TO THE INTERESTS BOOK AND STATIONERY TRADE. With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, established 1852.] OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AM. BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, NEW-YORK. NEW-YORK, Saturday, February 6, 1875. WHOLE NO. 160. VOL. VII. No. 6. POPULAR NEW BOOKS, READY IN FEBRUARY. HOURS IN A LIBRARY. BY LESLIE STEPHEN. One vol. 12mo, cloth.. $1.75. CONTENTS.-DE FOE'S NOVELS-RICHARDSON'S Novels-Pope AS A MORALIST-MR. ELWIN'S EDITION OF POPESOME WORDS ABOUT SIR Walter Scott--NATHANIEL HAWthorne-Balzac's Novels-De Quincey. Estimate of "The Nation.' " "They are the writings of a thoroughly sensible, acute, and unpretentious critic. They read like the conversations of a clever, well-educated man, and thoughtless readers may overlook the fact that the conversation with which Mr. Stephen whiles away the hours in a library is exactly that kind of good talk' which, as every one knows on reflection, is one of the greatest, and at the same time rarest intellectual enjoyments. Half Mr. Stephen's readers, perhaps, think they could talk as he writes. In matter of fact, they probably could not sustain for ten minutes a literary conversation of which, were it printed down, they would not be heartily ashamed. But persons who would find it an impossible task to imitate what seems in Mr. Stephen's hands so easy an achievement, may yet gain a great deal both of interest and instruction from his essays. Mr. Stephen's great merit, in our judgment, is the care with which he studies the objects of his criticism, and the skill with which he applies to them the calm good-sense of a well-educated, clear-sighted man, who possesses just that kind of humor, the absence of which constantly renders worthless the meritorious labors of industrious critics." THE SIXTH VOLUME OF THE BRIC-A-BRAC SERIES PERSONAL REMINISCENCES, BY MOORE AND JERDAN. One vol. square 12mo, cloth, $1.50. NOW READY. The Fifth Thousand of the Bric-a-Brac Edition of the Greville Memoirs. THE GREVILLE MEMOIRS. A Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. By the late CHARLES C. F. GREVILLE, Clerk of the Counci to those Sovereigns. One vol. square 12mo, cloth, $1.50. OTHER VOLUMES IN THE BRIC-A-BRAC SERIES. Each one vol. square 12mo, cloth, $1.50. 1. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES, by CHORLEY, PLANCHE, and YOUNG. 2. ANECDOTE BIOGRAPHIES of THACKERAY and DICKENS 3. PROSPER MERIMEE'S LETTERS TO AN INCOGNITA, with Recollections by LAMARTINE and GEORGE SAND. 4. PERSONAL Reminiscences, by BARHAM, HARNESS, and HODDER. ** Early orders solicited from the Trade. 7,000th 7,000th 6,000th 6,000th SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., .654 Broadway, New-York' JAMES R. OSgood & Co.'s New Books. A PASSIONATE PILGRIM, And other Tales. By HENRY JAMES, Jr. 1 vol. 12mo, beveled edges, $2. The other stories are: "The Last of the Valerii," "Eugene Pickering," "The Madonna of the Future," "The Romance of Certain Old Clothes," and " Madame de Mauves." Some of these will readily be recognized by readers of the Atlantic, as among the finest stories the magazine has ever had. It is little to say that the volume is one of the most noteworthy collections of short stories in American literature. THE HANGING OF THE CRANE. By HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. Popular Edition. 16mo. With Twelve Illustrations. $1.50. This is a beautiful little edition of Longfellow's very popular poem, with twelve of the Illustrations by Miss M. A. HALLOCK and THOMAS MORAN, which gave the Holiday Edition its unsurpassed popularity. NEW EDITIONS. PARNASSUS. Edited by R. W. EMERSON. With numerous corrections and revisions. Crown Svo. $4. HOMES, AND HOW TO MAKE THEM. By E. C. GARDNER. Illustrated. $2. One of the most popular books on house-building and home-making. A FOREGONE CONCLUSION. By W. D. HOWELLS. $2. "Very delightful."-New-York Times. *For sale by Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. Book Trade Sale Rooms, GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., CLINTON HALL, NEW-YORK. LEAVITT ART ROOMS, 817 BROADWAY. TRADE SALE OF BOOKS, Stationery, Stereotypes, etc., WILL COMMENCE ABOUT THE LAST WEEK IN MARCH. Consignments of Books, Stereotype Plates, and Stationery solicited. Invoices for the Catalogue should be in the hands of the Auctioneers on or before the tenth day of February next. By order of the Committee, WM. H. APPLETON, CHAIRMAN. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE TRADE. The Committee appointed by the Booksellers' Convention last Summer, with directions to consider the subject of Trade Sales, looking to a change from the present mode of conducting them, would, at this time, report that they have considered the matter, and have organized the "BOOKSELLERS' EXCHANGE AND CLEARING HOUSE," appointing Messrs. GEO. A. LEAVITT & Co., Managers. The first meeting of the Exchange will take place in July next, or early in August, due notice of which, with full particulars, will shortly be published. They further report that they have instructed the Messrs. Leavitt to announce the coming Spring Trade Sale to be the LAST under the present mode. A full report of the Committee on the plan adopted will shortly appear in the Publishers Weekly. ISAAC E. SHELDON, SECRETARY. WM. H. APPLETON, CHAIRMAN. TERMS OF SALE. On all purchases from the whole Catalogue amounting to $1000 and upward, four and six months' credit; on purchases from the whole Catalogue, less than $1000 and more than $300, four months' credit; and on all purchases less than $300, cash without discount. Approved endorsed notes, to be dated on the first day of the sale, payable to the order of your endorser, and in the City of New-York, satisfactory to the seller, will be required. Bills must be settled before the delivery of the goods, and within fifteen days after the sale. All bills not settled within twenty days from the last day of the sale shall lose the credit to which the purchaser would be otherwise entitled, and such bills will be payable in cash without discount. This rule will be strictly enforced. All goods not settled for within thirty days, to be resold on account of the purchaser if responsible, or returned to the contributor. NEW BOOKS ISSUED BY SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, No. 654 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. Characteristics. From the writings of JOHN HENRY NEWMAN. Being Selections—Personal, Historical, Philosophical, and Religious, from his various works, arranged by W. S. LILLY, with the author's approval. 12mo, cloth, with fine portrait, $2.50. 11. Economic Geology; or, Geology in its Relations to the Arts and Manufactures. By DAVID PAGE. Crown 8vo, $3.75. CONTENTS: Geology and Agriculture.-Geology and Land Valuation.-Geology and Architecture.-Mortars, Cements, Concretes.-Geology and Civil Engineering.-Geology and Mine Engineering.-Heating and Lighting Materials.-Geology and the Fictile Arts.-Grinding and Polishing Materials.-Fire-Resisting Substances.-Mineral Pigments and Dyes.—Salts and Saline Earths.-Mineral and Thermal Springs.-Gems and Precious Stones.-The Metals and Metallic Ores. With Engravings and Colored Geological Map of the British Islands. History of Art. By Dr. WILHELM LUBKE. III. Translated by F. E. BUNNETT. With 415 Illustrations. Third Edition Revised. 2 vols., imperial 8vo., cloth, $18. * Also, uniform with the above, "Lubke's History of Sculpture." 2 vols., cloth, $18. IV. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By THOMAS LEWIN, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., of Trinity College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, Author of "Fasti Sacri," "Siege of Jerusalem," etc. With numerous Illustrations finely engraved on wood, Maps, Plans, etc. 2 vols., demy 4to, cloth, $18. These volumes contain more than 1,000 pages, with about 350 illustrations in the highest style of wood engraving. The work is the result of forty years' study, and will be found of value to scholars, while its price is calculated to secure the widest circulation. V. The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a discourse of Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish and Fishing, written by ISAAK WALTON; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear stream. By CHARLES COTTON. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir HARRIS NICHOLAS, K.C.M.G. With the whole 61 plate-illustrations, precisely as in the royal 8vo two-volume edition issued by PICKERING. A New Edition, complete in one vol., large crown 8vo, with the illustrations from the original plates, printed on full pages, separately from the text. $3. The Burns Calendar. VI. A Manual of Burnsiana, relating events in the Poet's History, Names associated with his Life and Writings; a concise Bibliography and a Record of Burns' relics; with fine portrait; 4to, boards. Edition limited to 600 copies; each copy numbered and signed by the publisher, JAMES MCKIE, Kilmarnock. $3.75. VII. Companion to the "History of Signboards." A History of Advertising. From the Earliest Times. Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, Biographical Notes, and Examples of Successful Advertisers. By HENRY SAMPSON. Crown 8vo, with Frontispiece and numerous Illustrations, colored and plain, cloth extra, $3. I. The Pilgrims' Progress, as originally published by JOHN BUNYAN. production of the First Edition (1678), with Portrait and Wood-cuts. $3.75. Being a Fac-simile Re- 2. Shakespeare Commentaries. By Dr. G. G. GERVINUS. Translated under the Author's Superintendence by F. E. BUNNETT. New Edition. Revised by the Translator. 8vo, (941 pages.) $5.25. Eighth page. Sixteenth page.. Short advertisements, per line. $20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 250 25 Front, back, and second pages and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Applications for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription (payable in advance).-$3.20 per annum, postage prepaid. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post-paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box, 4295. POSTACE. On and after Fanuary 1st, 1875, the postage on the WEEKLY, heretofore paid by subscribers at their own post-office, must be prepaid at the publication office. Subscribers will therefore please to remit 20 cents extra for each annual subscription for which postage has not yet been paid. NOTES IN SEASON. THE meeting of the Central Booksellers' Association will be held at II A.M., Tuesday, February 9th, in Parlor A, St. Nicholas Hotel, New-York. The Committee on signatures to the twenty per cent rule will present their report, and a full attendance is desired. All members of the trade are invited to be present and take part in the deliberations. THE last week in March is fixed by Messrs. Leavitt as the date of the last trade sale. The advertisement (which see) states that invoices should be in by 10th February. AT the Harpers' will be published immediately the first volume on Malacca, IndoChina, and China," by J. Thomson, a work splendidly illustrated, exceedingly interesting, and highly spoken of by the best English authorities; and Rev. Mr. Goodwin's discourses on "Christ and Humanity." AMONG the books which Wm. F. Gill & Co. propose to issue this month are "The Rainbow Creed," a radical theological novel by a member of the Boston Radical Club, in which portraits of Mr. Beecher, Mr. Murray, and other clergymen are drawn; Wilkie Collins's "Alicia Warloch," and other new stories, the title-story being a re-writing of his "Dream Woman"; and "The Woman of Fire," by Adolph Belot, the sale of which reached 50,000 copies in France. MR. E. S. DRONE, of this city, who contributed the valuable paper on copyright to the October number of the American Law Review, is writing a book on that subject, in which he will discuss the English and United States laws. It will be published by Little, Brown & Co. THE Carters will issue within a few weeks several very important books. Prof. Dawson is revising his lectures on "Nature and the Bible," and adding an appendix of importance, for early publication; and Dr. McCosh is also making a book from his reply to Tyndall in the International Review. The sixth (posthumous) volume of D'Aubigné's "Reformation in the Time of Calvin" is expected shortly from Europe. AMONG the earliest novels at Appletons will be Christian Reid's "Hearts and Hands," now running in Appletons' Journal. A VOLUME of "Selections from Berkeley," prepared, with introduction and notes, for the use of college students, by Prof. Fraser, of Edinburgh, the editor of the standard edition, is an important volume just ready at the Macmillans. THE great revival of religion in Scotland, caused by the labors of Messrs. Moody and Sankey there last year, is described not only in the bound volume of the British Evangelist, published by Randolph, but in a volume written by Dr. John Hall and Geo. H. Stuart, soon to be published by Dodd & Mead. " This MR. JONES'S compilation on Africa: the History of Exploration and Adventure," is now ready at Henry Holt & Co.'s. It summarizes all the literature of the subject happily, and, with its many cuts, makes a handsome five dollar volume of exciting adventure. house proposes to add to its February list Sir H. Maine's new work on "The Early History of Institutions," in which the origins of customs and legal practices are interestingly reviewed, and Sainte-Beuve's "English Portraits," which are most charming studies of English life from the French critic's point of view. COL. HIGGINSON'S "Young Folk's History of the United States" is received as a very model of historical writing. It is the most entertaining of reading, and presents facts so lucidly and agreeably that history becomes a treat. Lee & Shepard have also just ready an excellent collection of hymns and tunes for prayer and camp-meetings, “Songs of Joy." MESSRS. S. C. GRIGGS & Co. having decided to make the price of their "Mishaps of Mr. Pelter" $1.50, instead of $1.75, as we were at first advised, the correction should be noted on the lists. THE Messrs. Macmillan have planned a valuable series of History and Literature Primers, to match in style, size, and scope their wellknown Science Primers, republished here by torian, is to be the editor. the Appletons. Mr. J. R. Green, the new hisMany of the ablest writers have already undertaken individual volumes, and it is hoped to publish half a dozen together within a few weeks. THE first chapter of George Smith's "Assyrian Discoveries" contains a brief bibliography of the subject of his work. |