the 22d of the same month we received a circular in which the house above referred to a 1nounced that it had returned to its previous rate of discounts. Of course we were obliged to notify our customers to the same effect. The result of this "trial" was the loss to us of several good customers, and such an experience is not encouraging to make further experiments of like nature. The only reason given for sending out this circular, was that one other party in the same city had not kept to the agreement! Without discussing the merits of this case, we would simply inquire how long an agreement of the many retailers would hold, if a combination of the few Eastern jobbers lasted just two weeks? We would now refer to a few irregularities in the report, the result of which is to place us very ungenerously before the trade, as the only house of any importance in the East that has not signed the paper. The report states that the paper was signed by every leading house in Boston," by all in New-York except the American News Co. (the signature of which was withheld owing to some special action being requested), and in Philadelphia, by all except ours! On looking over the list of signatures we do not find the following names: Little, Brown & Co.; Brewer & Tileston; The New-England News Co. (of Boston); Wm. Wood & Co.; Baker, Voorhies & Co.; Leggat Bros.; Banks Bros. (of New-York); Henry C. Lea; Kay & Bro.; T. & J. W. Johnston, and the Central News Co. (of Phila.), all of which houses, it seems to us, are worthy of consideration in this connection; yet without them the committee announces in its report that "they came within one" of securing the signatures of the united trade of Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia! We also notice that no mention is made of any condition being attached to any signature, which rendered the same valueless, so far as the compact is concerned ! Furthermore, no explanation is made in the report that the wording of the resolution was so indefinite that an entire misconception of its intended meaning existed among the majority of those at the meeting in Philadelphia, the understanding being that it was designed to limit the discount to all buyers outside of the trade to twenty per cent; and it was only when one of the committee explained that it was intended to confine the discount mentioned to the exceptions specified, and to sell to others at the retail prices, that it was fully understood. In fact, the members of the committee dis agreed among themselves as to the meaning of the resolution. When the inquiry was made as to whether this question had been raised in New-York and Boston, one of the committee stated that it had not, but he supposed that it was generally understood that those signing the paper agreed to sell at retail prices, except in the cases of the exceptions specified. It is possible that this supposition is wrong; and if so, what will be the result? With all these objections, have we not reason for declining to join in an attempt at reform which we feel confident will not succeed, and are we warranted in running the risks attending such a change in our business, for the sake of the experiment? But it must not be inferred that we are opposed to the return to retail prices. We believe that no house has the interests of the business more at heart than ours, and no house will co-operate more cordially in any movement that can reasonably be expected to obtain the desired result. Reference is also made in the report to our circular, issued to the Philadelphia trade last December, proposing a gradual return to retail prices. Our position will be understood better, perhaps, if we add an explanation to this circular, which at that time we did not think was needed. It is to this effect: that while we think that the present custom of retailing below the published retail price is injurious to the book business, the public also have some claims that ought to be considered. They have become accustomed to expect a discount from long experience in buying, and to peremptorily deprive them of this would certainly, to say the least, be to displease and create disappointment that might result in the estrangement of many very good customers. If, on the contrary, it should be done in the gradual way that we have suggested, we do not think it would be long before the trade would have accomplished its desires. We have no wish to stand in the way of what should be considered beneficial to the interests of the trade. This sort of prominence is not at all to our taste; and yet we think all persons who reason dispassionately in this matter will see the force of our criticisms and sug gestions. Yours, very respectfully, J. B LIPPINCOTT & Co. F. LEYPOLDT, Editor of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, 37 Park Row, New-York. *Mahan.-The Collected Works of the late Milo Mahan, D.D. In 3 vols. Edited with a brief Memoir by John Henry Hopkins, S.T.D. Vols. 2 and 3. 12°, pp. 715; lvii, 736. Per vol., $5..... ...Pott, Y. & Co. Mason.-Rape of the Gamp. A Novel. By C. Welsh Mason. Illustr. 8°, pp. 152. Pap., $1.........Harper. Massachusetts Reports. See Crocker. Mayne.-A Medical Vocabulary. Being an Explanation of all Terms and Phrases used in the various Departments of Medical Science and Practice, giving their Derivation, Meaning, Application, and Pronunciation. Intended specially as a Book of Reference for the Student. By R. G. Mayne, M.D., LL.D., author of "An Expository Lexicon of Scientific Terms," and J. Mayne, M.D., L.R.C.S., Edin., etc., author of " Toxicologia," etc. Fourth ed., rev. and enl. 12°, pp. vi, 459. $2.50. Lindsay & B. Miller.-Metaphysics; or, The Science of Perception. By John Miller, Princeton, N. J. 8°, pp. 402. $4. Dodd&M. Mitchell, S. Weir. See Seguin. Moody and Sankey. See Hall and Stuart. Mudge.-Arctic Heroes: Facts and Incidents of Arctic Explorations, from the earliest Voyages to the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin. Embracing Sketches of commercial and religious Results. By Rev. Z. A. Mudge, author of "Views from Plymouth Rock," "Witch Hill," etc. Four illustr. 16°, pp. 304. $1.25. Nelson & P. Muhlenberg.-Evangelical Catholic Papers. A Collection of Essays, Letters, and Tractates from the Writings of Rev. William Augustus Muhlenberg, D.D., during the last forty Years. Compiled by Anne Ayres. 8°, pp. iv, Whittaker. 597. $2.50.. Norval. See Steamship Notes. **Olcott.-People from the other World. By Henry S. Olcott. Profusely illustr. by Alfred Kappes and T. W. Williams. 12°, pp. 490. $2.50 and $3; half mor., $4. Am. Pub. Co. Orvis. Ritualism Dethroned and the True Church Found; or, The Divine Life in all the Christian Ages most revealed in those Churches and "Martyrs of Jesus" that have witnessed against a Ceremonial and Sacramental Law. (A Plea for Christian Liberty, Christian Union, and the higher Christian Life.) By Rev. William B. Orvis. 12°, pp. 380. $1.50..... ..Longstreth. Paxton.-How we Spend our Years. By William M. Paxton. 24°, PP. 35. 35 C .... ...Randolph. Persius.-The Satires of A. Persius Flaccus. Edited by Basil L. Gildersleeve, Ph.D. (Göttingen), LL.D., Prof. of Greek in the Univ. of Virginia. 12°, pp. 231. $1.25. Harper. Phelps.-Poetic Studies. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, author of "The Gates Ajar," etc. Sq. 16°, pp. 141. $1.50.... Osgood. Phin.-Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope. Intended for Beginners. By John Phin, Editor of The Technologist. Illustr. 12°, pp. 131. 75 c. Industrial Pub. Co. **Pierce.-The People's Common-Sense Medical Adviser, in plain English; or, Medicine Simplified. By R. V. Pierce, M.D. Illustr. 12, pp. 880. $1.50. [World's Dispensary Print. Off.] Pine.-Ecce Femina; or, The Woman Zoe. By Cuyler .....Carleton. Pine. 16°, pp. 133. $1.50..... Richardson.-The History of our Country, from its Discovery by Cloumbus to the Celebration of its Centennial Anniversary of its Declaration of Independence. Embracing an Account of its Discoveries; Narratives of the Struggles of its early Settlers; Sketches of its Heroes; the History of the War for Independence and the War for Nationality; its Industrial Successes, and a Record of its whole Progress as a Nation. By Abby Sage Richardson. Beautifully and profusely illustr. by engr. from designs by Perkins, Bush, Darley, etc. 8°, pp. xxii, 600. $4.25 shp., $4.75; full mor., $5.75..... ....Houghton. Ryan.-The Philosophy of Marriage in its Social, Moral, and Physical Relations; with the Physiology of Generation in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. From the last London ed. By Michael Ryan, M.D. 16°, pp. 285. $1.50. Lindsay B. Seguin.-A Series of American Clinical Lectures, edited by E. C. Seguin, M.D. Vol. 1. No. 4. Rest in the Treatment of Nervous Disease. By S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. 8°. Pap., 30 c.... Putnam. Selected Poems:-The May Queen. By Alfred Tennyson. Sq. 16°. IO C.... Tompkins. Semple. Guilford Street Stories :-Jeanie Nesbit and Jack's Theft-Malcolm Dykes, and four other Stories; -Very Disobliging, and eight other Stories. By Barbara Semple. 3 vols. 24°, pp. 68, 73, 141. $1.25. Shakespeare. See Holmes. Shields.-Religion and Science in their Relation to Philosophy. An Essay on the present State of the Sciences, read before the Philosophical Society of Washington. By Charles W. Shields, D.D., Prof. of the Harmony of Science and Revealed Religion in Princeton Coll., N. J. 16°, pp. 69. 75 c. (Corrected price.) Nelson & P. Scribner. Sherman. Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. Written by Himself. 2 vols. Sm. 8°, ea., pp. 400. $5.50; shp., $7; half Tky., $8.50; full Tky., §12.............. Appleton. *Sprague.-Electricity: Its Theory, Sources, and Appli cations. By John T. Sprague. Cr. 8°. $2....... Spon. Steamship Notes. A Manual of Information for all who contemplate a Trip to Europe. By "Norval," of the New-York Evening Mail. Second Year. 12°, pp. 69. 50 C..... .Patterson. Tanner.-Memoranda of Poisons. By the late Thomas Hawkes Tanner, M.D., F.L.S. Third Am. from the last London rev, and enl. ed. 32°, pp. 155. 75 c. Lindsay &B. Taylor.-Pictures of Life in Camp and Field. By Benj. F. Taylor, author of "Old Time Stories," "The World on Wheels," etc. 16°, pp. 270. $1.50... Griggs. By Alfred Tennyson. Tennyson.-Idylls of the King. Household ed. 12°, pp. 276. $1.50... .Osgood. Tiffany.-Expression in Church Architecture. A Paper read before the Church Conference, Lent, 1875. By the Rev. C. C. Tiffany. (Published by request.) 16°, pp. 25. Whittaker. Pap., 20 c.... *Unseen (The) Universe; or, Physical Speculations on a Future State. 8°, pp. xvi, 212. $3; Am. ed., $1; pap., Macmillan. Valentine.-The Valentines in America, 1644-1874. By T. W. Valentine, Member of the L. I. Hist. Soc. With portr. and illustr. 12°, pp. iv, 248. $2; half calf, $3. 8°. $5; full mor., $ro..... Clark & M. 60 C...... An Outline of Linguistic Science. By William Dwight Whitney, Prof. of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology in Yale Coll. (International Scientific Series, No. 14.) 12°, pp. vii, 326. $1.50.... .Appleton. Whitney.-The Life and Growth of Language. Taylor, Pictures of Life in Camp and Field. 1.50 Frothingham, Sermons, 2d Series, Nos. 1-3 1.50 2.00 The Religion of Humanity, 3d ed... 1.50 Seguin, Clinical Lectures, Vol. 1, No. 4: -Mitchell's Rest in the Treatment of Nervous Diseases... .Pap. 30 A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., New-York. Hymns and Songs for Social and Sabbath Worship.... Paxton, How we Spend our Years. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & Co., New-York. Shields, Religion and Science (corr. price). 1.25 35 75 H. L. SHEPARD & Co., Boston. Jones, Handrailing.. .$3 & 4.00 Sprague, Electricity.. ....... 1.75 HURD & HOUGHTON, New-York. Holmes, Authorship of Shakespeare, 3d ed. 2.50 1.25 André, On Coal-Mining, Parts 1 and 2, ea. 2.00 Lossing, Hist. of the U. S..... E. & F. N. SPON, New-York. 2.00 Bds. 2.75 2.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. RESOLVED, That this Convention recognize the Publishers' Weekly as the established organ of the entire trade, and recommend it to publishers as the medium through which they should make their " announcement" of books they propose to publish, and the full title of all books immediately on publicafirst tion.-AMERICAN BOOK TRADE ASSOCIATION. D. APPLETON &' CO.,New-York. What and How to Read: A Guide to Recent English Literature, containing a minutely classified list of the best books published in England and America during the past five years, with critical remarks and suggestions, and an introduction. By G. A. F. Van Rhyn. 12°. (Nearly ready.) BOERICKE & TAFEL, New-York. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. A Record of the Positive Effects of Drugs upon the Healthy Human Organism. Ed. by Timothy T. Allen, A.M., M.D., Prof. in N. Y. Hom. Med. Coll. Vol. 2. Large 8°, pp. 640. $6; hlf. mor. and shp., $7. (May 20.) DODD & MEAD, New-York. Christian Mission. By Prof. Seelye, of Amherst. W. F. DRAPER, Andover. Immer's Hermeneutical Manual. Transl. by Rev. A. H. Newman. H. L. HINTON & CO., New-York. Money; and the Error of an Inflated Currency. By Bonamy Price. 8°. Pap., 20 c. HENRY HOLT & CO., New-York. Wyncote. By Mrs. Thomas Erskine, author of "Marjory." (Leisure Hour Series.) (May 22.) My Dearest Foe. By Mrs. Alexander. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Philadelphia. Sir James Paget's Clinical Lectures and Essays. Ed. by F. Howard Marsh, Asst. Surgeon. 8°. Bentley and Tremens Medicinal Plants, with an account of their Properties useful in Medicine, Botanical Descriptions, and Illustrations. To be published in parts. Lectures on Bright's Disease. By D. Campbell Black, M.D. 8°. 46 46 'ECCE FEMINA; or, The Woman Zoe," by Cuyler Pine," who is the lady disputant with Wm. Allen Butler of the authorship of " Nothing to Wear," then Miss Peck, but since married and dead, is brought before the public by G. W. Carleton & Co. in a red-line volume, which will attract more attention than the pamphlet form in which it was concealed last year. It is on the Magdalen subject, and is a plea, in many respects strikingly put, for the reception of the penitent who seek a reformed life. Much of its thought is analagous to that of Miss Phelps' "Hedged In." ANOTHER interrogative novel, "Did She Do Right?" is ready; this time by the author of An Old-Fashioned Boy." It is published by Messrs. S. T. Souder & Co., of Philadelphia, successors to the firm of Wm. B. Evans & Co. (dissolved by the death of Mr. Evans), who have also ready a new edition of Mr. Talmage's "Crumbs Swept Up." JOHN CHURCH & Co., Cincinnati, O., the publishers of Church's Musical Visitor, offer musical people a rare inducement to become subscribers to that excellent journal. Believing that no premium could be more acceptable to musical people than good music, the publishers have just issued, for this especial purpose, three really valuable volumes of beautiful music, each book suited to a different capacity and style, as indicated by the titles. The " Song Premium" is a collection of popular songs, by T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Philadelphia. The Mystery of Dark Hollow. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. 12°. $1.75; pap., $1.50. (May 22.) PORTER & COATES, Phila. Cookery from Experience. By Mrs. L. T. Paul. A. D. F. RANDOLPH & CO., New-York. Addresses and Lectures. By D. L. Moody, from verbatim Reports. Also containing the Work in Liverpool and London. 8°, pp. 85. 50 c. (May 16.) The Early American Spirit and its Genesis. By Richard S. Storrs, D.D. 8°, pp. 60. Pap., 75 c. (May 16.) ROBERTS BROS., Boston. In a Californian Eden. By Joaquin Miller. Freedom and Fellowship. By Thomas W. Higgin son. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New-York. Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea. By Marion Harland. 12°. $1.75. (May 20.) WEED, PARSONS & CO., Albany. Edmond's New-York Statutes at Large. Vol. 8. Containing all the Public Statutes with reference to Judicial Decisions, etc., from 1871 to 1874. $6. WILLIAM WOOD & CO., New-York. Thomas' American Fruit Culturist. enl. ed. 8°, pp. 600. New and many first-class composers. The "Piano Premium" is for those who prefer instrumental music. This book contains thirteen pieces of music, by Strauss, Kinkel, and others. The "Classic Premium" is for advanced players, being a fine selection of music by such composers as Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, etc. Either of these volumes is alone worth several times the price asked for the Visitor, to say nothing of the regular monthly visits of the music magazine itself. Choice of the above books, elegantly bound in cloth, will be sent to every subscriber to the Visitor. Subscription price of the Visitor is $1.50 a year. The publishers will send specimen copy, with list of contents of premium volumes, on receipt of one stamp. TUTTLE & Co., of Rutland, Vt., were burned out last month, but are enterprisingly laying in a new stock of goods with which to continue their business of twenty-five years' standing. A NOVEL called "One Summer," the work of a young lady hitherto unknown in literature, is to be published by J. R. Osgood & Co. "ONE hundred years may come and go," says the Boston Transcript pleasantly, ere there is such a demand for another book as there is for Colonel Higginson's 'Young Folks' History of the United States,' just now. The publishers, Lee & Shepard, undoubtedly met a public want in bringing it out." A Word to the Faint-Hearted. THE necessary friction in getting a reform like that of the book trade into working order, and the discouragements that have come of this year's dullness and the delay of the completion of the reform, are likely to cloud the minds of many with doubts whether," after all, reform is going to be a good thing or not." These doubts are inevitable, and were to be foreseen. In any work of the sort there must be discouragements during the period of transition, that come close home to the reformers themselves, and overshadow, to all but the bravest-hearted and farthest-sighted, both the good and the future triumph of the whole reform. tified with the reform movement, and needs no word from us to call attention to what he has to say. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Messrs. Lippincott & Co. and Reform. NEW-YORK, May 6, 1875. To the Editor of the Publishers' Weekly : DEAR SIR: I have read with regret the letter of Messrs J. B. Lippincott & Co., addressed to the editor of the WEEKLY, and published in the issue of April 24th. The hope of the friends of reform, that the Messrs. L. & Co. were at last prepared to co-operate in the movement, has been disappointed. As many members of the trade are anxious to know the present condition of affairs, a statement of the facts in their order is neces sary. Át the Put-in Bay Convention, the member of the firm of Messrs. L. & Co. who was present was without authority to act, and consequently the house did not there identify itself with the reform. At the meeting of the Philadelphia trade, in December, the firm, though fully represented, took no active part in the proceedings, and subsequently declined to sign the paper, as signed by the Philadelphia trade, and which was essentially the same as that signed by all the leading houses of New We trust any of the faint-hearted will simply go over the grounds on which the reform was started, and thus convince themselves that beyond all discouragements it is well worth working for. If they will but ask themselves what the tendency of the trade is without this reform, they will need little further argument. As we have often said, but have to say again and again, the alternatives before the trade are a breaking up of the distributing system, or the triumph of this reform. Get down to "hard-York and Boston. pan," and those are the real facts of the case. In view of such an issue as this, the discouragements of the reform sink into insignifi cance. The trade ought to come together at Niagara Falls with twice the faith that even the enthu siasm at Put-in Bay called forth. They should look behind the apparent difficulties to the real bearings of the reform. It is a question of life and death to many of the trade, the most vital of issues. Nevertheless, whatever discouragements there are, should be brought fearlessly forward, and looked full in the face. Such remarkable progress toward reform, if not in reform, has been made during the past year, that the trade can well afford to discuss the whole question. Before presenting their report to the Central Association, in February last, the Committee on Signatures addressed a letter to Messrs L. & Co., earnestly soliciting a reconsideration of their action, but without success. After the publication of the report, Messrs. L. & Co., in a letter to the WEEKLY, took open ground against the proposed movement, and argued as to the impossibility of carrying out its provisions. Their position, which had up to this time simply delayed, now virtually estopped, the reform at the East. On the 23d of March, Messrs. L. & Co. unexpectedly presented their plan of reform, which was more radical than that proposed by the Convention; but which it was not now possible to adopt, in view of the fact that there was no authority to change the rule of the Convention. This led the officers of the Central Association, on the 8th of April, to address a We expect to see at Niagara the most re- letter to Messrs. L. & Co., congratulating them markable gathering the book trade has ever on the position taken in their March letter, and known. If any faint-hearted can not cure them-expressing the hope, inasmuch as the rule of the Convention could not now be changed, selves before that time, all they have to do is that Messrs. L. & Co. would in the mean time to come there. It should be remembered that the reductions in fare to and from the next convention will depend upon how many express their intention to be in attendance. So send along the names ! THE trade will be interested in the letter from Mr. Randolph, published below. He voices the views of those who have been chiefly iden co-operate with the trade of the country on the present basis of the reform, and thus secure an immediate and practical result. The reply of Messrs. L. & Co. is so brief that it may be inserted entire : “PHILADELPHIA, April 18, 1875"MESSRS, RANDOLPH, BARNES, ARMSTRONG, ETC., NewYork: "DEAR SIRS: We have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your favor of the 8th inst., in which you so cordially approve the plan we recently suggested for the resumption of retail prices. Yours truly, J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co." Thus their new position has been of no practical use, and the reform still waits. |