LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY HURD & HOUGHTON, NEW-YORK: THE RIVERSIDE PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, DURING THE YEAR 1874. LAW BOOKS. Benjamin on Sales. A Treatise on the Laws of Sale of Personal Property. By JOSIAH P. BENJAMIN, Q.C., of Lincoln's Inn. Edited with special reference to American Deci sions, by a Member of the Massachusetts Bar. 8vo, $7.50. Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases. Embracing all the reported cases in Great Britain and America, including Canada and the British Provinces. With Notes and References. By EDMUND H. BENNETT. Vol. III. (1849-1854). 8vo, $7.50. Bigelow's Reports of the Life and Accident Insurance Cases Determined in the Courts of America, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Canada, down to January, 1874. With Notes and References. By MELVILLE M. BIGELOW. 8vo, $7.50. Chitty on Contracts. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal, and upon the usual Defences to Actions thereon. By JOSEPH CHITTY, JR. Eleventh American, from the ninth English edition. Much enlarged by Hon. JOHN C. PERKINS. In 2 vols., 8vo, $15. Green's Criminal Law Reports. By N. ST. JOHN GREEN, formerly Lecturer on Criminal Law at the Dane Law School, Harvard University, and now Lecturer on Criminal Law at the School of Law, Boston University. $7.50. Massachusetts Reports. Baker.-Mose Evans. A Simple Statement of the Singular Facts in his Case. BY WILLIAM M. BAKER, author of "Inside," "The New Timothy," etc. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Blanc.-The Grammar of Painting and Engraving. Translated from the French of CHARLES BLANC'S Grammaire des Arts du Dessin, by KATE NEWELL DOGGETT. With the original illustrations. vol., 4to, cloth. Popular Edition, $4.50. The Daily Service. In 1 A Book of Offices for Daily Use through all the Seasons of the Christian Year. I vol., 16mo, 536 pp. Cloth, $2.50. Eggleston.-A Rebel's Recollections. By GEORGE Cary EgglestON. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. Putnam.-The International or Metric System of Weights and Measures. By J. P. PUTNAM. 8vo, boards 50 cents; Teachers' Edition, 8vo, paper, 35 cents. Satchel Guide for Vacation Tourists in Europe. A compact Itinerary of the British Isles, Belgium and Holland, Germany and the Rhine, Switzerland, France, Austria, and Italy. With Maps. 16m0, roan, flexible, $2.00. Thaxter.-Poems. By CELIA THAXTER. New and enlarged Edition. Small 4to, cloth, full gilt, $1.50. United States Official Postal Guide. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. By ALBERT G. BROWNE, JR., Reporter. Vols. XIII. and Containing an Alphabetical List of Post-Offices in XIV. Being Massachusetts Reports CIX. and CX. 8vo, each, $5.50. SCHOOL AND TEXT BOOKS. Gilman.-First Steps in General History. A Suggestive Outline. By ARTHUR GILMAN. With Maps and charts. 16mo, cloth, $1.25. the United States, with County, State, and Salary; Money Order Offices, Domestic and International; Chief Regulations of the Post-Office Department; Instructions to the Public; Foreign and Domestic Postage Tables; Schedules of the Arrival and Departure of Foreign Mail Steamers, with other information. Revised and published quarterly, by authority of the Post-Office Department. Small 4to, paper, $1.50. Horton.-Architecture for General Stu- For the American Social Science dents. By CAROLINE W. HORTON. With descriptive Illustrations. 16mo, cloth, $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. Ames.-His Two Wives. Association. Journal of Social Science. Containing the Transactions of the American Association. Numbers VI. and VII. 2 vols. 8vo, pamphlet. Each, $1.00. Some Results of the Census of 1870. A Novel. By MARY CLEMMER AMES. 16mo, cloth, By FRANCIS A. WALKER, Superintendent of the $1.75. Census. 8vo, pamphlet, 25 cents. A simple device for holding business cards, and for any other similar purpose for which it may be required in an office or place of business. Consists of annular wires placed in a metal strap or band, the edges of which are turned over, and the wires therein placed and fastened by means of solder. The strap is fastened upon a neatly scrolled bracket. It occupies only the space of 9 inches by 4 inches, and holds from 100 to 200 cards, according as there is one or two cards placed between the wires. By passing the finger over the tops, the cards can be readily referred to without displacing any card on the "Holder." PRICE, $4 NET, PER DOZEN. BAKER, PRATT & CO., SOLE AGENTS, 142 and 144 GRAND ST., NEW-YORK. Hymns and Songs of Praise. With Tunes, $250 Without Tunes, . 1 75 The Chamber of Peace. By the editor of "The Changed Cross." Cloth, gilt, I 50 Urbane and his Friends. By Mrs. E. PRENTISS. Cloth, 150 The Winter Fire. A Sequel to "Summer Drift-Wood." Cloth, . The Alton Sermons. I 25 IMPORTANT NEW AND POPULAR WORKS ISSUED BY SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, I. A History of Architecture in all Countries, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. By JAMES FERGUSSON, F.R.S. New and revised edition, with 1,600 illustrations, 4 vols., medium 8vo. Price per vol., $12. VOLUMES I. and II., Ancient ArchitecTURE, now ready, not sold separately, 2 vols., 8vo, $24. VOLUME III., INDIAN ARCHITECTURE, in preparation. VOLUME IV., Modern ArchitectURE, now ready, 8vo., $12. II. THE ONLY COMPLETE EDITION. Charles Lamb's Complete Works. In Prose and Verse, including the Two Series of Elia, with the Cancelled Passages restored, as first printed in the "London Magazine," together with "Satan in Search of a Wife," and other Poems and Humorous Pieces, now first collected. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Portraits. $3. III. The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-ponds, Fish and Fishing, written by ISAAK WALTON; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear stream. By Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir HARRIS NICOLAS, K.C.M.G. With the whole 61 plate-illustrations precisely as in the royal 8vo two-volume edition issued by PICKERING. A New Edition, complete in one vol., large crown 8vo, with the illustrations from the original plates, printed on full pages, separately from the text. $3. IV. Æsop's Fables, Translated into Human Nature. By CHARLES H. BENNETT. With descriptive Text. An entirely New Edition, crown 4to, twenty-four plates, beautifully printed in colors, cloth extra, gilt. $2.40. Astronomy Simplified. V. For General Reading. With numerous new explanations and discoveries. By J. A. S. ROLLW YN. One handsome volume, 8vo, finely illustrated, extra cloth. $4.50. VI. A Concise History of Painting. For Students and General Readers. By Mrs. CHarles Heaton, author of the "Life of Albrecht Durer." 8vo, with illustrations in permanent photography, cloth extra. $4.50. CONTENTS-Egyptian and Asiatic Painting-Classic Painting-Early Christian Painting-Painting in Italy-Painting in Spain-Painting in Germany-Painting in the Netherlands-Painting in France-Painting in England. VII. Half-Hour Lectures on the History and Practice of the Fine and Ornamental Arts. By WILLIAM B. SCOTT. Third edition. Revised by the author. With fifty illustrations engraved by W. J. LINTON. 12mo, cloth. $3. VIII. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. By THOMAS LEWIN, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., of Trinity College, Oxford, Barrister-at-Law, author of "Fasti Sacri,' Siege of Jerusalem, etc. With numerous Illustrations finely engraved on wood, Maps, Plans, etc. 2 vols., demy 4to, cloth. $18. These volumes contain more than 1,000 pages, with about 350 Illustrations in the nighest style of wood engraving. The work is the result of forty years' study, and will be found of value to scholars, while its price is calculated to secure the widest circulation. Any of the above works sent prepaid upon receipt of price by S., W. & A. during 1874 Books Published BY MACMILLAN & CO. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, & TRAVEL. CICERO. The Academica of Cicero. The Text Revised BURROWS. Worthies of All Souls: Four Centuries of FREEMAN. Disestablishment and Disendowment— A Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic Communication between England and India, under the orders of Her Majesty's Government. With Incidental Notices of the Countries through which the Lines pass. By Col. Sir Frederic Goldsmid, C. B., K.C.S.I., late Director of the Government Indo-European Telegraph. With numerous Maps and Illustrations. 8vo, $8. GREEN. A Short History of the English People. By J. R. Green, M.A., Examiner in the School of Modern History at Oxford. With Genealogical and Chronological Tables and Colored Maps. Crown 8vo, $3. HÜBNER. A Ramble Round the World. By M. le Baron de Hübner, formerly Ambassador and Minister, and author of "Sixte Quint." Translated from the French by Lady Herbert. 12mo, cloth extra, $2.50. LIECHTENSTEIN. A History of Holland House. By the Princess Marie Liechtenstein. With numerous Illustrations on Wood and Steel. Third edition in 1 vol., medium 8vo, $7.50. MAHAFFY. Social Life in Greece. From Homer to Menander. By the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Crown 8vo, $2. MARTIN. The Statesman's Year-Book for 1874. (Eleventh Annual Publication.) A Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. A HandBook for Politicians and Merchants. By Frederick Martin. Revised after Official Returns. Crown 8vo, $3.50. MASSON. Drummond of Hawthornden. A Biography. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature iu the University of Edinburgh. With Portrait and Vignette engraved by C. H. Jeens. 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