JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR FRAMING A CONSTITUTION OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE State of Massachusetts Bay, FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THEIR FIRST SESSION, SEPTEMBER 1, 1779, TO THE CLOSE OF THEIR LAST SESSION, JUNE 16, 1780. INCLUDING A LIST OF THE MEMBERS. WITH AN APPENDIX-CONTAINING 1. THE RESOLVE FOR ASCERTAINING THE SENSE OF THE PEOPLE ON THE SUB- 2. THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT ORIGINALLY REPORTED BY THE GENERAL COM- 3. THE ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE. 4. THE CONSTITUTION AS FINALLY AGREED UPON BY THE CONVENTION, AND 5. THE REJECTED CONSTITUTION OF 1778. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE. Boston: DUTTON AND WENTWORTH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1832. ст IN SENATE, MARCH 22, 1832. THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY, to whom was referred the Order of the Senate, of the 10th inst. directing them to enquire into the expe diency of causing a copy to be made of the Journals of the Convention of seventeen hundred and eighty, have considered the same, and report the following Resolve. Which is respectfully submitted, By order of the Committee, 424980 A. H. EVERETT. |