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Books Knjige
" Communicant. THE DEVOUT COMMUNICANT, exemplified in his Behaviour before, at, and after the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper : Practically suited to all the Parts of that Solemn Ordinance. 7th Edition, revised. "
Lectures on the Study of History, Delivered in Oxford, 1859-61 - Stranica 12
napisao/la Goldwin Smith - 1865 - Broj stranica: 190
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The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and Foreign ..., Opseg 26

1862 - Broj stranica: 786
...Doctrine of the Cross" and "Devotions for the Sick Room." Third Edition, fcp. price 2s. 6d. cloth. Ancient Collects and other Prayers. Selected for Devotional...with an Appendix on the Collects in the Prayer-book. Bf WILLIAM BRIOHT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford, Author of " A History of the Church,"...
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The Theological Works of William Beveridge, D.D. Sometime Lord Bishop of St ...

William Beveridge - 1846 - Broj stranica: 692
...Church.. Post Svo., price 10s. liil. AD 313, to the COUNCIL of CHALCEDON, AD 451. By WILLIAM BRIGHT, ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS, Selected for Devotional...various Rituals, with an Appendix on the Collects in thu I'rayer-book. Uy WILLIAM BKIOUT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford, Author of " A HUtory...
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The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, Opseg 7

Thomas Wilson - 1863 - Broj stranica: 352
...Oxford ; late Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Scottish Church. Post Svo., price 10s. 6d. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS, Selected for Devotional...the Collects in the Prayer-book. By WILLIAM BRIGHT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford, Author of " A History of the Church," &c. Second Edition,...
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The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson, D.D ..., Dio 2

Thomas Wilson - 1863 - Broj stranica: 530
...Scottish Church. Post Svo., price 10s. liil. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRATERS, Selected for DeYotional Use from various Rituals, with an Appendix on the Collects in the Prayer-book. By \Vi 1,1.1 AM BBIOHT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford, Author of " A History of the Church,"...
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The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, D.D. Sometime ...

William Laud - 1847 - Broj stranica: 252
...Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Scottish Church. Secojid Edition. Post 8vo., price 10s. 6d. ANCIENT COLLECTS and OTHER PRAYERS, Selected for Devotional Use from various Rituals, wiih an Appendix on the Collecis in the Prayer-book. By WILLIAM BRIGHT, MA Third Editios. Antique cloth,...
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The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, on the ...

Saint John Chrysostom - 1854 - Broj stranica: 454
...from the Writings of eminent Divines of the Church of England. Antique cloth, 4s. Ancient Collects. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS. Selected for Devotional use from various Rituals. By WM. BRIGHT, DD Antique clotb, 5s. Devout Communicant. THE DEVOUT COMMUNICANT, exemplified in his...
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Sermons and Essays on the Apostolical Age, Opseg 977

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley - 1852 - Broj stranica: 432
...lines. uniform with " Holy Living and Holy Dying." In antique cloth binding, 3s. 6d. Ancient Collects. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS, Selected for Devotional...various Rituals, with an Appendix on the Collects in the Pr»yer-book. By ^yII.I.IAM BRIGHT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford, Author of " A History...
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The Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, D.D. Sometime ...

William Laud - 1853 - Broj stranica: 502
...Professor of Ecclesiastical 1 1 utory in the Scottish Church. Second Edition. Tost Svo., price 10s. 6d. ANCIENT COLLECTS and OTHER PRAYERS, Selected for Devotional...the Collects in the Prayer-book. By WILLIAM BRIGHT, MA Third Edition, Antique cloth, St. ; morocco, 8s. ; antique calf, 10s. 6d. THOMAS A KEMPIS. OF THE...
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A Register of the Presidents, Fellows, Demies, Instructors in Grammar and in ...

Magdalen College (University of Oxford) - 1857 - Broj stranica: 636
...from the Writings of eminent Divines of the Church of England. Antique cloth, to. Ancient Collects. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS. Selected for Devotional use from various Rituals. By Wu. BRIGHT, DD Antique cloth, 1t. Devout Commun1cant. THE DEVOUT COMMUNICANT, exemplified in his...
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The Bookseller

1866 - Broj stranica: 1352
...Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s. REV. WILLIAM BRIGHT. ANCIENT COLLECTS AND OTHER PRAYERS, Selected ibr Detotio Use from various Rituals. With an Appendix on the Collects in the Prayer-book. By Wai BRIGHT, MA, Fellow of University College, Oxford. ThU Edition, enlarged, fcap. 8vo, in and black,...
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