Slike stranica
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Reviewed [by G. R. Carpenter] in the Nation, Feb. 21, 1889, vol. xlviii, pp. 163-164; in the Athenæum, Feb. 23, 1889, pp. 241-242, (1019 G 402); in the Catholic world, April, 1889, vol. xlix, pp. 140-141, (1019 C 156): ~ in the Scottish review. July, 1889, vol. xiv, pp 211-212;- by E. Moore in the Academy, Aug. 17, 1889, vol. xxxvi, p. 99.

[Winkler, Karl Gottfried Theodor, translator.] See [Ampère, J. J. A.] [Mein Weg in Dante's Fusstapfen. 1840.]· Il viaggio in Italia di Teodoro Hell [pseud.]. 1841.

Winter, William. Lawrence Barrett as Lanciotto [in Boker's] Francesca da Rimini. (In his Shadows of the stage. 3d series. New York, 1895. 24°. pp. 186-198.) 1019 C 269 Winterling, Martin. See Rossani, G. In difesa di Dante; lettera al prof. Luciano Loparco. [1869.]

Wiseman, Nicolò. Difesa di varj punti della vita di Bonifacio VIII. (In Annali delle scienze religiose. 1840. Vol. xi, pp. 257-281.) 1019 Y 102

Refers, in the early part of the paper, to Dante's treatment of Pope Boniface, which the author claims must be attributed to the violence of Dante's Ghibelline passion."

Wismayr, Joseph. Pantheon Italiens, Biographien ausgezeichnetsten Italiener enthaltend. [Bd. i.] Abth. 1-3. Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio. Salzburg, 1818. 4°. 3 portrs. 1017 B 33

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Refers to the text of Torri's edition of Dante's minor works, 1842-50. Reviewed by "B." in Il cimento, 1854, vol. iv, p. 5, 19, (1019 Z 104); by P. Fanfani in his "Studj ed osservazioni,' 1873, pp. 315-338, same, 1874.

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·Dante und der Orient; ["Malachoth," Par. vii. 3]. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1867. Bd. i. pp. 259–263.)

Same. Wusste Dante Hebräisch? (In his Dante-Forschungen. Bd. ii. 1879. pp. 43-47.)

-9- Dante und die Grafen Guidi. (In same. Bd. ii. 1879. pp. 194-236.)

Translated in his "Essays on Dante," pp. 170-207. —10— Dante und die italienischen Fragen; ein Vortrag gehalten im März 1861. Halle, 1861. 8°. pp. 47. 1019 A 47

Reprinted, with the addition of a prefatory note, in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. ii, pp. 237-273. Also "Nachtrag" in same, Bd. ii, pp. 581-595. Translated in his "Essays on Dante," pp. 374-419.

"Discorso accademico, in cui si sottopone a maturo esame la questione, con qual diritto i seguaci e fautori dell' odierno movimento unitario in Italia appelino all' autorità del divino poeta." Reumont, Bibliografia, p. 302.

See also Grimm, H. Dante und die letzten Kämpfe in ItaSame. 1884.

lien. 1865. 1877.

Concerning a letter from Pius IX on Bohl's translation of Dante, the text of which is not given.

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Includes a letter from J. Moleschot, written from Turin, "Over Bohl's Dante."

Witte, (Johann Heinrich Friedrich) Karl. Alcuni supplimenti alla Bibliografia dantesca del Colomb de Batines. See his Quando e da chi sia composto l'Ottimo comento. 1847.

- 2 Anmerkungen. (In Dante Alighieri's Lyrische Gedichte, herausgegeben von K. L. Kannegiesser [in collaboration with K. Witte and W. von Lüdemann]. 1827. pp. 391-489. Same.

2o Aufl. 1842. pp. 1-240.)

- 3 L'antica lirica italiana e le sue relazioni con Dante. (In Nuova rivista internazionale. 1881. An. ii, pp. 731-740.) 1019 Y 302 "Estratto." The original article appeared in Magazin für die Literatur des In- und Auslandes, 1880, N. 48, 49, under the title "Die älteste italienische Lyrik und ihr Verhältniss zu Dante."

Occasioned by Renier's "La Vita nuova e la Fiammetta."

- 4 Canzone di Dante Allighieri in morte di Arrigo VII, tratta da un codice della Marciana di Venezia. [With text.] (In his Dante-Forschungen. Bd. i. [1869.] pp. 418-433)

"Si disputò lungamente sulla paternità della canzone, perocchè molti codici la danno a Sennecio del Bene. Autorevolissime e serie sono le obbiezioni mosse dal Fraticelli che le credette apocrife."-Lamma, Studi sul Canzoniere di Dante, (Propugnatore, 1886, tom. xix, pt. 1, p. 162).

Prints also a number of sonnets which this codex ascribes to Dante, but which G. Volpi in his article on "La vita e le rime

[merged small][ocr errors]

Same, English. Dante and the recent Italian struggles.

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[Stuttgart, 1878.]

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Clipping from Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, 10 Dec. 1878, in Dante scrap-book, ii, p. 115.

-12- Dante-Forschungen; Altes und Neues. Heilbronn, [1869]-79. 2 v. bd. in 1. 8°. 2 portrs. and plan.

1016 E 197

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Contents:i. Ueber Dante. 1831. - Ueber das Missverständniss Dantes. 1824. -Ruth, Studien über Dante. 1854.Wegele, Dantes Leben und Werke. 1853. Rossetti's DanteErklärung. 1829. Sull' epoca delle tre cantiche di Dante. 1827. - Dantes Trilogie.-Vier Ausgaben der Divina commedia. 1854.-Bähr, Dantes Göttliche Komödie nach Raum und Zeit. 1853.- Deutsche Dantestudien im Jahre 1855. 1856. Dante im Norden. 1856. - Colomb de Batines, Dante-Bibliographie. 1847. - Zweite Crusca-Ausgabe der Divina commedia. 1838.Princigis Ausgabe der Divina commedia. 1853.- -Marsand, Handschriften der Divina commedia. 1836. Probecollationen und Handschriften-Familien. - Kannegiesser und Streckfuss, Uebersetzung der Divina commedia. 1825. - Kopisch, Uebersetzung der Divina commedia. 1838.- Philalethes, Uebersetzung der Divina commedia. 1866. Die beiden ältesten Commentare der Divina commcdia. 1828.- - Quando e da chi sia composto l' Ottimo comento a Dante. 1846.- Canzone di Dante in morte di Arrigo VII. 1826. Ungedruckte Gedichte Dantes. 1828. De Bartolo a Saxoferrato Dantis studioso. 1861. Neu aufgefundene Briefe des Dante. 1838. - Torris Ausgabe von Dantes Briefen. 1843. Observatt. ad Dantis epist. nuncupatoriam ad Canem Grandem de Scala. 1855.

ii. Der Plan von Florenz um das Jahr 1300. 1877. Dante's Familienname. 1867. - Vermuthungen über Dante's Geburtstag. 1867.- - Dante's Gebeine in Ravenna. 1867.Wusste Dante Hebräisch? 1867.- La Gemma di Dante. 1877. - Doppio testo della Vita di Dante del Boccaccio. 1877.Dante's Sündensystem in Hölle und Fegefeuer. 1877, 1878.Dante's Weltgebäude. 1867. - Die Thierwelt in Dante's Göttlicher Komödie. 1869.- Dante und die Grafen Guidi. 1878. Italienische Fragen. 1861.-J. A. Scartazzini, Dante Alighieri, seine Zeit, sein Leben und seine Werke. 1870. -Jahr

buch der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft, Bd. ii, iv. 1869, 1878. Neuere Arbeiten zur Texteskritik der Divina commedia. 1867, 1878. Cenni sopra un codice della Divina commedia e del comento di Jac. della Lana. 1871.- Notizia sopra un frammento del Laneo. 1871. Scartazzini's Ausgabe der Divina commedia. 1875. Lord Vernon's Dante. 1871. Handschriften der Divina commedia in Constantinopel und Cagliari. 1869, 1878. - Notter's Uebersetung von Dante's Göttlicher Komödie. 1872.- Bartsch, Dante's Göttliche Komödie in deutschen Terzinen. 1877.- -Rime in testi antichi attribuite a Dante. 1871.- Convivio o Convito?

Portraits: - · Copper plate engravings. In vol. i: "Dante's Bildniss nach Giotto, nach dem 1840 wiederentdeckten Frescobilde im Palazzo del Bargello (Pretorio), bevor dasselbe 1841 übermalt ward. Gest. v. Jul. Thaeter." The eye, however, has been restored. In vol. ii: "Dante's Bildniss nach einer, Masaccio zugeschriebenen, Handzeichnung der Münchner Sammlung. Gest. v. Jul. Thaeter."

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Plain:-"Florenz zu Ende des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts." Reviewed by E. Boehmer in Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur, 1869, Bd. x, Heft 4, pp. 411-413, (1016 E 197 b); in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, June 17, 1869, (1016 G 81);-by H. F. Tozer in the Academy, March 12, 1870, vol. xvii, pp. 143-145-in Giornale di filologia romanza, 1879, tom. ii, p. 107;-in Die Grenzboten, 12 Juni, 1879, Jahrg. xxxvi, pp. 434-439, (1016 B 198); - by M. Creighton in the Academy, Sept, 13, 1879, vol. xvi, pp. 185-186; - by T. Paur in Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, 6 Nov. 1879, Nr. 45, pp. 716-718, (1016 G 84).

See also Scartazzini, G. A. Die jüngste Dante-Literatur. 1880.

Same, English. Essays on Dante; selections from the "Dante-Forschungen," selected, translated and edited with introduction, notes and appendices by C. M. Lawrence and P. H. Wicksteed. London, 1898. sm. 8°. pp. xxii + 448. Folded plate. 1016 E 196

Inserted is a letter from P. H. Wicksteed.

Contents: Introduction. - List of Dr. Witte's works on Dante. Dante. The art of misunderstanding Dante. Dante's trilogy. -Dante's cosmography. -The ethical systems of the Inferno and the Purgatorio. The topography of Florence about the year 1300. [With plan.] Dante and the Conti Guidi. Recently discovered letters of Dante Alighieri. Gemma Donati. The two versons of Boccaccio's life of Dante. - Dante's remains at Ravenna. On the dates of Dante's three cantiche. The two earliest commentators on the Divine comedy. - On the date and authorship of the Ottimo comento on Dante. Convivio or Convito? - Dante and United Italy. Appendix.

Reviewed in the Athenæum, Dec. 31, 1898, pp. 923-924;by R. Murari in Giornale dantesco, 1899, an. vii, pp. 83-87; in the Literary world (Boston), Jan. 7, 1899, vol. xxx, p. 13; -by W. M. Payne in the Dial, Feb. 1, 1899, vol. xxvi, pp. 82-83;-in Notes and queries, Feb. 18, 1899, 9th series, vol. iii, p. 139;in the Nation, March 2, 1899, vol. lxviii, pp. 168-169, (Dante scrap-book, ii, p. 189); - in the New York Times, March 11, 1899, (Dante scrap-book, ii, p. 182).

Dante's Gebeine in Ravenna. See his Die Todtenmaske, das Florentiner Frescobildniss und die Kiste des Frate Santi.

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- 16 Dante's Weltgebäude; ein Vortrag vor einer gemischten Versammlung gehalten. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1867. Bd. i, pp. 73-93.)

Reprinted in his " 'Dante-Forschungen," Bd. ii, pp. 161-182. Translated in his "Essays on Dante," pp. 97-116.

17 De Bartolo a Saxoferrato, Dantis Alligherii studioso; commentatiuncula. (In his DanteForschungen. Bd. i. [1869.] pp. 461-472.)

Had previously appeared in an edition of 50 copies, Halis Saxonum, 1861, pp. 12; (copy in the Harvard collection). Same. Illustrazione del commento bartolino su la nobiltà. (In Bernabei, C. Bartolo da Sassoferrato e la scienza delle leggi. 1881. pp. 168-177.)

Contains the comment on Dante's canzone Le dolci rime d amor ch' io solia, found in Bartolo's "De dignitatibus," Leipzig, 1493.

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Essays on Dante. See his Dante-Forschungen. English.

-20- La Gemma di Dante. (In his DanteForschungen. Bd. ii. 1879. pp. 48-84.)

Translated in his "Essays on Dante," pp. 222-261.

In 1875 Witte published in the first issue of the Rivista internazionale britannica-germanica-slava an article entitled "Un dubbio relativo a Gemma Donati," to which Scartazzini replied in a later number of the same magazine. A rejoinder was published by Witte, and Scartazzini then came forth with additional arguments. The paper in the "Dante-Forschungen" contains the arguments urged on both sides, partly reproduced word for word from the Rivista internazionale, but with omissions and revisions.

See also Scartazzini, G. A. La Gemma di Dante. 1880. - 21 Handschriften der Divina commedia in Constantinopel und Cagliari. (In Deutsche DanteGesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1869. Bd. ii, pp. 245249.)

Reprinted in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. i, pp. 483-495. -22 In qual tempo fu scritto da Dante il trattato della Monarchia; nota. (In Opere minori di Dante, [edited by P. J. Fraticelli]. 1856-57. Tom. ii, pp. 279–286. Same. 1861-62. Vol. ii, pp. 270-276;— and in later editions.)

-23-L. G. Blanc.-E. Gerhard.-G. Tamburini. A. Doerr. - K. C. Vogel von Vogelstein. -J. F. H. Abegg. [Nekrologe.] (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1869. Bd. ii, pp. 395-410.)

-24 [Letter.] (In Biadego, G., editor. Lettere dantesche tratte dal carteggio di B. Sorio. 1898. pp. 45-48.)

25 Una lettera ad Adolfo Bartoli. [Edited by R. Renier.] (In Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. 1883. Vol. ii, pp. 168-169.)

In 1876 Bartoli was thinking of preparing a representative collection of studies on Dante by various German authors. In this letter Witte makes some suggestions as to what might properly be included in such a volume and also speaks of the general character of the study of Dante in Germany. [Edited by C. Vassallo.] (In Vol. viii, pp. 177-181.) 1019 Y 283

26 Lettere. La sapienza. 1883.

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29 -

Neu aufgefundene Briefe des Dante Allighieri. (In his Dante-Forschungen. Bd. i. [1869.] pp. 473-487.)

This article had previously appeared in Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, 29-31 Mai, 1838, nos. 149-151. It is translated in his " Essays on Dante,' pp. 208-221.

Same, Italian. Sopra alcune epistole di Dante Alighieri novellamente ritrovate, articolo dal tedesco in lingua francese tradotto dal sig. N., e dal francese in italiano da P. Fraticelli. (In La divina commedia. 1830-41. Tom. vi, pp. 697–715. — Opere minori di Dante. 1855. pp. 483-492.)

Same, Italian. Ragguaglio sopra alcune epistole di Dante Allighieri novellamente ritrovate, inserito in un giornale di Germania, dal tedesco in lingua francese tradotto dal sig. N., e dal francese in italiano da P. Fraticelli. (In Prose e poesie liriche di Dante. 1842-50. Vol. v, pp. xxxi-xlii.)

"[In 1837] Theodor Heyse found in the Palatine Ms., which has since been much discussed, nine letters ascribed to Dante, seven of which had till then been quite unknown. In 1838 Witte wrote a full report of them, claiming the honour of the discovery on the ground that Heyse, who was at that time working in the Vatican Library, had at his request [and expense] looked out for relics of Dante. In the joyful excitement of the discovery criticism was allowed to sleep, and the genuineness of the letters was accepted as a matter of course." Scartazzini, Companion to Dante, 1893, p. 342.

Concerning the discovery of these letters, see the chapter on "Le lettere di Dante scoperte dal sig. T. Heyse" in Tommaseo's ed. of the Commedia, 1865, col. 701-702.

30 Neue und neu festgestellte Daten zu Dante's Lebensgeschichte. (In Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. 15, 16 Jan. 1880.)

1016 G 82

Reviews Imbriani's "Quando nacque Dante?" and Del Lungo's "Dino Compagni è la sua cronica."

Same, Dutch. Nieuwe dagteekeningen in Dante's leven. [Translated by H. C. M. van Westerloo.] (In De wachter. 1880. 4° deel, pp. 235259.)

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- 31 · Die neueren Arbeiten zur Kritik des Textes der Divina commedia. (In Deutsche DanteGesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1867. Bd. i, pp. 265331.)

Same. Nachträgliches. (In same. 1869. Bd. ii, pp. 429-439)

Reprinted with many changes in matter and arrangement in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. ii, pp. 328-400. An Italian version appeared in the Politecnico, febb., aprile, 1868, and was also separately printed, Milano, 1868; (copy in the Harvard collection).

Answers criticisms of Witte's own ed. of the Commedia, 1862; reviews the portion of the Paradiso contained in the Palatine Ms. printed by Palermo, 1860, the Monte Cassino ed. of 1865, and Scarabelli's various editions of the Commedia.

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- 32 — Notizia relativa a un codice della Divina commedia asservata nella biblioteca municipale di Siena. (In Fiammazzo, A., editor. 11 commento più antico [by G. de Bambagiuoli] e la più antica versione latina dell' Inferno. 1892. pp. xv-xvii.)

-33-Nuova centuria di correzioni al Convito di Dante. Lipsia, 1854. 4°. pp 48. 1015 A 34 "Omaggio per il felice ritorno del giorno natalizio del più illustre e più profondo frai cultori di Dante, sua maestà il re Giovanni di Sassonia."

Stampato in sole 150 copie. No. 37."

The cover title is "Nuove correzioni al Convito."

The corrections are made on the basis of Fraticelli's text. See also Todeschini, G. Osservazioni critiche sulla Nuova centuria di correzioni al testo del Convito. [With a letter from Witte in reply.] (In his Studi su Dante. 1872. Vol. ii, pp. 209-224-)

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A translation of his review of Giuliani's edition of Dante's Opere latine, vol. i, 1878, in Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1879. 36 Der Plan von Florenz um das Jahr 1300. (In his Dante-Forschungen. Bd. ii. 1879. pp. 1-21.) Translated in his "Dante essays," pp. 153-169.

37 Probecollationen und Familien der Handschriften der Divina commedia. (In his DanteForschungen. Bd. i. [1869.] pp. 278-292.)

— 38 — Quando e da chi sia composto l' Ottimo comento a Dante; lettera al sig. S. Kirkup. Colla giunta di alcuni supplimenti alla Bibliografia dantesca del sig. Colomb de Batines. Lipsia, 1847. 8°. pp. 52 + (1). 1016 B 12

Combats the opinion of Colomb de Batines that the comment was written in the middle of the fourteenth century and that the third part of it is by a different author.

Same. [Roma, 1848.] 8°. pp. (54).

1016 B 13

"Giornale arcadico, 1848, tom. xcvi," pp. 210-263. Reprinted, without the notes to Colomb de Batines, in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. i, pp. 399-417. Translated in his Essays on Dante," pp. 350-367.

39— Rede zur Eröffnung der Dantegesellschaft am 14en September 1865. (In Deutsche DanteGesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1867. Bd. i, pp. 1-8.)

-40 Saggio di emendazioni al testo dell' Amoroso convivio di Dante Alighieri. [Edited by G. Amati, with prefatory note by E. Gerhard.] [Roma, 1825.] 8°. pp. (19). 1015 A 23 "Giornale arcadico, agosto, 1825, tom. xxvii," pp. 204-222. - 41 Scoperta bibliografica; lettera ad un amico. [Firenze, 1831.] 8°. pp. (2). "Antologia, sett. 1831, no. 129, pp. 151-152. On the comment by Bambagiuoli contained in a codex belonging to Giuseppe Pucci.

1015 E 98

42 Sopra un codice della Divina commedia e del comento di Jac. della Lana, asservato a Francoforte s. M. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1871. Bd. iii, pp. 463–475.)

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47 Tre articoli, estratti dagli Annali dei dantofili alemanni, vol. iii. Lipsia, 1871. 8°. pp. (73). 1016 F 109

Contents: - pp. 257-302, Rime in testi antichi attribuite a Dante; pp. 463-475, Sopra un codice della Divina commedia e del comento di Jac. della Lana, asservato a Francoforte s. M.; 476-478, Supplemento all' articolo "Rime attribuite a Dante; pp. 535-545, Sopra un frammento del Laneo.

The paging is that of the Jahrbuch der Deutschen DanteGesellschaft, from which the articles are separately printed. - 48 — Ueber Dante. Neu bearbeitet. Breslau, 1831. 8°. pp. 27 + (1). 2 plates. 1017 B 67 pp. 26-27, Zwei Sonette über Dante von M. A. Buonarotti [sic], [translated by Witte].

In part the same as his "Ueber das Missverständniss Dante's." Reprinted in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. i, pp. Translated in his "Essays on Dante,'


pp. 1-18.

Plates: Engravings. (1) "Battistero di Dante." (2) "Sepolcro di Dante."

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- 49 Ueber das Missverständniss Dante's. (In Hermes. 1824. Bd. xxii, pp. 134–166.)

Reprinted, with the omission of the last two pages, in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. i, pp. 21-65. Translated in his "Essays on Dante," pp. 19-60.

"Essa contiene una crítica fuor di modo severa dei lavori danteschi allora recentemente pubblicati in Italia, e quel che è più, il giovine autore svolgeva in essa quel suo sistema, al qual rimase essenzialmente fedele sino al giorno d'oggi."- Scartazzini, Dante in Germania, i, p. 41.

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Wusste Dante Hebräisch? See his Dante und der Orient.

- 57 Zum Dante-Jubiläum. (In Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung. 2 Juni, 1864.) 1016 G 81 Same. (In Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur. 1865. Bd. vi, pp. 116-118.) Same. n. p., n. d. 8°. pp. (2). 1018 C 95

Urges the formation of a German Dante society and the founding of a periodical to further the interests of Dante study. 58 and others. Dante's Familienname. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1867. Bd. i, pp. 149–168.)

Contains philological contributions by Julius Zacher, pp. 155161, and A. F. Pott, pp. 161-166. "Nachträgliches," in same, Bd. ii, pp. 427-429.

Witte's portion of this article is reprinted, with slight additions, in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. ii, pp. 22-27.

annotator. See Emler, B. Dante Alighieri's Göttliche Komödie in Zeichnungen. 1867.

editor. La divina commedia. 1862; 186466; 1892. See Part I (D. C.).

Reviewed in Literarisches Centralblatt, 26 April, 1862, col 320-322;-by J. F. Schnakenburg in Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 1865, Bd. xxxvii, pp. 225-228;-in Il gallo, 29 genn. 1865, pp. 33-34;-in Nuova antologia, 16 genn. 1893, vol. cxxvii, pp. 377-378;-by F. X. Kraus in Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie, Mai, 1893, Jahrg. xiv, col. 170.

See Ferrazzi, ii, pp. 759-763.

See also Bozzo, G. Considerazioni sopra alcune varianti della Divina commedia nel testo pubblicato dal sig. C. Witte. 1872.

Fiammazzo, A. Varianti dalla lezione di Carlo Witte, 1862. (In his Il codice dantesco [Grumelli] della biblioteca di Bergamo. 1894.)

Gregoretti, F. Sulla nuova edizione della Divina commedia pubblicata a Berlino da C. Witte. [1862.]

Moore, E. On the text of Witte's Berlin edition. (In his Contributions to the textual criticism of the Divina commedia. 1889.) Scolari, F. Intorno al merito da dover essere riferito alla splendide edizione procurata dal prof. C. Witte. 1862. Witte replies to some of the above criticisms in his "Neuere Arbeiten zur Texteskritik der Divina commedia," in his "Dante-Forschungen," Bd. ii, 1879, pp. 329-355.

editor. Die göttliche Komödie, übersetzt von K. L. Kannegiesser. 1873. See Part I (D. C. - German).

editor. Divina comoedia, hexametris latinis reddita ab abbate Dalla Piazza. 1848. See Part I (D. C.- Latin).

editor. Monarchia (liber i). 1863. - De monarchia libri iii. 1874. See Part I (Minor works. De monarchia).

Reviewed by F. X. Wegele in Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1874, Jahrg. i, p. 726;-in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, April 2, 1874, (1016 G 82).

See also Concari, T. Di alcune osservazioni del Witte e del Boehmer sulla Monarchia di Dante. 1883.


editor. Epistolæ. 1827. See Part I (Minor Epistola).

Reviewed in Biblioteca italiana, genn. 1828, no. cxlv, pp. 72-74, (1015 A 69).

See also Schlosser, F. C. Einleitung in die Divina commedia nach Rossetti, nebst einem Anhang über Witte's Ausgabe von Dante's Briefen. (In his Dante; Studien. 1855.)

Scolari, F. Intorno alle Epistole latine di Dante Alighieri, giusta l'edizione fattasene in Breslavia nel 1827, etc. 1844. editor. La vita nuova. 1876. See Part I (Minor works. - Vita nuova). Reviewed by H. Sch[u]ch[a]rdt in Literarisches Centralblatt, 10 Feb. 1877, col. 218-219. See also [Earle, J.] Dante's "Vita nuova." [1896.] editor. Dante. 1871. Rime).

Rime in testi antichi attribuite a
See Part I (Supposititious works.-

editor. See Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Bd. i-iii. 1867–71.

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translator. Göttliche Komödie. 1865; 1876. See Part I (D. C. — German).

Reviewed by E. Ruth in Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur. 1865, Bd. vii, pp. 227-243;-by F. Löher in Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, 28, 29, 30 Sept. 1865, (1016 G 81); - by W. Bernhardi in Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 1877, Jahrg. iv, pp. 743-744; - by T. Paur in Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, 7 Juni, 1877, Nr. 23, pp. 364-366, (1016 G 84); -by G. A. Scartazzini in Deutsche Rundschau, Feb. 1878, Jahrg. iv, Heft 5, pp. 325–332, (1017 E 198).

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1019 E 34

pp. 20-32, Bibliographische Nachricht von einigen der neuesten Ausgaben von Dante's Werken, [from Jahrbücher der Literatur, 1824]. pp. 215-217, a review of Ozanam's " Italiens Franciskaner-Dichter im dreizehnten Jahrhunderte; Deutsch von N. H. Julius," [from Literarisches Centralblatt, 8 April, 1854, No. 14, Col. 227-229]. pp. 228-229, a review of Ferrazzi's "Manuale dantesco," [from Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, zunächst für das katholische Deutschland, 1865, Nr. 30].

Wolff, Gustav. Cato der Jüngere bei Dante. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. 1869. Bd. ii, pp. 225-232.)

W[ölfflin], H[einrich], reviewer. See Volkmann, L. Iconografia dantesca. 1897.

Wolters, Willem Pieter. Beatrice. Leiden, 1874. 8°. pp. 150. 1019 C 5 A romance written in Dutch, with Beatrice Portinari for the central figure.

Naar aanleiding van Potgieter's "Florence.' n. p., n. d. 8°. pp. 53. 1018 C 109

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Zu Karl Witte's sechzig

2 19


jährigen juristischen Doctor-Jubiläum. [Stuttgart, etc., 1876.]

Clipping from Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, 20 August, 1876, in Dante scrap-book, ii, p. 107.

Edizioni della Divina commedia di Dante Allighieri (testo italiano) possedute da Carlo Witte. [Anon.] (In Giornale arcadico. 1851. Vol. cxxiii, PP. 351-355.) 1019 W

For lists of Witte's works see his "Essays on Dante," pp. xix-xx, Ferrazzi, ii, pp 699-703, and Scartazzini, "Dante in Germania," ii, pp. 108-112. See obituary notices in Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, 1883, vol. 1, pp. 187-188, (1017 F 209); in Letture di famiglia, 8 aprile, 1883, an. xxxv, p 208, (1019 X 236).

See also Bruin, H. de. De Nederlandsche kunstbode. 1876. Guasti, C. Commemorazioni di Carlo Witte e di Atto Van

nucci. [1884.]

Löher, F. von.
[Lozzi, C.] C.


Plumptre, E. H.

Karl Witte. 1884.

Witte e i codici della Divina commedia.

The labours of Karl Witte. (In the Commedia and Canzoniere, a new translation by E. H. Plumptre. Vol. ii. 1887. pp. 487-489.)

Theiner, A. L'ortodossia cattolica di Dante riconosciuta da un insigne critico di Germania [i e., K. Witte]. 1845. Vassallo, C. Sulla vita e sugli scritti di C. Witte. 1884Witte, K. (H. G.) Karl Witte; Erziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte. 1819.

Witte, Karl (Heinrich Gottfried). Karl Witte, oder Erziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte desselben; ein Buch für Eltern und Erziehende. Leipzig, 1819. 2 v. 16°. 1017 C 19 a-b

An account of the early education of his son, Karl Witte, the distinguished Dante scholar.

"It must be said in excuse of the elder Witte that he yielded to an exceptionally strong temptation. He was an educationalist, and had taught his son himself. He maintained that the boy had no exceptional talents, but he made such rapid progress as to matriculate in the University of Leipzig when he was nine and a half years old, and take his Doctor's degree, with a thesis on the Conchoid of Nicomedes,' a curve of the fourth degree, before he was fourteen. His linguistic was at least as great as his mathematical precocity." - P. H. Wicksteed, in his introduction to Witte's Essays on Dante.

Witte, Leopold. Die Schlussvision des Purgatorium; ein Zusatz [zu F. A. Scartazzini's Dante's Vision im irdischen Paradiese]. (In Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. 1869. Bd. ii, pp. 151-168.)

Presumably a separate reprint from some magazine. Written from Leiden. Contains an account of the Dutch translations of the Commedia.

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Wright, Ichabod Charles, translator. The Inferno. 1833. The Purgatorio. 1836. - The Paradiso. 1840. Pictures from Dante. 1844. — The divine comedy. 1891. See Part I (D. C.—English).

Reviewed in the Athenæum, March 23, 1833, pp. 177-178; -in the Monthly review, Jan. 1833, pp. 428-432;-in the Edinburgh review, July, 1833, vol. lvii, pp. 412-434; — in the Quarterly review, July, 1833, vol. xlix, pp. 449-464; in the Dublin university magazine, Nov. 1840, vol. xvi, pp. 590-591; in the Examiner, July 5, 1845, pp. 419-420, April

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