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New and Desirable Books.

Flavia; or, Loyal unto the End.

A Tale of the Church in the Second Century. By EMMA LESLIE, author of "Glaucia," etc. Illustrated. 12mo. $1.50.


A Tale of the World in the Church. By EMMA LESLIE, author of "Glaucia," "Flavia," etc. Illustrated. 12mo. $1.50.


A Story of Athens in the First Century. By EMMA LESLIE. Illustrated. 12mo. $1.25. Arctic Heroes.

Facts and Incidents of Arctic Explorations. From the Earliest Voyages to the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin, embracing Sketches of Commercial and Religious Results. By Rev. Z. A. MUDGE. Four illustrations. 12mo. $1.25.

The Living Wesley,

AS HE WAS IN HIS YOUTH AND IN HIS PRIME. BY JAMES H. RIGG, D.D. With an Introduction by Rev. J. F. HURST, D.D. 12mo. $1.25.

Our King and Saviour;

OR, THE STORY of our Lord's Life on Earth; in which its great events are arrayed in their probable chronological order, and so set forth as to make their reality and meaning clear to the understandings, and attractive to the imaginations and hearts, of Young People and General Readers. By DANIEL WISE, D.D. Eighty-three engravings. 12mo. $2.

Love Enthroned;


Commentary on the Old Testament.

Vol. IV., Kings-Esther.

12mo. $2.50.

By M. S. TERRY, A.M. D. D. WHEDON, LL.D., Editor.


Binney's Theological Compend Improved.

Containing a Synopsis of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity. Designed for Bible-Classes, Theological Students, and Young Preachers. By Rev. AMOS BINNEY and Rev. DANIEL STEELE, D.D. 12mo. 90 cents.

Spiritual Struggles of a Roman Catholic.


An Autobiographical Sketch by Louis N. BEAUDRY, author of “Army and Prison Experience with the Fifth New-York Cavalry." With an Introduction by Rev. B. Hawley, D.D. $1.25.

Thy Voyage;

OR, A Song of the SEA, AND OTHER POEMS. By Rev. E. F. BURR, D.D., author of "Ec Coelum," "Sunday Afternoons," etc. Square 4to, cloth, beveled, $3.50.

Helps to Prayer.

A Manual designed to aid Christian Believers in acquiring the Gift, and in Maintaining the Practice and Spirit of Prayer in the Closet, the Family, the Social Gathering, and the Public Congregation. 12mo, $1.75; square 8vo, $3.50.

NELSON & PHILLIPS, 805 Broadway, New-York.



Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea:




1 vol.,, 12mo, uniform with "Common Sense in the Household," (General Receipts;) cloth, $1.75.

THE thousands who have found MARION HARLAND'S "Common Sense in the Household" such a safe and satisfactory guide in the perplexities of the kitchen, and of housekeeping in general, will cordially welcome a second volume in the "Common Sense" Series, devoted to Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea. In the domestic economy nothing taxes the ingenuity and resources of a housekeeper more than providing for these meals. Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea, is made up very largely of receipts, not one of which was given in the previous volume, and these are accompanied by MARION HARLAND'S eminently practical and sensible suggestions touching subjects which come up constantly for consideration in every household. The volume must become quite as popular as its predecessor.

[blocks in formation]

In the Preface to Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea, MARION HARLAND tells in this pointed way the object of the new volume:

"A few words more before we proceed, in due order, to business. This volume is not an amendment to 'General Receipts, No. 1 of the Common Sense Series. Still less is it intended as a substitute for it. Not a single receipt printed in that has been repeated. This is designed to be the second story in the edifice of domestic economy, the materials of which I have accumulated since the first was completed. As money makes money, and a snowball gathers snow, so receipts, new, valuable, and curious, flowed in upon me after 'No. 1' was given to the world. Some of the earliest to reach me were so good that I began a fresh compilation by the time that book was fairly off the press.

[blocks in formation]

"Yet, if 'General Receipts' was written con amore, its successor has been in a still higher degree a work of love and delight. There were times during the preparation of the trial volume when I could not feel quite sure of my audience. There has not been a moment, since I began that which I now offer for your acceptance, in which I have not been conscious of your full sympathy; have not tasted, in anticipation, your enjoyment of that which I have taken such pleasure in making ready."

Early orders from the trade urgently solicited.


743 and 745 Broadway, New-York.

[blocks in formation]

story of "Three Feathers," which is said to be remarkably pleasant, and Miss Thackeray's Bluebeard Keys, and other Stories," more of those realized fairy tales which her graceful pen makes so charming.

"THE Morals of Abou Ben Adhem,' by 'Petroleum V. Nasby,' which Lee & Shepard have just ready," says the Boston Transcript, "is a keenly satirical work, fully in keeping with the author's previous droll and racy productions." This house will soon publish "Ocean Born," a new story by Oliver Optic, and Wolf Run," another new story by Elijah Kellogg.

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MR. GILL desires us to state that the " Treasure Trove" series should not be compared with "Little Classics;" it is as characteristic and distinct in itself as that series and the "Bric-àbrac" books. Its selections are limited exclu


sively to the lighter humorous essays, stories, etc., of English and American writers, and in this respect its plan is entirely novel. lesque" and" Travesty" will be the first volumes to appear, instead of those originally an

as the editor. The books ought to take.

NEW Volumes in the International and Pop-nounced. Mr. R. H. Stoddard is announced ular Science series are nearly ready at the Appletons. The first is Prof. Wm. D. Whitney's work on "The Life and Growth of Language," which is a very comprehensive, yet compact book, on the latest developments of linguistic science. It is deeply philosophical and thoroughly interesting, and belongs in every library. The second is Francis Galton's little volume on 46 English Men of Science," in which he gives the ancestral statistics of many noted Englishmen, in proof of his theory of the hereditary character of genius.

MESSRS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. will publish, about May 20th, the revised edition for 1875, of Morford's Short-Trip Guide to America." This edition is materially enlarged, with much new Centennial and other matter, new routes, corrections, etc., and is yet reduced in price for this season to $1, in blue and gold, making it one of the cheapest as well as most comprehensive of guide-books.

MR. BURLINGAME'S admirable Wagner volume will be published by Henry Holt & Co. about the 22d, in an octavo of three hundred pages, with several views and plans of the great opera-house building for him in Bayreuth. "Art Life and Theories" is the title of the book, which includes a varied and character istic selection of his minor works, among them the curious autobiography, his essay-letters on the music of the future and the purpose of the opera, his enthusiastic "Pilgrimage to Beethoven," a romantic little musical story, the plot of the Nibelungen, his account of the Bayreuth building, and others. Mr. Burlingame says it is as hard to get Wagner into English as to turn Carlyle into French, but he has succeeded excellently, and his book will be looked for with interest by all musical people.

GEN. SHERMAN'S Memoirs, about ready in two handsome octavos, with a large map of his marches, at the Appletons, is certainly one of the books of the day, and is not unlikely to remain enrolled among the great and abiding


THE new novels at Harper & Bros. will be two very notable ones-William Black's new

PORTER & COATES announce for early publication, "Cookery from Experience," by Mrs. L. T. Paul, of Philadelphia. It contains above one thousand recipes, mostly proved by personal experience, and recommended as practical, reliable, and inexpensive. It includes also suggestions for meals, lists of meats, vegetables, etc., in season, and advice as to the most reliable canned foods. The second edition of Augustus J. C. Hare's Days near Rome" is just ready.

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THE Osgoods will add Browning's latest work, which is pronounced one of his strongest, to their edition of his works; and there are a good many admirers of the "Poet of the Opaque," as Mr. Browne calls him in the current Galaxy, to make a good sale for "Aristophanes' Apology." Miss Phelps's " Poetic Studies," which are full of strong yet tender religious feeling, will make a book uniform with that general favorite, Mrs. Whitney's "Pansies," and is nearly ready. Mr. Flagg's pleasant book on "The Birds and Seasons of New-England" comes very timely, and will be beautiful with heliotype illustrations. A new household edition of Tennyson's " Idylls of the King" will group this greatest series of poems that this generation has produced, in their proper order.

E. J. HALE & SON will publish immediately by a new Southern writer. It is a lively piece "The Odd Trump," a novel, understood to be of work, shifting its scenes from England to Baden, and introducing many salient episodes, and it promises to become popular with novelreaders.

MR. E. R. PELTON, publisher of the Eclectic Magazine, has taken the store, 25 Bond street, in Messrs. Holt's building, and will keep on hand a full stock of the Messrs. Lippincott's publications, and receive advance orders from the trade.

moirs is unavoidably postponed until the 22d THE publication of General Sherman's Me

inst. The orders which have been received exceed the supply, so that a new edition had to be prepared by the Appletons.


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk: Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

*Abbott.-Cambridge Sermons. Preached before the Uni- | Field.-Home Sketches in France, and other Papers. By versity by the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, D.D., formerly the late Mrs. Henry M. Field. With some Notices of her Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 12°, pp. xiv, Life and Character. With portr. 12°, pp. 256. $1.50. 143. $2.... ...Macmillan. Putnam. Abbott.-The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle Fleming.-A Mad Marriage. By May Agnes Fleming. and his Companions in their Explorations of the Prairies, 12°. $1.75... ..... Carleton. Forests, Lakes, and Rivers of the New World, and their *Fletcher.-Arbitrations: A Text-Book for Surveyors, in Interviews with the Savage Tribes two hundred Years Tabulated Form. By Banister Fletcher. Cr. 8°, pp. 99. ago. (American Pioneer and Patriot Series. Vol. 8.) $2.. Spon. By John S. C. Abbott. Illustr. 12°. $1.50. Dodd & M. Frothingham.-Sermons by O. B. Frothingham. SeAldrich.-History of the United States Marine Corps. cond Series. Nos. 1-3. 16°. Pap. (Series in 20 Nos.) By M. Almy Aldrich. From official Reports and other $2... Putnam. Documents compiled by Capt. R. S. Collum. 8°, pp. 257. $3 Shepard,

Andre.-A Practical Treatise on Coal-Mining. By
George G. André, F.G.S. (In 12 monthly Parts, illustr.
by six Plates of practical Drawings.) Parts 1 and 2.
Roy. 4°, ea., pp. 48. Per Part, $2
Angell and Ames.-A Treatise on the Law of Private
Corporations Aggregate. By Joseph K. Angell and
Samuel Ames. Tenth ed. Rev., corr., and enl. by John
Lothrop, of the Boston Bar. 8°, pp. 866. Shp., $7.50.
Little, B. & Co.

Aristophanes. See Browning.
**Army of the Cumberland (Society of the). Eighth Re-
union. Columbus, 1874. Published by Order of the
Society. With portr. 8°, pp. 209...
Bradley.-Manual of Comparative Anatomy and Physi-
ology. By S. Messenger Bradley, F.R.C.S., etc. Third
ed. With 3 plates and 61 cuts. 8°, pp. x, 276. $2.50.
Lindsay & B.
Browning.-Aristophanes' Apology. Including a Tran-
script from Euripides. Being the last Adventure of Ba-
laustion. By Robert Browning. 12°, pp. 324. $2.
**Bureau of Education.-Circulars of Information of the
Bureau of Education. No. 1. 1875,-Proceedings of
the Department of Superintendence of the National Edu-
cational Association, at Washington, D. C., Jan. 27 and
28, 1875-No. 2. 1875,-Education in Japan. 8°, pp.
114, 64. Pap..
[Gov. Printing Office.]
*Cairnes.-The Character and Logical Method of Politi-
cal Economy. By J. E. Cairnes, LL.D., Emeritus Prof.
of Political Economy in Univ. Coll., London. Second
and enl. ed. Large 12°, pp. xvii, 279. $2.50.Macmillan.
Challen's Dime Arabian Nights' Entertainments.
Noureddin and the Fair Persian, and other Stories ;-5.
Ganem, the Slave of Love, and other Stories. Illustr.
16°. Pap., ea., Io c...
Chambers.-A Manual of Diet in Health and Disease.
By Thomas King Chambers, M.D., etc. 8°, pp. 310.


hambers.- Cyclopædia of English Literature. A Selection of the choicest Productions of English Authors, from the earliest to the present Time, connected by a critical and biographical History. Elegantly illustr. Edited by Robert Chambers. 2 vols. 21st Thousand. (World ed.) 8°. $4; Roxb., $4.50; shp., $5.50.. World Pub. Co. *Chambliss.-Life and Labors of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L. Covering his entire Career in Southern and Central Africa. Carefully prepared from the most authentic Sources. A thrilling Narrative of the Adventures, Discoveries, Experiences, and Achievements of the greatest Explorer of modern Times in a wonderful Country. The whole rendered clear and plain by a most accurate Map of the whole Region explored. By Rev. J. E. Chambliss. Illustr. 8°, pp. 805. $3; leather, $4. Hubbard Bros. Cooke.-A Text-Book of Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. Prepared for the Use of the Cadet Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy. By A. P. Cooke, Commander U. S. N. 8°, pp. xiv, 840. $12.50..... Wiley. Crocker.-Notes on the General Statutes of Massachu


By Uriel H. Crocker and George G. Crocker. Second ed., rev. and enl. Including the Statutes of 1874 and Massachusetts Reports. Vol. 110. 8°, pp. xiii, 704. Shp., $8..... ...Houghton.

*Davies.-The Gospel and Modern Life. By the Rev. J.
Llewelyn Davies, M. A., Rector of Christ Church, Mary-
lebone. 16°, pp. xxxiii, 287. $1.75.........Macmillan.
Drew. Our Money Muss. A History of Greenbacks and
Five-Twenty Bonds. By John G. Drew, author of "Our
Currency as it should be,' etc. 8°, pp. 46. Pap., 20 c.

Dupanloup.-The Child. By Monseigneur Dupanloup.
Transl. with the Author's permission by Kate Anderson.
12°, pp. 294. $1.50...


-The Religion of Humanity. An Essay.
B. Frothingham. Third ed. 12°, pp. 338.

By Octavius $1.50.


Gildersleeve, Basil L. See Persius.
Green.-A Short History of the English People. By J.
R. Green, M.A., Examiner in the School of Modern His-
tory, Oxford. With Maps and Tables. 8°, pp. 823. $1.75.
Gregory.-Christian Ethics; or, The True Moral Man-
hood and Life of Duty. A Text-Book for Schools and
Colleges. By D. S. Gregory, D.D. 12°, pp. 346. $1.50.
Eldredge & Bro.
Hall and Stuart.-The American Evangelists, D. L.
Moody and Ira D. Sankey, in Great Britain and Ireland.
By John Hall, D.D., New-York, and George H. Stuart,
Philadelphia. 12°. $1.50....
...Dodd & M.
Harrison.-A Group of Poets and their Haunts. By
James Albert Harrison. 16°, pp. vi, 319. $1.75.

Hurd & H.

Hartwig.-The Aerial World. A popular Account of the
Phenomena and Life of the Atmosphere. By G. Hart-
wig, M. and Ph.D., author of "The Sea and its Living
Wonders," ""The Tropical World," etc. With 8 chromo-
xylographic plates, a map, and numerous wood-cuts. 8°,
pp. xviii, 556. $6

Haven.-Our Next-Door Neighbor. A Winter in Mexico.
By Gilbert Haven, D.D., Bishop in the M. E. Church.
With maps and illustr. Cr. 8°, pp. 467. $3.50. Harper,
Haynes.-The Baptist Denomination. Centennial ed.
By Rev. D. C. Haynes. 12°, pp. 350. $1.50..... Brown.
History and Philosophy of Marriage; or, Polygamy and
Monogamy Compared. By a Christian Philanthropist.
Second ed., enl. 16°, pp. 277. $1.25.... Campbell.
Hitchcock. The Geology of New-Hampshire. A Re-
port comprising the Results of Explorations ordered by
the Legislature. By C. H. Hitchcock, State Geologist,
and J. H. Huntingdon, Principal Assistant. In 2 Parts.
Part 1. Physical Geography. Illustr. with engrs., maps,
and charts. 8°, pp. xi, 667. Half goat, $10...Eastman.
Holmes.-The Authorship of Skakespeare. By Natha-
niel Holmes. Third ed. With an Appendix of addition-
al Matters, including a Notice of the recently discovered
Northumberland MSS. 16°, pp. xiii, 696. $2.50.
Hurd & H.

Hymns and Songs for Social and Sabbath Worship. Ed-
ited by Roswell D. Hitchcock, Zachary Eddy, Philip
Schaff. Sq. 12°, pp. 353. $1.25

*Jones.-Handrailing Cut Square to the Plank, without a
falling Mould. As discovered and taught at the Me-
chanics' Inst., Liverpool. By John Jones, Staircase
Builder. Cont. 7 Plates of Handrails, with full Instruc-
tions for working them, as practised by the Author in
London, Liverpool, and Manchester. Folio. Bds., $2.75.


Leslie.-Flavia; or, "Loyal unto the End." A Tale of
the Church in the Second Century. By Emma Leslie
author of "Constantia's Household," "Glaucia," etc-
16°, pp. 311. $1.50.....
Nelson & P.
-Quadratus. A Tale of the World in the Church. By
Emma Leslie, author of "Glaucia," "Flavia," etc.
Three illustr. 16°, pp. 308. $1.50..
Nelson & P.
Lossing. An Outline History of the United States, for
public and other Schools, from the earliest to the present
Time. By Benson J. Lossing, LL.D., author of the
Field-Book of the "Revolution," "The War of 1812,"
etc. Illustr. 16°, pp. 399. $1.25..

Lowry and Doane.-Brightest and Best. A choice Col·
lection of new Songs for the Sunday-School. By Rev.
Robert Lowry and W. Howard Doane. Obl. 12, pp. 160.
Bds., 35 C...
Mackay.-"Grace and Truth" under Twelve different
Aspects. By W. P. Mackay, M.D. 16°, pp. xiii, 253.
$1; pap., 50 c....... ..Gospel Book and Tract Depos

[IN justice to Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., the following communication, which reached us on Friday morning, too late for insertion in the regular issue, is printed as a Supplement, and the mailing of the WEEKLY detained, in order to have both dispatched together. We regret that we are compelled to defer editorial comment.-ED.]


Messrs Lippincott's Position.

PHILADELPHIA, March 4, 1875. DEAR SIR: Inasmuch as the proceedings of

the Central Booksellers' Association at their meeting of February 9th, as reported in your issue of February 20th, referred largely to our house, and as the representations made are calculated to place us in a false position before the trade, we trust that you will allow us to express, at some length, our views of and relations to the movement considered at this meeting. That any movement calculated to improve the condition of the book business should receive our hearty support we think should be a fact patent to all, for what house has larger interests at stake? And just proportionately as we should be benefited by a judicious course, so should we be injured by a contrary action.

It is only on this account that we hesitate to

join in the movement now before the trade, seeing, as we do, so many flaws in the plan which must soon frustrate the purpose, and result in rendering matters even worse than they

now are.

The resolution submitted for signatures is as follows:

"The Central Booksellers' Association adopts twenty (20) per cent as the maximum discount to be given to libraries, schools, teachers, professional men generally, and other large buyers outside the trade, with the exception of supplies of school-books for first introduction; specimen copies of school-books for examination; school-books for schoolboards, and State normal schools created by law, and authorized to purchase supplies from public funds; schoolbooks for schools other than Sunday-schools supported by religious and benevolent societies, and purchasing their own supplies of school-books; and to such merchants as deal in books and school supplies.

"The undersigned publishers and booksellers hereby accept the above by-law of the Central Booksellers' Association, to take effect on the 20th of November next, and agree that

the terms herein named shall be the rate of discount thereafter allowed on all sales at our establishment.'

You will notice that a discount of twenty per cent is to be allowed to "professional men generally." We would ask why a discount should be allowed to "professional men"? Surely medical books are published for physicians, and law books for lawyers. Then why should they receive a discount any more than

students or readers of any other special class of works?

As works published for a special class or "profession" have but a limited sale, and as the trade discount upon such issues is generally small, it seems to us that they should be the first to be raised to the full price when sold at retail. Indeed, in Philadelphia the booksellers agreed some time since to make a discount of ten per cent only on medical books, and the measure is working very successfully; so the adoption of the resolution would in that connection be really a step backward for us.

But the weakest point in the resolution is that allowing a discount of twenty per cent to be given to "large buyers outside the trade."

Can you inform us where the line distinguishto be drawn to the satisfaction of all parties ining the "large buyer" from the small buyer is


and paper-bound books, having a small stock To the dealer who sells periodicals chiefly of miscellaneous works, a purchaser to a certain amount might justly be deemed a "large buyer," when he could not be so considered in the more prominent bookstores.

We can not but see in this sentence alone the

seed of misunderstandings and dissensions

that must soon entirely defeat the movement.

The exceptions applying to school-books are so numerous that so far as they are concerned the resolution amounts to nothing, although that branch of the business represents one of its largest interests.

With these objections alone we consider we this movement;" but we have still a strong have sufficient reason to decline to "join in reason in our experience in connection with the reform in the matter of jobbing discounts attempted last September.

When the plan was laid before us we stated that we did not believe in the movement, and failure. Then, as now, we were apparently the were confident that if attempted it would be a only house that was disinclined to make the trial, and finally, disliking to stand in such a light before the trade, we set aside our own convictions and agreed with the committee of the association on a series of discounts which were to be adopted on a certain date by the Eastern jobbers.

Once decided, we entered heartily into the movement, and proceeded to notify our customers of the change. Some of these could hardly have received our letters before the whole scheme was nullified by the action of one of the houses that had been most active for its adoption.

The new rate of discount went into effect on the 7th of September, and on the morning of

« PrethodnaNastavi »