With a sad leaden downward cast Thou fix them on the earth as fast. And join with thee calm Peace, and Quiet, Spare Fast, that oft with gods doth diet, And hears the Muses in a ring Aye round about Jove's altar sing: And add to these retired Leisure That... Cowley, Denham, Milton - Stranica 476uredio/la - 1810Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | John Milton - 1782 - Broj stranica: 40
...about Jove's altar sing : And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens takes his pleasure; 5o But first, and chiefest, with thee bring, Him that...Cherub Contemplation; And the mute Silence hist along, 55 'Leß Philomel will daign a song, In her sweetest, saddest plight, Smoothing the rugged brow of... | |
 | John Bell - 1788 - Broj stranica: 630
...Jove's altar sing i And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens takes his pleasure ; 50 But first, and chiefest, with thee bring, Him that...cherub Contemplation ; And the mute Silence hist along, sj In her sweetest, saddest plight, Smoothing the rugged brow of Night, WhileCynthia checks her dragon... | |
 | John Milton, Thomas Warton - 1799 - Broj stranica: 148
...Fast, that oft with gods doth diet, And hears the Muses in a ring Ay round about Jove's altar sing: And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...While Cynthia checks her dragon yoke, Gently o'er th' accustom'd oak; Sweet bird, that shunn'st the noise of folly, Most musical, most melancholy! Thee... | |
 | Richard Lovell Edgeworth - 1802 - Broj stranica: 148
...thoughts when he wrote this passage, it shows that in writing from memory he was sometimes inaccurate. " And the mute Silence hist along, Less Philomel will...While Cynthia checks her dragon yoke, Gently o'er th' accustom'd oak." " And bring Silence (hist) hushed, along with thee ; silence that shall not he... | |
 | John Wolcot - 1804 - Broj stranica: 180
...Fast, that oft with Gods doth diet, And hears the Muses in a ring Aye round about JOVE'S altar sing: And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...While CYNTHIA checks her dragon yoke, Gently o'er th' accustom'd oak ; Sweet bird, that shunn'st the noise of folly, Most musical, most melancholy; Thee,... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1804 - Broj stranica: 180
...Fast, that oft with Gods doth diet, And hears the Muses in a ring Aye round about JOVE'S altar sing: And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...on golden wing, Guiding the fiery-wheeled throne, And the mute Silence hist along, 'Less Philomel will deign a song, In her sweetest, saddest plight,... | |
 | William Enfield - 1804 - Broj stranica: 418
...that oft with Gods doth diet , And hears the muses in a ring , Aye round about Jove's altar sing ; And add to these retired Leisure , That in trim gardens..., Him that yon soars on golden wing , Guiding the fiery wheeled throne , The chernb Contemplation : And the mute silence hiss'd along, 'Lest Philomel... | |
 | 1806 - Broj stranica: 408
...Fast, that oft with gods doth diet, And hears the -Muses in a ring, Ay round about Jove's altar sing ; And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...chiefest, with thee bring Him that yon soars on golden wiug, Guiding the fiery-wheeled throne, The Cherub Contemplation : And the mute silence hist along,... | |
 | John Milton - 1807 - Broj stranica: 434
...Fast, and oft with gods doth diet, And hears the Muses in a ring Ay round about Jove's altar sing: And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...While Cynthia checks her dragon yoke, Gently o'er th' accustom'd oak : Sweet bird that shun'st the noise of folly, Most musical, most melancholy ! Thee... | |
 | William Enfield - 1808 - Broj stranica: 434
...Fast, that oft with- Gods doth diet And hear the Musres in a ring Aye round about Jove's altar sing ; And add to these retired Leisure, That in trim gardens...bring Him that yon soars on golden wing, . Guiding the fiery wheeled throne, The cherub Contemplation ; And the mute Silence hist along, 'Less Philomel will... | |
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