Natural Philosophy for Beginners: With Numerous Examples, Dio 1Macmillan, 1877 - Broj stranica: 440 |
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Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
Natural Philosophy for Beginners: With Numerous Examples, Dio 1 Isaac Todhunter Pregled nije dostupan - 2016 |
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16 feet atmosphere attraction axis Axle ball barometer base beam body falls bulk called centre of gravity circle circumference cloth coefficient of friction collision column Crown 8vo cubic foot cubic inches cylinder denote diagram diameter direction distance earth Edition elastic equal equilibrium example exerted experiment falling body fastened fcap feet per second fixed foot force acting friction fulcrum heat Hence inches of mercury Inclined Plane instance iron Law of Motion length Lever liquid machine mass Mathematics mercury molecules momentum moveable moving Natural Philosophy ounces parallel forces Parallelogram of Forces particle passes piston position pounds Power pressure principle produce proportion radius resistance rest resultant right angles Screw shew side sliding solid specific gravity sphere square inch straight line string substance suppose surface temperature theory tion triangle tube turn round upwards velocity vertical vessel volume Wheel
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