J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. MEMOIRS OF J. Q. ADAMS. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Hon. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. 8vo. Vol. IV. Extra cloth. $5. "For the student of American history it is a really valuable contribution. It gives us, moreover, a near and clear view of the very able, upright, and resolute man, and of a person whose political influence, if not wide, was strongly felt over a great period of his country's existence."-New-York Evening Post. PUBLIC MEN AND EVENTS. From the Commencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By NATHAN SARGENT (“Oliver Oldschool.") 8vo. 2 vols. Extra cloth. $6. It is a perfect treasury of information, given in a forcible and pungent style, and covers a very exciting portion of our national history. STARTING OUT. Illus A Story of the Ohio Hills. By ALEXANDER CLARK, author of "Schoolday Dialogues," "The Old Log Schoolhouse," etc. trated. 12mo. Fine cloth. $1.25. "Something lively for winter evenings. It is a stirring racy story, illustrated by a dozen original designs, and beautifully printed and bound."-The Steubenville Gazette. "The simple announcement of the issue of the work is enough to create a general desire to read it."-Springfield (Ohio) Republican. PATRICIA KEMBALL. A Novel. By E. LYNN LINTON, author of "Lizzie Lorton," "The Girl of the Period," "Joshua Davidson," etc. 12mo. Fine cloth. $1.75. "It is written in a very clear, lively, and interesting style, with a pleasant effervescence of satire and epigram rising through it like the air-bells in champagne, and displays genuine humor as well as keen social observation. The reader has the satisfaction of feeling that he is in communication with a writer who has really something to say, and who knows how to say it with point and spirit."-London Saturday Review. "The book has the first merit of a romance-it is interesting, and it improves as it goes on. Is perhaps the ablest novel published in London this year."-London Athe næum. CYCLOPEDIA OF FEMALE POETS. Illustrated with numerous steel engravings. 1 vol. Svo. Cloth, gilt, $5; morocco antique, $9. A very delightful and entertaining volume, very handsomely illustrated. DICKENS'S AMERICAN NOTES, And Pictures from Italy. Being the thirteenth volume of the New Standard Edition of Dickens's Works; profusely illustrated by Cruikshank and others. Extra cloth. $3. POLITICAL ETHICS. By FRANCIS LIEBER, LL.D. New and Revised Edition. Edited by THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, LL.D. 8vo. 2 vols. Extra cloth. This valuable standard work will possess new attractions to all intelligent readers, from the fact that it has been carefully revised and edited by the ex-president of Yale College. PRESBYTERIAN COOK BOOK. Compiled by the Ladies of the First Presby8vo. terian Church, Dayton, Ohio. Oilcloth, interleaved, $1.50; cloth limp, $1. GOETHE'S POEMS. Translated from the German. By EDGAR A. BOWRING. New Edition, Revised, and including the well-known poem, Herman and Dorothea. I vol. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50. Goethe's Poems are wonderful expressions of his great genius, and Herman and Dorothea is one of the finest poems offering a real treat to English readers. in any language. Mr. Bowring's translation is excellent, PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS: Its Pathology, Nature, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Causes, Hygiene, and Medical Treatment. By ADDISON P. DUTCHER, M.D. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Extra cloth. BOOK-KEEPING SIMPLIFIED. The Double-Entry System Briefly, Clearly, and Concisely Explained. With Valuable Rules and Tables for Counting-Room Use. By D. B. WAGGENER. 16mo. Cloth, $1; boards, 75 cents. A very valuable little book, giving a brief but clear explanation of a very complicated subject. THE RECORD OF A HAPPY LIFE. Being Memorials of Franklin Whitall Smith. By his mother, H. W. S. New Edition. Paper cover. 50 cents. 12mo. "We commend it to the innumerable family circles from whom, as from that in which his tender light shone, a star has dropped away. Affection has guided the pen here in the most effective manner."-Philadelphia Press. THE NURSERY RATTLE. For Little Folks. By ANNE L. HUBFER. Small With 12 Chromo Illustrations. quarto. Extra cloth. $1.75. "Nursery Rattle' is all the better because it generally does not pretend to carry meaning or moral with it, and it has a musical ring in it."-Philadelphia Inquirer "The best collection of nursery songs from one pen in the language. Simplicity of idea, clearness of expression, brevity of words, and fine humor and sympathy mark the 'Nursery Rattle.' -San Francisco Alta California. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 Market Street, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED. The first editions of ΒΥ a young man of ten years' experience in the business; Mrs. Mary Clemmer two years as traveling salesman; can furnish the most satisfactory references. Address TRAVELER, care Nichols & Hall, Boston. WANTED-By a young lady, a position in a City Publish ing House, either Pres. Board, Am. S. S. Union, or Tract Society. Best references given. Address A. P., care of B. H. Pratt, Times Office, Scranton, Pa. N engagement as traveler, salesman, or clerk in a general bookselling. Eight years' experience. Salary no object. Address J. F. KENISTON, care of Publishers' Weekly. YOUNG gentleman of experience desires a situation in a in the trade, and can furnish best of reference. Address W. B., office of Publishers' Weekly. A Publishing or Jobbing House; has a large acquaintance Ames's striking Novel, "His Two Wives," ($1.75,) and Mr. George Cary Eggleston's lively book, "A Rebel's Recollec tions," ($1.50,) were exhausted within fortyeight hours of publication. New editions are now ready, and orders from the trade will be promptly filled. Hurd & Houghton, New-York, The Riverside Press, Cambridge. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Celebrated Steel Pens. Sold by all Dealers throughout the World. MANUFACTURERS' WAREHOUSE, No. 91 JOHN STREET, HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. New-York. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS, AND WHOLESALE JOBBERS IN EVERY THING REQUIRED BY THE TRADE. 624, 626, and 628 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. NOW READY. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER OF THE Reformed Episcopal Church, ADOPTED AND SET FORTH FOR USE BY THE SECOND GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE SAID CHURCH, HELD IN THE CITY OF NEW-YORK, MAY, 1874. The publisher announces that, after careful revision, the above work has been completed, and is the only authorized version of the Book of Common Prayer of the Reformed Episcopal Church. The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels are the same as those found in the Protestant Episcopal Prayer-Book, excepting that those in use for Saints' Days have been omitted. The Psalter is the same as that in the book of 1785, repointed to correspond with the service from which it was compiled. Two different editions have been prepared-an 18mo, printed in clear small pica type, and a 32m0, printed in clear brevier type-and the composition has been so arranged that the matter in either edition appears on the same page-a great desideratum in a book intended to have such wide-spread circulation. All the different editions are printed on the very best super-calendered paper, and bound in the most substantial manner. A Hymnal of 224 pages, uniform in style with the above, and recommended for present use by the Council, has also been prepared, and an 18mo edition, bound separately, in cloth, can be had for 25 cents. Square 12mo, cloth, printed from 18mo plates, with wide margins, gilt edges, intended for pulpit use, without Hymns, 2 00 Square 12mo, morocco, gilt or red edges, without Hymns.. 3 00 An edition of the square 12mo is in course of preparation, with Hymns, bound as above, at $2.50 and $3.50, respectively. The above editions have also been prepared for use in the Dominion of Canada, and will be furnished at the same rates. COMPARISON OF PRAYER-BOOKS.-The Book of Common Prayer of the Reformed Episcopal Church compared with that of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States. Octavo, 48 pp. Price, 10 cents. Address all orders to JAMES A. MOORE, Publisher, 1220, 1222, and 1224 Sansom Street, PHILADELPHIA. JUST ISSUED BY THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION FOR THE Church, Lecture, and Sabbath-School Rooms, THE LORD'S PRAYER AND TEN COMMANDMENTS. Mounted on Cloth, Varnished, and on Rollers. Printed from large, plain type, which, upon the walls of the LORD'S PRAYER-Size, 30 by 46 inches. Price, $1.25 Price, $2.75. Address orders to JOHN A. BLACK, Business Superintendent, 1334 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Or to DODD & MEAD, 762 Broadway, New-York, NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. JOHN WILEY & SON, 15 Astor Place, New-York, HAVE IN PREPARATION: Manual of Determinative Mineralogy and Blowpipe Analysis: being the Determinative part of Dana's Mineralogy. By Prof. GEO. J. BRUSH, of Sheffield Scientific An Appendix (the second) to Dana's Descriptive Text Book of Mineralogy. By J. D. DANA and E. S. DANA. I vol., 8vo. A new revised edition, compared with the last The Resistance of Materials. (A new and thoroughly revised edition.) By Prof. DEVOLSON WOOD. I vol. Svo. Cloth. (In January.) FAIRBANKS & CO., 54 and 56 Madison St., Chicago, Ill., Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. REV. F. E. SHEARER, 757 Market St., San Francisco, Who keep all the publications of the Board for sale. By Commander A. P. COOKE, U. S. Navy. Illustrated by about 400 fine wood engravings. 8vo. Cloth. (In February.) THE OLDEST VALENTINE HOUSE 1834-1875. $2.50, $5, $5, $10, $20, and $25 Packages of Elegant VALENTINES! MADE UP EXPRESSLY FOR AGENTS AND THE TRADE. My assortment this season is larger, more elegant, and more varied than ever before. Send for a Price-List, and you will then realize how much money you can make on a single package of Sentimental, Comic, and Juvenile VALENTINES. Order in time, for you should even now have my POSTERS and PLACARDS displayed in your place of business. When ordered by mail, the POSTAGE must be forwarded, in addition to the package charge, as follows: On $2.50 lot, 10 cents extra; on $5 lot, 18 cents extra; on $10 lot, 35 cents extra; on $20 lot, 65 cents extra; on $25 lot, 90 cents extra. A. J. FISHER, Manufacturer, 98 Nassau St., New-York. BENJAMIN ON SALES. HURD & HOUGHTON, New-York, THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, Cambridge, HAVE NOW READY THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property. With references to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law. By J. P. BENJAMIN, Esq., Q. C, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Edited by Hon. J. C. PERKINS, from the Second English Edition. In one volume, 8vo, law sheep, $7.50. BENJAMIN ON SALES has already acquired an enviable reputation, both in Great Britain and the American States. The first edition was issued in 1868, and was very speedily exhausted. A second edition was called for and issued in 1873. The American editor has inserted a full citation of American decisions, and has in all other respects adapted the work to the use of the legal profession in this country, following the method of the author as far as practicable. LATELY PUBLISHED GREEN'S CRIMINAL LAW REPORTS, CHITTY ON CONTRACTS, 2 vols., BIGELOW'S LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CASES, 3 vols., **For sale by Law Booksellers. Sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the publishers. $7.50 15 00 22 50 22 50 Earthwork Mensuration on the Basis of the Prismoidal Formulæ. Containing simple and labor-s aving method of obtaining Prismoidal Contents directly from End Areas. Illustrated by examples and accompanied by plain rules for practical uses. By CONWAY R. HOWARD, C. E., Richmond, Va. Illustra8vo. Cloth. $1.50. ted. A Treatise on Bracing, With its application to Bridges and other structures of Wood or Iron. By ROBERT HENRY Bow, C.E. 156 illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. $1.50. A Treatise on the Method of Government Surveying, As prescribed by the United States Congress and Commissioner of the General Land Office. With complete Mathematical, Astronomical, and Practical Instructions, for the use of the United States Surveyors in the field, and students who contemplate engaging in the business of Public Land Surveying. By S. R. Clevenger, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Illustrated. Pocket form. Morocco, gilt. $2.50. Milk Analysis. A practical treatise on the examination of milk and its derivatives, Cream, Butter, and Cheese. By J. ALFRed Wanklyn, M.R.C.S. 12mo. Cloth. $1. Monumental Designs. By C. & W. H. FOGGETT. Large folio. 14 engraved plates. Halt morocco. $10. A Practical Theory of Voussoir Arches. By Prof. WILLIAM CAIN, C. E. 18mo. Boards. 50 cents. Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis. 12mo. For the Identification, Separation and Quantitative Determination of the more commonly occurring Organic Compounds. WORKS IN PRESS. Projectiles and Rifled Cannon. A critical discussion of the principal systems of Rifling and Projectiles, with practical suggestions for their improvement, as embraced in a Report to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. By Captain JOHN S. BUTLER, Ordnance Corps, U. S. A. 32 illustrations. 4to. Graphical Method for the Analysis of Bridge Trusses; Extended to continuous Girders and Draw Spans. By CHARLES E. GREENE, A.M., Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan. Illustrated by three folding plates. 8vo. Chemical Examination of Alcoholic Liquors. A Manual of the Constituents of the Distilled Spirits and Fermented Liquors of Commerce and their Qualitative and Quantitative Determinations. By ALBERT B. PRESCOTT, M.D., Professor of Organic and Applied Chemistry in the University of Michigan. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. |