MESSRS. JAMES R. OSGOOD & Co.'s April List. Whip and Spur. By GEORGE E. WARING, Jr., formerly Colonel of the Fourth Missouri Cavalry. I vol., 18mo. Saunterer's Series. $1.25. [Ready.] CONTENTS: Vix-Ruby-Wettstein-Campaigning with Max-How I got my overcoat-Two scouts-In the gloamingFox-hunting in England. A volume of brisk and picturesque sketches of incidents in army experience and in field sports. Sex in Industry. By Dr. AZEL AMES, Jr., Special Commissioner of the Labor Bureau of Massachusetts. A careful inquiry into the effects of industrial occupation upon women. Uniform with Dr. Clarke's "Sex in Education." $1.25. [Ready.] Problems of Life and Mind. I vol., 16mo. By G. H. LEWES, author of "The Story of Goethe's Life," etc. Vol. II. 8vo, $3. [Ready.] The object of Mr. Lewes is to reconcile discordant philosophies of life and mind, and at the same time to penetrate to the roots of the controversies from which they have sprung-to reach a foundation that can be rested upon securely. He is confident that he has found this solid basis in the shifting sands of contemporary speculation, theological, scientific, or practical. Though treating abstruse themes, he writes with wonderful clearness, and his works must be carefully studied by all thinkers. "Household" Owen Meredith. THE POETICAL WORKS of OWEN MEREDith (Robert, LORD LYTTON). Containing Lucile, The Apple of Life, Clytemnestra, etc. I vol. 12mo. Household Edition. $2. [Ready.] Little Classics. VOL. IX. COMEDY. A collection of some of the choicest and most enjoyable Short Stories ever written. $1. [Ready.] Narrative of Le Moyne, An Artist who accompanied the French Expedition to Florida, under Laudonnière, in 1564. Translated from the Latin of DE BRY. With Heliotypes of the Engravings taken from the Artist's Original Drawings. I vol., 4to, $10. [Ready.] A book of rare and curious interest, both in its narrative and descriptions and in its illustrations. The Chancellor. By JULES VERNE, author of "Tour of the World in Eighty Days," etc. I vol., 18mo. Saunterer's Series. $1.50. " This story has but just appeared in France, and has never before been issued in an English translation. The rare skill and fascination of Verne's stories are well understood by hundreds of thousands of American readers. As the London Times remarks: "M. Verne's books are extremely clever, and deserve all imaginable success.' Discourses on Architecture. From the French of VIOLLET-LE-DUC, author of "The Story of a House." Translated by M. Viollet-le-Duc is generally recognized as one of the foremost of living architects. By natural genius and the discipline of years he is master of the science of architecture, in its history, its principles, and its minutest practical details. This volume will be of very great value to architects, builders, and all interested in the subject it discusses. Leisure-Day Rhymes. A new volume of Poems. By JOHN G. SAXE. I vol., 12mo, $2. This volume includes the poems Mr. Saxe has written since the publication of his "Fables and Legends of Many Countries.' The numerous admirers of Mr. Saxe wil! welcome these fruits of his mature genius. "He adds deep poetic thought to a keen sense of humor; and of his humor we may say that it never offends a scholarly taste."-New-York Commercial Advertiser. A Volume of Poems. By ELIZABETH STUART PHELPS, author of "The Gates Ajar," etc. style with Nora Perry's "After the Ball." $1.50. I vol., 12mo. Uniform in Although Miss Phelps is more widely known as the author of some of the most remarkable stories in English literature than as a poet, readers of the magazines and religious weeklies are often reminded that she writes poetry as well. This volume gathers those pieces which she regards most worthy of preservation, and will doubtless find a large circle of readers among those who have felt the power and fascination and intense moral purpose of her previous volumes. Illustrated Homes. By E. C. GARDNER, author of "Homes, and How to Make Them." A companion-volume to this famous work, treating many features and details of house-building familiarly, yet with the technical accuracy and care of a thorough architect. The volume will be fully illustrated, and will afford much helpful information and many excellent hints to those who wish to build houses suited to their professions, their means, their tastes, and wish to have them both convenient and home-like. JAMES R. OSCOOD & CO., Boston. 12mo. WE AND OUR NEIGHBORS; or, The Records of an Unfashionable Street. A Novel. Sequel to "My Wife and I." By HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. Illustrated. $1.75. MY_WIFE_AND I; or, Harry Henderson's History. A Novel. By HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.75. "Always bright, piquant, and entertaining, with an occasional touch of tenderness; strong because subtle, keen in sarcasm, full of womanly logic directed against unwomanly tendencies."—Boston Journal. NORWOOD; or, Village Life in New-England. A Novel. Uniform edition of the Author's Works; also bound uniform with J. B. Ford & Co.'s "Novel Series." 1 vol. 12mo. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. Cloth. $2. Mr. Beecher's only novel, and a remarkable illustration of his versatility, being full of exquisite descriptions of scenery and delineations of social and domestic life, exceedingly graphic in detail, and abounding in passages of genial humor and kindly wisdom. "Embodies more of the high art of fiction than any half dozen of the best novels of the best authors of the day."—Albany Evening Journal. TOINETTE: A Tale of Transition. By HENRY CHURTON. 12mo. 516 pp. $1.50. "A picturesque, vivid, passionate story. Calculated to entertain and deeply impress. The average novel reader will be delighted, and there is that in it which will attract the most cultivated and fastidious."-Cincinnati Times. THE CIRCUIT RIDER: A Tale of the Heroic Age. By Edward EgglestON. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.75. "The breezy freshness of the Western prairie blended with the refinements of literary culture. It is alive with the sound of rushing streams and the echoes of the forest, but shows a certain graceful self-possession which betrays the presence of the artist's power."-N. Y. Tribune. BRAVE HEARTS. Illustrated, A Novel. By Robertson GRAY (R. W. Raymond). 12mo. $1.75. "Its pictures of the strange life of those early California days are simply admirable, quite as good as any thing Bret Harte has written."-Literary World. J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, New-York. Front, back, second and third pages and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Applications for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Books for Sale or Exchange, or, Wanted to Purchase, 20 cents per line. (Subscribers have the privilege to advertise rare or second-hand books at 10 cents per line.) vance. Short advertisements must invariably be paid in ad Terms of Subscription (payable in advance).-$3.20 per annum, postage prepaid. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post-paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box, 4295. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. No bills for subscription will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. Subscribers as a rule will be notified of expiration of subscription, by postal card. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on NewYork, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we can not be responsible for any losses. Address P. O. Box 4295. Subscribers will please remember that 20 cents extra should be remitted for each annual subscription for which postage has not yet been paid. NOTES IN SEASON. THAT interesting work on "The Chemistry of Light and Photography," by Professor Vogel, in the International Scientific Series; Mrs. Stevenson's book on " Boys and Girls in Biology," in very attractive binding, and with many illustrations, and "Our Mutual Friend," in the English Household edition of Dickens, are underscored for publication at the Appletons. The book on biology interprets to the young Prof. Huxley's recent lectures, and has his approval of its plan; the writer, an American lady, who was for some time his pupil, tells the story of the lower forms of life in clear and simple style, and with an aptness of every-day illustration that makes a difficult subject plain and easy. LOVERS of good horses will thank the Messrs. Osgood for a pleasant addition to the literature to which Winthrop contributed so happily. "Whip and Spur," by Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., who commanded a Missouri cavalry regiment, is made up of eight dashing papers on horses, riding and hunting, that take the heart of every lover of the open air. Several of them have been printed in the Atlantic. PROF. BURT G. WILDER'S book on the reproductive function, “ What Young People should Know," is just ready at Estes & Lauriat's, and it should be said for it that its purpose of supplanting quack literature is well carried out by its careful avoidance of any salaciousness of treatment, although it is cumbered somewhat by technical discursions and undesirable appendices. The writer quotes as a motto, Well-stated information never yet contributed to human inflammation," and he certainly has been very careful in conveying delicate but often needed information. 66 HOME Sketches in France," by the late Mrs. Henry M. Field, which the Putnams have about ready, is an exceedingly pleasant volume, that will entertain all readers. She was one of the brightest of writers as well as talkers, and always knew what to write and talk about. DODD & MEAD's next publication day will cover their new Pioneer book, "La Salle, the Discoverer of the Mississippi," by Rev. J. S. C. Abbott; the new work on metaphysics, by Rev. John Miller, D.D., of Princeton; and the Moody and Sankey book, which Rev. John Hall and George H. Stuart, Esq., have compiled. A CHEAPLY gotten-up abridged edition of "The Last Journals of David Livingstone," having been issued by a Hartford subscription house. at $2.50, with a small map of double-page size, the Harpers will publish shortly a cheaper edition of the complete work, on which they pay copyright to the family, also at $2.50. They have about ready also American editions of those two notable books, Green's "Short History of the English People," and Macready's Reminiscences," which they will publish at $1.75. "The Rape of the Gamp," the light English novel, which has been running through the Monthly, with illustrations by Fredericks, and "Alice Lorraine," a promising tale of the South Downs, in England, by R. D. Blackmore, are the new novels at hand. Bishop Haven's Mexican book, "Our Next-Door Neighbor," may be expected next week; the text and the seventy illustrations, several of them full-page, are very beautifully printed, and the book is exceedingly entertaining. DR. A. THOLUCK'S "Hours of Christian Devotion," the noted German meditational work, will be brought out by the Scribners in a few days. It was written by Dr. Tholuck, who is Professor of Theology in Halle, to do in religion for these days what the "Imitation of Christ" did for its age. At the same time will be issued a new edition, with the steel plates, of J. T. Headley's "Sacred Mountains and Scenes," of which book nearly 75,000 copies have been sold. THE Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby's new and important work is nearly ready at Lee & Shepard's. It is not intended exclusively for the clergy, but will edify the public at large. The "Morals of Abou Ben-Adhem" are very improving, and Mr. Locke's rollicking satire is as usual turned to good purpose. The book makes a convenient 12mo and ought to have a good run. THE Scribners promise Marion Harland's second Common-Sense book, "Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea," in May. It will have a host of fresh recipes, and more of the sound advice for housekeepers that proved so useful and popular a feature of the first. These minor meals, which bother housekeepers no little, are too often neglected in kitchen literature, and this book ought to do no less well than its famous predecessor. Lee & Shepard also have a new cook-book, "In the Kitchen," nearly ready. It is by a daughter of Gerrit Smith, Mrs. Miller. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk: Authors' and Subscription Books, or Boiks published at net prices, with two asterisks. Abbott.-Paragraph History of the United States, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Present Time. With brief Notes on Contemporaneous Events. By Rev. Edward Abbott. Sq. 18°. 50 C.... Roberts. Abbott.-Convert Culture. By Granville S. Abbott. 18°, pp. 65. Pap., 8 c..... ..Am. Bap. Pub. Soc. Alger. The Young Outlaw. A Story of Street Life in New-York. By Horatio Alger, Jr. 16°. $1.25..Loring. Baker.-Point-Lace and Diamonds. Poems by George A. Baker, Jr. With illustr. by Addie Ledyard. Sq. 12°, pp. 132. $3...... Patterson. Balmes.-The Criterion; or, How to detect Error and arrive at Truth. By Rev. J. Balmes. Transl. by a Catholic Priest. O'Shea. 12°, pp. 320. $1.50...... Bancroft.-The Native Races of the Pacific States of North-America By Hubert Howe Bancroft. Vol. 2. Civilized Nations. 8°, pp. x, 805. $5.50; shp., $6.50; hlf. calf and half russia, $8; full russia, $12....Appleton. Bernard, Father, Life of. See Claessens. Best Reading (The). Hints on the Selection of Books; on the Formation of Libraries, Public and Private; on Courses of Reading, etc. With a classified Bibliography for easy Reference. Revised, enlarged, and continued to December, 1874. 12°, pp. 345. $1.50; pap., $1.Putnam. Burdocks and Daisies, and other Stories. 18°, pp. 48. 25 C.... .Am. Tract Soc. Butler.-Projectiles and Rifled Cannon. Systems of Projectiles and Rifling, with practical Suggestions for their Improvement, as embraced in a Report to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. By Captain John G. Butler, Ordnance Corps, U. S. A. With Appendix containing the Report of the Board on experimental Rifled Guns on the Proof of an Eight-inch Converted Rifle. Illustr. by thirty-six lithographic plates. 4°, pp. 164. $7.50. Van Nostrand. Calvert.-Essays Esthetical. By George H. Calvert. 12°, pp. 264. $1.50.. Lee & S. Claessens. The Life of Father Bernard, Missionary Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. The Apostolate of a Redemptorist. By P. Claessens, Canon of the Metropolitan Church of Mechlin. Transl. from the French. 12°, pp. 323. $1.50...Cath. Pub. Soc. Clark.-A Brief Narrative of the Principal Transactions of April 19, 1775. By Jonas Clark, Pastor of the Church in Lexington. With Heliotype Fac-similes of Four Engravings of Scenes in Lexington and Concord, made and published in 1775. Large 4°. $5. Osgood. Derry.-History of the United States, for intermediate Schools. By Joseph T. Derry. With numerous illustr. Hlf. roan, $1.50... ..Lippincott. 12° Dickens.-Our Mutual Friend. By Charles Dickens. Chapman & Hall's new Household ed. Illustr. Sq. 8°. $1.75 pap., $1.25. .Appleton. Donnelly. Domus Dei: A Collection of religious and memorial Poems. By Eleanor C. Donnelly. Published for the Benefit of the Church of St. Charles Borromeo. Large 12°, pp. 106. $1.50.... ...... Cunningham. Edward, Henry. See Manning. Floy Lindsley and her Friends. By the Author of "A Summer in the Forest." 16°, pp. 296. $1.25. Am. Tract Soc. Fullerton. Mrs. Gerald's Niece. A Novel. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 8°, pp. 178. $1.50..... Sadlier. Gross.-A Tract for the Missions on Baptism as a Sacrament in the Catholic Church. By Rev. M. S. Gross, Priest of the Missions of North-Carolina. Being the Substance of a Lecture delivered at St. Mark's Church, North-Carolina, Nov. 29, 1874, and published by request. A. M. D. G. 16°, pp. 47. Pap., 25 c.... Cath. Pub. Soc. *Grosser. Joshua and his Successors: An Introduction to the Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel 1. With Notes Critical and Illustrative. By William H. Grosser, B.Sc. (Lond.), author of "Our Work," "Ready for Work," etc. Part II. 12°, pp. 176. $1. Nelson & Sons. Hartley.-Prayer and its Relation to Modern Thought and Criticism. A Course of Lectures delivered before the Theological Seminary and Rutgers College, at NewBrunswick, New-Jersey. By Isaac S. Hartley, D.D. 12°, pp. 257. $1.50..... ...Ref. Ch. Bd. of Pub. Keetels.-An Illustrated Child's First Book in French. By Prof. Jean Gustav Keetels, author of "Elementary French Grammar," etc. 120, pp. 143. $1... Clark & M. McGee. The Men of '48. Being a brief History of the Repeal Assoc. and the Irish Confederation; with Biographical Sketches of the leading Actors in the latter Organization, their Principles, Opinions, and Literary Labors. By Col. James E. McGee, author of "Lives of Irishmen's Sons," etc. 120, pp. 308. $1... McGee. Manning. The Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost. By Henry Edward, Archbishop of Westminster. 12, pp. 369. $1.50.... ..Sadlier. Newlin.-The International Expositor: The Sundayschool Lessons of the International Series for 1875, presented in the form of Question and Answer, for the Use of Parents and Teachers. Second Quarter :-Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel. By E. J. Newlin, D.D. 18°, PD. 72. Pap., 25 c..... Ward Ohio.-Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio. By E. L. DeWitt, Attorney atLaw. New Series. Vol. xxiv. 8°, pp. xii, 724. Shp., $2.50... ...Clarke. Palmer.-A Mother's Gift to her Children; or, a Wreath for my Darlings. Poems. By Mrs. Phoebe Palmer, author of the "Way of Holiness." Introduction by Bishop E. S. Janes. 12°, pp. xv, 241. $1.50...........Palmer. -A Fac-simile of Mrs. Palmer's Handwriting, and the last Communication that her busy Hand ever wrote for the Christian Public. 8°. Pap., 25 c..... Palmer. **Phinney-History of the Battle at Lexington, on the Morning of the 19th April, 1775. By Elias Phinney. Boston: Printed by Phelps and Farnham, No. 5 Court street. 1825. [Reprint.] With illustr. 8°, pp. 40. Pap., 25 C. ......Noyes, H. & Co. Sargent.-Public Men and Events, from the Commencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the Close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent (" Oliver Oldschool"). 2 vols. 8°. $6. Clarke. Lippincott. Spangler. The Physician's Wife. A Novel. By Helen King Spangler. 12°, pp. 305. $1.50..... Lippincott. Tillotson.-History of Palestine and the Holy Land. By John Tillotson, M.A. With a History of the Crusades, compiled by William and Robert Chambers. Illustr. and with maps. 8°, pp. xvi, 428, 41. $3. Worthington. **Voorhees.-Speeches of Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana, embracing his most prominent forensic, political, occasional, and literary Addresses. Compiled by his Son, Charles S. Voorhees. With a short biographical Sketch. 8°, pp. xii, 585. $5.. Wakeley. The American Temperance Cyclopædia of History, Biography, Anecdote, and Illustration. By Rev. J. B. Wakeley, D.D. 8°. pp. 243. $2. Nat. Temp. Soc. Westropp and Wake.-Ancient Symbol Worship. Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity. By Hodder M. Westropp and C. Staniland Wake. With an Introd., additional Notes, and an Appendix. By Alexander Wilder, M.D. Second ed. Illustr. 8°, pp. 98. $3Bouton. Whitcher.-The Story of a Convert, as told to his former Parishioners after he became a Catholic. By B. W. Whitcher, A.M., late a Clergyman of the Prot. Epis. Church, and joint author with his late Wife, of the "Widow Bedott Papers." 16°, pp. 192. $1.....O'Shea. Whitney.-The Yosemite Guide-Book. A Description of the Yosemite Valley and the adjacent Region of the Sierra Nevada, and of Big Trees of California. By Prof. J. D. Whitney, State Geologist of California. New ed., revised and corrected. With four maps. 18°. $1.50. Little, B. & Co. Contributions to Barometric Hypsometry. With Tables for Use in California. By Prof. J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Roy. 8°. Pap., $1 ..Little, B. & Co. RESOLVED, That this Convention recognize the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY as the established organ of the entire trade, and recommend it to publishers as the medium through which they should make their “first announcement" of books they propose to publish, and the full title of all books immediately on publication.-AMERICAN BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION. Nurses for the Needy. By L. N. R. R. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati. A Treatise for Justices, Mayors, Constables, and Business Men in the State of Ohio. With practical Forms, etc. By Hon. Joseph R. Swan. Tenth ed., revised and enlarged, 8°. The Law of Municipal Corporations in the State of Ohio. Embracing all the Statutes in force April, 1875, with Notes of the Decisions of the Supreme and other Courts of the State relating thereto. By Hiram D. Peck. 8°. A Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, Clerks of Circuit and County Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Jailers, and Coroners, in the State of Kentucky, with all needful Forms, etc. By Hon. Richard H. Stanton. Second ed., revised and enlarged. 8°. The Public Statutes at Large of the State of Ohio, from the Close of Curwen's Statutes, March, 1860, to the Present Time. Arranged in chronological Order, with References to the Judicial Decisions construing those Statutes. Edited by J. R. Sayler. 3 vols. 8°. CHARLES DESILVER & SONS, Phila. Sanderson's Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Revised and edited by the Hon. Robert T. Conrad, author of " Conrad of Naples," etc. 8°. (Jan., 1876.) ELDREDGE & BRO., Phila. Christian Ethics; or, The True Moral Manhood and Life of Duty. By D. S. Gregory, D.D., Prof. of Moral Science, Univ. of Wooster, Ohio. 12°. $1.50. |