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The Hon. Mr. ADAMS, and

Mr. PAINE, and

Mr. SUMNER, were appointed.

The 1st article in the 3d section, was then read, and, on a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, to be postponed until the Committee on the next article shall report.

The 3d article was then put, and accepted.

The 4th being read, the same was, on a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, to be postponed until the Committee on the second article should report.

The 5th article was then read, and accepted.

The 6th article was then read, and accepted.

The 7th article was then read, and considered in paragraphs. The 1st as far as "completed " read, and accepted. The 2d as far as "elected," being read, the same with the succeeding paragraph, on a motion, made and seconded,

Voted, to be postponed until the Committee on the 2d and 4th articles, 2d section, 2d chapter, shall report.

The 8th article was then read.

The Committee on the subject of oaths and declarations made the following report,* which, on a motion, made and seconded, was considered in paragraphs.

The preamble being read and accepted, it was moved, and seconded, that the latter part of the same be recommitted for amendment. Which, being put, passed in the affirmative.

The Hon. Mr. PICKERING, Chairman of that Committee, being absent, it was moved and seconded, that one gentleman be added to the Committee. Which, being put, passed in the affirmative.

A nomination being called for, THEOPHILUS PARSONS, Esq. was appointed.

The oath of the Governor, Lieut. Governor, Senate, Council, and House of Representatives, was then read, and being considered in paragraphs, after sundry amendments distinctly put and accepted, was put, and with the Preamble, accepted as follows: Any person chosen Governor, Lieut. Governor, Counsellor,

* Report not entered.

Senator or Representative, and accepting the trust, shall, before he proceeds to execute the duties of his place or office, make and subscribe the following declaration in the presence of the two Houses, viz :

I, A. B. do declare that I believe the Christian religion and have a firm persuasion of its truth; and that I am seized and possessed, in my own right, of the property required by the Constitution, as one qualification for the office or place to which I am elected.

The following declaration with the preamble was also accepted, viz :

And every person chosen to, and accepting either of the places or offices aforesaid, as also any person appointed or commissioned to any Judicial, Executive, Military or other office, under the Government of this Commonwealth, shall, before he enters on the discharge of the business of his place or office, take and subscribe the following oaths or affirmations, viz :

(See the minutes of Tuesday Morning, 9th Feb.*)

The following oath of office was then read, and considered in paragraphs, viz:

on me as

I, A. B. do solemnly swear and affirm, that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent according [to] the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the rules and regulations of the Constitution and the Laws of this Commonwealth; and that I will not attempt or consent to a violation thereof. So help me God.

The first paragraph, being put, was accepted, as far as the words" of this Commonwealth."

The second, after some debate, was postponed by a motion, made and seconded, for adjournment. Which, being put, passed in the affirmative.

The Convention was accordingly adjourned to to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.

* Should be 8th Feb.

Met according to adjournment.


The 2d paragraph in the oath of office aforesaid, being read, it was, on a motion made, [voted] to expunge the same.

The clause containing the oath, was then read, and accepted. The words," So help me God," were then put, and accepted. The Proviso was then put, and accepted, viz.

Provided always, that when any person, chosen or appointed as aforesaid, shall be of the denomination of the people called Quakers, and shall decline taking the said oaths, he shall make his affirmations in the foregoing forms, and subscribe the same, omitting in the first oath the words "I do swear," "and abjure," "or oath," "and abjuration;" and in the second oath, the words swear and," and in each of them the words "So help me God;" subjoining, instead thereof," and this I do under the pains and penalties of perjury."


The report was then delivered to the Committee, for amendment of the 2d paragraph of the preamble, and Mr. PARSONS added to the same.

The Rev. Mr. HOWARD was introduced, and prayed with the Convention.

The Committee on the 3d article, 1st section, 3d chapter, reported as follows, viz: That the words following be introduced immediately after the words "in May,"-" and the Sheriff shall transmit the same into the Secretary's office seventeen days at least before the said last Wednesday, or the Selectmen may cause returns of the same to be made into the said office seventeen days at least before the said day, and the Secretary shall,” &c. Which, being put, was accepted.

The Committee on the 4th article, 2d section, 2d chapter, appointed to consider of a mode of adjourning the meetings for the choice of Senators, in order to their being duly notified of such vacancies as may happen in the same, and proceeding to fill up such vacancies, reported as follows, viz. that the words following be introduced immediately after the words "majority of votes" in the 6th line, viz. "And whereas, it may happen that the whole number of Senators may not be chosen by a majority of the electors voting on the aforesaid first Wednesday in April;

and in order that the right and power of election may be preserved as entire in the hands of the electors, as the nature of the case will admit, therefore it is further provided, that the several town meetings to be held in this State, on the first Monday in April annually, for the purpose of electing Senators, and after having duly proceeded on the business for which they are met, shall adjourn the said meeting to the day of and that it may seasonably be made known to the several districts and towns in the State, the number of vacancies, if any there be, and where they have so happened, the President of the Council, or the Governor, as the case may be, shall, 21 days at least before the 1st Wednesday of June aforesaid, make out a list of the number and names of the Senators chosen by a majority of votes in each district; and where it appears there is a vacancy or vacancies, send said list to the High Sheriff of the County, directing him without delay to furnish each Town Clerk in the district with a copy of the said list, to be by him laid before the town at the adjournment of the meetings called for the purpose of electing Senators." Which report, being put, passed in the negative. The article then remaining as before amended, a general question arose, upon the mode of filling up vacancies in the Senate, which being largely debated, several expedients were proposed by way of amendment, and also by way of substitution to the article, viz.

That the election of Senators be made at March meeting, and the returns of the votes be made by the Selectmen to the Sheriff, and by him to the Senate for the time being, through the Secretary's Office, and in case of vacancy, they to notify the Sheriff, and he the Selectmen, who shall convene the electors in order to the filling such vacancies, at the time prescribed for the first election by the report of the General Committee, and, in case there shall be no choice the second time, then the two Houses to proceed as in the article is provided.

That the mode of choice be the same as in the State of Connecticut.

That the Senate be chosen by delegates appointed by the people to meet in County Convention. days after their appointment, and days before the last Wednesday in May. That, in case of vacancy, the same to be filled up by precept,

in two months, out of the persons who were Senators the year before, and have the largest number of votes in the County, but the first year, in case of vacancy, from those who have the highest number of votes short of a majority.

All which proposals were set aside by a motion, made and seconded, that the article as it stands in the report be accepted. Which, being put, passed in the affirmative.

A motion was then made and seconded, that the Convention be adjourned. Which, being put, passed in the affirmative. The Convention was accordingly adjourned to 3 o'clock, P. M.

Tuesday Afternoon, 3 o'clock, 16* Feb.

Met according to adjournment.

The order of the day being called for.

The 11th article, 1st section, 3d chapter, was read.

It was moved, and seconded, that the Militia Officers be elected by the People at large through the Commonwealth, being 21 years of age and upwards, and commissioned by the Governor during good behaviour.

It was moved, and seconded, that the General and Field Officers be appointed by the Governor, and that they exhibit a nomination list, from which the Governor shall appoint the Captains, and other Subaltern Officers.

That the soldiers in the train and alarm list, being 21 years of age and upwards, elect Subaltern Officers, the Subalterns elect the Field Officers, the Field Officers elect the Brigadiers, and the Brigadiers elect the Major Generals; the Selectmen or Sheriffs to preside at the meetings called for that purpose; said officers to be commissioned by the Governor, for a term not less than seven years, removeable, however, on complaint, by a Court Martial, or by the Governor and Council.

It was then moved, and seconded, that a Committee be appointed to take in consideration the Report of the General Committee (in this article) on the subject of appointing Militia Officers, and the subject at large, with such motions as have been made, and the arguments which have been adduced in support of them, and report such a mode as to them shall appear most conducive to the benefit of the Commonwealth, as a

*Should be 15th Feb,

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