. 12mo. boards, 5s. (Simpkin) [275 LETTERS of PRESBYTER SEPTUAGENARUS. Letter 4, The Vatican Codex, its Gross Corruptions of Scripture. Svo. sewed, 1s. 6d. (Bell)... [276 LEWIS (Sir George Cornewall)-An Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients. 8vo. pp. 530, cloth, 15s. (Parker & S.).... [277


The aim of the work is to treat the history of ancient astronomy without exclusive reference to physical science, and without necessitating a profound or comprehensive knowledge of modern mathematical astronomy.

LILLYWHITE (J.) - Guide to Cricketers. 16th edit. Winter edit. 1862. 12mo. sewed, 1s. 3d. (Lillywhite) [278 LLOYD (George Thomas) - Thirty-three Years in Tasmania and Victoria; being the actual Experience of the Author, interspersed with Historic Jottings, Narratives, and Counsel to Emigrants. Post 8vo. pp. 525, cloth, Ss. 6d. (Houlston) [279

With Letts & Co.'s 'emigration map, including the latest geographical corrections and notes, designed to record the "march of events in Tasmania and Victoria" from early times; contains an appendix of statistical information from recent official returns. LONDON: What to See, and How to See It. New edit. 18mo. cloth, 1s.; with Map, 1s. 6d. (H. G. Clarke) [280 LORD (H. W.)-The Highway of the Seas in Time of War. Post 8vo. sewed, 18. (Macmillan)... [281

LUCAS (Thomas J.)-Pen and Pencil Reminiscences of a Campaign in South Africa, illustrated with 21 beautiful colour-tinted Lithographs. Imperial 8vo. cloth, 218. (Day).... [282

M'COSH (Rev. James)-The Supernatural in relation to the Natural. Post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 78. 6d. (Macmillan)... [283

The preface states that this essay may be regarded as the first part of a contemplated work on the Method of the Divine Government, Supernatural and Spiritual.

MACKAY (Rev. Alexander)-Manual of Modern Geography; Mathematical, Physical, and Political. New edit. 12mo. pp. 750, bound, 7s. 6d. (Blackwood) [284


MILTON'S PARADISE LOST. Second Book, with a Prose Translation or Paraphrase, the Parsing of the more difficult Words; Specimens of Analysis, and numerous illustrative Notes, by Rev. John Hunter. 12mo. pp. 92, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Longman) [285 MURSELL (Rev. Arthur)-Lectures to Working Men in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester. 5th Series, vol. I. 12mo. (Manchester, Heywood) pp. 152, sewed, ls.; cloth, 1s. 6d. (Simpkin)

(286 NOTES and QUERIES. Vol. 12, 2d series. 4to. cloth, 10s. 6d. (Bell) [287 NUGÆ CRITICE-Occasional Papers written at the Seaside, by Shirley. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston & [288 D.) pp. 492, cloth, 9s. (Hamilton)

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