| William Laud - 1854 - Broj stranica: 542
...WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Rev. J.Krni.F. 7 roli., (8 Parts,) 8vo., /S 8s. A complete tett £25. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...All Editions without their imprint are unauthorized. SHALL 4to. EDITION. 48mo. EDITION. Cloth, limp . . . .06 Cloth boards . . . .09 Hn.ui . . . . .16 FOOLSCAP... | |
 | William Laud, William Scott, James Bliss - 1849 - Broj stranica: 540
...Rcr. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 Ss. A complete net, 80 Volt, in 88 Parts, £21. POETRY, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...and Additions. NOTICE. — Messrs. PARKER are the >ole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and under the direction... | |
 | William Beveridge - 1848 - Broj stranica: 540
...LIFE, by Rev. J. Ki MI:. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A complete »et, 80 Polt, in 88 Parte, £21. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Me««r«. PARKER are the sole Publisher» of the Edition« of the " Christian Year" issued with the... | |
 | Saint John Chrysostom - 1854 - Broj stranica: 454
...WILSON'S (BP.) WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Rev. J. KKBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. 8 POETRY, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE. — Me»»rs. PARKER are the §ole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the... | |
 | John Cosin - 1855 - Broj stranica: 606
...by Rev. J. K 1:1:1,1:. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) Svo., £3 3s. A complete set, 80 Vok. in 88 Partt, £21. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...their imprint are unauthorized. SMALL 4to. EDITION. Handsomely printed on toned paper, with red border lines and initial letters. Cloth extra . . . . 10... | |
 | Magdalen College (University of Oxford) - 1857 - Broj stranica: 636
...COMPLETE. With LI vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A eompkte set, 80 Fob. in 88 Part1, £21. 8 POETSr, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTIC E.—Nfemrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with... | |
 | Edward Burton - 1860 - Broj stranica: 724
...COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Bov. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. A complete set, £21. 8 POETRY, THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the"Christian Year" issued with the sanction and under the direction of the Author's representatives.... | |
 | Herbert Haines - 1861 - Broj stranica: 318
...(BP.) WOEKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by Eev. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. 8 POET&Y, Iff. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PABKEB are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the " Christian Year" issued with the sanction and... | |
 | 1880 - Broj stranica: 762
...J . KEBLK. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) St .... £3 3*. ' . : A ctmplttt >tt, 80 Voh. in 88 Party £21. . . THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With...Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.— Messrs. PARKER »re the sole Publishers of the Editions of the "Christian Year" issued with the sanction and under... | |
 | William Burges - 1865 - Broj stranica: 152
...WILSON'S (BP.) WORKS COMPLETE. With LIFE, by the late Rev. J. KEBLE. 7 vols., (8 Parts,) 8vo., £3 3s. THE AUTHORIZED EDITIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, With the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. NOTICE.—Messrs. PARKER are the sole Publishers of the Editions of the " Christian Year" issued with... | |
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