The topography and antiquities of Rome, Opseg 2Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Greene, Paternoster-Row., 1831 - Broj stranica: 492 |
Iz unutrašnjosti knjige
Stranica 43
... Procopius de Bell . Vand . lib . i . cap . 2. edit . Paris , 1662 . 99 Nam ita abundavit Tyberis , ut Ludi Apollinares , Circo inundato , extra Portam Collinam ad ædem Eyricinæ Veneris parati sint . " . Tit . Liv . lib . xxx . cap . 38 ...
... Procopius de Bell . Vand . lib . i . cap . 2. edit . Paris , 1662 . 99 Nam ita abundavit Tyberis , ut Ludi Apollinares , Circo inundato , extra Portam Collinam ad ædem Eyricinæ Veneris parati sint . " . Tit . Liv . lib . xxx . cap . 38 ...
Stranica 46
... residence of Belisarius , which Procopius seems to intimate was at no great distance from the Porta 95 But see Dissertation II . Pinciana . We here naturally look to the Giardino di 46 TOPOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES . DISS . VIII .
... residence of Belisarius , which Procopius seems to intimate was at no great distance from the Porta 95 But see Dissertation II . Pinciana . We here naturally look to the Giardino di 46 TOPOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES . DISS . VIII .
Stranica 49
... Procopius describes the Muro Torto precisely as it exists at this day . 101 It is followed by a con- - the Virgin . He thus tells the story of Nero's hobgoblins - the " initium miraculi . " . Sub cujus trunco ( speaking of a tall chest ...
... Procopius describes the Muro Torto precisely as it exists at this day . 101 It is followed by a con- - the Virgin . He thus tells the story of Nero's hobgoblins - the " initium miraculi . " . Sub cujus trunco ( speaking of a tall chest ...
Stranica 93
... Procopius de Bello Vandal . lib . i . cap . v . p . 189. edit . Paris , 1662. Ficoroni ( Vestigie di Roma , lib . i . cap . xx . p . 132. ) is very little authority in this , as in most other subjects of antiquarian controversy ; and ...
... Procopius de Bello Vandal . lib . i . cap . v . p . 189. edit . Paris , 1662. Ficoroni ( Vestigie di Roma , lib . i . cap . xx . p . 132. ) is very little authority in this , as in most other subjects of antiquarian controversy ; and ...
Stranica 221
... Procopius de Bello Gothico , lib . i . cap . 15 .; and see Nar- dini , Rom . Antica , tom . iii . p . 381. note 1 . 12 Georg . Fabricii Descript . & c . apud Grævium , tom . iii . p . 450 . 13 Horat . Carm . lib . i . 2 . Maxima , " we ...
... Procopius de Bello Gothico , lib . i . cap . 15 .; and see Nar- dini , Rom . Antica , tom . iii . p . 381. note 1 . 12 Georg . Fabricii Descript . & c . apud Grævium , tom . iii . p . 450 . 13 Horat . Carm . lib . i . 2 . Maxima , " we ...
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
The Topography and Antiquities of Rome: Including Recent Discoveries Made ... Richard Burgess Pregled nije dostupan - 2016 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
Agrippa ancient Antichità di Roma antiquaries Antoninus Appia apud Grævium Aqua aqueduct arches Augustus Aurelian Aventine hill Basilica baths Belisarius belonged building built Cæsar called Campus Martius Capitoline Capitoline hill century church circuit Circus Flaminius Circus Maximus columns Dion Cassius Dionysius Dissertation Domitian Donatus edifice edit emperor erected feet Flaminia Forum Olitorium fragments Fulvio gardens gate ground Hadrian Hist Honorius inscription Livy marble Maria Marliano mentioned miles monument Nardini Nero Note obelisk observed original palace Palatine hill Palazzo Panvinio passage Piazza Piranesi Pius Plin Pliny Plutarch Ponte Pope Popolo Porta Porta Trigemina portico Procopius quæ region remains repaired Roma Roman Rome ruins Septimius Severus sepulchre Severus statue stood Suet supposed temple theatre theatre of Marcellus thermæ tower traced Trajan travertine travertine stone Tyber Vatican Venuti vestiges Victor Vide Villa walls whole δὲ καὶ τὴν
Popularni odlomci
Stranica 5 - I am now chosen aedile," says he, " and am sensible of what is committed to me by the Roman people : 1 am to exhibit, with the greatest solemnity, the most sacred sports to Ceres, Liber, and Libera ; am to appease and conciliate the mother Flora to the people and city of Rome, by the celebration of the public games ; am to furnish out those ancient shows, the first which were called Roman, with all possible dignity and religion, in honour of Jupiter, Juno, Minerva ; am to take care, also, of all...
Stranica 155 - Victor deinde Caesar reversus in urbem contractas emptionibus complures domos per procuratores, quo laxior fieret ipsius, publicis se usibus destinare professus est, templumque Apollinis et circa porticus facturum promisit, quod ab eo singulari exstructum munificentia est.
Stranica 213 - Ahi, Costantin, di quanto- mal fu matre , Non la tua conversion , ma quella dote Che da te prese il primo ricco patre...
Stranica 108 - ... cunctis descendisset. Fecit et saeculares, quasi anticipatos ab Augusto nee legitimo tempori reservatos, quamvis ipse in historiis suis prodat, intermissos eos Augustum multo post diligentissime annorum ratione subducta in ordinem redegisse.
Stranica 367 - Scalas anularias, in domo quae Calvi oratoris fuerat ; postea in Palatio, sed nihilo minus aedibus modicis Hortensianis, et neque laxitate neque cultu conspicuis, ut in quibus porticus breves essent Albanarum columnarum et sine marmore ullo aut insigni pavimento conclavia. Ac per annos amplius quadraginta eodem cubiculo hieme et aestate mansit, quamvis parum salubrem valitudini suae urbem hieme experiretur assidueque in urbe hiemaret.
Stranica 284 - Prpfecitque opifex decori timor, et, vice mira, Quam pax intulerat, bello discussa senectus; Erexit subitas turres , cinctosque coegit Septem continuo montes juvenescere muro.
Stranica 220 - Nam et muro lapideo, cujus exordium operis Sabino bello turbatum erat, urbem, qua nondum munierat, cingere parat ; et infima urbis loca circa forum aliasque interjectas collibus convalles, quia ex planis locis haud facile evehebant aquas, cloacis e fastigio...
Stranica 236 - Aesculapi taedio medendi exponerent, omnes qui exponerentur liberos esse sanxit, nee redire in dicionem domini, si convaluissent ; quod si quis necare quem mallet quam exponere, caedis crimine teneri.
Stranica 159 - Hic ubi sidereus propius videt astra colossus et crescunt media pegmata celsa via, invidiosa feri radiabant atria regis unaque iam tota stabat in urbe domus.
Stranica 357 - ... in the natural taste, agreeing not ill with the little dripping murmur, and the aquatic idea of the whole place. It wants nothing to...