' d e TO THE INTERESTS OF BOOK AND STATIONERY TRADE. With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, established 1852.] OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AM. BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, New-York. VOL. VII. No. 7. NEW-YORK, Saturday, February 13, 1875. WHOLE No. 161. D. APPLETON & Co., 549 and 551 Broadway, New-York, PUBLISH THIS DAY: I. HEARTS AND HANDS. A STORY IN SIXTEEN CHAPTERS. By CHRISTIAN REID, author of "A Daughter of Bohemia," "Morton House," "Valerie Aylmer," etc. I vol., 8vo. Paper covers. Price 50 cents. No young American writer has achieved so high a reputation in so short a period. The housands of readers of "Valerie Aylmer" will welcome this new novel with interest. II. SCIENTIFIC LONDON. By BERNARD H. BECKER. I vol., 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.75. "On becoming a frequent visitor at the meetings of learned societies, I was astonished to find the written records of their deeds were few and far between. According to my lights, I have striven, in unambitious fashion, to supply this gap in the literature of Science, and, in the little book now offered to the public, have attempted to describe in a compact form the rise, progress, and present condition of these great Scientific Institutions of which London-and for that matter, Englandis justly proud."-Extract from Preface. III. TEN YEARS WITH SPIRITUAL MEDIUMS: I AN INQUIRY CONCERNING THE ETIOLOGY OF CERTAIN PHENOMENA CALLED SPIRITUAL. By FRANCIS GERRY FAIRFIELD. vol., 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.25. "In the following pages the author submits the results of ten years of observation and experiment, conducted in the intervals of other work, concerning the nature of certain phenomena confidently relied upon by spiritualists as demonstrative of the agency of departed spirits, and by Prof. Crookes as proving the existence of a force termed psychic."-Extract from Preface. Sent free by mail to any address in the United States, on receipt of the price. MR. HARE'S NEW BOOK. ISSUED FEBRUARY 10. DAYS NEAR ROME. 44 By AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE, Author of "Walks in Rome,' Memorials of a Quiet Life," etc. With One Hundred Illustrations, principally from the Author's own sketches taken on the spot. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 2 vols., $5. Two vols. bound in one, cloth, black and gold, $3.50. Extracts from the Preface. "The ground, in many instances, had been almost untrodden, several of the places described are difficult of access, and have never before been visited by foreigners; and, in most cases, published descriptions either do not exist at all, or are so inaccurate and untrustworthy as to be only misguiding. A great field for discovery still remains, even within a day's journey of Rome; and if, in opening the way to others, I lead them to enjoy half the pleasure I have received from my own researches, I shall be more than rewarded. . "The illustrations of buildings and scenery are from my own sketches taken on the spot; the figures I owe to the kindness of friends; for their transference to wood I am indebted to the skill of Mr. Sulman. The subjects chosen are purposely selected where verbal descriptions may fail to delineate the character of the places visited." AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE. LATELY ISSUED. SOUTH MEADOWS. A Tale of Long Ago. By E. T. DISOSWAY. The scene is laid in New-England at the time of the Salem witchcraft delusion, and the book gives a very realistic picture of the religious society of the time. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, $1.50. "It is intensely interesting."-Christian Union, N. Y. THE WILD NORTH LAND. The Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America. By Captain W. F. BUTLER, author of “The Great Lone Land." With sixteen handsome full-page engravings and a large colored map. Crown 8vo, toned paper. Cloth extra, black and gold, $2.50. "Certainly he seems to have some excellent qualifications for the task. The love of adventure breathes through every page of his book, and gives it a pleasant flavor of originality. . . Capt. Butler succeeds in infecting us with the spirit of enjoyment, his book carries us along with it."-Saturday Review (London). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS. Comprising Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Fishing, Hawking, Athletics, Yachting, Racing, Boating, Pedestrianism, and the various Rural Games and Amusements. Illustrated by 200 engravings. By "Stonehenge," (J. H. WALSH, F.R.C.S.) Crown 8vo, cloth extra, black and gold, $5. An Americanized Edition of a very important and valuable work. "This splendid volume is the most thorough work on the subject that has yet been written. Persons need go no further than this book to learn how to become experts in all the manly accomplishments."-Forest and Stream, N. Y. The Sportsman's Club among the Trappers. By HARRY CASTLEMON, author of the “Gunboat Series," "Rocky Mountain Series," etc., etc. Illustrated by Bensell. Cloth, black and gold, $1.25. This is the third and completing volume of the 'Sportsman's Club Series," which now consists of: "The Sportsman's Club in the Saddle," "The Sportsman's Club Afloat," $1.25 1.25 PORTER & COATES, Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. . Front, back, and second pages and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Applications for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. A NEW book by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, called The Spectre Lover, has just been placed in the hands of her publishers, T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. They will issue it at once in uniform style with all of the previous works of this author issued by them. As advertised in this number, the one volume edition of "Farrar's Life of Christ" will be Bookissued on Saturday, February 20th. sellers will notice that the price will be $2.50 instead of $3, as heretofore announced. [OFFICIAL.] Terms of Subscription (payable in ad- Publishers' Board of Trade. vance).-$3.20 per annum, postage prepaid. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post-paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box, 4295. POSTACE. ABSTRACT OF MINUTES. AT a meeting of the Publishers' Board of Trade, held at the Grand Central Hotel, Wednesday, February 10th, the following houses were represented : On and after Fanuary 1st, 1875, the postage on the WEEKLY, heretofore paid by subscribers at their own post-office, must be pre- & paid at the publication office. Subscribers will therefore please to remit 20 cents extra for each annual subscription for which postage has not yet been paid. NOTES IN SEASON. THE Appletons have just ready a volume on "Scientific London," in which B. H. Becker gives pleasant sketches of the rise and present features of the fourteen leading scientific societies and endowments; "Ten Years with the Spiritualists," in which Mr. F. G. Fairfield instances many "manifestations" in proof that the "spiritualistic" power is not supernatural, but the result of morbid nervous action, like epilepsy, and that this force by its relations to light can manifest itself in spectral appearances, and gives power of direct communication with other brains; and "Hearts and Hands," an admirable novel by "Christian Reid," of which the scene is laid chiefly among the gayeties of that favorite Virginia summer resort, the White Sulphur Springs. Hon. Mr. Riddle's novel of Washington society and politics, "Alice Brand," and Prof. Schmidt's treatise on "The Theory of Descent and Darwinism," in the International Scientific Series, are scheduled for the week following. MR. WM. BLACK'S volume of stories is just ready in the Harpers' library of novels; the most important book to follow will be Mr. Thomson's exceedingly interesting and valuable book on "Malacca, Indo-China. and China," which is finely illustrated, and contains numerous observations on the Chinese character, especially the tendency to enter into dangerous political combination, of much present interest in America. The "Inkermann " volume of Kinglake's "Invasion of the Crimea" is in the press; it is six years since the preceding volume was issued. D. APPLETON & CO.; A. S. BARNES & CO.; BREWER & TILESTON; CLARK MAYNARD; IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO.; SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO.; SHELDON & CO.; WILSON, HINKLE & CO.; POTTER, AINSWORTH & CO. (successors to Woolworth, Ainsworth & Co.). A full but informal discussion of the operation of the By-law regulating discounts, adopted at the special meeting of October 28th, developed the fact that said By-law was in the main working satisfactorily. The attention of the members was called to the resolution passed Oct. 14th, 1874, namely, "That no member of this Board of Trade be allowed to advertise, by printed circular or otherwise, a larger discount than ONE-THIRD for introduction." A resolution was adopted, making it obligatory upon each member of the Board to report the name and post-office address of every agent promptly upon appointment, and directing the Secretary to print the same in the next number of the Publishers' Weekly. C. C. Woolworth, in consequence of his withdrawal from the concern of Woolworth, Ainsworth & Co., and his retirement from the trade, sent in his resignation of the treasurership, which he has held since the organization of the Board. A resolution, cordially recognizing the prompt. ness and efficiency with which he had discharged the duties of the office, was adopted, and Isaac E. Sheldon was elected his successor. The Board then adjourned. EDWARD SEYMOUR, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk: Authors' and Subscription Books, or Boiks published at net prices, with two asterisks. Allen and Greenough. See Ovid. Beaudry.-Spiritual Struggles of a Roman Catholic. An autobiographical sketch, by Louis N. Beaudry, author of "Army and Prison Experience with 5th N. Y. Cavalry." With an introd. by Rev. B. Hawley, D.D. 12°, pp. 275. $1.25.. ......Nelson & P. Belot.-The Woman of Fire. (La Femme de Feu.) From the French of Adolphe Belot. 8°. Pap., 50 c.. ... Gill. *Berkeley. Selections from Berkeley. duction and Notes. By Alexander LL.D., etc. (Clarendon Press Series.) $3....... *Blackburne.-Life of the Right Hon. Francis Blackburne, late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, some time also Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief-Justice of the Queen's Bench, and Lord Justice of Appeal, chiefly in connection with his public and political career. By his son, Edward Blackburne. 8°, pp. xxi, 335. $4.. With an IntroCampbell Fraser, 12°, pp. xxxi, 358. Macmillan. Macmillan. Carter. Bonar.-The Rent Veil. By Horatius Bonar, D.D. 16°, pp. x, 184. $1.25..... *Bossuet and his Contemporaries. By the Author of "A Dominican Artist," etc. 12°, pp. xvi, 601. $3.50. Pott Y. & Co. Boyd.-Together; or, Life in the Circuit. A Sequel to Rachel Cardingford's Book. By Mrs. E. E. Boyd. 16°, pp. 188. 90 c.... Nelson & P. Brock.-Sunday Echoes in Week-Day Hours. A Tale illustrative of the Epistles and Collects. By Mrs. Carey Brock. 12, pp. viii, 492. $1.50.... ...Dutton. Brown.-Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Illustrated in a Series of Expositions. By John Brown, D.D., etc. 2 vols in I. 8°, pp. 646, 599. $3.50. Carter. Brush.-Manual of Determinative Mineralogy, with an Introduction on Blow-Pipe Analysis. By George J. Brush, Prof. of Mineralogy in the Sheffield Scientific School. 8°, pp. iv, 104. $3.50. (Corrected price.)... Wiley. Carmina Yalensia. A Collection of Yale College Songs, with Music and Pianoforte Accompaniment. Compiled by Ferd. V. D. Garretson. Enl. ed., with popular new songs. Arranged by J. O. Heald and S. T. Dutton. 8°. pp. 119. $1.75.. Taintor. *Chaucer. The Prioresses Tale, Sire Thopas, The Monkes Tale, The Clerkes Tale, The Squieres Tale, from the Canterbury Tales. Edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A., etc. (Clarendon Press Series.) 16°, pp. lxxv, 302. $1.75.... Macmillan. With Illustr. and (National Series.) Barnes. ...Rutter. Clark.-Easy Lessons in Language. Diagrams By S. W. Clark, A.M. 16°, pp. 96. Bds., 35 c........ *Cowper.-The Didactic Poems of 1782, with selections from the Minor Pieces, A.D. 1779-1783. Edited with Introd. and Notes by Henry Thomas Griffith, B.A., etc. Vol. I. 16°, pp. lxvi, 246. $1.50...... Macmillan. Dale.-An Inquiry into the Usage of Baptizo, and the Nature of Christic and Patristic Baptism, as exhibited in the Holy Scriptures and Patristic Writings. By James W. Dale, D.D., Pastor of Wayne Presbyterian Church, Delaware County, Pa. 8°, pp. 630. $5.... Dobell.-On Winter Cough, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma. A Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. By Horace Dobell, M.D., Senior Physician to the Hospital, etc., etc. 3d and enl. ed. With colored plates. 8°, pp. 292. $3.50. Lindsay & B. Ellsworth Tracing Copy-Books. By H. W. Ellsworth. New Series. In 3 Nos. Nos. B and C. 5% x 7, pp. 24. Ea., pap., 15 c.... Ellsworth. Fellows.-First Steps in English Grammar on the Catechetical Plan. By A. N. Fellows. 12°, pp. 64. Bds., Taintor. Four Little People. Bob, Trot, Jamie, and Lina. By the Author of "Cecil's Summer at Elm Terrace." 18°, pp. 138. 50 C..... ..Am. S. S. Ün. Fraternal Camp Meeting Sermons, preached by Ministers of the various Branches of Methodism at the Round Lake Camp-Meeting, N. Y., July, 1874. With an account of the Fraternal Meeting. Phonographically reported by S. M. Stiles and J. G. Patterson. With an Introd. by Bishop Peck. 12°, pp. 498. $1.75.. Nelson & P. Furman.-Antiquities of Long Island. By Gabriel FurTo which is added Notes on the Town of Brooklyn by the same author, and a Bibliography by Henry Onderdonk, Jr., edited by Frank Moore. Post 8°, pp. 479. $3. 25 C... man. Garretson, Ferd. V. D. See Carmina Yalensia. Bouton. Greene.-Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses; extended to Continuous Girders and Draw Spans. By Chas. E. Greene, A.M., Prof. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Mich. Illustr. by three folding plates. Van Nostrand. 8°, pp. 79. $2... Hall.-Nuts for Christmas Cracking. By Theresa Oakey Hall, author of "A Christmas Journey," etc. Sq. 8°, pp. 237. $1.75.. Whittaker. Hare.-Days near Rome. By Augustus J. C. Hare, author of "Walks in Rome,", "Memorials of a Quiet Life," etc. With 100 illustr., principally from the author's own sketches, taken on the spot, and engr. by Sulman. 2 vols. Cr. 8°. $5;-Same, 2 vols. in 1, $3.50........Porter & C. Jones.-Africa. The History of Exploration and Adventure as given in the leading authorities from Herodotus to Livingstone. By C. H. Jones. With map and illustr. 8°, pp. x, 496. $5.. ...Holt. Kuss.-A Course of Lectures on Physiology, as delivered by Prof. Küss, at the Medical School of the Univ. of Strasbourg. Edited by Matthias Duval, M.D., etc. Transl. from the 2d and rev. ed., by Robert Amory, M.D., formerly Prof. of Physiology at the Med. School of Maine. With 150 illustr. in the text. 12°, pp. 520. $.50. Campbell. Lee.-Lucien Guglieri. By Mary B. Lee. 16°, pp. 85. 60 c..... Nelson & P. Lessons in Bible History. In 3 parts. Prepared for the Use of Catholic Schools. By a Teacher. With the approbation of the Most Rev. J. McCloskey, D.D., Archbishop of N. Y. Illustr. 12°. Per part, bds., 50 c.;-Same in one vol., illustr., 12°, pp. 468. $1.25. O'Shea. Lysias.-Select Orations of Lysias. Edited by the Rev. J. T. Huntington. 12°, pp. 70. $1.... Ginn. Marlay.-Life of Rev. Thomas A. Morris, D.D., late Senior Bishop of the M. E. Church. By Rev. John F. Marlay, A.M. With an Introduction by Bishop Janes. With portr. 120, pp. 407. $1.75.... ...Hitchcock & W. Marshall.-Now-a-Days; or, King's Daughters. By Emma Marshall, author of Mrs. Mainwaring's Journal," etc. ..Dutton. 12°, pp. 351. $1.50..... Methodist Episcopal Church.-Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the Year 1874. 8°, pp. 375. Pap., $1.... ..Nelson & P. Morris, Rev. Thos. A. See Marlay. Ovid. Selections from the Poems of Ovid, chiefly the Metamorphoses. Edited by J. H. and W. F. Allen and J. B. Greenough. 12°, pp. 292. Hlf. mor., $1.50..... Ginn. Paddock.-Memoir of Rev. Benjamin G. Paddock. With brief notices of early Ministerial Associates. Also, an Appendix containing more extended sketches of Rev. George Cary, Abner Chase, William Case, Seth Mattison, Isaac Puffer, Charles Giles, and others. By Z. Paddock, D.D. With portraits. 12°, pp. 377. $1.50.... Nelson & P. Peck.-First Lessons in Numbers. By William G. Peck LL.D. 18°, pp. 108. Bds., 25 C..... Barnes. Piano at Home. A Collection of Standard and Popular Music. Arranged for Four Hands on the Pianoforte. (Suitable also for Reed Organs.) 4°, pp. 248. $3 and $4: bds., $2.50.. ..Ditson. Prescott.-The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. By William Robertson, D D. With an Account of the Emperor's Life after his Abdication. By William H. Prescott. New ed. (In 3 vols.) Vol. 1; With portr. 12°, pp. xviii, 544. $2.25; lib, shp., $2.75. hlf. cf., $4.50.. .......Lippincott. Psalms.-The Book of Psalms. Arranged according to the Original Parallelisms for Responsive Reading. 12°, pp. 229. 70 C.... Taintor. Punot.-Tim's Little Mother. By L. Punot. 12°, pp. iv, 2.4. $1.25...... Carter. Ritter. History of Music, in the Form of Lectures. By Frederic Louis Ritter. Second Series. 16°, pp. 320. $1.50... Ditson. Robertson, William. See Prescott. *Romanes.-Christian Prayer and General Laws. Being the Burney Prize Essay for the Year 1873, with an Appendix, the Physical Efficacy of Prayer. By George J. Romanes, M.A., etc. 12°, pp. x, 268. $1.75....Macmillan. Schlegel.-A First German Book. By Charles A. Schlegel, Prof. of Modern Languages in the Normal Coll. of the City of N. Y. 16°. Part I. Bds., 50 c.; Part 2, bds., ..Schmidt. 50 c.;-Same in 1 vol., $1. Scott.-Guy Mannering. By Sir Watter Scott. (Peterson's Cheap Edition for the Million.) 8°, pp. 124. Pap., ...Pe erson. 25 C....... *Shakespeare.-The Tempest. Edited by William Aldis Wright, M.A. (Shakespeare's Select Plays.) 12°, pp. 156. 75 c...... Macmillan. Southworth.-The Fortune-Seeker; or, The Bridal Day. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. [New ed.] 12°, PP. 498. $1.75... Peterson. Spencerian Penmanship.-Theory of Spencerian Penmanship for Schools and Private Learners: developed by Questions and Answers, with practical illustrations. Designed to be studied by pupils in connection with the use of the Spencerian Copy-Books. By the Spencerian Authors." (Am. Educational Series.) Illustr. Cr. 8°, pp. 58. Bds., 40 c..... Ivison. |