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one to scholars. It is to be issued in parts, and in the original Hebrew, Greek, and Chaldee text. In the first parts of the Hebrew and Greek, the accent and pronunciation accompanies the word, and all through an English equivalent is placed over the word in the text; thus rendering the work a specially useful one to students and beginners, even without a teacher's aid. Practical and grammatical notes elucidate all the obscurities of the original. Seven parts of the work have already been published-three in Hebrew, three in Greek, and one in Chaldee. The Old Testament will embrace some nineteen or twenty parts, while the New Testament about seven or eight. The parts of the Old Testament sell for $3, and the New for $2, or where subscription is made to the whole work a reduction is made, as will be seen by the advertisement in this number.

A WHITE HAND, by Ella Farman. (D. Lothrop & Co.) A novel of American life with an interesting plot and some good charactersketching. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

THE STARLING, by Norman Macleod, D.D. (Dodd & Mead.) A simple story of Scottish life, the chief interest of which centres in a 'starling," which is quite a remarkably educated bird. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

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AFTER DARK, AND OTHER STORIES, by Wilkie Collins. (Harper & Bros.) This volume most completes the "Illustrated Library Edition' of Collins the Harpers have been issuing in very good, substantial form, and at the very low price of $1.50 per volume.

THE WONDERFUL LIFE, by Hesba Stretton. (Dodd & Mead.) This is a plain, continuous narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, as derived from the incidents recorded in the gospels. It is not an attempt at any thing new, the orthodox idea of Christ as the Son of God being the leading one of the work. To unlearned readers it offers a most beautifully written story, and one which possesses in its construction and development proofs of the great talents of its author. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

A RAMBLING STORY, by Mary Cowden Clarke. (Roberts Bros.) This story is characterized by a delicate fancy and a poetical grace of composition, which render it one of the most charming fictions recently issued. The story is told by a young painter, an Englishman, who pursues a fancy accidentally imprinted on his heart, through many romantic scenes and adventures. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

FAIRY FRISKET; or, Peeps at Insect Life, by A. L. O. E. (Robert Carter & Bros.) This little book conveys a great deal of very interesting information, in an exceedingly pleasant and entertaining manner. It introduces again "Fairy Know-A-Bit," after whom a similar story is named. 16mo, cloth, 75 cents.

FLOSS SILVERTHORN, by Agnes Giberne. (Robert Carter & Bros.) The little girl of whom this story is written, is obliged to part with an idolized brother, whose misfortunes send him to China; she is left heart-sore and rebellious with some dear friends, good Christian people, who comfort her and teach her contentment, and who lead her through her troubles to strive to be "the Master's little handmaid." 12mo, cloth, $1.25.

"WORTH READING" is the title of a series of essays K. Tompkins, 16 Cedar street, is now

publishing in neat and elegant style on tinted paper, at 10 cents per number. No. 4, just out, contains "The Morals and Manners of the Kitchen" and "Baby Suffrage," both taken from the "Nation."

A LETTER ADDRESSED TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NORFOLK on Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's recent Expostulation. By John Henry Newman, D.D. (Catholic Publication Society.) 16mo, paper, 50 cents.

FROM Putnam's we have received, of their "Elementary Science Series," the two latest volumes: "Elements of Magnetism and Electricity," by John Angell, with 120 illustrations, and "Principles of Metal Mining," by J. H. Collins, with 76 illustrations. This series is already well known, and deservedly popular for educational purposes; it contains within small limits a great deal of information, is well gotten up, and very cheap. Ea., 16mo, cloth, 75


OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, by Emile Gaboriau. (Jas. R. Osgood & Co.) Paris is the scene of this novel, and the year 1872 the time during which its incidents occur. It is a story of crime and intrigue, in which the doings of the "Mutual Credit Society," apparently organized to obtain "other people's money," play a conspicuous part. 8vo, paper, 75 cents.

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GOVINDA SÁMANTA; or, the History of a Bengal Ráiyat, by the Rev. Lal Behari Day. (Macmillan & Co.) Although an addition to Macmillan's Popular Novels," this is scarcely a novel in the popular sense of the word. It specially deals with the village life of India, of which it gives some wonderfully vivid sketches; it tells a story too, of domestic life in Bengal, whereby the habits and characteristics of the people are reproduced with a fidelity and cleverness that has rarely been equaled. 12mo, cloth, $1.

CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS, by Lord Macaulay. (Albert Mason.) This is a new and very compact edition of Macaulay's essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. It is printed on good paper, in double columns, and is very tastefully bound. 12mo, cloth, $2.50.


DETROIT, MICH.-Duane Doty and John MacFarlane have been admitted partners in the firm of E. B. Smith & Co. Mr. MacFarlane is an experienced book-man, has been in the employ of E. B. S. & Co. for the past ten years as manager of their book department, and is well known to the trade. Mr. Doty has been for a number of years superintendent of the Detroit public schools, and we believe was at one time connected with the book trade.

PETERSBURG, VA.-The partnership of the firm of T. S. Beckwith & Co. has been dissolved by withdrawal of Rev. C. V. Bingley. Mr. Beckwith assumes all the assets and liabilities of the late concern, and will continue the business at the same place and under the same style as heretofore.

PITTSBURGH, PA.-The firm of Gildenfenny & Hess was dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. 6th, G. E. Hess retiring. The business will be continued by W. A. Gildenfenny at the old stand, No. 69 Fifth avenue.


ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS have nearly ready "Nature and the Bible," a course of lectures by Principal Dawson of McGill University, Montreal. His stand-point is not that of a theologian or metaphysician, but of a student of nature, who, while he has been chiefly occupied with investigations and teaching in Natural Science, has been a careful and reverent student of Holy Scripture, not with a view of supporting therefrom any particular school of theology, but of learning for his own spiritual guidance the mind of God. He sympathizes

alike with those scientific students who are repelled from the Scriptures by current misapprehensions as to their teachings, and with those Christians who regard the advance of science with some degree of dread, as possibly hostile to religion, and his aim is to try and guide both to a better position in relation to the word and works of God. His subjects are, General Relations of Science to the Bible-Biblical Views of the Universe as a Whole-The Science of the Earth in Relation to the Bible-The Origin and History of Animal Life in Nature and in the Bible-The Origin and Early History of Man according to Science and the Bible-A Review of the Leading Schools of Scientific Thought.

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS will be the next "Pioneer and Patriot" honored by the Rev. J. S. C. Abbott, and the good G. Washington, and La Salle, the pioneer of Canada, will follow.

A TRANSLATION of Belot's sensational novel, "La Femme de Feu," will shortly be published by William F. Gill & Co. in an octavo paper edition, under the title of "The Woman of Fire."

MR. CHARLES G. LELAND'S book on the discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist priests in the fifth century, containing a translation of Prof. Neumann's work on the subject, with much correlated matter, is to be published in this country shortly by Mr. J. W. Bouton. It bears the easy title of "Fu-Sang."

MR. JAMES MILLER has in preparation new editions of "Ten Acres Enough," Macaulay's "Lays of Ancient Rome" (Household Edition), Feuillet's "Romance of a Poor Young Man," Tom Moore's The Epicurean," and "Thinks I to Myself."


THE Octavo plates of Irving's "Washington," long in the hands of the subscription trade, have now returned into the hands of the Put

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A FIRE which broke out on Saturday morning nearly destroyed Smith's well-known bookof a considerable quantity of book stock belongbinding establishment, and effectually disposed ing to leading New-York houses. Several forthcoming books are delayed in consequence.

MR. MACGEACHY has started his Danburian, a rival to the Danbury News, of which he had charge during Mr. Bailey's absence up to the time of his difficulty with the publisher, and the press is full of praise for the wit and liveliness of the new venture.

"PAUL MASSEY," a novel which made a hit in England, anonymously, some few years since, now proves to have been written by Justin McCarthy, and it will be reprinted in this country under his name in a few weeks by Sheldon & Co.

DR. AUERBACH proposes to publish in Germany a German translation of Prof. Charles K. Adams's "Democracy and Monarchy in France," which is now ready in a second and revised edition here, and has received the highest commendation in England from leading authorities.

NINE volumes of Spurgeon's Sunday morning sermons, and six miscellaneous religious works, have been published in this country by the Sheldons; we know not how many more abroad. But the public still cries for more, and sixteen of his Thursday and Sunday evening discourses are now to be published under the title of " Types and Emblems."

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Celebrated Steel Pens.

Sold by all Dealers throughout the World.



HENRY HOE, Sole Agent.


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S TRAVELER, Salesman, or in some active capacity, by a young man of long experience in the Book and Stationery business-well known among the trade, and holding a position in a prominent jobbing house. Desires an immediate engagement. Reference, present employers. Address X. Y. Z., Office of Publishers' Weekly.

CATALOGUING, Editing, and other Literary work, undertaken in New-York by a gentleman of great experience, who wishes occupation during the evening.

Address GENEALOGIAN, at this Office.

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Pickering.-Maskell's Ancient Liturgy of the
Church of England. Pickering.-Procter on Prayer Book.
Edition with Preface by Rev. Stevens Perry, D.D. Address
POTT, YOUNG & Co., New-York.

A Vols. 1, 2, 4. 8vo, boards.

Brown-Sequard's Nervous Centres.
Squier's Monuments of Mississippi.
Higgins' Anacalypsis. 2 vols.

Rokitansky's Path. Anatomy, Vol. 1. Sydenham Society


Notice is hereby given that the firm of GILDENFENNY &
HESS was dissolved by mutual consent, January 6th, 1875.
G. E. Hess retiring. The business will be settled by W. A.

The business will be continued by the undersigned at the old stand, No. 69 Fifth Avenue. W. A. GILDENFENNY.

Interlinear Translation of the Sacred Scriptures.

With Grammatical and Critical Notes. By Dr. LEONARD TAFEL, New-York; Dr. RUDOLPH TAFEL, London; L. H. TAFEL, Philadelphia.

For sale at BOERICKE & TAFEL'S, 145 Grand St., New-York. This work will be issued in parts, of which the Text and Translation of the Old Testament will occupy nineteen or twenty parts, and that of the New Testament seven or eight. Each part will contain about 160 royal 8vo pages of Text proper, and fifteen or twenty pages of "Notes."

Above each word of the Hebrew, Greek, and the Chaldee, will be placed an English equivalent, and the First Part of the Hebrew and Greek, and the Chaldee, will have, in addition, the pronunciation and accent underneath each word; Webster's Key of Pronunciation being adopted for this purpose as far as it is applicable.

The several Parts of the Old and New Testaments are issued in alternation. There are now in print three Parts of the Hebrew, the Chaldee, and three of the Greek. The Fourth Part of the Greek will be issued within sixty days, and the rest will be brought out as rapidly as possible. Price per Part of the Old Testament, New Testament,



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To subscribers for the whole work a considerable reduction in price is accorded, to wit:

Per Part of Old Testament,
New Testament,


$2.00 1 50

Orders may be addressed either to Rev. L. H. TAFEL, 635 Arch Street, Philadelphia, or to BOERICKE & TAFEL, 145 Grand Street, New-York.

GEO. E. STEVENS & CO., Jobbers and Retailers in all branches of Books, Stationery, and School Supplies, Cincinnati, O., have good facilities for meeting the wants of

Mass. Historical Society Collections, Vols. 2 and 3, First the trade of a large region, and solicit correspondence. Retail Store

Series: Vols. 7. 8, 9, Second Series; Vols. 2, 9, 10, Third
Series; Vol. 1, Fourth Series.

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Agassiz's Contributions to Natural History. 4 vols. 4to, and Office, No. 39 West Fourth

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ILLUSTRATED, London News, for 1855, 56, 57, 59 Old Folio, to vols., half morocco, only $15.-Knight's Old England. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt edges, N.D. Fine early edition. $10.-Byron's Life and Works. 17 vols. 1ómo, cloth. Vignettes by Turner, foxed. John Murray, 1833. Only $15.-Zell's U. S. Business Directory, for 1875. Very thick 8vo, half morocco. Just published at $10. Only $7.Voltaire's La Pucelle. Roy. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1801. 2 vols., large paper. Fine plates. $18.-Herculanéum et Pompeii. 8vo. Original binding. Paris, 1863. 8 vols., including "La Musée Sécret." $48.-Butler's Hudibras, Part I. 24mo, new half calf. London, 1663. "First" edition. $7.50.-Voy. ages Imaginaires, Romans Cabalistiques, etc. 36 vols. 8vo, cf. gt. Paris, 1787. Very fine plates. $18.-Address LAWRENCE B. THOMAS, 55 West Fayette Street, Baltimore.

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Ready Monday, March 1st.

This noted book, of such


I vol., fine crown 8vo, of nearly 500 pages: heavy paper cover. Price, $1.25.

Permanent Historical Interest and Value,

But now so rare as to be


Is here reproduced in beautiful and popular form.

Its celebrity is due to the fact that it is a relentless portraiture of the life, habits, tastes, and acts of GEORGE, as Prince, Monarch, and Man. It tells the story of that life, from the cradle to the grave, without gloss or fear, and presents a picture of his Companions, his Court, and his Cabinet, which his descendants and the Lord Chamberlain may well be excused for desiring to suppress.

The author is no mere scandal-monger, but the fearless historian and biographer, who dares to record the truth, even though the glory of royalty itself be dimmed, and the "First Gentleman of Europe" be proven to have been a person whom none will care to emulate.

The Retail Trade supplied through their regular wholesale dealer, or through the AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. Usual Discount.

New Editions of the following works of STANDARD SALE are now ready for the Spring Trade, viz. :

The Abominations of Modern Society.

By Rev. T. DE WITT TALMAGE (the eminent Tabernacle Preacher).

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.

A Home-Born Book of Home Truths. By OLIVE LOGAN (MRS. WIRT SYKES).

Livingstone and his African Explorations.

Including his Researches and Adventures in the Great Unknown Land wherein he perished.

They Met by Chance.

A Society Novel. By OLIVE LOGAN.

A Reed Shaken by the Wind.

A Love Story. By EMILY FAITHFULL (the great English Reformer). Each in one beautiful volume, 12mo. Price, $1.50. Liberal Trade Discounts.



"The Best and Cheapest Sunday-School Library."


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All the volumes in this Library are valuable and instructive. They have been carefully read, examined and approved by the Committee for Sunday-schools and family reading.

The books are printed on good, clear paper, and strongly bound in muslin, with gilt stamps. The price of the Library $26.00.


Books of the size of these in this Library are usually sold at from $1.00 to $1.25 each. Nothing like this Library has been offered for such a small sum.

Catalogues with full descriptions of the books furnished on application.


American Sunday-School Union,

No. 1122 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.-ALEX. KIRKPATRICK.
Nos. 7, 8, and 10 Bible House, New-York.-G. S. SCOFIELD.
No. 40 Winter Street, Boston.-E. SHUTE.
No. 98 Dearborn Street, Chicago.-W. R. PORT.
No. 207 N. Sixth St., St. Louis.-S. PAXSON.

University Bookstore,


Chardenal's French Exercises,

For Advanced Pupils. 1 vol. 12mo, $1.50. Used in
Harvard University, and many of the Boston Private

Also, by the same Author,

FRENCH PRIMER, for Junior Classes. 50 cents. FIRST FRENCH COURSE; or, Rules and Exercises for Beginners. 75 cents.


Harvard University Catalogue.

Containing the official information in regard to all departments of the University, the lists of Officers and Students, and the Examination Papers of 1873-74. Cloth, 75 cents; paper, 50 cents.

Questions on the History and Geography of

Suitable for Schools and Academies, and adapted to Stu-
dents preparing for Harvard College. By J. F. TUFTS,
A. B. Questions on the History and Geography of
Rome; also, Questions in Physical Geography, on the
same plan and adapted for the same purposes.

General Rules for Punctuation,

25 cents

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A Legend of North America. By CHATEAUBRIAND. Illustrated by DORÉ. Thirty full-page cuts. edition. Cloth, $10.

Boy-Joiner and Model-Maker.

New and cheaper

By E. A. DAVIDSON. Telling how to make articles of use and ornament, with instructions in the use of tools, etc. A valuable and useful present for an ingenious lad. 200 illustrations. Cloth, $2.50.

Days of Chivalry.

TOM HOOD. With 177 wood engravings by DORÉ.

Cloth, Royal 4to. 260 pp., $5.

"The illustrations are among the best of this gifted Artist's efforts, and betray a grotesque humor which is unapproachable."-Pub. Weekly.

Little Folks' Picture Gallery.

144 large pages of handsome pictures, superbly printed on thick paper. A magnificent book for the little ones. imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt, $2.50.


Popular Recreator.

A complete compendium of in and out-door amusement and occupation. Full of illustrations. Handsome cloth, $5. "It describes and illustrates every thing we can think of in the way of recreation, and presents most fascinating reading." -Pub. Weekly.

Paws and Claws.

True Stories about Animals. 4to, cloth, $2.50.

"A beautifully illustrated Juvenile, in a rich and showy binding."-Pub. Weekly.】

The Christian Year.

Rev. JOHN KEBLE. An entirely new and superbly illustrated issue of this useful book. Cloth, plain, $3.50; or handsomely illuminated binding, gilt, $5.

A few Illustrated Catalogues 1874 left; sell at $1. Full descriptive Catalogues and full lists on application to

CASSELL, PETTER & GALPIN, 596 Broadway, New-York.

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