Slike stranica


The History of Switzerland.

By HEINRICH ZSCHOKKE. New edition. I vol., 12mo,


A Free Lance in the Field of Life and Letters.

By Professor W. C. WILKINSON. I vol., 12mo,

"Mr. Wilkinson wields a free pen bravely, effectively, and well."—N. Y. Evening Mail.

$1 75

I 50

Lord Macaulay's Critical and Historical Essays.

In I vol., extra cloth,


Idiomatic Key to the French Language ;

2 50

Or, Two Thousand Idioms of the actual Spoken Language. With English Translation. I vol., 12mo,

I 50

All the French Verbs at a Glance.

Same Authors. 12mo, flexible cloth,

Keetel's Elementary French Grammar.

I vol., 12mo,

ALBERT MASON, Publisher, 13 Astor Place, New-York.


I 25

It is our intention that Dealers in BOOKS and STATIONERY shall be enabled to purchase every thing needed to supply their daily requirements at ONE PLACE.

Our facilities for conducting a GENERAL JOBBING BUSINESS enable us to fill all orders with ACCURACY and PROMPTNESS, at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. We are SPECIAL NEW-YORK AGENTS for the Publications of the following Houses:

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Messrs. R. S. DAVIS & CO., Boston.

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Messrs. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Chicago.

Messrs. H. W. ELLSWORTH & CO., New-York.

Price-Lists and Catalogues mailed to Dealers only, upon application.


P. O. Box No. 4138.

142 and 144 Grand St., New-York.

1874. LIST OF BOOKS 1874.

Published by NELSON & PHILLIPS,

805 Broadway, New-York,


YEAR 1874.

Commentary on Portions of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. By F. H. NEWHALL, D.D. Paper, 50 cents.

Tribute of Praise. A Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public and Social Worship, and for use in the Family Circle and Sabbath-School. Edited by EBEN TOURJEE. Square 8vo. Single, $1. With Psalter, Single, $1.25. Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the M. E. Church, 1873, 1874. 8vo, paper, each, $1. Sights and Insights; or, Knowledge by Travel. By Rev. HENRY W. WARREN. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.25. Stier, Rudolf, Life of. From German Sources. By JOHN P. LACROIX. 12m0, $1.50.

Map of Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine. Size, 71 x 51 inches. Cloth, $5.

Map of Palestine. Size, 120 x 80 inches. Cloth, $12.50. Lake Region in 1863, Glimpses of Our. By Mrs. H. C. GARDNER. 12m0, $1.50.

Discontent, and other Stories. By Mrs. H. C. GARDNER, 12mo, $1.25.

Illustrated Annual of New-York and Brooklyn Churches. 8vo. Paper, 50 cents; Muslin, 75 cents. American Fathers, True Stories of the. For the Girls and Boys all over the Land. By Miss REBECCA M'CONKEY. Illustrated. 12m0, $1.50.

Elizabeth Tudor: the Queen and the Woman. By VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. Illustrated. 12m0, $1.50. Holiness the Birthright of all God's Children. By Rev. J. T. CRANE, D.D. 16mo, 80 cents.

Holiness to the Lord. By Rev. LEWIS R. DUNN. 12mo. Tinted paper, $1.

Holy Ground, On. Travels in Palestine. By EDWIN HODDER. 12m0, $1.50.

Home as it Should be, with Counsel for All. By L. D. BARROWS, D.D. Flexible, 18mo, 35 cents.

Herbert Spencer, Philosophy of Being an examination of the first principles of his system. By B. P. BOWNE, A.B. 12m0, $1.25.

Bible Manners and Customs, Hand-Book of.
By JAMES M. FREEMAN. 12mo. 168 Engravings. 515
Pp., $2.50.

Life, A, that Speaketh. A Biography of Rev. George
P. Wilson. By D. C. KNOWLES.
12mo, $1.
Catacombs of Rome, and their Testimony Relative to
Primitive Christianity. By W. H. WITHROW, M.A. 134
Illustrations. 560 pp. 12mo, $3.

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Little Princess, and other Stories. Chiefly about Christmas. By "AUNT HATTIE." 18mo, 65 cents.

Sunday Afternoons. A book for Little People. By E. F. BURR, D.D. 16m0, 75 cents.

Man (The) of One Book; or, The Life of Rev. William Marsh. By his Daughter. 12mo, $1.50.

Peter the Apprentice. An Historical Tale of the Reformation in England. 16mo, 90 cents.

Talks with the Girls. By AUGUSTA Larned. 12mo, $1.50.

Glancia. A Story of Athens in the First Century. By EMMA LESLIE. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.25.

Gipsy's Travels. By JOSEPHINE POLLARD. Illustrated. 16mo, 90 cents.

Ben and Bentie Series.
School Life of Ben and Bentie.
Camp Tabor.
90 cents.

90 cents.

Prayer, Helps to. 12m0, $1.75.

Red Line edition, toned paper, gilt edges, beveled boards $4.

Almanac, Methodist. Price to cents.

Queen Louisa of Prussia; or, Goodness in a Palace. From German Sources. By CATHERINE E. HURST. $1. Envelope, The Full; or, Gleanings for Youthful Readers. By Rev. RICHARD DONKERSLEY. $1.

Squire of Walton Hall, The; or, Sketches and Incidents from the Life of Charles Waterton, Esq., the Adventurous Traveler and Daring Naturalist. By DANIEL WISE, D.D. Six Illustrations. $1.25.

Helena's Cloud with the Silver Lining. By the Author of "How Marjorie Watched," etc. 90 cents.

Voyage, Thy; or, A Song of the Sea, and other Poems, By Rev. E. F. BURR, D.D. $3.50.


750 Broadway, New-York,






Edited by HENRY REEVE, Registrar of the Privy Council. 3 vols. 8vo., pp. 1276. $15.

SIDNEY SMITH'S WORKS. Wit and Wisdom, Life, Letters, and Essays. 3 vols. Post 8vo. Paper, $3; cloth, $4.50.


Cloth, $3.


Profusely illustrated.

Crown 8vo.

RABELAIS' WORKS. Illustrated by Doré. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.

BOCCACCIO'S DECAMERON. With the fine series of illustrations by Stothard. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.


8vo. Cloth, $10.

Last and Best Edition. 4 vols.

Illustrated. 2 vols.


Royal 8vo. Cloth. (John Murray.) $7.

MARY AND CHARLES LAMB. Poems, Letters, and Remains. Edited by Hazlitt.
Portrait, fac-similes, and illustrations. Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.
Crown 8vo. Cloth, $3.

Portrait and Plates.








For 1874,

Will be hereafter, net, $1.50; by mail, $2.00.

SPECIAL NOTICE.-Copies, unless called for, will be sent only by express or by mail. No copies will be sent from this office for inclosure.

Many copies of last year's Annual, dispatched from this office, having gone astray, without our being able to hold any party responsible (most jobbing houses refusing to give receipts for goods sent for inclosure), we are compelled to adhere to this rule without exception.


The American Catalogue for 1869,

The American Catalogue for 1870, and Trade Circular Annual for 1871,
The American Catalogue for 1871,

The Short Title Reference List for 1872,

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F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, 37 Park Row, New-York.

Address, P. O. Box 4295, New-York.


A Bi-Monthly Literary Register and Repository of Notes and Queries.


The new volume of the AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST has come to us from the binder's hands, a stout octavo of 550 and odd pages. This publication, though nominally addressed to book-buyers, furnishes a large amount of curious and entertaining information for all lovers of literature. It is not the mouthpiece of any set, and its criticisms of catalogues and books are refreshingly independent and piquant.-Nation.

A Monthly Register of the Progress of Literature, which enjoys a wide popularity for the spice and vinegar which season its pages.-Evening Telegram.

The AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST is the only real "Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books" issued in this country. In addition to its valuable lists of rare old books, and its catalogues of new ones, the BIBLIOPOLIST Contains monthly correspondence on all sorts of literary subjects, and from all quarters. A most interesting and important feature of this work is in its department of "Notes and Queries," in which curious words, old traditions, ancient customs, and other subjects in which antiquaries delight, are discussed by correspondents among themselves. Mr. Sabin, Sr., is one of the oldest book collectors in the United States, and has bought and sold more books, and at higher prices, than any other living collector. It was he who paid $1,130 for Eliot's Indian Bible at an auction sale in 1868, and it was he, we believe, who purchased the greater part of the celebrated library belonging to Mr. Rice, of Chicago. Sabin's establishment, in Nassau street, is one of the most interesting curiosity shops in New York for the book worm, and at all times may be seen there two or three of our best known bibliolaters poring over the pages of the curious or rare old volumes of which Sabin feels so proud. -School Journal.

Mr. Sabin nas made the issues of his AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST, during the past year, of great interest to all lovers of "Notes and Queries," and literary antiquities in general. We have before us the bound volume for 1871, a goodly octavo, which should be welcome to many a library. We notice that it is dedicated "to Thomas F. Donnelly" (our "book-worm "), "a young but earnest coadjutor in the world of letters."-Evening Mail.

This a more than ordinarily interesting number, containing, as it does, a large amount of valuable and entertaining literary matter, besides the announcements of recent and prospective publications. To a man or woman engaged in literary pursuits, such a work as this is simply invaluable, combining, as it does, the features of the London "Notes and Queries," with a complete catalogue of the works issued from the British and American press during the month. It is printed on fine toned paper, and is just the work to gladden the heart of the book-lover.-Brooklyn Times.


The AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST is invaluable to those who wish to be kept acquainted with events of permanent interest in the library world, and particularly to those who are interested in the curiosities of literature. The November number contains an account of the libraries of Chicago-those which were destroyed and those which were saved-and is rich in selected articles, notes, and items-N. Y. Methodist.

The BIBLIOPOLIST is admirably edited. I suppose by "our senior," learned in bibliography. Thank you for all that you sent me.-S. Austin Allibone.

The AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST, in addition to a great variety of interesting literary announcements, abounds with bibliographical and antiquarian details, which cannot fail to gratify the curiosity of the patient book-worm-N. Y. Tribune.

The January number of this Literary Register is on our table. This number has fifty-six pages of varied contents of peculiar interest to the student of literature and the lover of

books. The department of "Notes and Queries" is well filled in the number before us, embracing a wide range o topics, such as bibliographical, historical, antiquarian, etc. The critical notices of old and new books, scattered through the extensive catalogues of publications, is interesting to every person of literary inclination.-Austin (Texas) Demo


The BIBLIOPOLIST presents an unusual array of matter, learned, critical, and antiquarian, but principally in the form of Notes and Queries. An article headed "How Novels are Made," gives the origin of the incident in "Foul Play," claimed in common by Charles Reade and Mrs. Southworth, in an incident developed in a criminal trial at the Old Bailey, in February, 1867, in which the mate of a ship plying between Newport and Shanghai was convicted of having feloniously scuttled the vessel. There is also an able paper on the supposed discovery of the original manuscript of "Don Quix ote," another of the illustration of books, and the usual literary gossip.-Home Journal.

No Bibliopole should neglect to subscribe to this publication; its interest and value to him is almost inestimable. The December issue is especially good. It gives notice of some of the most noticeable new books, catalogue of books for sale, literary gossip, a review of the London season, some curious "notes and queries," interesting correspondence on a variety of topics, and some valuable articles on subjects relating to literature.-Philadelphia Inquirer.

The BIBLIOPOLIST is undoubtedly the most interesting and worth preserving literary record within our knowledge. -Boston Pilot.

Sabin's BIBLIOPOLIST contains its usual literary feast of notes and queries, some interesting correspondence, and catalogues of rare and valuable works. We extract the fol lowing, throwing light on the topography of New York City two hundred and ten years ago.-Jewish Messenger.

This Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books, is very interesting, and to those desirous of keeping posted in the book world, almost indispensable. Its chapter on Notes and Queries is a very interesting department, and embraces literary, historical, and antiquarian subjects, etc. -Austin (Texas) Statesman.

Sabin's AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST for January contains, in addition to its usual catalogue of books, twenty one pages of very entertaining literary gossip and correspondence. The cheap edition of this periodical is furnished at an almost nominal price, and the work itself is indispensable to all book collectors and antiquarians.-N. Y. Evening Post.


The department entitled "Notes and Queries" of the AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST is a repository for all sorts of out of the way and at the same time interesting literary informa Thus, among other items in the May number, there is a brief discussion in reference to the origin of the expression" By Hook or by Crook," and also an inquiry as to the origin of the term "Hotch Pot." The BIBLIOPOLIST has also, interesting literary gossip; an article on "Was Shakespeare a Soldier?" by W. P. Thoms; a lengthy correspondence from different persons in reference to "The Original of Oliver Twist ;" and its usual lists of books, rare, curious, and useful.-College Courant.

J. Sabin & Sons have brought their AMERICAN BIBLIOPO. LIST, which is primarily a "Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of New and Old Books," to a point of great interest, as a "Repository of Notes and Queries" also; and every lover of curious inquiries into the origin of words, customs, etc.-in short all antiquities of a literary character or bearing-ought to possess this ingenious and useful magazine.-Christian Union.

The BIBLIOPOLIST circulates largely among the book buyers, and is an admirable advertising medium for Book sellers and Publishers. Annual Subscription $1.25, inclusive of prepaid postage.

J. SABIN & SONS, 84 Nassau St., New York, and

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Published during the year 1874, arranged in the order of their publication.

Personal Recollections.

From Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville. With Selections from her Correspondence. By her daughter, MARTHA SOmerville. 8vo, .


A Libretto Poem. By CHRISTOPHER PEARSE CRANCH. Square 18mo, Record of Mr. Alcott's School.

Exemplifying the Principles and Methods of Moral Culture. With a cut representing the interior of Mr. Alcott's School. 16m0,


An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry. With remarks illustrative of various points in the history of ancient art. By GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING. Translated by Ellen Frothingham. With pictorial title representing the Laocoon. 16mo, Margaret Fuller's Works.

Memoirs. Two volumes. At Home and Abroad. Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Art, Literature, and the Drama. Without and Within. A new edition, in six uniform volumes. 12mo,

Thorpe Regis.

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A Novel. By the Author of "The Rose Garden." With pictorial title. 16mo.
Sex and Education.

A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's “Sex in Education." Edited, with an Introduction, by

Ivan de Biron;




I 50

I 50

9 00

2 00

I 25

Or, The Russian Court in the Middle of Last Century. A Novel. By Sir Arthur
HELPS, Author of "Realmah,"
," "Casimir Maremma," etc. 12mo,

2 25

A Summer Vacation.

Four Sermons by EDWARD E. HALE. Worship in Europe; The Pilgrimages; The Vienna Exhibition; The Open Air. Fancy cover.



The Old Masters and Their Pictures.

BY SARAH TYTLER, Author of "Papers for Thoughtful Girls." 16m0, Modern Painters and Their Paintings.

I 50

By SARAH TYTLER, Author of "Papers for Thoughtful Girls." 16m0,

I 50

The Trust and the Remittance.

Two Love Stories in Metred Prose. By MARY COWDEN CLARKE, Author of "A Concordance to Shakespeare." (Dedicated to the lover-husband of eighty-five, by the lover-wife of sixty-three) 16m0,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

A Provençal Poem. From the French of Frederic Mistral. By HARRIET W. PRESTON.
A new and cheaper edition. 16m0,

The Poetry of the Orient.

By WM. ROUNSEVILLE ALGER. Fourth edition, enlarged. 16mo,

Lytton's (Bulwer) Dramas and Poems.

Containing "The Lady of Lyons," "Richelieu," and "Money," and Minor Poems.
With a fine portrait. Diamond edition. Square 18mo,

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I 50

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Love Stories for Idle Hours. By LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON. 16mo,.

I 50

Sea and Shore.

A Poetical Selection. Square 18mo, .

I 25


A Fairy Romance. By SARA COLERIDGE. With an Introduction by Lord Coleridge.

2 00


In His Name.

A Story of the Waldenses, seven hundred years ago. By E. E. HALE. With Frontispiece Illustration. Square 18mo,

I 25

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