SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, No. 654 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, HAVE NOW READY: Shakespeare Commentaries. I. By Dr. G. G. GERVINUS. Translated under the Author's superintendence, by F. E. Bunnett. New Edition, revised by the Translator. 8vo (941 pages), cloth, $5.25. II. The Doctrine of Holy Scripture respecting the Atonement. By THOMAS J. CRAWFORD, D.D., Author of the "Fatherhood of God," etc., etc. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo (538 pages), cloth, $4.50. * In publishing a Second Edition of this work I have endeavored, by some additions, and amendments and by a careful revision of the whole volume, to render it more worthy of that highly favorable and gratifying reception which it has already met with.-Author's Preface. III. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By THOMAS LEWIN, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., of Trinity College, Oxford, Barrister-atLaw, Author of "Fasti Sacri." "Siege of Jerusalem," etc. With numerous illustrations finely engraved on wood, Maps, Plans, etc. 2 vols., demy 4to, cloth, $18. These volumes contain more than 1,000 pages, with about 350 illustrations in the highest style of wood engraving. The work is the result of forty years' study, and will be found of value to scholars, while its price is calculated to secure the widest circulation. IV. Lamb's Complete Works. In Prose and Verse, from the Original Editions, with the canceled passages restored, and many pieces now first collected. Edited and prefaced by R. H. SHEPHERD. With portraits and fac-simile of a page of the Dissertation upon Roast Pig." Crown 8vo, pp. xv., 776, cloth extra, London, 1875. Price, $3. V. Greenwood: The Wilds of London. 46 Descriptive Sketches, from the personal observations of the writer, of Remarkable Scenes, People, and Places in London. By JAMES GREENWOOD, the “Lambeth Casual." With twelve full-page illustrations by ALFRED CONCANEN. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, $3. The Pilgrim's Progress. VI. As originally published by JOHN BUNYAN. Being a fac-simile reproduction of the first edition. In crown 8vo, with nineteen quaint wood-cut illustrations, bound in cloth, antique style, $3. This Edition of the Pilgrim's Progress is a Line for Line Reprint in fac-simile of the Editio Princeps, published in 1673, of which only one copy is known to exist at the present time. The special characteristics of the first edition are carefully preserved; the colloquial language, quaint spelling, and curious side-notes, the peculiar forms and mixtures of types, the irregular use of capitals and italics are faithfully reproduced, as well as the grotesque illustrations found in the early editions, thus enabling the modern reader to realize the rude form in which John Bunyan put his immortal allegory before those of his own day. Pius IX.: VII. The Story of his Life to the Restoration in 1850. With glimpses of the National Movement in Italy. By ALFRED OWEN LEGGE, Author of "The Growth of the Temporal Power of the Papacy." In 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $12. Katerfelto: VIII. A Story of Exmoor. By G. J. WHYTE-MELVILLE. With twelve illustrations by Col. H. Hope Crealocke. In 1 vol., 8vo, $4.50. Uniform Edition, each complete in 1 vol., crown 8vo, cloth extra gilt. 12 vols., $18. APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS. The Best School History Of the United States is that of Hon. A. H. STEPHENS. It is a model compend, and has rapidly won recognition as such. 12mo, half roan, $1.50. Professor Shepherd's History of the English Language Has received the highest commendation from Professors Whitney, of Yale; March, of Easton; Hunt, of Princeton; Gildersleeve and Holmes, of the University of Virginia; as the manageable manual which has been in so much request by teachers. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Professor Shoup's Elements of Algebra Has won high praise from the best judges. Its method is new, and new and interesting matter is suggested in the discussions. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Mailed to teachers for examination on receipt of one-half the price. Very liberal terms for first introduction into schools and colleges. READY FEBRUARY 10th. A Course of Lectures on PHYSIOLOGY, AS DELIVERED BY Professor KÜSS, At the Medical School of the University of Strasbourg. Edited by MATTHIAS DUVAL, M.D. Exprosector de la Faculté de Médicine de Strasbourg, Professeur agrege de la Faculté de Médicine de Paris, etc., etc. Second Edition, Revised in accordance with the most recent works and re searches on Physiology With 150 Illustrations. Translated with the permission of the French Editor, By Robert Amory, M.D., Formerly Professor of Physiology at the Medical School of Maine. One volume 12mo, cloth, $2.50. (Postage, 20 cents extra.) From the Medical and Chirurgical Review, April, 1874. "Professor Küss' work seems to us to be the best Student's Manual that we have yet seen. It is very short, and yet contains a surprising amount of information very pleasantly given. There is much originality in the manner in which the several subjects are treated." I JAMES CAMPBELL, Publisher, Boston, Mass. FARRAR'S NEW NOVEL LIFE Author of "The Cavaliers of England," "The Warwick sale as its merits would warrant. Booksell SNELL'S OLMSTED'S COLLEGE ASTRONOMY. NEW EDITION. An Introduction to Astronomy, designed as a Text-Book for the use of Students in College. By D. OLMSTED, LL.D., York College. Revised by E. S. SNELL, LL.D., Amherst College. The New Edition is improved by a revision of the distances and magnitudes in accordance with the latest and best authorities. Its value is also enhanced by the addition of an Appendix (with new illustrations and references to and from corresponding articles in the text), embracing the discoveries lately made in Astronomy by the aid of the spectroscope. 8vo, pp. vi., 228, with numerous Illustrations and Diagrams. Price $2.25. EXTRACTS FROM From PROF. L. F. EASTERDAY, Carthage College. CARTHAGE, ILL., Aug. 20, 1874. I have received the copy of the Revised Edition, and I have decided to introduce it into our Institution. From PROF. C. W. SMITH, Wesleyan Female College. I have given it a careful examination, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the best Text-Book on Astronomy used in this country. The range of topics is most judicious, with nothing essential left out, with nothing trivial or superfluous put in. The style is clear and concise. I shall not hesitate to adopt it as the Text-Book in this Institution. From PROF. W. W. PAYNE, Carleton College. NORTHFIELD, MINN., Oct. 2, 1874. Thanks for copy of Astronomy. I shall adopt it. NOTICES. From PROF. Dascom Greene, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. The New Edition has been greatly improved by the addition of ten pages of notes, embodying the results of recent astronomical researches, and by the incorporarion in the text of the recently adopted values of the sun's parallax and distance, instead of those which so long held a place in the text-book. From PROF. L. H. BUGBEE, Cincinnati Wesleyan College. CINCINNATI, Jan. 29, 1875. We have used the Astronomy since 1868, and are greatly pleased with it. Believe it to be in many respects the best Text-Book in use upon the subject. From PROF. Joseph Ficklin, University of Missouri. I have examined Prof. Snell's last revision with considerable care, and I am very much pleased with it. His new method of finding the height of lunar mountains is very fine, and the Appendix is a valuable addition. Professors and Teachers desirous of examining the Astronomy, with a view to introduction, will be supplied with copies, upon receipt of $1.12 by the Publishers, COLLINS & BROTHER, 370 Broadway, New-York, who invite attention to their other Text-Books, among which are: SNELL'S OLMSTED'S COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy. By Prof. D. OLMSTED, LL.D., Yale College. Second Revised Edition by Prof. E. S. SNELL, LL.D., Amherst College. 8vo, pp. x., 437. With numerous Illustrations. $3.75. This Revision has met with the greatest favor, and is used in a very large number of Colleges and other educational instiWe append extracts from some late notices : tutions. From PROF. J. H. BRUNNER, Hewassee College. Jan. 27, 1875. We have a class (senior) studying the work, with satisfactory results. I give it my cordial commendation. From PROF. VICTOR WILKER, German Wallace College. Physics extant. It is comprehensive, exhaustive, and clear. The student who is familiar with the elementary mathematics will find no better Natural Philosophy than this. From PROF. J. H. BRUNNER, Palatinate College. I have carefully examined "Olmsted's Philosophy," and have no hesitation in saying that it is a work of great merit, and worthy to be introduced into colleges generally. Its arrangement and classification are certainly more philosophical and judicious than any I have had the opportunity of examining. PARKER'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (Plympton). A School Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. By RICHARD G. PARKER, A.M. A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, by PROF. GEO. W. PLYMPTON, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. The favor with which this book has, from its first appearance, been received by the teachers of the country, has induced the Publishers to offer to the schools of the United States a revision and enlargement of the previous editions. This combines such alterations of the text as the recent progress in Physical Science demanded, and the addition of an Appendix of new matter, and a number of new Illustrations. 12mo, pp. 470. $1.75. SNELL'S OLMSTED'S SCHOOL ASTRONOMY. A compendium of Astronomy, adapted to the use of Schools and Academies. By Prof. Olmsted, Yale College. Revised by PROF. SNELL, Amherst College. A New Edition, thoroughly revised and rewritten, printed from new Stereotype Plates, and Illustrated by many Engravings. For accuracy of statement, and clearness and conciseness of expression, it has been pronounced unrivaled. 12mo. Price $1.18. COLLINS & BROTHER, Publishers, 370. Broadway, New-York. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ΤΟ Teachers, Students, and Readers of German Literature. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS have in active preparation a series to be entitled, GERMAN CLASSICS FOR AMERICAN STUDENTS, EDITED BY JAMES MORGAN HART, LL.D., The series will be issued in neat 16mo volumes, carefully printed and handsomely bound, and will form not only a set of text-books for the student of German, but an attractive collection for the Library of the Masterpieces of German Literature. It will present the following important features: The utmost pains will be taken to insure textual accuracy, Wilson, Hinkle & Co., Publishers, CINCINNATI and NEW-YORK. NEW BOOKS. Eclectic Historical Atlas. Full 8vo cloth, 18 double-page Maps, accurately drawn and engraved. A hand-book for general readers and students in Ancient, Medieval and Modern History. Price, $1.50. Dramas and Dramatic Scenes. Edited by W. H. VENABLE, author of School Stage, Amateur Actor, U. S. History. 20 plays selected from the writings of Standard Authors. Illustrations by Farny. 12mo, cloth, 336 pages. Price, $150. Elements of Physics. For Academies and Common Schools. By S. A. NORTON, A.M., Professor in Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, and author of Elements of Natural Philosophy. 12mo, 286 pages. Price, $1.15. Supplies for first introduction into schools, and single sample copies for examination with a view to introduction, 84 cents per copy. a point hitherto neglected in the preparation of text-books in Pestalozzi: His Life, Work and In the modern languages. Each volume will contain: I. An Introduction, setting forth the circumstances and influences under which the work-(or in the case of selections, each part) was composed, the materials used by the author or the sources from which he derived his inspiration, and the relative standing of the work in German literature. II. A Running Commentary, explaining peculiarities in the use of words and difficulties in the grammatical structure of the sentence, and discussing allusions to the personages and events of history, to the author's contemporaries, to national or provincial peculiarities of manner, customs, and opinion. By thus placing at the disposal of teacher and pupil all the helps needful to the complete understanding of the original, the present series will, it is hoped, supply a long-felt want of the school and college curriculum. It will also commend itself to the more advanced scholars who purpose entering upon a course of private reading. It is at present proposed to include in the series the following volumes, which are believed to be fairly representative of classical German literature:, SCHILLER.-WILHELM TELL. MARIA STUART. JUNGFRAU VON ORLEANS. WALLENSTEIN (three vols). SELECTIONS FROM THE MINOR POEMS. LESSING.-NATHAN Der Weise. MINNA VON BARNHELM. SELECTIONS. GETHE. HERMANN UND DOROTHEA. EGMONT. IPHIGENIE. TASSO. SELECTIONS FROM THE MINOR POEMS. HERDER.-SELECTIONS. WIELAND.-SELECTIONS. Should the "German Classics for American Students" meet with the favor that is anticipated, they will be followed by a supplemental series, embodying the best pieces of the minor lights of German literature, such as Arndt, Körner, Uhland, the Schlegels, Tieck, Heyne, Immermann, Platen, Rückert, etc. The first volume of the series will be "HERMANN UND DOROTHEA," which will be issued early in February. Price, $1.25. It will be speedily followed by "THE PICCOLOMINI.' Specimen copies will be sent prepaid to teachers for examination, on receipt of half the price, and liberal terms will be made for introduction. New classified Educational Catalogues, containing specimen pages of the "Science Series," mailed on application. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 4th Avenue and 23d St., New-York. PUBLISHERS, JOBBERS, AND RETAILERS OF MUSIC BOOKS. "By their songs we are conquered." P. P. BLISS' Great Book for Sunday-Schools and Praise Meetings. GOSPEL SONGS, A Song-Setting of Gospel Truths, For Revivals, Praise Meetings, and Sunday-Schools. It is offered as being the Most Powerful set of Songs for Revivals and Praise Meetings ever published. As will be noticed, it contains Songs that have acquired a world-wide popularity and influence. Beside these, will be found many New and Equally Good Songs and Hymns for the Sunday-School, by this most popular author. An examination will convince any one interested that "Gospel Songs" is a work of more than ordinary merit. Price 35 cents; $3.60 per dozen. Specimen copy for examination mailed, post-paid, on receipt of 30 cents. JOHN CHURCH & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. EDUCATIONAL WORKS, PUBLISHED BY W. S. FORTESCUE & Co., (SUCCESSORS TO E. C. & J. Biddle,) 811 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Crittenden's Series of Book-Keeping Consists of Four Treatises, each with Key and Blank Books. The extensive use of these books in Public and Private Schools and Commercial Colleges, in all parts of the country, through a long series of years, is the best evidence of the great favor with which they are regarded by practical teachers. Thomas', Lynd's and Oswald's Etymologies, The most complete Etymological series published in the United States. Fiske's Manual of Classical Literature, The latter comprises the first three parts of the manual, in a convenient form for High Schools and Academies. Other valuable Text-Books for Schools, Academies and Colleges, are published by W. S. FORTESCUE & CO. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. PERROT'S MUSIC CHARTS. These Charts are ten in number, mounted on muslin, in map form. Numbers 1 and 2, 43 by 56 inches, price $1.50 each, are designed for Primary pupils. Numbers 3 to 10 inclusive, 72 by 56 inches, price $2.75 each, are for more ad vanced pupils. The Companion to these Charts, or Guide to Teachers, is a little volume of 144 pages, and contains these charts in miniature, with directions leading the teacher, step by step, throughout the whole course. It is so explicit that any person, though not versed in music, can, with but little exertion, teach by it. The Author presents all the means acquired by his long experience to facilitate the study of Vocal Music, and to make it both profitable and attractive. These Charts have been adopted by the Board of Education in Philadelphia, and are now used in all the Primary and Secondary Schools of that City. For still more advanced pupils, the Author has published a work entitled PERROT'S WILHEM'S MUSICAL MANUAL. These works are cordially approved by such eminent teachers as Messrs. Cross, Jarvis, Wood, Darley, Thunder, and many others. The Companion will be sent for examination, prepaid, on receipt of 50 cents. W. S. FORTESCUE & CO., 811 Arch Street, Philadelphia. |